Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 136 The Lord of Well City

Chapter 136 The Lord of Well City

While Lind was stationed in Blackport waiting for Beric Dondarrion's reply to the offensive and defensive covenant, some unusual changes occurred in the Dorne Marches north of the Weir River.

The Red Guard clan living in this area began to show signs of splitting. More than twenty tribes of various sizes in this clan gathered into two tribal forces in just a few days.

One force is the Savage King force with the Savage King of the Stone Mountain Tribe as its core, while the other force consists of eighteen small tribes forming a tribal alliance.

The number of people on both sides is about the same, but the equipment of the Stone Mountain Tribe is better. They not only have iron weapons, but also leather armor, shields and other protective equipment.

It's just that another tribal alliance obtained some iron weapons from nowhere. Although the quantity is not as high as the number of weapons owned by the Savage King's tribal forces, the quality is much higher.

Not long ago, in a small conflict between two tribal forces, many of the iron weapons of the Savage King's tribe were cut off by the enemy's weapons. This caused the Savage King's tribal team to be quickly defeated in that conflict. .

Because of this, the two forces are in a stalemate in their respective territories, both seeming to be waiting for something. However, those who care about the developments in the border areas know very well that no matter how the internal fighting between the Red Guard clan ends, there will eventually be something. The rise of a powerful tribal force in this area is not a good thing for the lords and people of the Dorne Marches north of the Weir River.

Outside the castle hall of Weir City, south of the outlet of the Weir River, a tribal savage stood anxiously at the door, waiting, and looking inside from time to time.

The savage's clothes are no different from ordinary people. After putting on the hood, even among the crowd, no one will notice that he is a savage in the mountains. Only by pulling open the collar of his clothes, you can see the tattoo on his neck. Only then can he be sure of his savage identity.

"Follow me." After waiting for a while, the chief servant of Weir City walked out of the hall, signaled to the savage, and then led him around the hall, from the corridor on the side, to the small courtyard behind the castle. In the courtyard, he asked him to wait here again, then turned and left.

While the savage was getting tired of waiting, he saw a gloomy-looking Wylan Weir coming to the courtyard with his guard captain and bachelor.

This savage from the Stone Mountain Tribe immediately knelt respectfully in front of Wylan Weir, the lord of Weir City, as if he were a servant. In fact, he was indeed a servant. He was specially selected by Wylan Weir to help him. Servant of the bastard son of a savage who wouldn't admit it.

In the eyes of Wyland Weir, that savage illegitimate child was the shame of his life. Every time he saw him, he would think of those miserable days.

That woman had been sent to the skinners in the North by him more than ten years ago. The skin was made into an underwear and worn by him. Only in this way could he temporarily forget the shame. experience.

As for the evil seed born from that woman, if it were not for the future plan to control the Dorne border, he would have strangled the evil seed to death after it was born, and he would no longer have to act like a father in front of the evil seed like in the past years. A kind and filial look.

Now the plan is almost completed. With his support, that evil bastard has become the Wildling King. It will not take long to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the Weir family for countless years and regain the Dorne borderland north of the Weir River. There is also no need to Facing that bastard, he least expected an accident at this time.

However, the Seven Gods, the Old Gods or other gods did not seem to want him to successfully complete this great feat. A few days ago, an announcement letter from King's Landing was sent to Well City by a raven.

In this announcement letter, it was mentioned that the Chosen One Lynd Terra was made Earl of Summerhall due to his military exploits, and that the Tyrell family also gave their piece of woodland in the Dorne Frontier as a reward for suppressing bandits. Lind Terra.

When he heard the news, he went crazy. He didn't expect that the plan he had planned for more than ten years would be robbed on the eve of its completion. How could he be willing to do so?

But he couldn't do anything, because he knew more about how powerful Lind was. He also participated in the previous martial arts competition in the City of Divine Grace, and naturally saw that Lind, who had made bets with all the nobles and knights of Dorne, was How to easily defeat those challengers? Afterwards, various rumors about Linde continued to spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms through bards. The latest rumors were exaggerated to the extreme, describing Linde as controlling thunder and storms. The incarnation of the spirit.

Although Wyland Weir did not believe those exaggerated rumors, he did believe in Linde's record, because it was confirmed by the Iron Throne. He ran thousands of miles, annihilated tens of thousands of enemies, and rescued several cities. Such exaggerated battles The force is definitely not something that Well City can resist.

So after learning all this, the only thing he could do was to wait for news, waiting for news of Linde's arrival.

Just one day ago, the spies he arranged in Blackport sent a message. Linde, who was patrolling the territory, had arrived at Blackport. At the welcome banquet held for him in Blackport City, he made it clear that he would take away the part occupied by Blackport. land.

This is definitely bad news for him, because Vail City also occupies a part of the land on the north bank of Vailhe, and that part of the land belongs to Linde, which means that he will be the next person to hand over the land.

He hasn't sorted out the situation on Linde's side yet, and now something happened with his evil bastard. The good Redguard clan split into two, which made him feel that everyone seemed to be targeting him recently. , the mood is naturally not much better.

Wyland Weir sat on a chair in the courtyard, picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured himself a glass. After drinking it in one gulp, he said to the eyes and ears he had placed next to the evildoer: "You'd better Give me some good news, I've heard enough bad news today."

The man was about to say something, but after hearing Wyland Weir's words, he closed his mouth again.

After seeing this scene, Wylan Weir rubbed his slightly painful forehead, then took a deep breath, suppressed the fire in his heart, and said, "Tell me! What did Hamil want to do when he sent you here."

After hearing the words, the man spoke: "Lord Hamill hopes that Lord Earl can support a batch of better weapons. The quality of those weapons before was too poor. When those weapons were fighting against the traitors, they were destroyed by the weapons of the traitors. Cut off. Without good weapon support, it will be difficult for Lord Hamil to suppress those traitors."

Wylan Weir said with a gloomy face: "Why did Hamir let those tribes form an alliance? Didn't he weaken those tribes as I said?"

The man quickly explained: "Master Hamil has weakened those tribes according to your instructions, but those tribes later received support from unknown sources. Not only did they provide them with a large amount of food and weapons, Master Hamil wanted to advance When we started, they had already formed an alliance.”

Wylan Weir couldn't help but suspect that someone was aware of his plan and sabotaged it secretly, so he continued to ask: "Do you know who supported those tribes?" "I don't know, but I can confirm that they received support recently. "The man thought for a moment and replied.

"Have you received support recently?" Wylan Weir couldn't help but think of Linde, because Linde happened to have recently entered the Dorne border to patrol the territory, and it happened that some tribes among the wildling tribes of the Redguard clan had obtained With the support of mysterious forces, it is difficult not to make people suspicious.

However, it doesn't matter to Wyland Weir whether he gets support from Lind or not. What he needs to do now is to try his best to preserve the results of his planning over the years, which is a savage tribe that can be completely controlled by him. , so he still needs to provide his evil breed with weapons, food and other support.

"I will prepare the weapons and food he needs in ten days and hand them over at the old place." Wylan Weir, who made the decision, immediately ordered: "In addition, you must tell him to resolve the civil strife in the Redguard clan as soon as possible, and then take it with him People left the Hongtuwang and Hongweihe areas and migrated to the frontier lands near the west side of Black Harbor.”

Wylan Vale is very rational. He knows very well that unless he pulls the Yronwood family and other frontier nobles to fight against Lynd Terra, it will be difficult for him to rely on his own strength to compete with the Iron Throne, Highgarden and others standing behind him. Lynde Terra from the Church of the Seven Gods competed.

Now the lords of Dorne and other frontier areas have suffered heavy losses in the extreme cold natural disasters, and it is impossible to provide any support to Weir City in the short term. Therefore, once he conflicts with Linde, he will have no external aid and can only deal with it alone.

Since there is no chance of winning, he can only try his best to keep the biggest result of his plan, and this biggest result is the entire Red Guard clan. That's why he let his bastard move with the Red Guard clan to the west of Black Harbor. The mountainous area does not belong to anyone and is an unclaimed land.

"Move to the border area on the west side of Black Harbor?" The man was stunned for a moment, and then said worriedly: "Sir, Lord Hamil may not listen to me. When I came, Lord Hamil was gathering all the soldiers. Prepare to go to war with those traitors, and then attack Blackport City after dealing with those traitors."

Wylan Weir looked surprised, stood up from his chair, and asked: "Why did he attack Blackport City? Didn't I say that? There is no need to pay attention to Blackport City for the time being."

The man quickly explained: "Lord Hamil, he thinks that Blackport City provided weapons and food to those traitors, so he wants to teach Blackport City a lesson."

"Damn! This idiot, idiot!" Wylan Weir knew that his bastard had disobeyed his orders. He was so angry that he cursed repeatedly. He even drew the sword from the waist of his guard captain and pointed it at the surrounding shrubs and flowers. He chopped randomly to vent his anger.

Everyone else in the courtyard lowered their heads, not daring to take another look at Wylan Weir. The man from the Stone Mountain Tribe even buried his head on the ground, his body trembling non-stop.

At this time, a servant happened to be walking by the courtyard carrying something. When he saw Wyland Weir venting his emotions, his face immediately turned extremely pale. Before he lowered his head, Wyland Weir had already charged at him with a long sword. He struck at him, and before he had time to react, he cut off his head with a sword.

When the blood spurted from the wound onto Wyland Vile's body, he quickly calmed down from his frenzy.

I saw him looking at the corpse on the ground expressionlessly, turned around and walked to the side of the guard captain, inserted the long sword back into the scabbard, and then calmly ordered: "Throw the corpse into the pit of poisonous snakes. , and also see if he has any family members, and throw them in together! It’s a bit pitiful for a person to be alone in a pit of poisonous snakes, so let his family members accompany him.”

"Yes, sir." The captain of the guard tried to keep his voice calm and replied.

Wyland Weir turned around and said to the person who reported the news: "Tell Hamil to come over by himself when handing over the weapons and food, and I will talk to him personally."

"Yes, sir." After hearing this, the man responded quickly, and then rolled out of the courtyard.

Wylan Weir returned to his room, cleaned up the blood stains on his body, and then went directly to his lord's study. At this time, the steward and several subordinate nobles were waiting here, preparing to report the matter. When Wylan came in, they hurriedly Come forward and salute.

Just when they were about to report the matter, they were stopped by Wyland Weir, who followed him and asked the subordinate nobles to leave, leaving the steward behind.

Wylan Weir had a gloomy face and ordered: "Recall all the people on the north shore, demolish all the villages that have been built, pour sea water on all the reclaimed land, and destroy the docks of all fishing villages. Throw it away, and burn it for me if you can’t destroy it.”

When the manager heard this, he was completely stunned. Although Wyland Weir was just issuing an order, this order would alarm tens of thousands of people. You must know that the villages and fishing villages in the order totaled more than twenty people, with a population of more than [-]. There are twenty to thirty thousand.

What's more puzzling to him is that it took Wyland Vale more than ten years to build villages, open up farmland, and form fishing villages in those places, but now he wants to destroy them all, not to mention the consumption. time, and the money lost alone amounted to tens of thousands of gold dragons.

However, although the steward was surprised and puzzled by Wyland Weir's order, he did not refute or question it, because he knew very well that he was seeking death by doing so, which was how the previous steward died.

So the steward thought about it very seriously and said, "Sir, this matter will take time."

"Needs time?" Wylan Weir looked at his manager dissatisfied.

The manager quickly explained: "My lord promised those who moved there that the land they cultivated there belonged to them. Now I am worried that your lord will call them back..."

Wylan Weir said without hesitation: "I will dispatch a garrison of 1000 people to assist you. If anyone disobeys my order, don't be polite and treat it as a traitor!"

The steward quickly responded: "Yes, sir, I will resolve this matter within 20 days."

Wyland Weir then ordered: "Prepare another thousand swords and axes, wrap them according to the last method, and prepare some wheat cakes, the same batch of wheat cakes used to feed the horses, the same as above. Wrap them up the same way every time, and those savages will only eat what animals eat. After it is ready, I will personally deliver this batch of goods in ten days."

(End of this chapter)

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