Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 137 Black Harbor Covenant

Chapter 137 Black Harbor Covenant
Linde and Nymeria have been in Blackport for three days. Just like in the Summer Hall, they have been very leisurely. Except for playing around Blackport, they have spent most of their time in Blackport. Inside the room.

It wasn't because they were tired of playing, but because something unusual happened to Glory and Dragon Egg, which made them not in the mood to continue playing.

When he was in the Summer Hall, Linde tried to use the method of the lost knight to maintain the dragon eggs. This method is actually very simple, which is to inject the transformed magic power into the dragon eggs through special dragon runes.

If it is in a normal state, the dragon runes that protect the dragon eggs may still need some time to absorb the magic power in the surrounding air to activate the runes before they can be used, but the recent period is an exception.

Because Glory swallowed up a large amount of resentful soul energy, much of the converted energy was injected into Linde's body, and the nourishing power generated by the dragon feast ritual in Linde's body has been completely integrated into the body through the previous energy assistance, so The newly imported energy is somewhat excessive.

Although this excess energy does not cause any harm to his body, the accumulation in his body makes him feel uncomfortable. It is like a foreign body constantly moving in his ears. It is not harmful, but it will affect people's emotions. .

So Linde tried to channel this excess energy into dragon runes. After trying various dragon runes, only the dragon runes used on the dragon crystal necklace and the dragon runes used to protect dragon eggs could absorb this energy. Energy, other dragon runes will ignore or even reject this energy.

It just so happened that the dragon eggs needed to be maintained now, so all the excess energy was used to maintain the dragon runes of the dragon eggs.

At first, the dragon egg's condition was very normal, without any changes. With Lind's special vision, he could see that after the energy of the dragon runes was introduced into the dragon egg, it quickly integrated into the magic power of the dragon egg itself without any rejection. reaction.

Until, at noon on the second day after arriving in Blackport City, he and Nymeria came back from playing around Blackport City. They routinely infused the dragon eggs with the magic power of dragon runes. As a result, the surface of the dragon eggs had abnormal changes. , the originally exquisite blood-red scale shell suddenly began to show signs of petrification.

At first, there were just some spots, but as the magic power of the dragon rune continued to be injected, the spots became larger and larger.

Because Linde was focused on controlling the dragon runes to introduce magic power into the dragon egg, he didn't notice the changes in the dragon egg at all.

When Nymeria noticed something was wrong, petrified markings had already covered the entire dragon egg.

After the shell of the dragon egg is completely petrified, it has become completely different from the original exquisite dragon egg. The appearance looks like a poorly crafted imitation dragon egg.

But unlike its petrified shell, in Linde's eyes, the magic power contained inside the dragon egg not only did not weaken, but became stronger, and the magic power was no longer scattered like light, but was contained within the dragon egg. A blood-red energy mass with blue patterns formed, just like the original shell scales.

Seeing this change, Nymeria was a little worried that something might happen to the dragon egg, but Linde thought of a word from his previous life.

Because Nymeria was worried, the two of them stayed in the room in Blackport City for the past few days to observe whether there were any further changes in the dragon egg.

However, I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but at the same time that the dragon egg showed abnormal changes, Glory also experienced some problems.

After Glory swallowed the energy of the resentful soul, it temporarily lost the ability to change the color of its fur, and maintained its white fur state for a while, only to recover a day later.

After that, there were no more abnormal changes. Linde also understood the feelings of Glory through the spiritual connection with Glory, and knew that apart from being a little overstuffed, there were no other adverse reactions.

Until the day when the dragon egg changed, Glory also became extremely lazy, sleeping most of the day, and while sleeping, the fur on his body would continuously change color with his breathing.

If it's just eating and sleeping and the color of fur changes at will during sleep, it's not a big problem, far from being called a condition. The real reason that Linde regards as an abnormal condition is that the color of Glory's fur changes. Changed, and there was a halo around its body.

In fact, this halo has been around for a long time. It appeared when Glory's fur turned pure white, which made Glory look very sacred. However, this halo can only be seen clearly at night and during the day. It's invisible, and this halo has no special effect.

But now this halo has become a little different. It can also be seen clearly during the day, and it is not just a white halo. When the fur turns black, there will also be a black halo.

And more importantly, these halos also contain different abilities. For example, the white halo seems to be able to heal wounds.

While Nymeria was stroking Glory's fur while she was sleeping, she found that the old injuries from training on her palms were slowly healing in the white halo, while the black halo seemed to be devouring life force. She placed her hand in the halo. , your palms will feel numb for a while, and then the surface skin will begin to show signs of age and haggard.

Apparently swallowing a large amount of resentful soul energy caused Glory's body to mutate again, but this time the mutation no longer made Glory's body larger, but produced some extraordinary power. I just didn't know that this was because of the Summer Hall. The energy of the resentful soul is different from the energy of other resentful souls, or is it simply because every time Glory swallows the energy of the resentful soul, it will cause different mutations.

While Lind and Nymeria were taking care of Glory and the dragon eggs, everyone in Blackport City was not idle. They had been discussing the pros and cons of this offensive and defensive alliance these days and waiting for news from Storm's End.

As for the pros and cons of the covenant, the dignitaries of Black Harbor did not spend much time discussing it. Although some of the bone road fortresses and watchtowers that Lind will station in the covenant belong to Black Harbor, Black Harbor has already thought about it. Those fortresses and observation towers have to be abandoned. Now Linde accepts the past, and they are happy to see it happen.

The other support treaties in the alliance are not just unilaterally implemented by Black Harbor. Linde also needs to assume corresponding support obligations, and there is no priority.

The only thing that caused some objections to the dignitaries was that it was stipulated in the covenant that once the Bone Road was restored, Linde's caravan would not need to pay any taxes when passing through the Bone Road, and this provision also applies to the Black Harbor caravan passing through the Midsummer Hall. Bone passages within the territory.

Most of this bone road is within the territory of Black Harbor, and only a small part is within the territory of Summer Hall. This seems to them to be more disadvantaged.

For this reason, they wanted to ask Linde to modify this rule, but Linde did not see them at all and asked Jon to deal with them. At the same time, he was also making his attitude clear, because he believed that even if the powerful people in Blackport were dissatisfied with this Article stipulates that they will eventually agree to sign the covenant.

Just as Lind thought, the next day they informed Storm's End of the Offensive and Defensive Covenant through the raven. Obviously, they had already decided to sign the covenant at the moment they decided to inform Storm's End. The two-day discussion was just to see if I could get more benefits for myself before officially signing the covenant.

But as time goes by, their focus has shifted from the content of the covenant itself to Storm's End Castle.Although signing an offensive and defensive alliance with Lynd, the lord of the Reach, which only covers the border areas, would not be a big problem, and it would not be regarded as a betrayal of the Stormlands, Beric Dondarrion He and his subordinates still hope to get a response from Storm's End Castle to avoid unnecessary trouble.

However, what puzzles them is that their letter has been passed on for several days, and there is still no response from Storm's End, which makes them wonder whether Storm's End is opposed to them signing an alliance with Lind.

However, on the last day of Lind's stay, the raven at Storm's End finally sent the letter back, but this letter made them all feel a little confused.

Because the letter did not talk about Linde and the Offensive and Defensive Covenant from beginning to end. It only mentioned two things. One thing was that after the tourney in Lannisport, Duke Renly Baratheon of Storm's End went to Highgarden is a guest and will stay for a while. The second thing is that the friendship between the Stormlands and the Reach has been established a long time ago and will continue in the future.

Although the content of this letter confused the people in Darkport, some people still saw some clues and speculated that Storm's End was implying that the Duke of Storm's End and the Duke of Highgarden had a very good relationship. This kind of offensive and defensive alliance There won't be any problems.

Because of this, on the last day of Linde's stay, Beric Dondarrion led the castle servants to find Linde and formally signed the offensive and defensive covenant.

After putting away the signed covenant, Linde also made it very clear that after completing this territory inspection, he would personally lead the army to enter the territory, and then he would wipe out the bandits and savages in all areas on the east side of the Crimson Mountains. The tribe, when Blackport is needed, will also need to send some people to cooperate.

Berry was naturally happy to see the result, and also said that he would personally lead people to join Linde's bandit suppression team.

In addition, when Linde left, Glory's situation had not improved. He had to find a carriage to ride on Glory, who had been sleeping all day. Black Harbor also sent 100 people to join Linde's team. Help keep Linde safe.

Until now, Linde's trip to inspect the lords has been extremely smooth. Some things that were originally planned to be done when the territory was officially moved have now been completed ahead of schedule. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as if it was a divine blessing.

However, it is unclear whether the next trip will go as smoothly as before. Let’s not talk about Stonehelm City and Crow’s Nest Castle for the time being. Judging from the news sent by Rossos before departure, Weir City may be There are some minor troubles.

Although Lind and Nymeria were waiting to sign an offensive and defensive alliance in Black Port, they actually sent Rossos and his people out the next day to explore the situation in Well City.

As a result, just when they packed up and continued on the road from Blackport, the Rossos sent people back to Blackport and informed Linde, who had just left Blackport Bone Pass, of the situation on the north bank of the Weir River and the outlet. Condition.

One day ago, Weir City sent a large number of people across the Weir River into Linde's territory. They sent people to recall the residents of Weir City who had built villages on the occupied land, destroyed those intact villages, and tried to Use sea water to destroy cultivated land.

It seems that Weir City is planning to return the part of the territory they occupied to Linde, but it has no intention of returning the land intact. Not only will everything built be destroyed, but even the citizens will not be left to him. one.

Although he was dissatisfied with Weil City's approach, Linde could not say anything. After all, those people belonged to Weil City, but he had no intention of letting Weil City's embrace of the villages and cultivated land that had been built. Count Ranville took it back in this way.

Therefore, he immediately ordered Rosso and Daisy to lead all the knights and cavalry to support Rosso and prevent the destruction of Weir City. They would not hesitate to start a war, but they should not stop them from driving away the people, and they could provide the people with Some weapons to set themselves against the soldiers of Vail City.

After sending out his cavalry, the protection of Linde, Nymeria and others was handed over to the soldiers of Blackport.

After Beric Dondarrion learned of this, he immediately sent twenty knights and 100 men to join the team to protect Lynde and Nymeria.

Although Beric Dondarrion felt that with Lind's strength there was no need to worry about being attacked, his attitude as an ally still had to be shown.

After all, in the covenant, there is a treaty that the allies' territory is attacked and requires support, and what Weir City is doing now is undoubtedly attacking Lind's territory, so he naturally needs to fulfill the covenant and send support.

And he also asked the knights sent to convey that if necessary, he would personally lead the garrison soldiers of Black Harbor to support Linde.

"Your lord's bachelor and steward didn't stop him from doing this?" Nymeria asked in surprise after hearing what the knight conveyed.

The knight smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

It was obvious that Beric Dondarrion should have been stopped by his maester and steward when he said these words, but he was not stopped.

"Our allies this time are not bad." Nymeria also saw the clues from the knight's expression, and then turned to Lind and said.

Lynde nodded and agreed. Beric Dondarrion was one of the few lords who could still maintain the spirit of chivalry in the chaotic era of the future, especially when he finally gave up his life to Catelyn Tully. This was Not many people can do it.

Although the reason that drove him to do this was not only because of his own knightly honor, but also because he had been tortured by repeated deaths and resurrections to the point of near collapse, but in terms of his behavior alone, it was still worth it. admire.

Thinking of this, Linde looked back in the direction of Black Harbor and muttered: "I hope the alliance with him can change his future."

"What future?" Nymeria on the side heard Linde's muttered words clearly, but she didn't understand what it meant.

However, Linde did not explain, just smiled at her and ordered the team to move on.

(End of this chapter)

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