Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 144 Fake oriole

Chapter 144 Fake oriole
The death of Earl Wyland Vere caused quite a stir in the Borderlands. In just two days, the news spread throughout the nearby territories and even reached Sunspear City on the other side of Dorne through ravens.

Many people find it inconceivable that Earl Wyland Vale died at the hands of savages. You must know that in various conflicts in the border areas, it is rare for nobles at the lord level to die in battle, let alone die at the hands of savages. This Many people are curious about where these ferocious savages come from.

While many people were studying the trends of the savage tribe, the funeral of Earl Wyland Vail was successfully held in Vail City on the seventh day after his death.

Almost all the people with inheritance rights from the branch of the Weil family rushed to the castle, because according to local customs, the new lord will succeed when the funeral is held, and it is known that Wyland Weil has no heir, so the final ownership of the lord can only be in Selected from among those with inheritance rights from the branches of the Weir family.

In addition to these branches of the Weir family, a large number of lords from around the bone path also came here to attend the funeral and witness the emergence of the new lord of Weir City.

Among these lords, the Yronwood family is the most noble. It is the leader of the lords around the Bone Road and has enough strength to fight against the Sunspear City branch. The second is the Manwudi family of Wangzhong City and the Fowler of Tianji City. family, and the rest are smaller lords of a lower level.

The Yronwood family is led by Cletus Yronwood, the eldest son and heir of Anders Yronwood, the current Earl of Yronwood City, and the Tianji City team is led by the famous twin beauties of the Fowler family. Jenny Fowler, Jennylyn Fowler, and other secondary minor lords are also the eldest sons of the sent families. This shows that the relationship between Wyland Weir and the surrounding lords is very average.

Only Wangzhong City was led by the Earl of Wangzhong City, Dargos Manwoody. This not only surprised the new manager of Well City who was responsible for the reception, but also surprised the other nobles who were watching the ceremony.

"This old guy is a useless guy. Why would he come here to attend Viper's funeral in person?" In the hall of Well City, Jenny Fowler stood not far away with a disdainful look on her face. Earl Wangzhongcheng whispered to the twin sisters beside him.

"Maybe he has a good relationship with Viper?" Jennylyn Fowler shrugged and said indifferently.

"Will vultures become friends with poisonous snakes?" Jenny Fowler looked at her sisters and said, "Just watch! There will definitely be a show later. The scavenging vultures will follow after smelling the smell of dead snakes. How could he leave without a full meal?"

When the twin sisters were talking, Cletus Yronwood, who was not far away, also heard the content of their conversation. Then he whispered a few instructions to the guards around him, although he would not interfere with the title of Well City. and disputes over the inheritance of the territory, but they will never let Wangzhong City benefit. Checks and balances have always been an effective method for the Yronwood family to manage the lords around the Bone Road.

Wyland Weir's body was placed in the center of the hall. Half of his broken head was covered with an iron mask. According to the tradition of the Weil family, more than a dozen specially treated venomous snakes were placed on his body. Next to it, a silent nun held a lantern with thick incense and walked around the body, performing the last rites.

At this time, some impatient branches of the Weir family began to loudly declare their inheritance rights to Weir City, and others also successively claimed that their inheritance rights were higher.

For a moment, the entire hall was as noisy as a market.

Seeing these ugly nobles from the Weil family, Cletus couldn't help but stand up and shouted loudly: "Silence, silence! This is in front of the coffin of Count Wyland Weil, not your bedroom, a group of People are quarreling like shrews, do you still have any manners that nobles should have?"

Although Cletus was young, his identity determined that his words carried a lot of weight. The members of the Weir family who were still arguing closed their mouths one after another, and looked at the heir of the Yronwood family quite unhappily.

"The title of lord and the inheritance rights of the territory are all written in the genealogy book of the Weir family. You can know it without arguing." Cletus turned to Edwin, the consultant bachelor who worked for the three Earls of Weil City and said: "Ai Maester Devin, please bring out the genealogy book of Earl Vere."

The old bachelor heard this and bowed to Cleitus, then took a thick parchment book from his assistant bachelor's hand, followed him tremblingly to the coffin of Count Wyland Vere, and placed the The book was placed on the bookshelf that had been prepared there, and he opened it in front of everyone. He quickly found the page of Wyland Vail, and then searched for the branches of Wyland Vail's previous generation.

"Phyllis Weir, at the bloodline level, Sir Phyllis Weir, son of Morse Weir, is the member of the Weil family with the highest inheritance rights." The old bachelor quickly sorted out the genealogy hierarchy, and then announced loudly.

At this time, cheers came from a group of people in the Weir family branch. Among this group of people, a middle-aged man with a pointed nose, thin cheeks, and pale face waved to everyone with a proud look on his face.

Although there is a result, there will definitely be some objections, but in the face of the pedigree book, they have no way to change the result.

"Seven Divine Chosen, Midsummer Hall, Red Earth Watch, Lord of the Red River, Lord Lynde Terra has arrived." At this time, the etiquette officer at the door suddenly announced the identity of a visitor loudly, and although in the hall It was noisy, but still enough for everyone to hear its voice, and the hall immediately became quiet.

A question popped up in everyone's mind, what is Lynde Terra doing here?
Everyone present was very familiar with the enmity between Lynde Terra and Earl Wyland Vere. Before his death, Earl Wyland Vere suffered a lot at the hands of the Chosen One. He first lost more than 1000 people from the city of Vere. The garrison soldiers later even gave up the Bone Bridge and the Serpent Tooth Tower on the other side because of a word from the other party, making Wylan Wer become the laughing stock of the Lord Dorne for a while.

Some people even suspected that Wylan Vile's death was caused by Lind, because just a few days after Wylan Vile died in the attack of the Savage King, Lind announced that he had completely recovered all the wildling tribes in the northeastern section of the Crimson Mountains. .

These two incidents were so coincidental that it was difficult not to suspect that it was Lind who ordered the savage tribe to attack Wyland Weir. Unfortunately, all of this was just suspicion and there was no evidence to prove it.

Moreover, people who are familiar with the savage tribes also know that the savage king who killed Wylan Weir came from the Stone Mountain Tribe, and they were enemies of the savage tribes that Linde recovered at the time, and there was no possibility of cooperation.

Unlike most people present who were afraid of Linde, Cletus respected Linde very much. He participated in the martial arts tournament in Divine Grace City and also participated in the gambling fight with Linde. He was easily defeated by Linde. Later, Linde also taught him some swordsmanship skills and corrected his shortcomings in swordsmanship. The effect was extremely obvious, which also made him have a little respect for Linde.

When Linde walked in from the door of the hall, Cletus was the first to step forward, salute to Linde, and said: "Lord Earl Linde, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Sir Cletus." Lind also had a deep impression on Cletus. He was one of the few people who took Lind's attack without knocking off the weapon in his hand. After that, he Knowing that this person was the heir to the Yronwood family, I remembered this person by the way. "Oberna? You're still alive." Just as the two were greeting each other, someone in the Yronwood family's team suddenly exclaimed, and the person who exclaimed looked at the people following Lin with surprise. Behind him was a woman in black gauze, and successive exclamations sounded from the crowd.

Upon hearing this, Cletus looked at the woman, also showing a surprised look, and said, "Sister Oberna!"

"Cletus, I haven't seen you in two years, you have grown up a lot!" Obena looked at Cletus with a smile.

Lind was also a little surprised by the reactions of these Yronwood family members. He did not expect that Obena knew so many young nobles from the Yronwood family, and their relationship was extraordinary.

Oberna seemed to have guessed what Lind was thinking, and explained: "When I was very young, my father often took me to play in the castle. I lived in the castle for a long time, with the Yronwood family. Everyone knows them.”

"Sister Obena, you and Lord Linde are..." Cletus looked at Obena in surprise and asked.

"Lord Linde is my husband's master." Obena took the initiative to introduce Rossos and said: "This is my husband, Rossos Terra, Lord Linde's independent captain."

"Husband?" Cletus looked at Rossus and asked in surprise: "Sister Obena, what happened to you in the past two years?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I will explain it to you later." Obena shook her head slightly and said to the other young nobles of the Yronwood family who had gathered.

Lind didn't say any more nonsense. Under the attention of everyone, he walked directly to the middle of the hall, in front of Wyland Weir's coffin, and said to everyone: "You don't have to guess why I, a noble from the Reach, came. Here, I will tell you directly that this Ms. Obena Weir is the only daughter of Wyland Weil and the only heir of Weil City. My purpose is to let her get everything that should belong to her."

As soon as Linde said this, the hall fell silent for an instant, and everyone froze on the spot. But soon the noise filled the entire hall, and almost everyone from the Weir family's branch was yelling at Linde, and The other nobles who came to watch the ceremony were talking loudly to each other, and looked like they were watching a good show.

"Quiet! Quiet!" Lind scolded everyone loudly, and at the same time he put his hand on the sword of the Lost Knight. A bolt of thunder shot out from his body and swept through all the windows around the hall, blowing away all the people. All the windows were shattered, and charred marks appeared on the surrounding walls, as if they had been burned.

Everyone fell silent instantly. They all stared at Linde, their eyes filled with either fear or shock, but more importantly, admiration and excitement.

Rumors about Lind's miraculous power in Lannisport have long spread throughout Dorne. Even though the miracle has been recognized by the Church of the Seven Gods, not many people in Dorne believe these rumors. They all just thought that this was just a trick played by some entertainers by Linde, and the lords in the north were too stupid to see it, so they thought it was a miracle.

However, now they have personally experienced what the rumored miracle is like. At this moment, no one doubts the authenticity of the rumors. They even feel that those rumors are not enough to describe one thousandth of the miracle.

Among the crowd, some believers of the Church of the Seven Gods were already kneeling on the ground and began to recite prayers, while other pagan believers could not help but recite something, as if this was the only way to calm down their agitated hearts.

Obena and Rossos, who were also seeing this kind of scene for the first time, also looked at Lind in stunned silence, their admiration beyond words.

Seeing that the hall had quieted down, Linde waved to Rossos, took the documents that could prove Oberna's identity, put them on the genealogy book, and said: "These are the documents that can prove Oberna's identity. The certificate contains the correspondence between Earl Wyland Vere and Oberna's adoptive father, the inheritance document signed by Wyland Vere himself and stamped with the seal of the lord, and the birth certificate written by the city's maester. I think this A bachelor should be able to verify the authenticity of these documents."

"There is no need to verify, these are all true, because except for the letterhead, all the other documents here were drafted by me." As soon as Linde finished speaking, the old bachelor on the side announced the result directly, and then turned to Oberna. He waved and said, "Come here, kid, let me see you."

Oberna was stunned when she heard this, then turned to look at her husband, then at Linde, and then walked over. The people around her didn't speak, and looked at her with various expressions, including envy and jealousy. And wait unwillingly.

The old bachelor looked seriously at Oberna who came up to her, and said with a slightly excited expression: "It's very similar, you are very much like your mother. I delivered you when you were born, and I also wrote your birth certificate. I personally delivered you to Harman Shad. I originally thought you were dead, but I didn’t expect you were still alive, and the Weir family has returned to the hands of the orthodox."

Hearing this, the faces of the Weir family members became gloomy. They knew very well that unless they proved that Obena was fake, there would be no chance of a comeback.

At the same time, in the viewing team in Wangzhong City, a young man with red hair and pale face showed an anxious look. He took out some parchment documents from his pocket and prepared to walk out of the team.

However, several people stood up in front of him and left and right. These people instantly restrained him, and then inserted short swords into his body, accurately penetrating the bones and piercing his heart and lungs. At the same time, a hand covered his mouth to silence him.

He looked in horror at Count Dargos, the lord of Wangzhong City in front of him, but the other party had no intention of looking back.

After struggling for a few times, he finally lost his strength and the sheepskin scroll he was holding fell to the ground.

Then several people carried his body and quietly walked out of the hall from behind the crowd without alerting anyone except Lind.

(End of this chapter)

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