Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 145 7 Sacred Beasts

Chapter 145 Seven Sacred Beasts
A month ago, Wylan Weir, the lord of Wer City, was ambushed by wildlings. His glorious death in battle was the most sensational event in the Seven Kingdoms recently, because no lord-level nobles had died at the hands of the wildling tribes in the borderlands for a long time. .

According to the description of the garrison soldiers who escaped back to Vail City, the savage tribe that attacked Wyland Vail was called the Stone Mountain Tribe. The leader of this tribe was the Savage King who has been widely circulated in recent years, and Wyland Vail died on the side of the Savage King. in hand.

As for why the Savage King in the northeastern section of the Crimson Mountains appeared in the area south of the Weir River to ambush Wyland Weir, it was entirely because of the Earl of Summer Hall and the Chosen One, Lynd Terra.

The fact that the Earl of Midsummer Hall inspected the territory has spread throughout the surrounding areas a long time ago. In the eyes of many people, this is just an ordinary inspection of the territory. After all, for Earl of Midsummer Hall Linde, that territory is a piece of land. It is a strange place, and it is still a piece of land that has been abandoned for a long time. Understanding the actual situation of the territory, deciding where to build the main castle, etc. are all things that a normal lord should do, so the news of Linde's inspection of the territory did not attract too many people. of attention.

However, the news that came later made many people feel that there was something unusual about the Chosen One's patrol of the territory.

Not to mention interfering in the succession dispute in Green Valley City, forcing Lysa Medou, the aunt of the current lord, Baron Ewood, and the first heir to the throne, to flee Green Valley City overnight, which attracted the attention of the High Court and reprimanded Lysa Medou. Such a trivial matter as her husband.

Just by relying on his reputation and power before he arrived at Summer Hall, he scared the bandit groups around Summer Hall and even on the northeast side of the Crimson Mountain to flee, which is legendary enough.

After that, the savage tribes entrenched in the Crimson Mountains suddenly split and attacked each other, and it was said that they were also related to him.

The reason why the tribe of the savage king went south, entered the area south of the Weir River, and clashed with the lord of Weir City was because of the division of the savage tribe.

But these are not the most legendary scenes during Lind's tour of the territory. The most legendary thing is what happened in the ruins of Summer Hall.

According to people who were in the camp outside the ruins of Summer Hall at the time, Linde entered the ruins of Summer Hall alone that night, and then everyone heard the screams of the ghosts of Summer Hall.

When they looked at the ruins of Summer Hall, the ghost's scream disappeared. Then they saw Lind walking out of the ruins of Summer Hall, with the giant beast following him. At that time, the giant beast was covered in fur. It has turned white and emits a sacred white light.

Many people speculated that Lind used his identity and power as the Chosen One of the Seven Gods to eliminate all the ghosts in Summer Hall that night, and that the giant beast also received the blessing of the Seven Gods in the process and became a holy beast.

When this rumor came out, many people thought that this was Linde's deliberate attempt to add a halo to his Seven Gods. They didn't really believe that this was true, but many people believed in this rumor. These The vast majority of people are believers of the Seven Gods Church, and this incident also alarmed the Seven Gods Church.

As a result, the Starry Cathedral in Old Town, the High Seat Cathedral in Highgarden and the Baelor Cathedral in King's Landing almost simultaneously sent a miracle appraisal team composed of ten bishops and monks to the north bank of the Weir River, Linde's temporary Check the authenticity of the rumors about the sacred beast in the camp.

In the end, what surprised many people was that all the bishops and monks of the church unanimously believed that Glory was the holy beast blessed by the Seven Gods. They also claimed that Glory was the embodiment of the Mother's love and the stranger's death, and its light was full of love. The miracle of healing and the miracle of death filled with finality.

In addition, after confirming that Glory is the Seven Sacred Beasts, the Church of All Saints also stated that it would jointly fund the construction of Linde's main castle and Dorne Sea's port city, and build one in the main castle and port city of Summer Hall respectively. Sanctuary.

However, some well-informed people said that in order to speed up the construction of Linde's castle and port city, the Church of the Seven Gods will also help Linde with money and efforts.

This incident also led some envious people to claim that Linde was simply the biological son of the Seven Gods, and those jealous people spread some rumors about this. For example, Linde was actually elected by the Church of the Seven Gods who wanted to gain secular power. A representative figure and so on.

However, among the many rumors, there is also one rumor that some people find a bit novel, that is, after Lind used the power given by the Seven Gods to free the ghosts bound there in the Summer Hall, the tall Sir Duncan appeared in the form of the Holy Spirit. In front of him, a dragon egg was given to him to thank him for relieving the ghosts who were constantly suffering from the pain of burning fire.

Because this rumor was so true and complete, an unknown bard compiled it into a ballad, named it the Song of the Chosen One, the Ghost and the Dragon Egg, and then spread it in various taverns. Sung internally, it became a classic ballad after the Bear Hunter's Song.

For Linde, it was a complete accident that several major churches joined forces to exclude a total of more than 30 people from the miraculous appraisal team to identify the miracles mentioned in the rumors. He did not stop people in the camp from spreading the news at that time. Going out, I just felt that this was not a big deal, at least compared to the storm and thunder power he showed in Lannisport.

But he did completely ignore the special significance of death in religion. For many religions, creation is great and sacred, but death is even more awe-inspiring and worshipful.

There have been rumors about the ghost in Summer Hall for a long time, so how could the Church of the Seven Gods not send someone to investigate.

In fact, they have sent more than one group of people over the years. Although many of them did not find anything abnormal, some were attacked by the ghosts of Summer Hall and were dragged into the fire that year. When they were found, they were Burnt to coke.

Only one monk escaped from the fire alive, and this monk was the person in the rumors.

It's just that compared to the outside rumors that the man just said the word "dragon egg" and then died, this monk actually lived for several days and said more content, telling almost everything he had experienced. After doing so, the senior leaders of the Church of the Seven Gods knew that there were indeed ghosts in the ruins of Summer Hall.

This time, before they went to see Linde to verify the authenticity of the miracle, they also went to the Midsummer Hall to check the situation. Several monks who participated in the investigation to verify the existence of ghosts and had witnessed ghost incidents clearly stated that the overall atmosphere of the Midsummer Hall had changed. It's completely different from before, and there's no such spooky feeling anymore.

The most obvious difference is that small animals have entered the ruins, and there are even birds building nests in the ruins. You must know that no animals have ever approached these ruins before, let alone built their nests in the ruins. It is simply the best proof that the ghost has disappeared.

Afterwards, the church's miraculous identification team came to Linde's temporary village camp to verify what happened in the ruins of Summer Hall.

Lind could feel that these people from the church were well prepared, so he truthfully told his experience in the ruins of Summer Hall, but slightly modified and deleted some things in the process, such as how he would help him endure The burning power was described as the blessing of the Seven Gods, and the energy of glory devouring resentful souls was described as the divine power to purify ghosts produced by the blessing of the Seven Gods. As for the dragon egg, he deleted it.

After that, he let Glory show the two powers of black and white light in front of these clergymen. Without exception, these bishops and senior monks all shouted miracles, and soon gave the two powers of black and white light, named Healing Holy Miracles and Mortal Miracles.Not long after these clergy returned to their respective churches, the three major churches issued announcements at the same time, confirming that Linde had performed miracles in the ruins of Summer Hall, cleaning up the ghosts there, and also recognized Glory as the Seven Sacred Beasts , received the gift of the Holy Mother and the Stranger, and possesses two kinds of divine power.

Because of the inspiration brought by this incident, Linde tried to make up a rumor about the dragon eggs he had on hand. In order to make this rumor spread more widely, he also wrote a song based on the theme song of the previous Lord of the Rings. The first song related to the tragedy of Summer Hall and dragon eggs is the song of the Chosen One, ghosts and dragons, to prepare in advance when the dragon eggs he has on hand will hatch into dragons in the future.

However, compared to other places that are keen on singing the songs of the chosen ones, ghosts and dragons, the Dornish people prefer the songs of thunder they wrote themselves.

This song was written based on what happened at the funeral of Earl Wyland Vale. It focuses on the fact that Lind was almost acquired by evil because of the ownership of the city of Vale, thus summoning the thunder and bringing the man who was declared dead to the city of Vale. The true heir to the title and territory of Weir City.

All in all, the content of this song actually has little to do with what happened in the Weil City Hall that day. It even describes the relationship between Lind and Wyland Weir as friends who cherish each other because of the battle.

When Lind heard this song for the first time, he was a little doubtful whether the chosen one mentioned in this song was him.

After Oberna Weir's identity was proven, the inheritance of the title and territory of Weil City was quickly implemented.

Those unwilling branches of the Weir family could only target their husband, Rossos, believing that the wife of an orphan from the Green Blood River was not worthy of becoming the patriarch and lord of an ancient Dorne family. This also gained the support of many nobles and nobles. Lord's support.

However, when Linde publicly stated that he had given his Terran surname to Rossos and accepted Rossos as a member of the Terran family, all the doubts disappeared, because if you continue to question it, you are not questioning a green man. He is questioning the identity of the Blood River Orphan, but questioning the identity of the Chosen One of the Seven Gods.

When the time comes, if Linde comes to his door one by one and demands an honorable duel with them on the pretext of defending his family's honor, I'm afraid no one will think it's inappropriate.

Many people have witnessed Linde's miraculous thunder power in the Well City Hall. They know very well that a duel with Linde is tantamount to death. Naturally, no one will be stupid enough to provoke Linde at this time.

In addition, Oberna also publicized the blank experience of the two years she disappeared through the mouths of Cletus and other childhood friends, filling in why she appeared in Linde's team and why. Experience loopholes in marrying an orphan from the Green Blood River.

Those experiences were all made up in advance. The general content was that she was assassinated by an unknown person and was accidentally rescued by Rossos. After that, she followed Rossos anonymously, and later followed Rossos. Following Linde, it was only recently that he found evidence about his life experience from some items left behind by his adoptive father. Finally, he appeared at his biological father's funeral and demanded to inherit his legal title and territory.

Because the title has been settled, no one will investigate the truth or falsehood of these statements. This is just to reduce some verbal disputes.

The first thing Oberna did after inheriting the title was to fill in the snake pit that had existed for thousands of years in Weir City, get rid of all the poisonous snakes in it, clean up all the corpses, and bury them on the hills near the castle.

This move undoubtedly won a lot of hearts for Obena, and also made the surrounding lords less disgusted.

The second decision she made was to put a heavy reward on the Wildling King who killed Wyland Vale, which also caused many bounty hunters, free knights and wandering warriors in Dorne to sneak into the mountains of the Borderlands to find their targets. .

However, Oberna did not know that the target of her reward had died silently in the hall of Well City on the day she proved her identity.

As an insider, Linde did not tell her about this.

In fact, the moment he entered the hall that day, he saw the Savage King Hamil standing in the team of Wangzhong City, and recognized him immediately.

Although the Savage King shaved off all the excess hair on his body, changed his hair color, and became like a normal person, his eyes could not change, especially the eyes full of hatred when he looked at Linde. He did not want to let Linde It's hard to pay attention.

At that time, Linde was very curious about why the Savage King was hanging out with the people of Wangzhong City, so he did not expose the other party immediately, but waited for the other party to jump out on his own to see what he and Wangzhong City wanted to do.

As a result, when the old bachelor confirmed Oberna's identity and Oberna became the sole heir of Well City, the Savage King who was about to jump out and cause trouble was stopped by the people of Wangzhong City, and not only was he stopped, He was even directly stabbed to death by seven or eight people.

This scene of cannibalism completely confused Lind. Until they took away the body of the Savage King, he didn't even understand what Wang Zhongcheng was doing.

It wasn't until he returned to the village camp and told Nymeria what happened, and Nymeria gave her explanation, that Lind realized that Wangzhongcheng, who was originally planning to use the Savage King to cause trouble, was actually afraid.

After Linde showed the power of thunder, Wangzhong City had no idea of ​​causing trouble at all. For fear of being targeted by Linde, they naturally would not let the Savage King jump out, and now the Savage King has become a A hot potato. Once people find out that they are with the Savage King, they will inevitably be accused by the city of Well as the murderer who attacked and killed the former lord of the city.

At that time, once Weir City goes to war with them, Linde, who is standing behind Weir City, will definitely join in, and Yronwood City may not support them. Their ending can be imagined.

Therefore, they simply and completely eliminated the dangerous existence of the Savage King without giving Well City any excuse.

As for how the Savage King got involved with Wangzhong City, these are probably mysteries that cannot be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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