Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 150 The Tomb of the Ancestors

Chapter 150 The Tomb of the Ancestors
"I hate the North, and I don't want to come to this damn place again in my life!" Just as he was passing through the Carlin Bay swamp, Joel got off his horse to urinate and was accidentally attacked by a lizard hiding in the swamp. Fortunately, he dodged in time. , otherwise, the guy below him may not be able to use it in this life.

This attack, coupled with the various discomforts of passing through the swamp before, made the pent-up dissatisfaction in his heart finally burst out, and he cursed continuously, without any regard for the face of the northerners sent by Carlin Bay to lead the way.

Lind looked at Joel Fohua, who was venting his emotions, and said with a smile: "Master Joel, don't talk so eloquently. According to your current character and behavior, maybe it won't be long before you are caught by that lord. Come on, send them to the Great Wall of Despair to wear black clothes, these people will be your brothers by then."

The prisoners also started to boo at this moment, and a few of them even shouted to Joel, Brother Joel.

"Shut up! Even if I die, I will never wear black clothes." Joel glared at Lind angrily, then glared at the booing prisoners, and said: "It's too dangerous for you to be so spirited. Today Everyone’s food has been cancelled. I think hunger will let you know that not everyone can laugh at you.”

"That's not fair, we didn't laugh at you!" someone shouted.

Joel Flowers got back on his horse and shouted to the prisoners: "No! You are laughing in your heart, I heard it!"

Fertimo did not let the crowd continue to make trouble. He shouted loudly, and the stopped team continued to move towards the north.

Last time it took Linde only a dozen days to reach Cailin Bay from King's Landing, but this time they have been traveling for more than a month. The original group of 400 prisoners has increased to more than 700 people, including more than 100 people. from King's Landing, and nearly 200 others from Harrenhal, Riverrun, Twins City and Seaside City.

The lords of these castles learned that Linde's escort of prisoners would pass through the King's Road near their territory, so they transported the prepared prisoners to the King's Road early, and when the escort team passed by, they also let these people join the Phi River. The line of black-clad people undoubtedly made the team move slower.

The team was moving so slowly that people's patience was getting less and less. Even Joel Buddha, who had always been laughing and free and easy, was getting a little anxious due to the long journey.

After passing through the swamp, the road became slightly easier, but only slightly. The previously built King's Road had been seriously damaged, with a large amount of gravel, grass and rotten wood blocking the road, as well as some pits formed by subsidence. The hole formed a deadly trap under the cover of wild grass.

Several people accidentally stepped in and broke their necks. Even if they didn't break their necks, their arms and legs were severely damaged and they couldn't walk at all.

Originally, Fotimo's intention was to deal with these injured people on the spot, but he was stopped by Linde. He could just use these injured people to test the extent of trauma that Glory's healing white light could treat.

So, under the gaze of everyone, they saw that the broken leg bone that had been fixed in position began to slowly heal under the white halo of Glory's body. Although it was not completely healed, everyone could see that the injury was improving quickly.

"Is this the rumored miracle of healing?" Fortimo looked at everything in front of him and exclaimed.

Whether they were soldiers or prisoners, all believers of the Seven Gods knelt on the ground when they saw this scene, silently reciting prayers.

After the external wound was completely healed, Linde asked Glory to stop, and then checked the bones and found that the joints of the bones were still very fragile and needed some time to rest.

Therefore, these injured prisoners were also placed on the carriage transporting supplies, and they continued to move forward.

After this episode, the team walked for about half a day. When it was getting dark, they climbed over a small hill and came to an open space.

"Damn seven levels of hell! Have we entered the cemetery?" At this time, Joel, who had clearly seen his surroundings, couldn't help but curse loudly.

Except for the desolate land on both sides of the King's Road, I saw that all the tombs were densely packed together, moving into the distance until they disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

"This should be the Tombs of the Ancestors. The ancestors of the North are buried in these tombs." Fotimo looked at these tombs and said with a solemn expression: "The tombs here can be traced back to the period of the King of the Tombs. At that time, the North had not yet been unified under the Stark family. The Red King, Wolf King, Swamp King and other ancestor clans were entrenched in this land until the Winter King conquered them all in 1000 years. And these heroes in ancient legends have all become desolate tombs."

"Brother Fertimo, is this the time for you to express your emotions? Should I get you a harp and let you sing like a bard?" Joel said impatiently: "We are now I should find a good place to camp and rest, I don’t want to spend the night in a graveyard." As he said that, he turned to look at the guide sent by Carlin Bay and asked: "Is there any place here suitable for camping?"

The guide said nothing, but pointed to the open space surrounded by graves at the foot of the hill. Judging from the growth of weeds in the open space, many people should have camped here in the past.

"Seven Gods, can we only camp in this damn place?" Joel couldn't help cursing, and asked the guide: "The nearest hotel, hotel or place to rest, even if it's just a damaged one A fortress or a city wall will do."

"Sir." The guide looked at Joel expressionlessly, raised his finger and pointed to the west, and said: "We should be able to reach the wilderness village in eight days after walking through the wilderness. It is suitable for living there." After that, he added Pointing to the north, he said: "It takes nine days to walk along the King's Road to reach Winterfell. It is also suitable for living there. In addition, there are probably few campsites better than this open space. Next time we may Gonna camp on the King's Road."

"You also forgot to mention that you can go to Baigang by going east," Linde pointed to the east and added: "We may be able to go to Baigang, then take a boat and go upstream along the Bairen River, from the waterway to Lingang. Then take the land route near Winter City."

Joel was quite moved when he heard Linde's words. After all, White Harbor is one of the five largest cities in Westeros. Its prosperity is not much worse than that of cities such as King's Landing and Old Town. Going to White Harbor is much more comfortable than being in the wild.

"It's better to camp here! Don't make trouble." Fortimo shook his head and rejected the proposal, and directly ordered to camp in the open space.

Joel looked frustrated, said nothing, and honestly set up the tent with his attendants.

Linde did not set up the tent. The prisoners would take the initiative to help him set up the tent. Along the way, many of the prisoners had become his devout believers, just like the monks and believers who prayed in the Church of Salvation. .

After walking around, he saw a pool in the deserted graves in the distance, so he asked the soldiers for a brush, then led Hei Feng and Glory to the pool to clean them. Fur covered in mud and dust.

It soon became dark, and a bonfire was lit in the camp. Joel's curses came from the camp again. It must have been that he found that the wine he had hidden was found and drank by Fortimo.

Although the waterhole is not very far from the camp, perhaps because of the separation of several tombs, the sound transmission is a bit weak and the line of sight is blocked. The situation on the waterhole cannot be seen from the camp.

Because of the change in temperature between day and night, a layer of white mist floats over the pool, and the moonlight shines hazily on it like a layer of ever-changing gauze.It didn't take too long. Linde had already cleaned Glory and Heifeng, and was about to leave. At this time, he saw that the water mist on the pool condensed abnormally, and soon formed a vague human form.

When Lind wanted to take a closer look, the vague human form quickly dissipated. Although the human form only appeared for a moment, Lind was still sure that he was not dazzled.

As a result, he entered the state of glorious vision sharing and looked at everything around him, but he did not see any abnormal magic power.

With doubts, Lind returned to the camp, chatted with others for a few words, entered the tent, and asked Glory to guard the entrance of the tent. Then he held the dragon egg in his hands as usual and used dragon runes to protect it. .

After it was almost taken care of, he didn't put the dragon egg back into his backpack. Instead, he hugged the dragon egg and fell asleep directly.

This time, he slept deeply. He fell into a deep sleep not long after lying on the simple bed made of straw.

Later, he found that he had started to dream.

Yes, when he was dreaming, his mind was very clear, and he knew very well that he was dreaming, and he could think normally.

This made him feel very confused. He had never had a dream since he came to this world, but now he was having dreams inexplicably. This was obviously not normal.

While thinking, he was also observing the scene in his dream. He seemed to have turned into an eagle at this moment, flying in the air, and constantly flying towards the higher sky. The ground under his feet became smaller and smaller. Get nothingness.

This sight made Lind briefly wonder if he had been kidnapped by the Three-Eyed Crow like Vilas, but he soon realized that was not the case.

As the earth disappeared in his eyes, huge figures began to appear in the void below him. Some of these figures were familiar to Lind, such as the figure with countless faces that Willas had seen in Winterfell. The God of Many Faces, or the Green-Hands Garth he once saw in Highgarden.

All in all, the gods that had disappeared in the long river of history, or were still active in the present, appeared in the void at his feet, and there was an extra dragon egg below them where the earth should have been.

This dragon egg is completely transparent, and the eggshell seems to be made of light. Inside the dragon egg is a sleeping dragon, and as the dragon breathes, the light scatters from the dragon egg, shining on countless gods. On the body.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red comet appeared in the distant void. The center of the comet was not a meteorite, but a huge wall clock. The wall clock kept shaking, and the hammer hit the wall of the clock, making a loud noise. , even the dragon sleeping deeply will be awakened by such a loud noise.

It's just that the red comet is too far away from the dragon's egg, and the sound can't be transmitted here at all.

Then, the vague human form that Lind had seen by the pool appeared in front of him again, and he raised his hand to point in a direction.

Although there was no direction in the void, Linde could still feel that the direction was in the east, and then he saw vague human beings saying something loudly towards him, but he could not hear it at all, but he seemed to be able to Understand what it means.

Just when Linde was puzzled, it suddenly started to rain in the sky, and the rain fell on his face, making him feel a real chill.

Then there was another shake, and all illusions disappeared instantly.

Linde also found that he was still inside the tent at this moment. Glory was shaking him just now, and the rain was real rain, because it was pouring rain outside, and a large amount of rain seeped in through the gaps in the tent and dripped on his face. face.

There were also bursts of noise outside. It seemed that some unlucky guy's tent had collapsed. The bonfire was also extinguished by the rain. Only a few people held torches to illuminate the camp.

Although now is a good opportunity to escape, no one has done so, because even if they escape, they will not be able to survive in such a desolate place for more than two days. Maybe they will encounter someone hiding in the darkness just after escaping. The beasts became their meals, so it was better to stay here and have each other to rely on.

Linde put away the dragon eggs, walked out of the tent, and patrolled the camp. Because he turned Glory's fur to white and let the white light illuminate the surrounding darkness, the somewhat chaotic camp soon became quiet, and the soldiers They rebuilt the collapsed tent in an orderly manner, and the prisoners stayed aside and relied on each other to keep warm in the cold rain.

Linde asked the prisoners to give several pieces of tent cloth used to cover the supply carriage to the prisoners, and asked them to pull the edges, spread it open, cover their heads, block part of the falling rain, and then put the supplies on the vehicle. He and the wounded were moved to his tent, and he stayed in a tent with Joel and Fortimo.

After dealing with things in the camp, Lind returned to the tent and sat down. Joel and Fortimo cleaned up the rainwater on their bodies, drank two sips of heated wine, and fell asleep again.

Lind activated the Storm Dragon rune, forming a small hurricane on the surface of his body, blowing all the rain off his body and drying the wet clothes at the same time.

After regaining his dryness, he let Glory lay behind him and sat on its soft belly. He closed his eyes to rest while thinking about the dream he had just had.

"East, go east, go east!" This was what he understood when the fuzzy human shouted at him, but he didn't understand what this meaningless sentence meant.

After thinking repeatedly and unable to find the answer, he could only put the matter aside for the time being, and then conduct daily inspections, mainly to check the subsequent effects of the Dragon Feast Ceremony on the body and see if there were any abnormalities in the changes in the body. of.

"Huh!" But when he finished checking his body and looked at the golden finger progress bar out of habit, he suddenly discovered that the progress bar that was originally only moving slowly at about one-tenth had now moved almost half way.

This immediately reminded him of the dream he had just had, and at the same time he thought of that sentence. Could this be a revelation, revealing that there would be something in the East that could help him fill up the Goldfinger progress bar?

(End of this chapter)

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