Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 151 The tangled Ed

Chapter 151 The tangled Ed

"Sir, there is news from Severn City. Lord Lynde Terra, Lord Chosen, Sir Fertimo, and Sir Joel's team has passed through Wolfwood Bridge and will arrive at Winterfell in about half a day. ." Maester Luwin took a letter, knocked on the door of the Duke's study in the castle, and said to Eddard Stark, who was reviewing documents.

Duke Ed nodded after hearing this, then quickly signed the document in his hand, handed it to the steward Wei Yang Poole who was waiting aside, and said: "Let the banquet be arranged according to the above specifications."

Wei Yang Poole looked down at the receipt on the document, frowned slightly, and said, "Sir, isn't this too crude?"

"This is the formal banquet specification for receiving an earl." Duke Ed said solemnly.

"But Lord Lynde Terra is not an ordinary earl. He also has the identity of being the Chosen One of the Seven Gods..." Wei Yang Poole reminded.

Duke Ed said in a deep voice: "What belongs to the gods must belong to the gods, and what belongs to the world should belong to the world. We only need to perform secular obligations and should not interfere with the affairs of the gods."

"Yes, I understand." Wei Yang Poole nodded and retreated.

"Is there anything else? Maester Luwin." Duke Eddard turned to Maester Luwin and asked.

Maester Luwin said with a serious look: "My lord, last time the Earl of Terra traveled thousands of miles to recapture the Gulf of Cailin, allowing your army to pass through the Neck smoothly. This time he traveled thousands of miles to escort a group of prisoners to the Great Wall. For both emotional and rational reasons, you should go outside the city to greet me in person."

Duke Ed was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "I understand. I will change my clothes later, and I will go with Kate to meet her outside the city."

After hearing this, Maester Luwin turned and left without saying anything else.

Duke Ed sat for a while, then stood up and walked out of the room, walking towards the courtyard. At this time, Caitlin should be playing in the courtyard with the children.

Although the decision has been made, Ed Stark is still thinking about things related to Lind.

Lynd recaptured Moat Cailin that day and helped him get out of trouble, and later made great military exploits. From the admiring description of Jon Amber who fought with him, it is not difficult to see that he fought bravely and won the hearts of the people.
However, Ed has always disliked Lind. This is mainly because Lind actually interfered in the affairs of the gods and tried to stir up religious disputes in the trial of the Iron Islands. Secondly, Lind also secretly misappropriated the loot from the Iron Islands and plundered the Western Territory. , this is simply an unforgivable felony.

However, in the end, Robert forgave Lynd even though he knew the crime he had committed, made him an earl, and gave him Summer Hall, which was contrary to the justice of the law.

What Duke Eddard didn't like the most was Lind's use of the name of the gods. Rumors from the south seemed to have made him the savior appointed by the Seven Gods. Even Brother Chail in the castle began to believe that set of lies. , and even his wife Caitlin began to believe in that nonsense under the influence of Brother Chail.

"It's okay! Just stay for one day and it will be over, just stay for one day." Duke Ed took a deep breath to calm down the irritable emotions in his heart, and whispered softly.

Soon Duke Eddard came to the courtyard, and saw Catelyn sitting in the small attic, embroidering things with the nuns and maids. Sansa sat among them, watching their movements with relish. The nun taught her very well. Well, her upright sitting posture and quiet temperament make her look like a perfect lady.

In the cradle to the left of Caitlin lay Bran, who had just been born. He took his hands out of the quilt again and again, grabbing something in the air, and Caitlin stuffed him back into the quilt again and again. .

Arya, who is just over a year old, is sitting in the small cross chair on Caitlin's right. She is turning her head vigorously to look at the noisy courtyard space. It seems that there is something interesting there that is attracting her. The small wooden fork in her hand is also It was waving constantly, as if imitating some action.

In the open space of the courtyard, under the guidance of Coach Rodrik, Robb was fighting with his adoptive brother Theon Greyjoy with a wooden sword for practice. Like two little knights.

It has been almost a year since Theon came to Winterfell. He has gradually become accustomed to the life here and has become a good pair of friends with Robb. I believe that they will become a pair of good brothers in the future.

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard, looking at the calm and peaceful scene in front of him, Duke Ed felt that he could stand here for a day, and he even hoped that this scene could last forever.

It's a pity that as a Duke, he doesn't have that much free time, and not only does he have a lot of official documents to deal with, but he also needs to meet some people he doesn't want to see.

"Ned, have you finished all your matters?" When her husband walked into the courtyard, Caitlin sensed something and moved her eyes away from the knitting in her hands. After seeing Duke Eddard, she put down her things. He stood up and faced him.

Although she is already a mother of four children, Caitlin does not look too old. As a famous beauty in the Riverlands, she now looks more mature and glamorous, making her even more attractive.

"Yes!" Duke Ed looked at his wife lovingly, nodded, and then said with reluctance in his tone: "You have to follow me to greet someone later."

Caitlin frowned. In her opinion, it was inappropriate to greet someone as a female family member, unless the other person's status was very noble and special.

"It's Lind Terra, Earl of Summer Hall." Duke Ed directly said Lind's name.

"It turns out to be the Chosen One." Caitlin showed a look of surprise, the hesitation on her face disappeared, and there was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

The change in Caitlin's expression was also noticed by Duke Ed, and he couldn't help but feel a little displeased in his heart.

Although Duke Eddard just wanted to briefly greet Lind's escort team with his wife, the bachelor and others, Caitlin obviously did not want to be so simple. In her words, they represented Stark and Tully. The majesty of the two major families cannot be dealt with casually, as this will make them embarrassed in front of the people of the Reach.

As a result, everyone in Winterfell, from the bachelors and stewards to the cooks and blacksmiths, were summoned, and even children like Robb and Sansa were brought with them.

Just as Catelyn was very excited, Robb and Sansa were also very excited about Lynd's arrival, because in recent years, various legends about the Chosen One have all replaced the old and terrifying stories told by Old Nan. Legend has it that Brother Chaile has become their favorite person to pester, because only from Brother Chaile can one hear the latest stories about the Chosen One.

Now that the chosen one in the story is coming, they are naturally very happy. Robb put on the leather armor that the tanner's master had made for him not long ago, and put on the deerskin cloak that he had collected for a long time, and Sansa also She put on her most beautiful dress to make herself look more like a southern noble lady.

Compared to the excitement of Robb and Sansa, Theon seemed a little embarrassed. He even wanted to pretend to be sick and find a place to hide.

Although a year has passed, Theon can still remember that trial, and what he remembers most deeply in that trial is the helmet of the Homeless Knight held by Lind in his arms, especially the top of the helmet. That ferocious flying dragon.

The flying dragon in his heart has become the embodiment of the trial in his memory. Every time he dreams, the flying dragon will appear and destroy everything in his dream.

Soon, Vali, the guard on the watchtower of the outer city wall, saw a group of people emerging from the top of the hill on the King's Avenue at the end of his sight, marching towards this side. As an archer, he had very good eyesight, and he quickly saw clearly. The riders at the front of the team held high the red sword flag and the golden rose flag respectively. "Here they come! They're already here!" Vali, the guard, held on to the railing at the edge and shouted loudly towards the people below.

Hearing the sound, everyone took their positions on the castle grounds. Caitlin pulled the reluctant Duke Edd and stood at the front of the team.

"Damn it! Are we welcoming the king?" Ed looked at the people next to him and couldn't help but curse.

In fact, Duke Eddard was not the only one who felt this way. When Lind followed the Winterfell guards who led the way to the school grounds, he also had the illusion that he had traveled to King Robert for the first time ten years later. scene, the only difference is that the little guys from the Stark family haven't grown up yet.

When Linde appeared in front of everyone, even Ed, who had already dealt with Linde, couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

A war horse that was taller than ordinary horses and covered with shiny armor stood at the front of the team. On the war horse sat a tall knight wearing a dragon helmet and armor and four weapons. Next to him was a long-haired knight. A giant beast with black and white stripes that is even larger than a war horse.

Although everyone has learned everything about Linde, the Chosen One, from various legends and stories, seeing the legendary figure in the story and the things around him with their own eyes still makes everyone feel extremely shocked.

"Lord Ed, I haven't seen you for a year and you are still as energetic as you were then." When he came in front of everyone, Lind got off his horse and took the initiative to salute Ed Stark.

"I haven't seen you for a year, Lord Linde. You are still as charming as ever." Ed also said politely, and then introduced his wife, children and subordinates to Linde.

Lind was also very surprised to see the Young Wolf Lord and the Three Idiots who had not yet grown up, and Arya reminded him of what Willas once said, thinking about the Thousand Faces who appeared in Winterfell. God should be waiting for Arya who is not yet born.

When he saw the infant Bran, he asked Lady Catelyn: "Can you let me hold her? Lady Catelyn."

"Of course." Mrs. Caitlin nodded quickly and handed Bran in her arms to Lind.

After Lind took Bran, he looked at him, hoping to see some special power in him, but he didn't see anything unusual.

At this time, Glory also came over and stood behind Lind. His huge head passed over Lind's shoulders and looked down at Bran. At this time, Lind also switched to sharing the vision of Glory.

Caitlin on the side felt a little nervous when she saw Glory approaching, and wanted to say something, but was pulled back by Ed.

Then Lind, who found nothing, handed Bran back to Caitlin and said some blessings, which made Caitlin, who was originally nervous, relax immediately and a smile appeared on her face.

Lind also introduced Fertimo and Joel to the people in Winterfell. After learning that Fertimo and Joel were both sword masters in the River Bend, the Winterfell soldiers led by Coach Rodrik They also hope to compete with the sword masters from the south later.

Fertimo and Joel did not object. They expressed that they also wanted to see the fighting skills of the northern ancestors.

Linde and the others were then welcomed into the hall. The food that had been prepared long ago was heated and served, and the reception banquet was held smoothly.

However, there was a bit of trouble in placing those prisoners, because Winterfell had never housed so many prisoners, and the cells were simply not enough.

"Let them stay in the courtyard!" Joel grabbed a goose leg from the dinner plate and took a bite. Then he said to the cell guard who came to report the situation: "Give them some food, they won't escape, don't worry. They will do something bad. With Linde here, these extremely vicious guys are now comparable to the most devout believers."

Hearing Joel's words, Brother Chail, the steward of the Winterfell Temple, asked curiously: "Did something happen on the road?"

Joel then told in the hall how the prisoners on the road confessed to Linde, cried bitterly one by one, and finally became devout believers.

Hearing Brother Chail exclaim repeatedly that the Seven Gods are above all, Caitlin, who is also one of the few believers of the Seven Gods in the hall, felt even more sacred, and expressed to Linde that she hoped she could confess to Linde once.

Duke Eddard on the side frowned nervously, his displeasure almost written on his face, but he did not dissuade his wife.

After the banquet, Fertimo and the others were dragged to the school grounds to compete and eat while Lind was taken to the chapel next to the hall by Brother Chail. Mrs. Caitlin also followed, intending to confess to Lind.

Duke Eddard handed over his child to the nuns and bachelors, and followed him to the church.

However, before Duke Ed entered the church, he was kicked out by Lady Caitlin, who was about to confess to Lind. Brother Chail was also driven out of the church.

In the church, only Lynd and Lady Catelyn were left. Lady Catelyn began to confess to Lynd. What she confessed were all trivial matters. Several times, although she was called Jon by that person, she mentioned After a few words, maybe he felt that this kind of thing was a family matter and not suitable for outsiders to know, so he quickly changed his words to talk about other things.

However, even if it is just some trivial things, the information provided is enough for Lind to understand the situation in Winterfell in the past year.

For example, Linde had predicted that there would be a second extreme cold natural disaster, but it did not appear. He thought that his prediction was wrong. In fact, he was not wrong. It was just that the second extreme cold natural disaster only appeared in the north and was far away. The first extreme cold disaster occurred only five months apart.

Just as the first extreme cold natural disaster appeared very suddenly, the second one was also very sudden. Although the lords from all over the north made some preparations, they still suffered heavy losses, and many people froze to death.

The worst thing is that the nearby mountain clans have lost many people due to extreme cold and natural disasters, and have run out of supplies, so they come out of the mountains in large numbers and plunder the northern border.

Although these people were eventually exterminated by the Northern Lords, they still caused considerable losses.

This is why most of the northern villages that Lind and the others passed through were abandoned. Even if they were not abandoned, they were all very depressed.

It may be difficult for the North to completely recover every ten years.

Although Linde still had many questions about the Northern Territory, just like when he listened to the prisoner's confession before, he never spoke and just listened quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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