Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 153 Handing Over the Prisoner

Chapter 153 Handing Over the Prisoner
"If I come to this damn place again next time, I will curse that I will never find a woman." Joel had sworn it for the 90th time. He huddled up in his cloak and covered the edges tightly, letting out the cold outside. The wind will not get through the gaps.

Because he was huddled up, he couldn't control the horse and could only let the horse follow the crowd.

Not far away from him, Fortimo also wrapped himself in a cloak, his spirit was a little sluggish, and he didn't even bother to say anything to mock Joel.

In the team, both prisoners and soldiers were all wrapped tightly in their clothes, lowered their heads to resist the cold wind, and moved forward slowly.

Only a dozen or so northern cavalry sent by Winterfell to lead the way had become accustomed to this extremely cold weather and did not feel anything unusual. They were still able to move around normally. They moved back and forth in the team to see if anyone was left behind or lost. .

However, no matter how hard the Northern Cavalry resists the cold, they will still react to the cold when facing this extreme cold weather, such as wrapping up their clothes tightly, etc. Only Linde's behavior does not look like he is facing the cold weather. Against the sharp cold wind like a knife.

Wearing a full-body steel armor, he seemed not to feel the cold. Not only was there no ice on his body, there was not even a single snowflake on his body. Not only was he like this, but even the war horse under his crotch was not affected by the cold wind.

This is mainly because all the cold air approaching Linde has been absorbed by the Frozen Dragon Rune without exception. This is simply the home of the Frozen Dragon Rune. In just a few days, the cold air absorbed by the Frozen Dragon Rune has already reached The total he had accumulated over the past several months.

Although Lind was happy to see the rapid accumulation of power in the Frozen Dragon Rune, he was not happy about it because if he did not find a place to hide from the wind and snow, most people might freeze to death on the last journey. .

After leaving Winterfell, they continued north. The weather was still very good. Although it could not be called warm, at least it was not particularly cold.

But after walking for less than three days, just after passing through the Wolf Forest, a cold wave hit from the north. Ice and snow covered the entire land overnight, and more than a dozen people froze to death that night.

Linde thought this was another extreme cold natural disaster, but the Northern Cavalry who acted as a guide told him that this was just an ordinary cold wave, and the extreme cold natural disaster was much colder than this.

After hastily burying the dozen or so people, the team continued heading north. The further north they went, the stronger the cold wind became. The wind and snow were so strong that they completely covered the road, and they almost got lost.

Fortunately, there were several cavalrymen in the north who frequently traveled to the Great Wall. They quickly found a few landmarks that could identify the direction, and brought the team back to the King's Road.

The advice they gave was to continue going north and go to Mole Village to escape the wind and snow.

Some people also suggested going to Houguan Town, but some people who have been to Houguan Town said that it has been abandoned for a long time, and there are not many places to escape the wind and snow. If there were only a dozen people, it would be suitable there, but now there are hundreds of people. If you go there, many people may freeze to death.

Therefore, the team could only continue northward against the north wind.

"Mole Village! Ahead is Mole Village!" I don't know how long we walked before a Northern Cavalry who was exploring the road ahead emerged from the dense wind and snow and shouted to everyone.

After hearing the words of the Northern Cavalry, those who had already felt that they had reached their limit gritted their teeth and continued to move forward. Some people had indeed reached their limit and fell in the snow. Linde freed up the carriage transporting supplies and put the people away. Put them on the carriage, throw the supplies to the roadside and mark them, and let them pick them up after completing the handover with the night watchmen.

Soon a group of simple-looking wooden houses appeared in the wind and snow. The villagers who had received the news in advance had already vacated several houses. After the team entered the village, they were placed in these houses. The stove had been lit inside the house, and the warm environment allowed them to recover quickly, but there were still a few people who fell on the last stretch of the road and were unable to survive.

Obviously, these houses should have been repaired in the past and specially used to house prisoners. The rooms are surrounded by solid logs and the roofs are also made of logs. Although there are gaps, it is absolutely impossible for people to get through. There are also locks and locks on the doors. Chains.

As more and more prisoners were sent from the south, it was no longer appropriate to send them directly to Castle Black, the Great Wall of Despair. Therefore, Mole Village, which is closest to Castle Black, became the place to hand over prisoners. Castle Black also provided funds for this. A number of facilities were built specifically to house prisoners.

The people of Mole Village had no objection to this, because every time prisoners were sent from the south, they would be accompanied by many wealthy soldiers. The spending of these soldiers in Mole Village made Mole Village prosperous a lot, and the construction of These facilities don't cost them any money, so they are naturally happy to see them.

After placing the soldiers and prisoners, Lind was led by a night watchman to a large room on the north side of Mole Village.

Fertimo and Joel had already come in first to keep warm, and at the same time they were handing over prisoners to the night watchman who was waiting here.

"Lind, this is Carter Pike, the Bursar of Castle Black, and Alliser Thorne, the ranger. They were sent by the Night Watch to hand over the prisoners." Joel, who had regained his energy, fished something out from the cauldron next to him. He introduced a bowl of boiled radish while eating it.

"Lord Linde." The two stood up and saluted Linde.

Linde also nodded towards the two of them, and after sitting down, he took the bowl of hot soup handed over by Fortimer, took a sip to warm his body, and then looked at the two of them, especially Alliser Thorne.

In his memory, it seems that Carter Pike will become the commander of Eastwatch in the future, competing with Jon Snow for Commander-in-Chief, while Alliser Thorne will become the leader of the Night's Watch and become Jon Snow's most important person in the future. One of the troublemakers.

"Lord Linde, is there anything rude about our clothing?" Seeing Linde looking at herself, Allisa couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and asked.

"No." Linde shook his head, casually found a reason, and said, "I just saw the legendary Night Watchman for the first time, and I was a little curious."

"I almost forgot." At this time, Carter Pike suddenly seemed to remember something, stood up, took out a box from the backpack next to him, handed it to Linde, and said, "Sir Linde, here is your letter. "

"My letter?" Linde was stunned and took the box with a puzzled look. After opening it, he saw three small copper tubes for storing letters neatly placed inside. The wax seals on both ends of the copper tubes were intact. It is undamaged, and the mark on the wax seal is Nymeria's mark of the Earl of Tumblestone.

With doubts, Linde opened several copper tubes, took out the rolled letter paper inside, and looked at it carefully.

The letters were all written half a month ago. Although they were three letters, their contents were all about one thing. Jon Bulwe, the steward of Miracle Port whom he appointed, had resigned from all his posts and returned to the underworld of the Bulwe family. Crown City, inherited the family territory and earl title, and he also married a woman from a branch of the Tyrell family.

The position of manager of Miracle Port is currently held by Wise Rowan. This Wise Rowan comes from a branch of the Rowan family and is a servant of Jon Bulwe. When Tengshi Town was just restored, he had already followed Jon. Jon was with Jon, and he was very familiar with the matters at hand. Jon strongly recommended him before leaving.

"I just teased a Jon not long ago, and now I have lost my Jon. Is this considered punishment?" Lind frowned as he looked at the contents of the letter, and he couldn't help but think mockingly in his heart. "What's wrong? Did something happen in your territory?" Fortimo asked with concern when he saw Linde frowning.

Linde didn't answer, just handed him the letter.

Fertimo looked at it and couldn't help but smile: "Jon is lucky, he picked up an earl and a castle for nothing."

"Picked up for free? What do you mean?" Linde asked.

"Jon is not high in the line of succession," Fertimo explained: "He also knew this, so he simply went to the Tyrell family as a steward, and then followed you. He didn't even think about it. He would inherit the territory later. However, I don't know whether it was the Bulwe family's bad luck or Jon's luck. His previous heirs either died in battle or had gone to become bachelors, and he became the first heir. When I left Highgarden, I heard someone said that Lord Bulwe was ill, and he was very ill. I thought he wouldn't be able to survive for long, and Blackcrown City was about to change its owner. Now it has confirmed my guess at the time."

Linde also lamented Jon's good luck in his heart, but when he thought of the Miracle Harbor that was currently under construction, he couldn't help but sigh and said: "This is good news for him, but not for me. Now my god Ji Port lacks a general manager who is familiar with affairs. Although Wise Rowan is also very capable, his prestige is much lower, so there will definitely be some troubles, and the construction progress of the port will also be slowed down."

"Is the Bulway family that the two adults are talking about the Bulway family of Black Crown City?" At this time, Alliser Thorne interrupted and asked.

"Yes." Fortimo nodded.

Alliser Thorne said: "I have a fellow ranger who is also from the Bulway family. His name is Jack Bulway."

Fertimo was stunned, not knowing how to respond for a moment. The Bullway family was also a prominent family in the River Bend. The main line and branches of the family together had more than 100 people with the surname Bullway. Who knew about this Jack... Which branch does Bulwe belong to?

Before the atmosphere became awkward, Linde came to the rescue and said, "Lord Alliser, as a ranger, you should often patrol north of the Great Wall, right?"

"Yes, sir." Allisa nodded.

Linde put down the hot soup bowl in his hand and said, "Can you tell me about the situation in the Land of Eternal Winter? So that I can be prepared."

"Are you prepared?" Fortimo was keenly aware of Linde's intention and asked, "Linde, are you planning to go to the land of eternal winter?"

Joel, who was immersed in food and drinks, raised his head when he heard this and looked at Linde in surprise.

Linde nodded and did not tell the two of them the truth. Instead, he casually found a reason and said: "It's not easy to get to the Great Wall of Despair. It would be a pity not to go to the Land of Eternal Winter to take a look."

"Are you crazy? What's there to see in that damn place?" Joel couldn't help shouting.

"With all due respect, Master Joel is right. There is nothing but ice and snow to the north of the Great Wall, but there are damn savages. It is not a place worth visiting at all." Alliser also nodded in agreement. From his tone, it was not difficult to hear his disapproval. The hatred of the land of eternal winter.

Linde did not explain, but said directly: "You don't need to say anything, this is something I decided when I set off from Tengshi Town." After saying that, he asked Carter Pike and Allisha Thorne: "You guys When will you return to Castle Black?"

"I won't go back for the time being," Carter Pike shook his head and said, "This snowstorm should last for a few more days. During this period, we can only stay in the house. After the snowstorm stops, we will deal with it here." These will be distributed, and after the fortress commanders of Shadow Tower and Eastwatch take away their people, we will take the remaining people back to Castle Black."

"In that case, I'll go there by myself!" Linde didn't say anything, but followed Fertimo and Joel and said, "When the snowstorm stops, you can take the people back by yourself! There is no need to wait for me."

"Yeah!" Fotimo didn't try to persuade Linde anymore, but just blessed him: "You have to be careful."

Joel said nonchalantly: "You don't need to worry about him. Even the Rangers of the Night Watch can travel safely through the land of eternal winter. How can anything happen to him with his ability? If he really encounters a savage tribe, You should worry more about those savage tribes!"

Lind did not continue to waste time here. After receiving Nymeria's letter, he just wanted to find the Horn of Winter as soon as possible, return to the territory, and deal with the problems that might arise after Jon left.

So, he stood up, hugged Fertimo and Joel goodbye, and then prepared to leave.

When Linde opened the door, Allisa suddenly reminded: "Master Linde, you'd better not wear armor anymore. Those cold steel will freeze you into ice cubes in the land of eternal winter. It's best to put on something warmer." fur."

"Don't worry, with the blessings of the seven gods, the cold will not fall on me." Linde responded with a smile and walked out of the house.

After pulling Heifeng out of the stable again, Linder got on his horse and headed towards the Black Castle in the north. Glory, who had gone to play before, emerged from the woods and came to Linde's side.

Compared with the hot south, Glory seems to be more suitable for the environment in the north. It was not affected by the wind and snow at all and had a great time. The happy mood was even transmitted to Lin De through the spiritual connection, allowing Lin De to play. De's mood also improved a lot.

One person and one beast walked in the wind and snow for about half a day, passing through a dense forest. The surrounding wind and snow suddenly weakened a lot, and then disappeared. Without the wind and snow blocking the sight, Linde also saw The majestic Great Wall of China.

A huge ice wall hundreds of meters high stood in front of him, extending to both sides to the end of his sight. The towering wall blocked the wind and snow blowing from the north, providing shelter for the land near the Great Wall.

Under the high wall in the distance, a castle made of wood and stone was close to the ice wall, looking like a black scar on the silver-blue wall.

At this moment, the scenery is no longer the focus of Linde's attention. What he focuses on is the magic power emanating from the entire Impasse Great Wall and the changes in the dragon runes in his body and on the sword of the Homeless Knight.

(End of this chapter)

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