Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 154 Maester Aemon

Chapter 154 Maester Aemon
When he came out of Mole Village, Linde had already felt that the dragon rune was changing. This change was not that the dragon rune had turned into another kind of power, but that the original power of the dragon rune was changing in a certain way. way to start recovering.

He remembered that the Great Wall was magical. It could not only block the approach of the giant dragon, but also restore people who originally had magic power to the state when their magic power was restored. Melisandre once said when she was on the Great Wall that her magic power was rapidly increasing. Words like recovery.

The Great Wall of Despair that Lind saw at this moment was not a giant wall of solid ice. What he saw was a wall made of countless magic runes. Endless magic light emanated from the wall, which looked spectacular.

According to legend, the Great Wall was built by Brandon the Builder, but now seeing this magical wall in front of him, Lind was certain that unless Brandon the Builder was a god, it would be absolutely impossible for him to build such a magical wall. wall.

However, the towering tower in the old town has something to do with this giant wall, because he was able to find some of the magic runes that appeared on the surface of the towering tower from the densely packed magic runes on the giant wall. Obviously, the builder of the towering tower should also Referenced to the magical runes of the Great Wall.

Linde withdrew his gaze and checked his condition.

Undoubtedly, the current situation is very favorable to him. As the power of the Dragon Rune itself is recovering, the swordsmanship of the Homeless Knight he can display will also be strengthened, and eventually it will reach the power that the Homeless Knight should have. It's impossible, this will definitely make his trip to the Land of Eternal Winter smoother.

Soon Linde came to the gate of Castle Black at the foot of the Great Wall. When the guard on the gate bridge saw Linde, he shouted: "Who is it?"

Lynde responded loudly: "I am Lynde Terra, Earl of Summerhall. I am entrusted by Lord Tyrell of Highgarden to visit the Night Watch of Castle Black."

"Earl? Wait! Lord Earl, please wait below. I will open the door to you after my identity is confirmed." The guard on the door had obviously never heard of Linde's name, but he was still in awe of the Earl's identity. He was also careful when he spoke, for fear of offending Linde.

Linde waited at the door for a while, and then heard a rush of footsteps from the other side of the door. He could hear several people running over quickly.

As the city gate opened, an old man with a bald head, a look somewhat similar to Jorah Mormont, and a crow standing on his shoulder was seen walking out of the castle with some night watchmen.

The old man hesitated a little when he saw that Lind was only wearing two swords. Although the knight in front of him wore a dragon helmet and gorgeous armor, and under his crotch was a war horse that was much taller than an ordinary horse. It looked like He seemed to be a person with an unusual identity, but he couldn't be sure whether the person in front of him was Linde.

Because as we all know, Linde wore four swords, and now this man obviously only wore two swords. However, the old man's doubts were soon dispelled, because compared to the number of swords, the figure clearly appeared behind Linde. The glory is more in line with the status symbol.

"Welcome to your visit, Lord Chosen One." The old man did not address Linde's title, but another well-known title.

"Nice to meet you, Lord Jeor Mormont." Lind got off his horse, walked up to the old bear, and responded.

"You know me?" Jeor Mormont hesitated and asked.

"We know each other." Linde smiled, and then asked: "Where is Commander-in-Chief Kogel?"

Jeor Mormont replied: "The Lord Commander passed away ten days ago, and I am now the newly elected Lord Commander."

Linde was stunned and said with a smile: "I don't know whether to say regret or congratulations now."

A gray-haired middle-aged man standing next to Mr. Xiong curled his lips and said, "Congratulations! Being able to leave this hellish place, even if you just lie down, is a matter worthy of congratulations. Not to mention the Commander-in-Chief Your Excellency drank our last barrel of wine before he died. I am afraid that the barrel of wine has not been digested yet and is stored in his stomach. I wonder if it will ferment again and become more delicious."

"Shut up, Eddy!" Jeor Mormont scolded the people around him, and then introduced: "This is my steward Addison Tollett."

Linde looked at the character he liked most when reading novels in his previous life, nodded to him and saluted: "Nice to meet you, Lord Eddie."

Eddie shook his head and said: "No no! Lord Earl, you misunderstood. I am not an adult. I am just a servant who washes the commander-in-chief's underwear."

Jeor Mormont was worried that Eddie would say something strange again, so he quickly introduced the other Night Watchmen behind him to Lind one by one, and then welcomed Lind to Castle Black.

At this moment, all the night watchmen who were not doing anything in Castle Black came out of the house and looked curiously at Linde, the most famous legendary figure in the Seven Kingdoms. When they saw the exquisite armor and weapons on Linde, they looked at him. When they saw Linde's horse and Glory again, exclamations echoed one after another in the Black Castle, and shocked expressions appeared on their faces invariably.

Jeor Mormont led Lind to the King's Tower, which is a residence specially prepared by Castle Black for visiting dignitaries. There is a special stable under the tower to take care of the visitors' horses.

In the reception room in the tower, Lind and Jeor Mormont exchanged greetings, and then directly stated the purpose of coming to Castle Black.

"It's not a good idea to go to the other side of the Great Wall." Jeor Mormont was a little surprised after hearing this. After all, the land of eternal winter has always been associated with death and cold. If it weren't for the fact that they, the Night Watch, had a mission, No matter how responsible the Night Watchman is, he will not be willing to go to the land of eternal winter.

However, now that a southerner like Linde would take the initiative to go to the land of eternal winter, this surprised and puzzled Elder Xiong and other night watchmen.

Linde explained: "I have always wanted to see the land of eternal winter north of the Great Wall, but I have never had the opportunity to come to the north before. This time I took the opportunity to escort prisoners and came here, which can fulfill my wish, otherwise If you miss this time, you don’t know if you will come to the Great Wall again.”

After hearing this, Jeor Mormont thought about it seriously. He turned to Eddie beside him and said, "When will the next ranger patrol be?"

"Seven days later." Eddie gave the answer.

Jeor Mormont said: "The Night's Watch will send out rangers to patrol the north in seven days to collect intelligence on the wildlings. Lord Lynd, you can go with them. It will be safer."

"Okay." Linde nodded and said, "However, if I need to, I may leave the team and act alone."

Jeor Mormont looked startled, and soon realized something, and asked: "Lord Linde, do you have any mission in going to the Land of Eternal Winter?"

Lind just smiled slightly and did not answer. He turned to ask: "Excuse me, can you take me to see Maester Aemon?"

"Why are you looking for Maester Aemon?" Jeor Mormont looked at Lind warily and asked. "Maester Aemon's knowledge may be useful to me." Lind said solemnly.

"In that case, come with me!" Jeor Mormont nodded, and then ordered Eddie and others to clean up the room in the tower, light the fire in the fireplace, and prepare some items needed for living. He personally took Lind to the wooden fortress at the other end of the courtyard.

Following the stairs to the second floor of the fortress, Jeor Mormont knocked on the room at the end of the corridor and said, "Maester Aemon, have you rested?"

"Come in! You should know that it's not time to sleep yet." A deep voice came from the room.

Jeor Mormont opened the door and led Lynd in.

The room is not very big, and bookshelves are neatly placed against the walls. The books placed on them look very old and tattered, probably because they have been read frequently.

Because there were many flammable books around, there was no fireplace in the room. There was only a brazier placed next to Maester Aemon's table. However, in order to disperse the smoke, the window in the room was opened a little to allow the brazier to create a little more energy. The heat escapes along with the smoke.

Maester Aemon sat on the chair. The old man looked like a wax figure. His lifeless, unfocused, empty eyes showed that he had problems with his vision, but like all people who could not see, they All have a pair of sensitive ears.

"I heard an unfamiliar step, heavy and powerful, and I also heard the sound of steel armor rubbing against each other. No one who has experienced the cold in the north would wear cold armor on their body, unless that person has a special method of heating. ." Although Maester Aemon lost his sight, he could still clearly find Lind's location and said to Lind, "You must be the Chosen One, right?"

"Please just call me Lind, Maester Aemon." Although the other party couldn't see him, Lind still saluted him to show respect.

"Commander-in-Chief, let us talk among ourselves! It has been a long time since I have spoken to a young man." Maester Aemon said to Jeor Mormont.

Jeor Mormont nodded, turned and left the room.

"Lind, what do you want from me, old man?" Maester Aemon asked after hearing the door close.

"I came to you mainly for two things. One is to ask if the Targaryen family has any successful examples of artificially hatching dragon eggs." Lind asked.

"Dragon egg?" Maester Aemon was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and said in surprise: "What the Chosen One, the Ghost, and the Dragon Egg Song said is true. You really got a dragon egg."

"In fact, I made up this song, and all the content in it is true." Lind took out the dragon egg from his backpack and placed it in Maester Aemon's hand, and said, "I was indeed in Summer Hall. In the ruins, I relived the fire, redeemed the ghosts who had been trapped there for decades, and finally obtained this dragon egg."

Maester Aemon tremblingly reached out and touched the special skin of the dragon egg, and murmured to himself: "Ego, Egg..."

At this moment, Maester Aemon seemed to be caught up in the memories of the past. Linde did not disturb him, but stood quietly beside him.

After a while, Maester Aemon recovered from his past memories, removed his hand from the dragon egg, and then said to Linde sincerely: "I can't tell whether what you said is true or false, but I want to believe it is true, thank you, save them from eternal pain, thank you!"

Linde put the dragon egg back into his backpack and said, "Summer Hall is my territory, and this is what I should do."

"It's a pity that I can't help you with your first question," Maester Aemon sighed and said, "When the last dragon died, the Targaryen Dynasty tried every means to hatch the dragon egg, but But none of them can do it successfully. If there are really successful examples, Egg will not use that dangerous method to hatch dragon eggs, and there will be no tragedy in Summer Hall."

As he spoke, there was a trace of hesitation on his face, as if he had something to say but felt it was inappropriate to say it.

Linde did not rush him, but waited aside.

Maester Aemon finally sighed and said, "I don't know if telling you these things will cause you any trouble."

"Maester Aemon, it's up to me to judge whether there will be any trouble." Lind replied.

Maester Aemon said: "As far as I know, there are records of hatching dragons in Valyria."

"But Valyria has been destroyed." Lind frowned.

"Yes, Valyria has indeed perished, but the records have not necessarily disappeared," Maester Aemon recalled seriously: "When I was a child, I saw a book of ancestors from Valyria in the Red Keep. The book I brought out recorded that the Dragon King of Valyria would take away the dragon eggs to artificially hatch them when the dragon did not take care of them. Once there was a successful example, it would be engraved on the hard Preserved on the black stone slabs. Valyria may have perished, but those stone slabs may still be intact."

Lind understood what Maester Aemon meant and said, "That means there are records of hatching dragons in the ruins of Valyria."

"Yes, the ruins of Valyria are the most likely place where those black stone slabs exist." Maester Aemon nodded, but added: "However, there are two other places where black stone slabs may also exist."

"Which two places?"

Maester Aemon said: "One is Qohor in the Free Trade City. It is said that some Valyrian survivors fled there and settled there, so Qohor also inherited many Valyrian forging techniques and other knowledge, maybe it includes Valyria’s Black Tablets.”

Lind nodded, and couldn't help but think of his unfinished piece of armor of a lost knight.

"The other place is Asshai," Maester Aemon said, "There is a clear record in the book I read that the wizards of Asshai came to Valyria to record the black tablets. Later, Asshai also continued to collect dragon eggs, and I think they should also have records of dragon eggs hatched in Valyria."

Hearing Maester Aemon's words, Lind couldn't help but be stunned, because at this moment, he suddenly thought of the prophetic dream he had in the Tomb of the Ancients. Could the vague humanoid figure pointing to the east be Asshai?You must know that Asshai is the easternmost part of the world known to the people of Westeros.

(End of this chapter)

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