Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 159: White Walkers and Ghouls

Chapter 159: White Walkers and Ghouls
Lind had watched the series in his previous life, and the image of the White Walkers in his mind was that of an ugly, inhuman monster. But now that he saw the White Walkers walking out of the woods with his own eyes, he knew the image of the White Walkers in the series. How outrageous.

Handsomeness was his first impression after seeing the White Walker. This White Walker had an extremely handsome face, even the face of the King Slayer was far behind it.

She has skin as pale as snow, a head of silver-blue hair that floats in the air like flames, her eyes are also silver-blue, and her pointed ears are somewhat similar to those of the Son of the Forest. Overall, she looks like an ice elf.

He is close to Linde's height and has a slender figure. He wears an extremely exquisite ice armor. Behind him is a thin, almost transparent ice cloak. He holds an ice crystal spear in his hand. When the falling snow fell on the spear, a silver-blue light burst out like a flame.

Obviously, the White Walker in front of him is not only different from the White Walker in the series, but also different from the White Walker killed by Samwell Tarly in the book. As for why this is the case, Lind can’t figure it out for the time being. No time to think too much.

He looked at the White Walkers walking over and put his hand on the Homeless Knight's sword, but he seemed to have other ideas. He then removed his hand from the hilt and walked towards the White Walkers empty-handed. .

Looking at Lind walking towards him, the White Walker had a very obvious expression of confusion and surprise on his face. Obviously, this situation was something he had never encountered before, and it also meant that he should have emotions.

But his emotions quickly disappeared and returned to an ice-like state. He instantly changed from standing upright to charging forward. The ice crystal spear in his hand also stabbed towards Linde, and his movements were extremely fast. There was no way to avoid such a fast thrust.

However, this attack speed, which is difficult for ordinary people to cope with, is ordinary to Linde.

I saw that he easily dodged the piercing spear, and at the same time, he was blessed with the power of the Storm Dragon Rune, which increased his movement speed several times, and avoided the subsequent sweeps of the White Walkers like the wind. In an instant He moved in front of the White Walker, raised his hand and punched the White Walker firmly on the head, knocking him away directly. Splashes of light blue blood fell on the snow, and he was knocked out in the blink of an eye. The snow on the ground froze into ice.

Although, as he expected, he knocked down the White Walker with one punch and seriously injured it, he did not seem too happy because the Homeless Knight gauntlet he hit on the White Walker had completely shattered. The fingers inside were exposed, and the fingers were also covered with a layer of ice that kept seeping in like tarsal poison.

Obviously, the White Walkers must have some kind of magic power. The moment the steel gauntlet came into contact with this magic power, the steel was destroyed by the magic power. This may be the reason why steel weapons are ineffective against White Walkers, and this kind of destruction method and power Linde couldn't help but think of the damage caused by dragon runes to the internal structure of steel.

At this time, the white ghost who was knocked out slowly got up from the ground and turned to look at Lind.

Linde used all his strength in the punch just now. Although the steel gauntlet was destroyed by magic when it touched the White Walker, the power attached to the gauntlet and the hardness of the steel itself did not weaken, and he hit directly. On the White Walker's head, half of the White Walker's handsome face was broken and sunken, and the crystal-like skull fragments were exposed, which looked particularly weird.

However, even though he was so seriously injured, the White Walker remained calm as if he did not feel any pain, except that his remaining eye showed a surprised look, as if he was surprised by Lind's combat power.

From his fist, he felt that the magic power of the White Walkers was very harmful to him. In addition, the gauntlet of one hand was broken. Lind felt that there was no need to continue taking risks to test the strength of the White Walkers with bare hands, so he drew out the lost weapon. The country knight's great sword.

Seeing the sword of the Homeless Knight drawn by Lind, the White Walkers seemed to be able to feel the power in the sword of the Homeless Knight, or perhaps felt that it was made of Valyrian steel, and a hint of fear appeared on their faces. , and then slowly retreated, seemingly afraid of Linde and wanting to evacuate.

However, just as the White Walkers retreated, a large number of grotesque ghouls also came out of the woods. These ghouls included humans and animals. What surprised Lind even more was that among these ghouls, there were three more. There are three White Walkers, but there are obvious differences between these three White Walkers and the other White Walkers.

These three White Walkers are wearing human leather armor, but the outside is covered with a layer of ice crystals. Although the sword in their hands is also made of ice crystals, the hilt is the hilt of a human long sword, and all three White Walkers are The appearance of a human being, not the extremely handsome appearance of an ice elf.

Although Lind was filled with doubts, he had no time to think about it, because after the corpse walked out of the woods, he rushed towards him crazily. Lind directly raised the sword of the Homeless Knight, triggering the storm and thunder. With the dragon rune, his whole body turned into a whirlwind, and a bolt of thunder shuttled through the group of ghouls. Any ghoul that touched him was split into pieces, and instantly lost the magic power supporting their activities, turning into A real corpse.

Although the three human ghosts could see Lind's attack trajectory and reacted, their movements seemed too slow in front of Lind who was fully blessed by two dragon runes. When he raised the ice crystal sword in his hand, Linde's Homeless Knight sword had already split them in half.

Valyrian Steel's restraint on their magic power was immediately apparent. The moment the Lost Knight's sword split open their bodies, they were shattered into countless tiny ice crystals like glass falling from a high altitude. On the ground, it melted into a pool of cold liquid in the blink of an eye.

While these three human ghosts died in Lind's hands, a large number of ghouls around them all fell to the ground, but some ghouls were still able to move and attack Lind.

It's just that the attacks of these ghouls were of no use, and all of them fell in front of Linde in a moment.

Custer, who had died in the hands of Glory before, had also been resurrected by the magic of the White Walkers. When he was about to get up and attack Lind with the other White Walkers, he was attacked again by Glory who rushed out of the woods.

Glory threw Custer to the ground, and then, under Lind's order, tore off all Custer's hands and feet, leaving Custer with only a body and a shaking head.

After solving the zombies and human ghosts, the previous elf ghost had completely retreated into the forest and disappeared. In Lind's special vision, he could not see any magic in the woods. It seemed that he had escaped. .

Linde looked around, then put the sword back into its scabbard. Only then did he have time to think about the questions in his mind.

Obviously there is a hierarchy among the White Walkers. The Elf White Walkers are much stronger than the human White Walkers in terms of physical strength and traces of magic on their bodies, and the human White Walkers also obey the orders of the Elf White Walkers.

From this point of view, the White Walkers should not be created by the curse of the Children of the Forest as stated in previous episodes. They are more like a supernatural race living in extremely cold areas. This race not only controls the magic of ice , also controls the magic power that can resurrect the dead into corpses, and also knows how to turn humans into ghosts. Obviously, the human ghosts just now should have been transformed by the sacrificed babies.

Moreover, he discovered that Valyrian steel was only effective against White Walkers, and the effect of cutting it on the wights was no different from that of ordinary weapons. What really caused these wights to lose their supporting magic power was actually the magic power of the dragon rune, not like Even dragonglass can kill wights as seen in the series.

Just as Lind was thinking about the problem, the baby on the altar cried loudly, which brought Lind's consciousness back to reality.

Lind walked to the altar, blew out the candles at the four corners of the altar, took out this special candle and put it in his pocket. When he returned, he handed it to Moroya along with the slate for study. He then picked up the baby and put the altar in his arms. The stone slabs on the surface were removed, carried on the shoulders, and turned towards Custer's fortress.

Glory also picked up the clothes of the corpse Custer, followed Linde, and left the sacrificial site full of corpses.Not long after Linde and Glory left, the elf ghost from before reappeared at the sacrificial site. His face had returned to its original shape. He stood on the edge of the sacrificial site and looked at the direction Lind left. , then retreated into the forest and disappeared.

After Lind returned to Custer's fortress, he directly entered the house with Glory.

At this time, Custer's wife had not yet fallen asleep, and even the wife who had fainted from crying was sitting among them. They sat together, lowered their heads, and murmured words, as if they were praying to some unknown god. Same as praying.

When the deerskin door curtain was lifted and the cold wind blew into the house, these women couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the person who came in. However, when they saw that the person who came was not Custer, but was carrying a stone slab. , all showed expressions of surprise when they held the baby Linde.

But the moment they walked into the house with the glory of the corpse Custer in their mouths, all the women invariably let out screams of fear. These screams were extremely harsh and penetrated directly through the walls of the house, knocking out the Rangers outside. I woke up with a start.

Bunyan and others thought something had happened, so they immediately drew their weapons and rushed into the house. However, when they saw Lind standing by the bonfire and the huge glory next to him, they all breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously thought it was Glory scares these women.

"You don't have to be afraid!" Bunyan put away the weapons and comforted the women: "This is Lord Linde's pet. It will not hurt you."

At this time, a woman pointed to Custer in Glory's mouth and said: "Ka, Custer..."

Following the woman's fingers, everyone saw Custer being held in Glory's mouth, and saw Custer with only one body left and no limbs.

"Lord Linde, what's going on?" Everyone was stunned immediately, and Bunyan and Mance also asked Linde in unison.

Linde did not answer their questions directly, but put down the slate, walked to the woman, and handed the baby in his hand to his mother.

Facing the lost baby, the fear in the woman's heart disappeared instantly. As a result, the baby cried with joy and kept saying the same words to Linde in a somewhat unfamiliar language. It must have been some words of thanks.

Later, Lind signaled Glory to throw the corpse Custer to the ground, and the surrounding life breath made Custer, who only had a body, keep squirming like a bug. In the eyes of the rangers, Custer seemed to be struggling because of pain. .

Just when one of the rangers was about to step forward to help Custer up, Lind walked over and pushed the ranger away.

Everyone was puzzled by Lind's actions, but the careful Mance Rayder discovered that the steel gauntlet on Lind's right hand had been damaged, and traces of fragmentation could still be seen on the wrist, but the marks did not look like Destroyed by external force, it is like broken ice.

Just when everyone was confused, Lind suddenly took the long sword of a ranger, and then inserted the sword from Custer's back, penetrated his body, and nailed him directly. on the ground.

"Lord Linde, are you crazy?" Bunyan looked in disbelief when he saw Linde's actions. The knight he admired could be so cruel, not even sparing a person who had his limbs chopped off.

However, the calm Mance Rayder reached out and grabbed Bunyan's shoulder, pointed at Craster and said, "Calm down and look at Craster."

At this time, everyone looked at Custer on the ground in stunned silence. In their opinion, Custer should be dead now, but Custer, who was nailed to the ground, was still twisting his body, as if There is no such thing as a long sword that can penetrate the body.

At this time, Mance Rayder thought of some ancient legends beyond the wall and murmured: "Wight, Custer has turned into a wight."

Everyone screamed in surprise and backed away, as if the corpse had a plague that would be contagious if approached.

"Lord Linde, what is going on?" Bunyan asked the same question again, but at this moment his face was full of confusion.

Linde did not hide it any more, and recounted what had just happened, but modified the reason for the follow-up, changing the fact that he knew what Custer was going to do to the fact that he found out what Custer was holding. Feeling suspicious when the baby left the house, he followed it.

After hearing Lind say that Custer actually sacrificed his son to the White Walkers, everyone's eyes were full of anger, staring at Custer who had turned into a corpse, although there were many criminals among these rangers. People who commit serious crimes such as murder, but in their eyes Custer's crime is a thousand times more serious than them. Custer's actions not only betrayed mankind, but even committed the crime of parricide that is unforgivable by gods.

Afterwards, when Lind talked about his battle with several White Walkers and a group of corpses, everyone held their breath. Even Custer's wives looked at Lind in shock.

And when they heard Lind say that he had killed three human White Walkers, beaten away one Elf White Walker, and eliminated all the corpses, everyone looked at Lind as if they were looking at gods.

They did not doubt that what Lind said was false, because Lind had already demonstrated his power in Castle Black. Faced with the siege of hundreds of Night Watchmen, he easily solved them, and Everyone could see that he had made no contribution during the whole process, and this was even without using the two magic swords.

Therefore, they believed that even if Lind faced hundreds of ghouls, he would be able to deal with it easily. And they also saw the damage to Lind's steel gauntlets, and believed that only the legendary White Walkers could damage Lind's armor. damage.

As for Custer's wives, they knew exactly what their husbands were doing, and since Lind was able to bring Custer, who had turned into a corpse, and also brought back the baby as a sacrifice, it was tantamount to his victory over The best proof of the White Walkers.

In the past countless years, the White Walkers were like gods in the eyes of these savages. Now that Lind has defeated the White Walkers, Linde is no different than a god.

(End of this chapter)

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