Chapter 160 Ice Dragon
Inside the house, everyone was sitting around the firepit. Custer's wives, as the owners of the house, also sat in a corner. The firepit was too small to accommodate everyone. There were more rangers standing outside, and the ghouls Custer was tied up with ropes and placed outside the house, watched by seventeen Rangers.

"What to do next?" The legendary thing appeared in front of them. Not only did Bunyan have no idea at all, but even Mance Rayder's mind was empty at the moment. They could only ask Lind for advice.

"Commander-in-Chief Mormont has always felt that there are not enough manpower, and the Seven Kingdoms do not have much support for the Night's Watch." Linde used a branch to fiddle with the wooden stakes in the fire pit to make the flames burn more vigorously: "You can put Take this ghoul to King's Landing to show it to the king and the great lords, to see what is beyond the wall, and to make them feel the danger. They will naturally pay attention to the safety of the Wall. When the time comes, the Night's Watch will need people. With money, it’s not difficult to restore it to its original glory.”

Hearing Lind's words, all the rangers' eyes lit up in unison. Undoubtedly, Lind's answer was the best answer, at least for the rangers. It was just Mance Rayder and a few of his people in the room. A look of concern flashed across his companion's face.

"However, when you transport it, you have to be careful. Don't let it be exposed to the sun for a long time, and don't let it touch the fire." Linde reminded: "It's best to get a cage to put it in."

After hearing this, Bunyan nodded and said, "I know how to do it."

Lind turned to look at Custer's wives. Most of them had relief in their eyes, but there were also one or two with hatred in their eyes.

Lind said calmly: "Custer is dead, and the White Walkers were killed by me. The protection contract he and the White Walkers obtained through sacrifice no longer exists. It will be very dangerous for you to stay here, or you will If you are killed by a White Walker or a wight, or you will die from an attack by the savage tribesmen raiders, it is best for you and the rangers to live south of the Great Wall, which will be much safer."

Many of the women had a look of excitement in their eyes, but the oldest old woman shook her head vigorously and said: "No, this is our home, we live here and we are not going anywhere."

After the old woman said this, the other women around her looked frustrated.

Linde stared at the old woman and said in a deep voice: "Madam, you seem to have misunderstood what I meant. I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm telling you my decision. Do you understand?"

Under Lind's gaze, a panicked look appeared on the old woman's face. She lowered her head and replied in a low voice, "Yes, sir."

Lind turned to look at Benyan and said, "You should leave immediately at dawn tomorrow. Don't stop on the way. Take the man and the corpse back to Castle Black as soon as possible."

"Yes, Lord Linde." Bunyan nodded quickly and said.

"I will go with you tomorrow. I will take care of you on the way." Mance Rayder suddenly said.

Without waiting for Bunyan to answer, Linde said in a deep voice: "No need, you and I will continue heading north together. We are going to the Fist of the First Men."

A gloomy look flashed across Mance Rayder's face. He and his companions exchanged glances with each other, and then asked Lind: "My lord, why are you going to the Fist of the First Men?"

Lind seemed to have seen through Mance Rayder's heart and said, "I told you, go find the legendary Horn of Winter."

The night passed quickly. When the sky had just brightened and the sun had not yet appeared in the east, Bunyan couldn't wait to lead his rangers with the corpse Custer and Custer's wives towards the desperate situation. Speeding away in the direction of the Great Wall.

Last night, they used the materials on hand to build cages for the ghouls. Because they were not particularly strong and they were worried that they would fall apart on the road, they built three cages. They also covered the cages with deerskin blankets and curtains to block the sunlight. Although the corpse Custer had no arms and legs, he was still tied up with ropes, especially his head, which was covered with a piece of animal skin.

In addition, Lind also asked Benyan to take the sacrificial tablet back and give it to Maester Aemon so that he could see what secrets it contained.

After Benyan left with the rangers from Castle Black, Linder, Mance Rayder and others continued north. After walking a certain distance north, they happened to pass by the sacrificial site and saw corpses all over the ground. Finally, I was speechless for a while.

After passing through the sacrificial site, the Ranger guide led the team and began to walk toward the northwest, because everyone was still immersed in the scene just now and did not speak.

After a while, a young ranger said: "It seems that the legendary White Walkers are not very strong. Even Lord Linde can easily defeat several of them."

Hearing this ranger's words, everyone else around them looked at their companion as if they were a fool.

"You also said, that's Lord Linde, not us." A ranger said angrily.

Lind looked at the young ranger and said, "The White Walkers are very strong, even for me, they are still very strong."

The people around him looked indifferent when they heard this, thinking that Linde was just being modest, but they didn't know that what Linde said was true.

Although it seemed that Lind easily defeated the three human White Walkers, that was only because Lind's strength and speed far exceeded the three human White Walkers, and he also mastered the Valyrian steel that could completely restrain the White Walkers.

But this does not mean that Lind really has a complete suppression effect on the White Walkers. Once the strength and speed of the two are almost the same, then the White Walkers are also very dangerous to him.

Because just as Valyrian steel is deadly to them, the weapons of the White Walkers are equally deadly to Lind. Once the opponent's weapon hits him, even if he wears steel armor, he will be injured, so the set of Valyrian steel is also fatal to Lind. Obtaining the armor of the lost knight made of Lelian steel was an urgent matter for him.

In addition, when reviewing the battle process at night and taking inventory of the key points of the battle with the White Walkers, he discovered three things that he had not noticed before, and these three things were both good and bad for him.

The first thing he did was to find that the elves and ghosts' sensing ability was not much worse than his. When Lind caught him off guard and punched him on the head, although he couldn't avoid it, he reacted in time and punched him on the head. The head moved along with Lind's fist, weakening the power of the fist in this way, otherwise, not only half of his head would be broken.

With such fast reaction ability and super self-healing power, he is undoubtedly a strong opponent for Linde, and more importantly, if the White Walkers are a group, then there are existences like the Elf White Walkers. , will definitely not be the strongest among the White Walkers, it can only be a vanguard. Linde cannot predict how powerful the stronger White Walkers can be. Maybe they can really be comparable to those ancient gods. Degree.

The second thing is that Valyrian steel is not as absolutely fatal to the White Walkers as he thought.When he was killing the three human White Walkers, one of the human White Walkers blocked the Homeless Knight's sword with his arm. Although the human White Walker's arm was shattered into ice crystals by the sword, it was only The arm that was chopped off was just broken, but the body of the human White Walker was not broken until he split the body of the human White Walker in half.

In other words, Valyrian steel will be fatal to the White Walkers only if they are fatally injured, and it seems that this is only true for the human White Walkers. It is not yet clear whether the same is true for the elven White Walkers.

Valyrian steel is like this, so the effect of dragon crystal is probably similar.

As a result, it becomes very difficult for ordinary people to kill the White Walkers. The strength and agility of the human White Walkers alone are far superior to ordinary human warriors. Once the two fight, even if the human warriors have the magic weapon in their hands, It would probably be difficult for Leyrian steel weapons or dragon crystal weapons to cause fatal injuries or kill them.

As for the third thing, it was slightly better. After he killed the three human ghosts, three invisible magic powers were drilled out of the evaporated bodies of the three human ghosts and injected into the dragon runes. Not only The dragon rune in the sword of the Homeless Knight, and even the dragon rune in his heart, have absorbed some of the White Walker magic.

This phenomenon also exists in the memories of the homeless knights. Only the homeless knights who have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony will have this ability. This ability is called Dragon Feast, which is specifically aimed at the giant dragon. After killing the dragon, It will absorb some of the dragon's power, and it feels a bit like a grasping treasure from another world.

However, just like directly eating the dragon's heart to perform the dragon feast ritual, killing the dragon and obtaining the original magic power emitted by the dragon when it died will also affect the mind of the homeless knight, but the effect is slightly weaker.

But what makes Lind feel strange now is that he clearly killed a White Walker. Why did the power of Dragon Feast come into play?And he thought about it, and the only answer he could think of was that the power of these ghosts might be related to dragons.

This reminded him of a legend about the ancestors beyond the Great Wall and a story about a constellation called the Ice Dragon that he had read in Castle Black's collection of books.

According to legend, there is a kind of ice dragon that lives in the Shivering Sea and the Great White Waste. They are the prototype of the ice dragon constellation in the sky. This kind of ice dragon's whole body is made of ice crystals, its eyes are blue, and its wings are transparent. The ice crystals are very similar to the strange ghosts, or they can be called dragon ghosts.

Since the magic of the White Walkers inspired Dragon Feast, it undoubtedly proves that the White Walkers are closely related to the legendary ice dragon. Perhaps the White Walkers are a race created by the ice dragon.

"Lord Lind." While Lind was thinking about the problem, Mance Rayder approached Lind and called in a low voice.

Lind pulled away from his thoughts, looked at Mance Rayder, and asked: "Brother Mance, what's the matter?"

Mance Rayder was silent for a moment and said: "I saw Custer's wounds yesterday. His fatal wound was on his neck. The beast bit his throat and died."

Lind said: "You want to say that Custer was killed by me and then turned into a corpse."

Mance Rayder looked at Lind and said, "Guest rights are an extremely ancient and sacred oath."

"I can tell you for sure that it was I who asked Glory to kill Custer. In addition, I did not violate the guest's rights." Linde smiled and said: "Brother Mance, don't forget, I did not eat cards. Bread and salt provided by the Steers.”

Hearing Lind's words, Mance Rayder was stunned, and soon remembered that it was indeed as Lind said, that he did not eat Custer's bread and salt. At that time, he thought Lind was disgusted with the poor bread. He didn't eat it and just ignored it. Thinking about it now, Linde might have already planned to kill Custer.

However, what puzzled Mance Rayder was why Lynd Terra, a great southern noble who had never been beyond the Great Wall, wanted to kill a wild man beyond the Great Wall?

Although Mance Rayder was full of doubts, he did not continue to ask. Instead, he continued to ask questions that he had not finished last night and said: "Lord Lind, I still have some questions about the wild people beyond the wall last night. I haven’t figured it out yet and would like to know your opinion?”

"Does it matter what I think?" Lind asked directly without waiting for Mance Rayder to speak out the question.

Mance Rayder hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Lind then directly shattered Mance Rayder's expectations and said: "You actually made a mistake. The reason why I accepted the savage tribe is because the savage tribe is willing to change their lives according to my requirements and integrate into The center of my territory serves me, so I accept them. Those savage tribes that are unwilling to serve me are either directly eliminated by me, or they are thrown into the mines by me, and they will mine for me forever for generations to come. .”

Mance Rayder's face turned a little pale when he heard this.

"Even the way I deal with the savage tribe is good enough in your eyes. Then you can imagine the attitude of the other nobles of the seven kingdoms towards the savage tribe." Linde reached out and scratched Glory's arm. The head came out, and then motioned it to play around, and then continued: "The reason why you asked me this question is actually because you want to know whether the Seven Kingdoms will accept the wild tribes beyond the wall, right? I can tell you very clearly, Under the current circumstances, absolutely not.”

Lind's voice was not loud, but it was very loud. Even if it was blocked by the sound of wind and snow, everyone around him could hear it. Not only Mance Rayder had a disappointed look on his face, but also his brothers of the Night's Watch. Their faces also became very ugly.

Lind then said something shocking: "Brother Mance, what made you sympathize with the wild people beyond the wall, and then lead your ranger brothers to betray their oath?"

Hearing Linde's words, all the surrounding rangers showed panic expressions, and they invariably touched their weapons. However, when they touched the weapons, they all let go because they realized that they What he faced was Lind, the Chosen One who could easily defeat thousands of wights and the legendary White Walkers.

"As expected, you knew from the beginning that I had betrayed my oath." Mance Rayder looked at Lind and asked, "Can you tell me where I have flawed?"

Linde smiled and said nothing.

Mance Rayder did not continue to ask. He just smiled to himself and said, "You may be mistaken. I didn't break my oath because I sympathized with the wildlings. I just don't like the black cloak. Jeor Mo." Ermen should not force me to change my red cloak into a black cloak." As he said that, he looked at Lind and asked, "What are you going to do with us now? Are you going to execute us on the spot, or arrest us and imprison us?" Return to the Great Wall?"

Lind looked at Mance Rayder and then at the surrounding rangers, shrugged and said, "I'm not a Night Watchman. Your internal affairs are none of my business."

(End of this chapter)

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