Chapter 161
"That's the Fist of the First Men." Mance Rayder pointed ahead.

After passing through a forest, the group came to a hill, from where they could see a huge mountain rising on the horizon.

From a distance, this mountain peak appears a bit abruptly. On a flat land, a fist-shaped hill suddenly appears. It feels like there is a giant underground trying to extend its fist out of the ground.

Because they knew that Lind had no intention of interfering with the Night Watch, the Oathbreaker Rangers who felt safe were also relaxed a lot, and their mood also caused them to move much faster. It originally took two days to complete the journey. The journey only took a day and a half to complete. At noon, they had reached the boundary where they could see the Fist of the First People.

"Sir, are you telling the truth? The Horn of Winter is really on the Fist of the First Men?" Mance Rayder continued to lead the team to the Fist of the First Men, and asked Lind again beside him. .

Lin De replied in a deep voice: "If nothing unexpected happens, it should be at the corner of the index finger of the Ancestors Fist Peak."

"There was no accident?" Mance Rayder looked at Linde doubtfully.

Linde frowned and said: "The book recording the Horn of Winter is derived from a ranger's patrol diary, but I don't know whether it is because of the recorder or the content of the ranger's diary. This paragraph about the Horn of Winter is There are many contradictions in the content of the horn. I found the ranger’s diary in Castle Black, but many parts of the diary have been bitten by insects, and it is impossible to see what the original record is.”

Mance Rayder suggested: "Can you tell me what's inside? Maybe we can provide you with some useful guesses."

Lind thought for a while and felt that this was also a way to think of one person as a countermeasure and two people as a countermeasure, so he told everyone about the content about Ranger Rorschach and the Horn of Winter, and also expressed his doubts. .

Someone casually speculated: "If this Rorschach was actually dead, but he was resurrected later, but became a corpse..."

The Oathbreaker Ranger next to him gave his companion a roll of his eyes and said, "You were resurrected as a ghoul, and then the ghoul wrote a diary. How smart do you have to be to come up with this answer?"

Others also laughed at the companion who gave a fantastic idea.

Although this speculation is somewhat absurd, it is not impossible. At least in the memory of the lost knight, there are cases where the corpse still retains the wisdom of life.

Lin De said in a deep voice: "No matter what, as long as you get to the Fist of the Ancients, you will know the true situation. And even if there are contradictions in the story, it doesn't matter, as long as the Horn of Winter in the story is really buried there, the truth of the story will be fine. Don’t worry about fakeness.”

Everyone thought it was reasonable, so they speeded up the process. They also wanted to see what the legendary artifact that could awaken the underground giant and destroy the Great Wall looked like.

Although they had already seen the Fist of the First People in the distance at noon, it was almost evening before they reached the top of the Fist of the First People.

At the top of the mountain, I saw a circle of artificial walls that formed the shape of a ring fort. Within the walls, there were the remains of several buildings and some tombs. Other than that, there were only a bunch of strange-shaped buildings. Rocks.

Although the ring fort in front of you is simple, it can still be regarded as a historic site. According to records, it was built by the ancestors of the Dawn Era and has a history of 6000 to [-] years.

A group of people entered the ring fort. The rangers unloaded the firewood they had picked up along the way on their horses, then piled up various rocks and built them together with the walls of several surrounding ruins to create a wind barrier. , light a bonfire and build a camp.

Linde, under the guidance of Mance Rayder, came to a place called Index Finger Point. There were indeed graves here, and there were more than one graves.

"So many graves? Which one contains the Horn of Winter?" Mance Rayder looked at the graves in front of him and couldn't help but wonder.

"If we clean them one by one, it may take a whole night." The oath-breaking ranger said.

"There is no need to clean them one by one." After reaching the top of the mountain, Linde had already used his long-range vision to look at the surrounding situation. In his eyes, only one of the graves was emitting extremely weak magic power.

I saw that he walked alone to a place near the cliff on the edge of the mountain, moved a large stone away, and saw the suppressed grave mound below.

Following him, he quickly cleared away the rubble and soon saw a corner of the black cloak.

Mance Rayder and his men came over to help with the cleanup, and the mound was soon cleared.

I saw about eight corpses of night watchmen placed in this grave, and their weapons were also placed here. Perhaps because of the surrounding environment, the weapons were still in good condition.

In addition, next to these corpses are arrowheads and spearheads made of obsidian, as well as several obsidian daggers.

Lind reminded them: "Put away these obsidian arrowheads and daggers. These can be used to hurt or kill the White Walkers. They are the things you will use to save your lives outside the wall in the future."

After hearing Lind's words, Mance Rayder and others immediately squatted down and picked up every piece of obsidian they saw on the ground.

"What about the corpse?" someone asked while picking up the obsidian.

Lind explained: "There are two methods, one is to burn them with fire, and the other is to use other powers to dispel the ghost magic in their bodies."

As he spoke, he walked to the only corpse of a night watchman in sight that was emitting weak magic power. He squatted down and lifted off the cloak on it, and then saw a bronze horn placed under the cloak. It is also the source of magic in his eyes.

Mance Rayder also saw Lind pick up a bronze horn that was not particularly large from a corpse. He couldn't help but stop what he was doing, walked to Lind's side, and asked in an extremely excited tone: "What's this?" Is it the Horn of Winter?”

"Maybe?" Linde did not give a definite answer.

What is certain now is that this horn is broken. A very obvious crack extends from the top of the horn to the end, completely cutting the mysterious runes on the bronze surface into two pieces. If you look closely, this crack looks like it was covered by a It's like cutting an extremely sharp sword.

Although it has been damaged for such a long time, the magic power contained in this horn is still very amazing, which shows how powerful it is when it is intact.

In addition, Lind also discovered that the horn actually had two layers. In addition to the outer bronze shell covered with mysterious runes, the inner layer of the horn was also inlaid with circles of black stones polished into a ring shape.

At first, Lind thought it was obsidian, but upon closer inspection, he found that these black stones were very similar to the foundation material Lind saw at the Black Stone Fortress at the bottom of the towering tower in Old Town. They looked like the same kind of stone.

One is the foundation of the island at the southernmost point of Westeros continent, and the other is the legendary artifact at the northernmost point of Westeros continent. These two things are actually connected together by a special black stone. This not only makes people feel... More doubts also make people want to explore further.

Compared to Lind being concerned about the secrets contained in the Horn of Winter, Mance Rayder was more concerned about the function of the horn. After he heard Lind give an uncertain answer, he couldn't help but ask: "Why is it possible?" Really?" Lind turned to look at Mance Rayder and said: "This horn is too small, much smaller than I expected. Do you think that when such a horn is blown at the Great Wall, the Great Wall will collapse? What was the reaction?"

After hearing Lind's words, Mance Rayder couldn't help but have related pictures in his mind. This also made him understand why Lind said he was not sure. It was because the gap between the two was too big. No matter how small the Horn of Winter is, it should be as big as a giant. After all, it is to awaken the giants of the earth to knock down the Great Wall. This horn is too small.

Linde did not continue to study the Horn of Winter. He walked to the horse, took out a preparation box from the saddle's backpack, put it in, and then put it back into the backpack and placed it with the dragon egg.

At this time, he suddenly saw that the dragon egg that had not been maintained for two days seemed to have undergone some changes, so he took the dragon egg out of his backpack and put it by the fire to look at it carefully.

I saw that there was an extra layer of patterns that looked like blood vessels on the surface of the originally petrified shell, connecting all the scales on the surface of the dragon egg together, and the magic power contained inside the dragon egg not only became stronger, but also A magical vibration similar to a heartbeat was formed.

"Is this a dragon egg?" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw what Linde took out.

Mance Rayder, who was packing up the obsidian arrowheads, also heard the sound and looked over. Then he handed over the packing of the arrowheads to his subordinates. He walked over and looked at the dragon egg in Linde's hand in surprise, and said: "The song "The Chosen One" What the Song of Ghosts and Dragon Eggs say is true, did you really get a dragon egg from the ghost in Summer Hall?"

"Yes." Linde did not deny it, and then motioned for everyone not to disturb him, called Glory to his side, and then used the dragon runes to start the routine maintenance of the dragon eggs.

Different from the previous maintenance process where there was no reaction, this time with the injection of his dragon rune power, the vein-like patterns on the surface of the dragon egg began to shine with bursts of faint red light, and every time the red light flashed, The scales on the surface of the dragon egg will also shine red with silvery blue light.

Seeing the strange scene in front of them, everyone around them forgot what they were doing for a while, and everyone looked at Linde and the dragon egg in his hand quietly.

This maintenance did not last long. Soon Linde felt that the dragon egg's endurance of the power of the dragon rune had reached its limit, so he stopped.

The dragon egg has returned to its petrified state as before, but if you look carefully, you can still see that the blood vessel-like pattern is still flickering faintly like a heart.

When contacting the dragon egg through the dragon rune, Linde clearly felt that the dragon egg had become very different from the last time he maintained it. As for the cause of all these changes, he guessed that it should be the Great Wall of Despair. When he passed through the Great Wall of Impasse and the dragon runes were affected, the dragon eggs were also affected, and judging from the current situation, this effect may be benign, at least for now.

"Lord Linde, do you want to hatch a dragon?" Someone couldn't help but asked after seeing the strange phenomenon on the dragon egg disappear.

"It's not the time yet, it's not the time yet." Linde did not answer his question directly, but gave a completely confusing response.

Afterwards, Lind stood up and put the dragon eggs back into his backpack, took down some animals that Glory had hunted on the road from his horse, and threw them to Mance Rayder and others for them to deal with.

Someone took the prey and took out a knife to handle it while saying: "It would be nice if there was wine. There must be wine hidden in Custer's cellar. He drank it all night and didn't finish it. We should search for it when we leave." Search."

"Shut up! We still had guest rights with the Custer family. You will be despised by the gods if you do that." said an oath-breaking ranger who should be a believer of an old god.

The man quibbled: "Now that Custer is dead, guest rights are cancelled."

"But Custer's wife is still here."

Someone interrupted the two people arguing and said, "What do you think will happen when Benjen Stark returns to Castle Black with the wight Craster?"

"Some of them are going to be scared to shit."

"Just like you, I was sleeping next to you yesterday and smelled like piss."

"Shut up, you smell piss because you live next to a sheep pen with a fat sheep's butt facing you."

Amidst the noise of these oath-breaking rangers, they quickly processed the prey, touched the coarse salt, and baked it on the fire. Soon they heard the sound of sizzling oil, and a smell of meat began to float away. Come on.

"Where are you going to go next?" Linde flipped over the baked food in front of him and asked casually.

Mance Rayder thought for a while and said: "I made an agreement with Grieg, the leader of the tree tribe, that he will bring people to pick me up, and then he may go to the Thann area in the north."

"Will he trust the Night's Watch?" Lind asked.

"Yes, because I have already broken my oath in front of him." Mance Rayder responded simply, without specifying what oath I had broken. Then he pointed to the other oath-breaking Night's Watchmen and said: "They all also We have broken our oaths, and we are all bastards. One of our parents is always a night watchman, and the other is a freeman. The status of bastards in the night watch is not even as good as that of robbers, murderers and rapists. They are always on guard against us. "

Linde said solemnly: "What you are doing now just confirms their thoughts. The bastards cannot believe it."

Mance Rayder fell silent and did not respond.

Lind did not ask any more questions, but said to Mance Rayder: "After Benyan brings the wights to King's Landing, it will definitely attract the attention of the king and the great nobles, and the overall strength of the Night's Watch will definitely increase as a result. , by then, the patrol range of the Night Watch will most likely expand to the Fist of the First Men, and there will probably be more and more fights between the Savage Tribe and the Night Watch. Coupled with the emergence of the White Walkers, the Savage Tribe will be outside the Great Wall. My life will only become more and more difficult. I hope you will not regret your decision to break your oath when the time comes, the future King Beyond the Wall."

"The King Beyond the Wall?" Mance Rayder was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Is this a prophecy?"

The people around him also booed, but Linde did not answer them.

"There is movement, there is movement at the bottom of the mountain!" At this time, the person responsible for standing on the cliff suddenly shouted loudly.

When everyone heard the sound, they immediately ran over and looked down the mountain.

However, due to the wind and snow, I couldn't see clearly what was going on below. I could only vaguely see a lot of people running away, and even dozens of giants among them.

Compared to others, Lind could see more clearly. He saw that the scene under the mountain was the White Walkers hunting wildlings.

(End of this chapter)

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