Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 163 Stone Giant

Chapter 163 Stone Giant

After rescuing the tree tribe and giants from the White Walkers, Lind did not leave. He joined Mance Rayder and others, and together they went with the tree tribe to the refuge in the Fangs of Frost, a place located in the Frost Fang. The hidden valley in the Snow Fang Mountains is said to have gathered dozens of tribes fleeing from other places.

On the way, they also met other savage tribes. Some of the savage tribes joined their team and went to the Hidden Valley Shelter. Some savage tribes planned to go to Hardhome in the east. It is said that there are boats there that can go around. Cross the Great Wall and go to the south of the Great Wall.

However, Mance Rayder told the tribal leaders that Hardhome's ships would never take them anywhere south of the Wall, but only to the slave camps across the Narrow Sea.

The leaders of the savage tribe did not believe what Mance Rayder said. Even though the leader of the tree tribe, Gerry, repeatedly assured that Mance Rayder and others were good crows, they still did not believe anything the crow said.

Linde has been learning the ancient language from the leader of the tree tribe during this time, which can facilitate his communication with the giants. Compared with those complex languages, the ancient language is obviously simpler, and most of them are single syllables that represent certain things. Not too complicated syntax.

In just two days, he had learned all the ancient languages ​​​​that Gerry knew and could communicate normally with the giants.

These giants who regarded Lind as a god and decided to serve him all came from an ancient tribe of giants called stone people. They lived in the White Wilds and built giant cities there.

However, in the very ancient past, the giants' city was destroyed by the ice dragon and rounded up by the White Walkers, which forced them to migrate south. Thousands of years later, these 26 giants are now the only members of their tribe. In order to distinguish the hairy giants outside the Great Wall, the savage tribes usually call them stone giants.

The name of this stone giant leader is Mag, which is a simplified name. The giant’s real name is too long and consists of more than a dozen words. However, when they decided to serve Lind, a person regarded as a god, they Add a name of Gowa in front of the name, such as Gowa Mag, which means God's Mag.

Linde was very interested in the history of the Stone Giant, especially things about the White Wilderness and the Ice Dragon, so he talked a lot with Mag on the way. Unfortunately, Mag was a Stone Giant who was born after the Stone Giant moved outside the Great Wall. I have never been to Bai Dahuang, but I only know some things about Bai Dahuang from my ancestors. However, due to the language, most of the content mentioned is fragmented, and it is difficult to provide useful information.

However, during the conversation, Lind unexpectedly discovered that Mag was actually a female giant. Although he learned in the book that both men and women looked the same among the giants outside the Great Wall, he never expected that the bearded man in front of him had no female characteristics in appearance. The giant turned out to be a woman.

Moreover, among the 26 stone giants, there are seventeen female giants, and there are only nine male giants, and these nine male giants are obviously a head shorter than the other female giants.

After these giants saw Glory, whose size was obviously different from the ordinary shadow lynx, they all called Glory Taka.

Mag explained that it was a mysterious beast that lived in the White Wilds. It was said that Taka could grow to the same size as a dragon and feed on giant dragons. Its most obvious feature was that it was larger than the shadow lynx.

Linde felt that Taka might be a variant of the shadow lynx like Glory. As for the so-called feeding on the dragon, it might have something to do with it devouring the resentful soul energy containing the dragon soul.

As for eventually growing into a huge body like a giant dragon, judging from the current growth situation of Glory, it seems unlikely to be achieved. After all, if Glory wants to grow, it must swallow a large amount of resentful soul energy containing dragon souls. Where are there so many resentful souls now? Energy can be consumed by glory.

And not every kind of resentful soul energy can promote the growth of Glory. For example, the resentful soul energy in Summer Hall only gives Glory special abilities, so Linde can only let Glory take its course. What Glory can grow into in the end depends on luck. .

This team, which was a mixture of several savage tribes, oath-breaking night watchmen, and giants, moved very slowly. It took them three days to go south to a fork of the Milk River, because they did not carry any materials or supplies when they escaped. They can only be obtained by hunting on the road, and there are many wounded people in the team, which also slows down the progress of the journey.

Fortunately, in the past three days, they never encountered White Walkers or corpses again, and the snowstorm stopped completely. Moreover, Lind also saw the surge of magic power from a weirwood tree with a human face carved on it. The Eye Crow has begun to recover and is using weirwood to form a barrier-like environment outside the wall.

In this environment, although the White Walkers will not be harmed, they should be subject to certain restrictions, and their power will even be weakened as a result, to the point that even ordinary people can kill them, such as the future White Walker killer Sam Will Tully.

"Damn it, the ice has melted!" Standing on the bank of the Ruhe River, Gerry looked at the ice floes that had broken into pieces in front of him, his face a little ugly.

"Chop down trees and make rafts," suggested Mance Rayder.

Someone else suggested: "Let the giant drive wooden piles in the water to make a simple crossing bridge."

Just as everyone was talking about their ideas, Lind led Glory to the river on horseback and said to Gerry, Mance Rayder and others: "Follow me."

Then, under everyone's doubtful gazes, Linde clamped the horse's belly and drove Hei Feng to the river.

However, when Heifeng's horse's hoof stepped on the water, the horse's hoof did not sink into the water, but stepped firmly on the water, because the river water under its feet had already formed a thick layer of ice when it fell, and As it gradually moved forward, the ice spread quickly, connecting the ice floes together to form an ice bridge.

Everyone who witnessed this miraculous scene, whether they were those who had seen Lind kill the White Walkers before, or the savage tribe who later joined, were all filled with unparalleled reverence in their eyes, and they shouted to him in the name of the gods.

While everyone was still immersed in the fervent admiration mood, the giants shouting Gowa's name had already stepped on the ice bridge first. The solid ice bridge easily withstood the weight of the giants without breaking or falling. Shen.

Seeing this, everyone else also stepped onto the ice bridge and walked towards the other side.

When everyone walked across the ice bridge, Linde drew out his sword and slashed at the ice bridge. The entire ice bridge shattered into countless ice crystals in front of everyone and was washed away by the river, as if it did not exist. More than average.

In the view of Gerry and others, after crossing the Milk River, they would be safe. White Walkers and corpses could not cross the river, and the next journey would be much easier.

Because there was no worry of being chased by the White Walkers, the team's pace became much brisker. Soon they went deep into the mountains of Frostfang. After climbing over several hills, they came to a canyon. Entrance.

The savage sentry standing at the top of the canyon had already seen the team when they climbed over the distant hills, and blew the horn in his hand to notify the people inside the canyon.

When the team marched to the entrance of the canyon, there were already many people waiting at the entrance of the canyon. Gerry quickened his pace, walked out of the team, and ran towards the people in front. The savage leaders waiting there also ran towards Gerry. Came over.

These savage tribe leaders, both male and female, seemed to have a good relationship with Gerry. After seeing Gerry, they took the initiative to hug him, and then asked him about his migration in their own language.When the team walked up to them, they saw Mance Rayder and others wearing black cloaks. Their faces immediately showed displeasure, and they shouted something at Gerry.

"Mance is a good crow. He has broken the crow's oath. Now he is a free man." Gerry spoke loudly in Common Tongue, not only to the leaders of the wildling tribes, but also to Mance. Reid said.

Mance Rayder stepped forward, took the initiative to salute the leaders of the savage tribe, and skillfully explained his situation in the language of the savage tribe.

The faces of the leaders of the savage tribe also became better. One of the oldest leaders asked Mance Rayder and others to throw away the black cloak. Mance Rayder did so, and then they believed Mance Rayder. The others are no longer night watchmen.

Then, they led the team towards the canyon, and only then did they see Linde, who was guarded by the giant team in the middle, and the glory beside Linde.

Someone immediately asked Gerry in a low voice who Linde was. In their eyes, Linde was not a powerful knight, but more like a fool, because he actually wore metal armor in such a cold place, even though he had a head. The huge beast followed, and it was just a fool who tamed the huge beast.

However, when they heard Gerry's narration about Linde, they all looked at Gerry as if they were looking at fools. What flew down from the mountains was like the incarnation of thunder, killing the corpses. and the White Walkers, etc., it all sounds like a drunken hallucination.

However, when the tribal leaders who were familiar with the Stone Giant saw that the Stone Giant treated Linde with such submissiveness, as if he were treating a god, they felt that what Gerry said might be true.

The canyon is not very long. It took about five or six minutes to walk through it. On the opposite side of the canyon is a valley. The valley is surrounded by mountains and is full of trees in the middle. Streams formed by melted snow gather in the middle of the valley. A small lake was formed, and a large number of tents and wooden houses were built in a chaotic manner around the lake. Thousands of savages were walking around the camp, and among them were more than a dozen hairy giants. These giants were assisting the savages in building houses.

Seeing the hairy giant, the stone giant's rock-hard face all showed an expression of disgust, and the hairy giants saw the stone giant and roared provocatively at them.

However, both sides seemed to stop at expressing their attitudes with expressions and movements, and had no intention of directly attacking each other.

Seeing that the giants did not take action, the savage leaders were slightly relieved, and then they arranged the stone giants in the caves on the edge of the valley. This was an environment that the stone giants liked very much.

Linde also rested outside the cave with the stone giant.

Compared with those hairy giants who don't know how to build houses, the stone giants are very good at building. Before dark, they had built a simple spire house for Linde, and then repaired their own cave.

After nightfall, the sentry's horn sounded again, and all the savages looked nervously at the exit of the canyon. It was not until they heard the long and short frequencies of the horn that they breathed a sigh of relief and continued busy with what they were doing.

After a while, the savage leader in the canyon welcomed another savage tribe. This savage tribe only had 400 people, but it was very eye-catching because the leader of this tribe was very special.

The leader of the tribe was a white-haired man riding on the back of a bear. Beside this white-haired man was a normal-sized shadow lynx and three wolves.

Such obvious features made Lind instantly recognize that he should be Varamyr, the famous six-shaped man among the wild people beyond the wall.

This Varamyr should be the most powerful shapechanger so far. He can control five beasts at the same time and possess animals and even people. He is simply an enhanced version of Howland Reed.

However, Linde did not like him, and even disliked this person extremely. He was also one of the few people he hated in the world of ice and fire. ,
Because this Varamir is a parricide. When he was very young, he controlled three dogs to kill his two-year-old brother just because he hated his brother. Moreover, he is still an immoral person, even those who helped him , those who have treated him will not hesitate to attack him when he needs it. For example, the Spearwoman who treated him later wanted to save him when the White Walkers arrived, but died because of his conspiracy.

However, even if he didn't like this person, Linde had no intention of attacking him, as long as he didn't take the initiative to provoke him.

Lind planned to stay in this valley for two days to learn about the conditions of these savage tribes, and then end his trip beyond the Great Wall and return to the Great Wall.

"Mag, I will return to the south of the Great Wall in two days. Will you follow me?" Linde suddenly thought about whether these stone giants would still be willing to follow him when he returned to the south of the Great Wall. After all, the stone giants have always lived in the extreme north. land, so he asked the giant leader Mag.

"Giant, follow Gowa, south, follow Gowa." Gowa answered loudly to Linde with a firm look on his face, and the other stone giants also responded loudly.

The loud roar of the stone giant also attracted the attention of the people in the camp. They all looked here and saw that it was just the giant roaring, so they turned around and continued to do what they were doing.

Varamir, who was sitting on the bear's back, saw the glory next to Lind, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to have some ideas.

After nightfall, Linde took out the dragon egg and completed routine maintenance, and then decided to rest. The high-intensity battle with the White Walkers a few days ago, coupled with the days of traveling, also made him a little tired.

However, Guangrong, who was resting by the bonfire, suddenly stood up from the ground, walked back and forth in an open space, and let out threatening growls from time to time.

Linde sensed the anxiety and aggression in Glory's mood, and was about to possess Glory to appease it.

The fur on Glory's body suddenly turned black and emitted that black light. A blurry figure emerged from it and disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, a very shrill scream came from the distant savage camp, and then I saw the bear, shadow lynx and three wolves of the six-shaped man Varamyr rushing out of Varamyr's camp like crazy. Tent, attacking all living creatures in sight.

The savages had no choice but to kill him, and when they entered the tent to check Varamir's condition, they saw Varamir lying on the ground like an idiot, his eyes dull and his mouth drooling.

(End of this chapter)

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