Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 164 Regaining Honor

Chapter 164 Regaining Honor
"Are you really going to leave?" Gerry, the savage leader of the Tree Tribe, stood at the entrance of the canyon, looked at Lind who had already dressed up, and said, "Stay! Lord Lind, you will be treated like a god here. respected."

Linde smiled and asked: "Gerry, let me ask you, if you had endless food in the south, countless money, tens of thousands of people working for you, and countless people serving you in the center of the territory, would you be willing to stay?" In the cold north beyond the Great Wall, it’s better to go back to the south.”

"Pretend I didn't say anything." Gerry's face looked as ugly as if he had been constipated for many days. He muttered, then turned around and hurried back to the canyon.

"He has no ill intentions, it's just that he doesn't know your status in the Southern Kingdom." Mance Rayder stepped forward and explained to Gerry.

"I know, I also like the people here very much." Linde looked at the tribal leaders and warriors waving to him at the entrance of the canyon, and waved back.

Although it only lasted two days, when he showed great strength in the camp and single-handedly defeated all the warriors of the tribe, he had become the most respected person among all the savage tribes, especially those who saw him in the tree tribe. The savage tribes where he exerted miraculous powers even regarded him as a god.

"After the tribe of Varamir the Six-Shaped Man came, no wildling tribes came anymore. It seems that they should be the last tribe to take refuge. The other tribes either went to Hardhome or Just hiding in other places, hoping that they can escape the hunt of the White Walkers." Mance Rayder said with some compassion, but followed him and changed the topic and asked: "What happened to Varamyr that day was something you secretly did, right? ?”

"It's not me, it's it." Lind shook his head and pointed at Glory without further explanation. Then he pointed at the snowmelt creek that appeared in the distance and said, "You don't have to worry too much, White Walker." It shouldn’t go south again in a short time, haven’t you noticed that the weather is getting warmer?”

After hearing Lind's words, Mance Rayder was stunned. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Lind's finger. A look of contemplation appeared on his face. Soon, the sadness between his eyebrows also faded a lot. Everyone We know that the White Walkers appear along with cold and blizzards. Once the weather warms up, they will inevitably move north to colder places.

Lind reached out and patted Mance Rayder on the shoulder, and said: "The people in the savage tribe probably haven't discovered this yet. You should make good use of this time to increase your reputation among the savages. After all, you broke your oath." The night watchmen, they will not trust and respect you so easily."

Lind's words made Mance Rayder fall into deep thought, and Lind did not continue to talk to him. He got on his horse, pulled the reins, and drove the black blade towards the outside of the mountain. Glory and the stone giants were Followed closely and soon disappeared behind a hillside.

Although the location of crossing the Ruhe River is very close to the Shadow Tower of the Great Wall, it only takes half a day to reach it, but now Linde is accompanied by 26 stone giants, and he is not very familiar with the night watchman of the Shadow Tower. , if he took the giant there rashly, it might cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, so he chose to take a long detour and return to the south through the passage of Castle Black.

Two days later, Linde led the giants to the outside of the Great Wall. Perhaps because the giant was so eye-catching, the people at the outpost on the Great Wall only saw the giant and immediately raised the alarm.

Linde also heard the alarm bell, so he asked the stone giant to stay at the edge of the forest, while he rode Black Blade to the entrance of the passage below the Great Wall.

"Lin, Lord Linde?" The night watchman who was guarding the inside of the entrance guardrail saw Linde through the gap. They were all surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Those giants are my men. Now I want to take them to the south. You go tell Commander-in-Chief Geo and ask him to approve the release to avoid any misunderstandings." Linde said to the night watchman.

Hearing that the legendary giant was actually subdued by Lind and became his subordinates, several Night Watchmen showed shocked expressions, but soon returned to normal. After all, Lind even the legendary White Walkers and Ghouls were outside the wall. Able to defeat, let alone a giant.

So, they hurriedly ran back through the passage and reported the news of Linde's return to Commander-in-Chief Geo and others.

Linde did not wait at the door, but turned his horse's head and returned to the giant.

After about twenty minutes, the door of the passage slowly opened, and Jeor Mormont led the senior members of the Night Watch out of the passage. Lind also led the giant to greet him.

"Commander-in-Chief Geo, I'm really flattered that you led the team to welcome me in such a grand way!" Linde joked when he came to the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch.

"You have recovered the lost ancient honor and responsibility for us in the Night's Watch. No matter how grand the welcome ceremony is," Jeor Mormont said, and then led all the senior members of the Night's Watch to pay tribute to Lindsword. Salutes were made, and the Oath of the Night's Watch was recited.

"The long night is coming, I will watch from now on until I die. I will not take a wife, hold a land, or bear children. I will not wear a crown, and will not compete for honor. I will do my duty and live and die here. I am the darkness The sword in the middle, the guards on the Wall, the flames against the cold, the light at dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the kingdom. To the Night's Watch I give my life and honor, this night and every night. "

Everyone recited the oath of the Night's Watch in unison toward Linde, with solemn expressions, just like the oaths they took when they first became Night's Watchmen.

Seeing this, Linde also got off his horse and bowed to the night watchmen in return.

For the Night Watch, the appearance of the corpses undoubtedly proves that the Night Watch Legion's responsibility and honor are no longer a legend. The Night Watch is no longer a garbage dump housing various criminals, but warriors who truly fight for the safety of mankind. , this is undoubtedly a rebirth for the top management of the Night Watch, which also makes them naturally extremely grateful to Linde who defeated the White Walkers and brought back the wights.

After a solemn salute, the senior members of the Night Watch led Lind into the passage. The stone giant who followed had to lie on the ground and crawl through the passage. Fortunately, the passage was very wide, enough for the stone giant to pass through.

While passing through the middle section of the Great Wall of Despair, the dragon runes changed again, but this time the changes were much weaker than the first time. Linde was able to distractedly check the situation of the Horn of Winter and the dragon eggs in his backpack.

As he expected, the blood vessel-like patterns on the surface of the dragon egg shone with a faint red light, and some small branches extended to the surroundings like peripheral blood vessels. Although there was no movement in the Winter Horn, Linde could feel it. It seems that the power contained in it is creating some weak resonance with the magic power in the Great Wall of Despair.

Soon the dark passage passed through, and all abnormal movements ended as they left the passage.

At this time, after seeing Lind, all the night watchmen in Castle Black, whether they believed in the old gods or the seven gods, cheered loudly, "The Chosen One, the Chosen One."

Obviously the Chosen of the Seven Gods, the legend of salvation, has begun to take root in the hearts of the people and has begun to replace the legend of Azor Ahai's smoke and salt. After all, the legend of smoke and salt is just a legend, but the Chosen of the Seven Gods has killed the White Walkers. After bringing back the ghoul, it is naturally obvious which one is higher and which one is lower.

However, the cheers of the night watchmen ended abruptly as the giants emerged from the passage. It was the first time for them all to see this giant that was as tall as a city wall. The overwhelming feeling of physical size was even for battle-hardened warriors. They all feel inexplicably suffocated.

Lind arranged the stone giant in the open space outside Castle Black, and asked the night watch officer to provide the giant with enough food. Of course, it was not in vain, and Lind also spent enough money.After freshening up a little, Lind was called by Jeor Mormont to Maester Aemon's study. There were also high-ranking members of the Night's Watch such as the commanders of Eastwatch and the Shadow Tower in the room.

"Have you found it?" Maester Aemon asked impatiently after seeing Lind come in.

"Found it." Lind took the Horn of Winter out of his backpack and placed it on Maester Aemon's desk.

Everyone couldn't help but look puzzled when they saw this bronze horn, and Mr. Xiong couldn't help muttering: "Is this the Horn of Winter? Is it too small? Can this thing really make the Great Wall collapse?"

"An iron door can be opened with a small key. This thing is the key to the Great Wall." Linde said calmly.

Academician Aemon reached out and touched the surface of the bronze horn. When he touched the runes on it, he said: "These runes are very ancient runes of the ancestors. They may even have appeared before the ancestors. I have seen similar ones in the academy." of runes."

"If you blow this thing now, will the Great Wall of Despair collapse?" Commander East Seawatch asked nervously.

Lind pointed to the crack on the horn and said, "This thing is damaged now. If it can be repaired, maybe it can be repaired."

After hearing Linde's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"This thing is too dangerous, we should destroy it now." Someone suggested.

"No." Linde shook his head and said seriously: "When I passed through the Great Wall passage just now, I could feel that there was a certain connection between the Horn of Winter and the magic power in the Great Wall. If the Horn of Winter were directly destroyed, , I’m not sure whether the Great Wall of Despair will be affected.”

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

"Lord Linde, what are you going to do with this artifact?" Maester Aemon asked.

Linde said solemnly: "I was entrusted by Lord Willas Tyrell to find the Horn of Winter. Since the thing has been found, I naturally want to take it to Highgarden and hand it over to Lord Willas. .”

Elder Xiong nodded and said: "Take it to High Court? That's fine. It's much better than leaving it in the north. Moreover, it is collected by Lord Vilas. He will definitely pay attention to the safety of this artifact."

After putting the horn back into his backpack, Lind asked, "How did you deal with the wights after Brother Bunyan brought them back?"

"We followed your instructions and asked Benyan and a group of rangers to take the wights to King's Landing. This matter was crucial for us in the Night's Watch to regain our honor. We sent the most elite people to escort them." O Mormont replied seriously: "When they were passing through Mole Village, they met Sir Fertimer and Sir Joel who had not yet left. The two knights also joined the escort team. They were escorted a few days ago. The letter has passed through Winterfell. After Lord Eddard saw the wights, he personally led the guards of Winterfell and escorted the team to King's Landing. I believe that with Duke Eddard joining, His Majesty the King should pay more attention to wights and aliens. Damn things."

Lind nodded. He was a little surprised that Eddard Stark personally escorted the ghoul samples south. After all, in the history of the book in his previous life, Eddard Stark had He never went south again until he finally died in the south the next time he went south, just like his father and brother.

"Lord Linde, did you end up with Mance Rayder, the Oathbreaker? Where is he now?" the commander of Eastwatch suddenly asked.

"He is now with the savages of the tree tribe." Lind replied.

The faces of all the Night Watchmen became very ugly. The appearance of an oathbreaker in the Night Watch was already a big scandal. However, now this scandal is still happening in front of an outsider like Linde. This makes all the senior members of the Night Watch present feel ashamed. .

"This is exactly what I want to tell you." Linde said to everyone with a serious expression: "When I left, the tree tribe was in the Frost Fang with other ghost forest and savage tribes on the east coast outside the Great Wall. There are about 1 of them in a hidden valley to escape the pursuit of the White Walkers."

Everyone couldn't help but sit up straight after hearing this.

"There are also some savage tribes who are also escaping from the White Walkers. They choose to go to Hardhome to escape. Their number should be about ten or twenty thousand." Linde said seriously: "This is only a small part. There are others. The tribes are also avoiding the White Walkers in various refuges, but there are still a large number of savage tribes captured by the White Walkers, some have become corpses, and some have been transformed into White Walkers."

"Okay, these savages will die well!" A night watchman couldn't help shouting.

Most of the Night's Watch present showed happy expressions, only a few such as the Bear Elder Jason Mormont and Maester Aemon became more serious.

"Do you think this is a good thing?" Lind looked at everyone and said: "Do you think it is a good thing that the enemies that the Night Watch has fought against for many years were killed by the White Walkers? Don't forget, After the White Walkers are killed, they will only become more difficult to deal with and more fearless of death, and the number of enemies will not decrease."

"This is also a very important thing I want to tell you night watchmen." Linde stood up, placed his hands on the hilt of the big sword, glanced seriously at everyone in the room, and said, "I No matter how deep your hatred is between the Night's Watch and the wildlings, in the face of an enemy like the White Walkers that hates all life, I will put aside any grudges and everything will focus on fighting against the White Walkers."

"I can tell you very seriously, when I saw a wave of 10,000+ wights advancing toward me led by hundreds of White Walkers at the Fist of the First Men, I never thought that I would return to the Great Wall alive. Nan, I was scared at that time." Lind deliberately exaggerated the number of ghosts and corpses, and then showed fear in his eyes as if acting, and then his expression turned solemn, and said: "Fortunately, the blizzard stopped suddenly, that was definitely not the case. A natural phenomenon, just like the revelation given by the Seven Gods. Afterwards, the White Walkers led the endless corpses to retreat in front of my eyes. At that moment, I knew what mission I shouldered and what to do? Here I also hope that you can Remember the true purpose of the establishment of the Night's Watch, don't let unnecessary hatred cloud your minds, and when you regain the honor and responsibility of the Night's Watch, you must also remember who your real enemy is."

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became extremely serious, but they did not give Linde a clear answer. However, everyone had a thoughtful look on their faces. It was obvious that they had listened to Linde's words.

(End of this chapter)

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