Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 173 Spark’s Warning

Chapter 173 Spark’s Warning

Although Lind wanted to leave quietly and did not want to make any big noise in King's Landing, when the 26 stone giants moved, no matter how careful they were, the noise they caused would still attract the attention of many people .

Robert did not come to give him a gift, but only had a claw hammer brought to him. The Archbishop also gave him a gift, which was a cloak inlaid with gems and rusted with the seven-pointed star holy symbol.

In addition, the dignitaries of King's Landing and some wealthy followers of the Seven Gods that Linde had met at banquets in recent days also sent Linde some gifts while seeing him off. The amount of gifts required two people. It will take three carriages to pull it.

This lively farewell scene did not end until Linde crossed the Blackwater River, but behind Linde's team there were hundreds more hired knights, free riders and formal knights. They were obviously the same as the ones Linde sent off before. Walk with the same thoughts as those knights.

In this regard, Linde was happy to see the results. Naturally, he did not push them out or make any promises to them, but allowed them to follow.

After entering the Yulin, Linde slowed down slightly. The distance that took two days to pass increased to three days, which allowed him to stay in the Yulin for two nights.

The first night was normal, with nothing unusual. When the knights following him set up camp, they roasted the prey they had harvested from hunting on the road and brought it to Linde to enjoy.

The giant also took out his own food and ate it. While eating, the giant leader Mag looked at the forest carefully and told Lind that this forest contained magic power, the magic power of the squirrel people, a very powerful one. squirrel man.

Linde knew that the squirrel people in the giant's mouth were the children of the forest. Although both races respected nature, the two races were not allies. In many cases, they were enemies.

So that night, the 26 stone giants, including Mag, didn't sleep. They all had their eyes widened, holding their weapons tightly, watching everything going on around them, and they looked extremely nervous.

However, on the second night, after their temporary camp was set up, the stone giant simply ate something and fell asleep, and the knights who followed also fell asleep. It felt like they were all busy on the way during the day. As if tired.

But Linde knew very well that those knights might be tired, but they were not tired enough to fall asleep so quickly. The stone giants could stay awake for more than ten days, and walking such a short distance was not enough to make them tired.

"Is it a spark?" Lind soon understood that the cause of these people falling asleep might be the spark of the son of the forest.

Things were just as he thought. Not long after everyone fell asleep, a normal-sized shadow lynx emerged from the trees and walked up to Lind.

This shadow lynx is one of the several shadow lynx tamed by Glory's mother, Sparkle.

When he saw the shadow lynx appear, Honor immediately moved forward and wanted to lean against his mother with his head. However, the shadow lynx was startled and dodged Honor's head, using his front paws at the same time. He opened his bow left and right and took two shots at Glory.

Although there was no way such a blow could hurt Glory, Glory seemed to have been seriously injured and turned to Linde for comfort.

Linde smiled and touched Glory's head, rubbed the place where his mother had just hit him, and then said to the shadow lynx, "Did Sparks send you here?"

The shadow lynx didn't answer, just glanced at Linde, then turned around and went into the woods.

Linde and Glory immediately followed. After passing through a dense forest, they came to a clearing that looked very familiar. Then they saw the weeds in the clearing rising upwards, and then sparks came from the ground below. Walked out of the cave house.

Compared to the last time I saw Hua Hua, Hua Hua now looked a little tired and even a little depressed, as if something bad had happened.

"I heard from Wen Da that you have something important to do with me." Sparks walked up to Linde and asked.

Linde did not talk about his own affairs immediately, but asked with concern: "Did something happen to you?"

"It's okay, it's just that an old friend has returned to the earth." Huo Huo didn't want to talk about his own affairs, and urged Linde: "Let's talk about you! I'm coming back temporarily, and I won't stay here for too long."

"I can't say it's important. I just want to ask you some questions." Linde also directly told the problems that had troubled him for a year, and told Hua Hua the scene he saw in the Summer Hall that day.

"It's you? That turned out to be you?" Huo Huo looked at Linde in great surprise after hearing this, and then immediately shook his head and said: "No, no! It shouldn't be you, it shouldn't be you at that time, you should just I was brought into the scene at that time by the ghost of Summer Hall, and the things overlapped inadvertently."

"What is that thing?" Linde asked.

"I don't know either." Sparks shook his head blankly and said.

"You don't know? Is there anything else you don't know?" Linde asked.

Sparks pointed at him, "I just lived longer, it doesn't mean that I know all the secrets of this world." As she said that, she recalled it carefully and said: "At that time, Aegon V used Valery The method passed down by Dragon King Leah to hatch those dragon eggs. I have never seen this method. I wanted to try it, so I followed my good friend into the Summer Hall, and I saw the fire player setting himself on fire. . However, while the ceremony was going on, a mysterious existence appeared in the hall. I could sense it, and my friends could also sense it. We guessed that the mysterious existence was the cause of the fire in Summer Hall, and was even the cause of the fire. Lelia was destroyed, and he was attracted by the incubation ceremony of the Valyrian Dragon King."

"Is your friend the dwarf woman?" Lind asked.

Sparks nodded and said: "It's a pity that things happened too fast at that time. My power was severely suppressed and I could only save her alone." Then he said with great grievance: "She is still blaming her now. I only saved her, so I’m really a bad guy who doesn’t want to be evil.”

Linde asked again: "Can you tell me where she is now? I want to see her."

"She now lives in a place called Noble Heart, which is protected by the forbidden laws of the gods." Huo Huo looked at Linde seriously and said, "I don't suggest you go see her. In fact, I don't either. It is recommended that you have long-term contact with anyone favored by the old gods, such as the one in Highgarden, or my friend."

"Why?" Linde asked.

"Because you are a very special existence. They all want to pull you into their camp and work for them. You must know that God is real and God is not allowed in the world. What do they want to do? Matters can only be handled by those favored by God." Sparks suddenly walked up to Linde, motioned Linde to squat down, then put his hand on Linde's forehead, and said an ancient saying, and then saw a blurry figure It emerged from Linde's body and was completely blown away by a breeze.

Linde recognized the blurry figure at first sight as the blurry figure he saw on the pond at the Ancestors Tomb and in his dream that day.

"Is this the old god?" Linde asked.

"Of course not." Sparks shook his head and said: "This is just a lucky guy who was swept away by the power of the gods, or an unlucky guy is more appropriate. You can call it the ghost of the ancestors, because it is the incarnation of the will of the ancestors. , only wandering around the Ancestral Tombs. It doesn't matter, I have driven it away, it will no longer affect you." "I had a dream when I saw it." Linde did not describe this. He put the matter aside and told about the dream he had in the Tomb of the Ancestors.

After hearing this, Huo Hua hesitated for a moment and said: "This should be a prophecy. It was not made by the guy just now, but the guy just now accidentally triggered some kind of magic power in your body, allowing you to temporarily gain the ability to predict. "

"Then what does this prophecy mean?" Linde asked: "East, go east, go east!"

"I don't know." Huo Huo shook his head and said: "I just know that the interpretation of the prophecy is very complicated. Once the interpretation is wrong, it will bring serious consequences. Going east may allow you to gain some kind of destiny, or it may It’s the kiss of a stranger.”

As he spoke, Sparks suddenly came up to Lind, sniffed the scent on Lind's body, and said, "You climbed over the Great Wall to the land of eternal winter, and saw the White Walkers?"

"Can you smell this?" Linde looked at the sparks in surprise.

Sparks shook his head and said: "I didn't smell it, I heard the bards singing in the tavern. Your reputation now is comparable to the heroes of the mythical age. However, the bards sang too vaguely and exaggeratedly. , I want to hear the real situation from you."

After hearing Sparks' request, Linde did not refuse and told Sparks everything he had experienced starting from Castle Black.

Sparks listened very carefully, and the expression on his face kept changing with Lind's experience. He was surprised when he learned that Lind had killed the human White Walkers and defeated the Elven White Walkers. He was shocked when he learned that Lind had found the Horn of Winter. Her attitude is shown in every aspect of Lind's disgust when he subdues the stone giant.

When she learned that the Horn of Winter was on Linde's body, she couldn't wait to see it.

However, when Lind took out the Horn of Winter, she did not reach out to take it. Instead, she asked Lind to hold the Horn of Winter in front of her and flip it over to show her.

She looked at it very carefully. Almost every time Lind changed the direction of the horn, she would look at it for a long time, as if she wanted to memorize every pattern on the horn.

After a while, she took in all the patterns on the surface of the horn, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had eaten a big meal and was a little full.

"Are you going to restore this horn?" Sparks asked.

"No." Lind shook his head and said, "This horn will be sent to Vilas, and finally the horn may be placed in the Red Castle for collection."

"Collecting? Typical human behavior." Sparks said disdainfully.

"When I passed by the Great Wall, I could clearly feel the magic contained in the Great Wall, and I could also feel that this horn resonated with the magic contained in the Great Wall." Linde did not care about Sparks' disdainful attitude towards the human race. , but asked: "Do you know who built the Great Wall of Despair?"

Sparks shook his head and said: "I also want to know who built it, but I am sure it was not built by humans. The Great Wall should be built to prevent the White Walkers from going south."

"There are rumors that the White Walkers are you..." Lind asked tentatively.
Before Linde could finish speaking, Sparks shouted at Linde with great dissatisfaction: "That's why you humans are throwing dirty water on us, just to hunt us down. The White Walkers are a people who live in a place that humans can never reach." They are an ancient race in the land of eternal winter in the far north. They are older than us, the children of the forest. They originally lived all over the world and left extremely ancient civilizations on the earth. The relics of these civilizations still exist until now. Later, they did not I know why they all went to the land of eternal winter, and then we, the children of the forest, appeared and humans appeared."

"Ancient ruins?" Linde frowned and said, "Could the Great Wall of Despair be built by the White Walkers?"

"You really dare to think..." Sparks was about to laugh at Linde's random guess, but she suddenly thought of something and froze on the spot, then showed a pensive look, and after a while she said: "Your guess It makes some sense, but unfortunately there is no evidence. Maybe you can start with your stone giants and see if you can find any evidence."

"Stone giant?" Linde looked at Sparks in confusion.

Sparks explained: "As the same ancient race, and they once lived in the far north with the White Walkers, there may be some clues that can be found in the knowledge passed down by them orally."

"It is indeed possible." Lind nodded, and then said to Sparks: "I know from the savage tribe that there seem to be some of your tribe living outside the Great Wall..."

"I know." Sparks nodded and said: "They are just a bunch of fools, still following the ancient oath that has been invalidated long ago. That is not our green prophet. They don't need to serve that guy at all. Use your humans to To explain their behavior, they are a group of stupid fanatics. Sooner or later, they will be because of this fanaticism..."

Sparks did not finish her words. Although her tone was calm, it was not difficult to tell from the content of her words that the children of the forest living outside the Great Wall had mixed feelings of complaint and worry.

"I still have a dragon egg in my hand, but I don't know if this dragon egg is good or bad now?" Linde, who felt the atmosphere was a bit depressing, changed the subject and said.

"Is it the dragon egg mentioned in that song?" Huo Hua also showed a curious look and asked Linde to take out the dragon egg.

However, when it saw the dragon egg, a puzzled look appeared on its face.

"The dragon egg should be alive, but it is in a dormant state now and needs an opportunity to hatch it." Huo Huo said solemnly.

"Opportunity?" Linde guessed: "Is it the Red Comet?"

"You actually know about this?" Huo Huo looked at Linde in surprise, and then said: "The Red Comet is an opportunity, but this opportunity may also be other opportunities."

Sparks spoke and returned the dragon egg to Linde, and seemed to have no intention of continuing the conversation, saying: "Today, I have been out for too long, and I am already a little tired. If there is nothing else, I will leave. ”

After saying that, without waiting for Linde to respond, he turned around and walked towards his tree house in the crypt.

Glory's mother also followed, but after taking two steps, she yelled at Glory a few more words, as if to teach Glory a lesson, and then she continued to follow and got into the tree house.

At this time, Linde also said to Sparks who was about to enter the house: "You Sons of the Forest probably don't have many habitats in the south. You can tell other Sons of the Forest that if they encounter any difficulties, they can come to me. I can set aside an area in the center of the territory so that they can live safely here."

"Got it!" Sparks responded casually, got into the house and closed the door, completely integrating the entire underground wooden house into the land.

(End of this chapter)

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