Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 174 The establishment of the Miracle Fleet

Chapter 174 The establishment of the Miracle Fleet
Because he had written to Nymeria in advance and asked her to go to the Summer Hall, Lind took the stone giant directly to the Summer Hall after leaving the royal forest.

When passing through Green Valley City, the gates of Green Valley City were a little too small and the streets in the city were too narrow, so the stone giant had to wade through the Lamboon River from outside the castle.

When arriving at Summer Hall, Nymeria led the stewards and stewards of Summer Hall to greet Lind at the entrance of the town.

"Thank you." When Lind was still some way away from Nymeria, he dismounted, led the horse to Nymeria, and hugged her.

For Nymeria, although managing two territories at the same time in the past few months has made her very tired, after hearing Lind's words of hard work and feeling Lind's embrace, she felt that everything was worth it.

"Everyone, you have worked hard these past two months. Thank you for keeping all affairs in the territory operating normally after I left." Lind took Nymeria's hand and said to the officials of Redemption Town.

Everyone responded one after another, and their eyes looked at Linde with expressions of admiration.

During this period, the various topics discussed about Linde inside and outside Redemption Town made them feel proud, and their inner respect and admiration for Linde gradually increased, even if Linde just said a small sentence. Thanks, they have been extremely satisfied.

Lind then pulled Nymeria onto their horses and led the stone giant and subordinate officials into Redemption Town.

The masons who built Summerhall Castle, the people who had settled in Redemption Town, and the residents of surrounding villages all gathered in and around Redemption Town below the castle to welcome Lind's return, and also to see the legendary giant.

The Redemption Town, which was just built not long ago, is now packed with people. They stand on the street, on the balconies, on the roofs, cheering loudly towards the giant queue passing by the central avenue. As they stood, their cheers gradually became unified from the initial chaos, and only the title of God's Chosen One resounded throughout the town.

In the Redemption Square in the center of the town, the cheers reached its peak after Nymeria announced that all drinks today were free.

Linde did not stay in the town, but passed through the town and went directly along the avenue to the outside of the Redemption Church.

Bishop Hulen, Sister Melissa and Elder Colin were already waiting here. When they saw the giant, they all expressed great excitement.

When they learned that Linde had subdued the legendary giants, they vaguely guessed that these giants would eventually return to the Church of Salvation, because only if they were placed in the church, others would not gossip.

Later, they received a letter from Linde, confirming their guess, so they had already started building next to the Salvation Temple very early, so that the giants could have a place to live and move. They also built an independent food hall specifically for the giants. storehouse.

Although the ghoul captured by Linde could not be placed in the Salvation Temple to show the honor of the Seven Gods, giants are obviously more practical than ghouls. Bishop Hulen has already thought about how to use the giant's reputation to make the Redemption Temple a A holy place of faith for the Seven Gods that is comparable to those great churches.

"This is Mag, the leader of the giants. I have taught him some simple common language. You can communicate with him simply. However, you'd better learn some ancient language of the ancestors, which will be more convenient."

Lind introduced Giant Mag to the three men of the Redemption Temple, and also introduced the three to Giant Mag, and they would work together for a long time in the future.

After asking the three people from the Redemption Temple to lead Mag and the giants to their resting place, Lind introduced Tob Mott to the Redemption Town officials who followed, and asked Moloa to bring Tob Mott to the place where they rested. Special arrangements were made for the blacksmith camp, which had been built long ago but for which a director had not yet been appointed.

Then he asked his officials and supervisors to disperse, and all other matters would be dealt with tomorrow.

"When you are free, come to my laboratory. Cobain and I discovered some interesting things." Moroya whispered to Linde before leaving.

Although Linde was also curious about what Moroya and Coburn had discovered, he also felt that now was not the time to talk about these things.

As for the celebration dinner, Lind had no plans to hold it. After dismissing the officials, he was directly pulled into the room of the temporary residence outside Redemption Town by Nymeria to replenish the public rations for the past few months.

After some passion, the two lay leisurely in the bathtub of the mansion, with the twin female maids and some maids serving around them.

Nymeria leaned next to Lind and asked curiously: "Are the White Walkers really that scary?"

"With your strength, if equipped with suitable weapons, you should be able to defeat a human White Walker." Lind thought for a while and said truthfully.

"It seems that the White Walkers are not that scary." Nymeria said as she took a glass of freshly made juice from the twin waitresses and handed it to Lind.

"There are a few people in Westeros who are as strong as you. Ordinary knights have no power to fight back when they encounter a White Walker." Lind shook his head and said: "And the human White Walkers are not the strongest. Those elves and other ghosts are really powerful."

Nymeria stretched out her hand to smooth Linde's frown and said, "Don't think too much, wait until tomorrow. You should enjoy and rest well today."

After saying that, she lowered her head and sank into the water.

The next day, an energetic Lind left the temporary residence with his attendant Brienne. Because yesterday had been too much, Nymeria had not woken up yet.

Brienne did not greet her outside the town of Redemption yesterday because of daily training, so when she came in the morning to perform her duties as a servant, she didn't listen and kept asking about Lind's experience and the giants.

In order to satisfy Brienne's strong curiosity and allow her to keep her mouth shut, Lind, who left the mansion, did not immediately go to his office in the town hall of Redemption. Instead, he took Brienne to the Temple of Redemption where the giants were housed. place.

As he had hoped, Brienne shut her mouth the moment she saw the giant, but she was not afraid, but full of curiosity.

Elder Colin and Sister Melissa have not left since yesterday. They have been communicating with the giants and are familiar with the ancient language of the ancestors that they have mastered, allowing the giants to get familiar with them faster.

What is surprising is that the first person to have normal communication with the giant was not Sister Melissa and Bishop Hullen, but Elder Colin, who observed the vow of silence and could not speak. He quickly communicated with the giant through a set of gestures. People talk freely.

Lind told Bishop Hulen that the Archbishop of Baelor Cathedral had promised to fund a set of bronze armor and weapons for 26 giants, and asked him to go to Tob Mott to discuss the specific matters.

Afterwards, after asking about the situation of Mag and other giants, he left the Salvation Temple with Brienne, who was still unfinished, and went to the office of the Redemption Town Council Hall to deal with the backlog of affairs that had been backlogged for several months.

Although Lind left all matters in the territory to Nymeria, there were still some things that Nymeria could not make decisions for Lind, such as matters related to the Miracle Fleet.

When building the Miracle Port, Linde requested that the docks and warehouses be built first, and that the urban part of the port would be built slowly later.

Before Linde went to the Great Wall of Despair, news came from the shore of Miracle Port that the port was about to be built, so Linde asked people to send the ships that were left in the old town to Miracle Port and arrange them when he came back. The captains and fleet commanders of these ships.

However, what he didn't expect was that it would take several months to get to the Great Wall of Despair. The dock had been built a month after he left, and hundreds of longships and armed merchant ships had also been transferred from the old town. Arriving at the pier of Miracle Port, it has been docked until now.

The appointment of captains of these ships is very simple. When he was in Old Town, Lind had already entrusted the Hightowers to recruit a group of captains and sailors for him. It was these captains who drove the ships from Old Town to Miracle Port. Formal appointment only requires direct signing of an appointment order.

This was the first thing that Lind handled after returning, signing and sealing the appointment orders for the captains. However, he did not appoint these captains directly. Instead, he placed these captains in the naval camp in Miracle Port to serve as instructors for a period of time. .Lind did not plan to organize those longships into a fleet, but planned to extract [-] of them, divide them into three, form three fleets, and hand them over to Dagon Harlaw and Baelor Black. The three ironmen, Tas and Asha Greyjoy, let them continue to carry out the tradition of the ironmen and work as pirates in the waters of the Stepstone Islands, not only to prepare for the future capture of the Stepstone Islands, but also to build a better future for Miracle Port. fleet escort.

"This is your respective letter of appointment. You will go to Miracle Port immediately to take up your post today. Each of you will be responsible for one hundred longships. You will go to the naval camp of Miracle Port to select and recruit the captains and crew members of the fleet. In addition, each of you will The ship is an armed merchant ship, and you decide the name yourself." Linde called Dagon, Belle and Asha into his office, handed the signed appointment orders to the three of them, and said, "Of course. You can also select captains and sailors from other places, but both captains and sailors must enter the naval camp for five months of training, and only fully qualified people can board the ship, do you understand?"

"Understood, sir." The three of them were all extremely excited and didn't care about anything else.

Although they had already known that Linde had been training them to be commanders of his fleet, they only felt at ease when they actually had the command in their hands.

Linde continued: "After the supervision period set by the Iron Throne, if you want to leave, you can leave, just tell me, and your car will be yours, but I don't want to see anyone Hothead takes all the ships away, in which case you will have to think about how to bear my wrath.”

"We will never betray you, sir." Dagon Harlow first said loudly, patting his chest.

"Yes, we will never betray you." Belle and Asha also vowed.

Regarding the commitment of these three people, Linde was noncommittal, and then he signed three more material allocation documents, handed them to the three of them, and said: "In addition, I will be responsible for the initial funding of the fleet, and you will raise the funds yourself after half a year."

"Ah? We raise the funds ourselves?" The three of them looked at Linde in confusion.

"The scope of your future activities will be on the Stepped Stone Islands. You have to think about how to raise funds." Linde looked at the three of them and said.

"You mean we can rob..." Asha asked cautiously.

"I didn't say anything. You are ironmen, and I respect the customs of the ironmen." Lind seemed to answer Asha's question, but he didn't seem to say anything, but then he added: "Whether you are Whatever method you use to raise funds, you must hand over half of it, and the remaining half is yours."

Dagon immediately shouted: "Ah! Sir, you are going too far. You will cut it in half at once..."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to do it." Linde interrupted Dagon directly, turned to look at Asha and Belle, and asked, "What about you? Do you think it's too much?"

"No, we think it's very reasonable and not excessive at all." Asha and Belle responded quickly, without even looking at Dagon from the beginning to the end.

"You..." Dagon was speechless for a moment after seeing the behavior of the two people. In the end, he could only lower his head and said to Lin De: "I don't think it is too much now that I think about it. After all, the boat and the people belong to you, sir. Even if it’s reasonable for you to take all of it, it’s good to be able to leave half for us.”

Linde nodded, waved his hand, and said: "Get ready, let's go! I wish you all smooth sailing on the sea in the future."

"Yes, sir." The three of them saluted Linde and exited the room.

"My lord, is Asha in danger?" Brienne, standing aside, asked in a deep voice.

"The sea is fickle, and there will be dangers as long as you are at sea." Lind said as he handed the signed documents to Brienne and asked her to send the documents to the Ministry of the Interior under the Council of Ministers for filing. , assign tasks according to the file content.

After a year of training, Brienne has begun to assist Linde in handling some affairs. In addition to daily training and study, Linde will also let her challenge the knights of Summerhall Town to increase her combat experience.

From losing more than winning at the beginning, to now being evenly matched, Brienne has completed more than 70 challenges. Now everyone in the town of Summerhall knows Brienne's name, and because of Brienne's own In addition to Lind's title at the Lannisport banquet that day, the knights of Summer Hall also called Brienne a model knight.

"My lord, Lord Hors Redwine is already waiting outside." After sending the documents, Brienne reminded her while she was looking through the construction progress documents of the Redguard Castle sent by Bryn Rivers.

"Is he already here?" Linde raised his head and said, "Let him come in!"

Brienne went down to communicate, and then walked in with a slightly short, bearded middle-aged man. From his skin color, it could be seen that he had the blood of the Summer Islands.

"Greetings to you, Lord Chosen One." The visitor saluted Lin De very respectfully.

Linde looked at the man in front of him and said: "You are a talent specially introduced by Lord Rees. I will not say some meaningless empty words and just ask a few questions. If your answers are in line with my wishes, then you are a miracle." Commander of the fleet."

"Understood, my lord." Halls Redwin nodded.

Originally, Lind wanted to train one of Asha and the others to be the commander of the Miracle Fleet, but Nymeria, Moroya, Reese and others did not advise Lind to do this because the Ironborn's reputation at sea was too bad. Yes, once Miracle Port gets involved with the Ironborn, it will inevitably cause damage to Miracle Port, and it will also affect the confidence of maritime merchants in Miracle Port.

Therefore, Reese, who has been making a living at sea all year round, suggested to Linde to build two fleets, one light and one dark. The dark fleet would be commanded by ironmen like Asha and others, specializing in doing things that are inconvenient. Give command to someone with a good reputation and be responsible for the security of the waters surrounding Miracle Port.

Originally, Linde wanted to let Rhys Farwell serve as the commander of the fleet, but Rhys preferred to do business at sea and refused Linde's recruitment. However, when he left, he recommended a talent to Linde. This person This is Sir Hors Redwyne in front of me.

Halls Redwin had already taken the initiative to join Linde when he was planning to start building Miracle Harbor. At that time, he was traveling in Yronwood City. After getting the news, he came to Miracle Port as soon as possible. Harbor, was recruited by Jon to serve as the officer instructor of the Miracle Harbor naval camp.

"You are a member of the Redwin family. Logically speaking, with your talents and status, you should be able to get a good position in the Redwin fleet. Why should you give up everything you have on Qingting Island and come to me?" ?" Linde asked directly.

Halls also answered truthfully: "I am a branch of the Redwin family, and I am the second son. Coupled with my mother's bloodline, no matter how capable I am, I cannot become the commander of a fleet, so That’s why I came here to try my luck.”

"What is your relationship with Reese Farwell?" Lind asked again.

Halls immediately replied: "I rescued him once at sea, and this time I asked him to recommend me. Of course, if I don't have the ability, Reese's character will never recommend me."

Linde asked again: "If you become the fleet commander, what will you do next?"

Halls knew that the key was coming, so he outlined his plan without any concealment: "I will first use Miracle Port as the center, spread around the Dorne Sea, and test the lords of Stormland and Dorne. Tolerance, I will then send people to occupy several uninhabited islands off Cape Wrath, establish a transit base for the fleet, and if possible, control the Gray Horror Castle, so that I can fully control this area of ​​​​the sea, and if conditions permit later , gradually turning the Sea of ​​Dorne into the inland sea of ​​the Terra family."

"A bold plan will be a little troublesome to implement." Linde nodded. This plan was a prelude to his entire maritime plan.

Linde's plan is to start directly from the Stepstone Islands, borrow two fleets, one light and one dark, plus himself, to eliminate the pirates on the Stepstone Islands, completely control the Stepstone Islands, and then control most of the Narrow Sea. trade on both sides.

Before implementing this plan, Dornhai must be mastered, and Halls' plan is obviously very suitable as a preliminary preparation.

Lind was very satisfied with Hols Redwin's answer, and he could not find a better replacement for the time being, so he picked up a pen, quickly signed an appointment order, and then placed it on Hols Redwin. In front of Redwin, he said: "Swear the oath! Sir Halls."

(End of this chapter)

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