Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 175 Sacrifice Products

Chapter 175 Sacrifice Products
With the formation of the Miracle Fleet, Miracle Port is on the right track. Even though the current urban area of ​​Miracle Port is only a plan on the drawings, some merchant ships have begun to dock here to unload cargo.

All kinds of commodities go north from the Bone Road, pass through Summer Hall, and are transported to Green Valley City, and then transported by water to various territories in the Reach.

Or they can be transported southward from Yronwood City to the hinterland of Dorne, especially the scarce supplies in the Dorne Frontier area, which have been greatly replenished by the Bone Road trade route.

Cities in the Dorne frontier such as Bremont City, Gaoyin City, Starfall City, King's Tomb City, Tianji City, etc. have paid more and more attention to this trade route, and even formed their own caravans to trade directly in Miracle Port. goods.

After dealing with the Miracle Fleet, Linde dealt with some chores, such as the appointment of Sir Jason Fred.

Most of these knights who want to follow Linde have been appointed to positions suitable for them. Only a few have not yet been appointed. Jason Frye, who was favored by Linde and asked him to lead the team to Summer Hall in advance, has not yet been appointed. Sir De is one of them.

The reason why there was no appointment was not because of Jason Fried's poor ability, but because several departments took a fancy to Jason Fried's ability and wanted him to serve in their departments. Moloa Unable to make a decision for the time being, he left it to Linde to decide.

After looking at Moroya's evaluation of Jason Fried and the departments that applied, Linde finally decided to let Jason Fried go to the Army camp as an Army instructor.

Changing the military system was the first thing Linde did after taking control of the territory. He no longer used the method of temporarily recruiting farmers, craftsmen, homeless people, etc. to form an army during the war, but instead adopted a standing army similar to the city garrison. This part of the army is independent of the city garrison. It conducts combat training in the army camp every day and does not do other things. There are a total of 3000 people.

Although this will significantly increase the territory's financial expenditure, the benefits are obvious, not to mention that for Linde, he is not short of money now.

Because of the Slane people's Crimson Mountain resource map, Linde easily found two silver mines, an associated small gold mine, copper mines, tin mines, iron mines, etc. in the Crimson Mountains. An open-pit coal mine is only a part of the resources marked on the map, and a large part of it has not yet been formally determined. With so many resources as the cornerstone, Linde can boldly implement various reforms in the territory.

The political cabinet, naval camp, army camp, circuit tribunal, etc. were all established in more than a year. Although there were some minor problems in the process, overall it was still very good.

Linde spent a day reviewing all the backlog of government affairs documents, large and small. In fact, because of the presence of the administrative cabinet, the amount of government affairs that he needed to handle in the end was not particularly large, and one day was enough to handle it.

In the evening, Linde went to the castle to take a look at the construction progress. When he returned to the temporary residence, he suddenly remembered what Moroya said yesterday, so he changed direction and went to Moroya's laboratory.

"I thought you wouldn't come today." Moroya said complainingly, and then without any nonsense, he took Lind directly to the dungeon of the laboratory.

Cobain was already waiting outside a cell. After seeing Linde, he turned around and opened the cell door behind him, walked in first, and lit several braziers inside.

I saw a man tied up with chains in the dungeon. This man looked extremely strong. His exposed limb muscles were taut and strong, and he looked like a bodybuilder from his previous life.

However, if you look carefully, you will see that the muscles on the opponent's body are different from the perfect muscles of a bodybuilder. The muscles on the opponent's body are not balanced. Some are very big and some are very small. Not only do they not look beautiful, they even make them look unsightly. People feel very deformed.

"What is this?" Linde asked Moroya.

As soon as Linde's voice fell, the man who was bound by the iron chain suddenly raised his head as if he had been stimulated by something, and rushed towards Linde, but the iron chain locked on his body made him drag after just two steps. He was stopped and couldn't get close to Lind, but he still didn't stretch his neck and opened his mouth to bite Lind. It looked as if he and Lind had some kind of blood feud.

The careful Linde discovered that something was wrong with this man's pupils. His pupils were much smaller than normal people, and had shrunk to the size of a grain of rice.

"Ghoul?" Seeing this man's appearance, the first thing that came to Lind's mind was a ghoul, but he quickly denied it because the wounds on this man's body were still bleeding, which meant that this man should Is a living person.

Moroya took out some powder and sprinkled it on Linde. The man who was madly trying to attack Linde suddenly calmed down and sat on his knees on the ground. His whole body was like a piece of wood without showing any signs of attack. Emotionally, as if what just happened never happened.

"What's going on?" Lind asked Moroya.

Moloa explained: "The deodorizing powder made from mermaid oil can isolate the human smell on the body."

"I'm not a powder." Linde frowned, pointed at the man in front of him, and said, "I'm asking him."

"This guy is a really bad guy. Not only did he rob and kill, but he also dug out the heart and ate it. He was caught by the garrison not long ago. I want him to do experiments on me." Moloa introduced the man in front of him. He looked at Linde and said, "You promised Qyburn that some extremely bad guys could be used for experiments."

"You know what I'm asking." Linde said with some displeasure.

Moroya stopped teasing Lind and said seriously: "Do you still remember the White Walker sacrificial tablets and candles that you brought back in advance? This is the result of our research."

Linde couldn't help being stunned, and asked in surprise: "You have unlocked the secret of the sacrificial slab so quickly?"

"The reason why it's so fast is because this sacrificial slate has been studied before." Moroya waved to Coburn, who immediately took out an extremely ancient-looking book that he had prepared. , handed it to Moroya.

Moroya opened the book, turned to one of the pages, handed it to Lind, and explained at the same time: "In the Age of Heroes, before the city was built, Prince Perrymore, the second son of King Tower Uther, summoned countless Wise men, teachers, priests, doctors, singers, wizards, alchemists and other people with various knowledge came to the old town and recorded their knowledge. This recorded knowledge was the original foundation of the school city. .”

"Among the many visitors, there was a shrike from Kadash in the far east. This shrike presented some ancient books to the prince. Those books were said to come from Kadash, the first city in the world and also The source of all sacrificial rituals in the world, and these books record a large number of ancient and evil sacrificial rituals." "When the school city was established, these books recording the original sacrificial rituals were sent to the school city for preservation. They were the earliest A batch of banned books, but my ancestors still copied a copy of these books and kept them in the towering tower."

"There are a lot of crazy guys among my ancestors who are obsessed with these ancient sacrificial rituals and have done a lot of research. Among the research materials left by one of them, there is research information on this sacrificial tablet, so this The sacrificial tablets may not be from the White Walkers, but from Kadash.”

Linde looked at the page that Moroya pointed out, and saw a large number of scrawled words full of secret words. In the middle of these words was an extremely beautiful picture. The content of this picture was sacrifice. The slate is just that compared to the slate in the hands of the White Walkers, the sacrificial slate in the picture is much larger and has more content.

Moroya took out the four candles whose flames would not go out in the cold wind, and said: "The candles brought together with the sacrificial stone slab are made of mermaid oil, and they are also one of the main materials needed for the sacrificial ceremony. one."

"Is the mermaid you are talking about the legendary mermaid?" Linde asked.

"Yes." Moroya nodded.

Linde did not ask about the mermaid in detail, but returned to the matter of sacrifice and said: "According to these research contents, you have used the sacrificial stone to perform a sacrifice, and then created this person?"

"There was indeed a sacrifice, but this person was just an accidental product." Moloa motioned to Cobain to take out a glass bottle made by Mill from the box next to him, handed it to Lind, and said, "We It is actually the product of the sacrifice.”

By the light of the fire, Linde looked at the contents of the bottle doubtfully and saw that it was a lump of meat. However, this lump of meat was not dead, but alive. It was constantly squirming and felt like some kind of flesh. A skinned mollusk.

"What is this?" Linde asked.

Moroya explained: "Rabbit, a rabbit after completing the sacrificial ceremony."

Coburn intervened at this time and said: "The meat itself is not dangerous, but if some blood is extracted from the meat and injected into a person's body, the person will immediately become deformed and gain extremely strong strength. He will also lose all reason, is not afraid of pain, and will attack all living creatures. Only powder made from mermaid oil is sprinkled on his body to make him forget to attack."

As he said that, he looked at Mo Luoya and said: "That powder is not deodorizing powder, so a little powder cannot completely cover up the smell on the body. It should be that there is something in the mermaid oil candle that can deodorize the sacrificial products. Creating limitations and lighting mermaid oil candles can have the same effect."

Moroya ignored Cobain's correction of the name. She looked at Lind and said: "This should be just one of the secrets of the sacrificial tablet." As she said that, she pointed to the book that recorded a large number of ancient sacrificial rituals. book, and said: "If you combine this book, you may be able to find more secrets."

After listening to Moroya's words, Lind fell into deep thought. After a while, he handed the piece of flesh and blood in the glass bottle to Coburn and asked: "Is there any way to control the blood in this piece of flesh and blood?" Blood, mutation of the human body? For example, increasing strength, but not deformity. Forgetting pain, but not losing reason."

Cobain took the bottle, thought seriously for a moment, and said, "It's possible, but it requires a lot of experiments, and it's human experiments."

Lind thought for a while and said: "Dagon, Asha, and Belle are about to set off for the Stepstone Islands. There are many pirates there who are extremely vicious and unforgivable. It is just right to use them for experiments."

"You actually agreed to use many people for experiments?" Moroya looked at Linde with interest and said, "Isn't this unlike you?"

"Do you think you know me very well?" Linde looked at Mo Luoya and said calmly: "I will not allow any experiments to be used on innocent ordinary people, but for those guys who burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil, I never thought of them as human beings."

"Flexible justice, I like it!" Moroya watched Linde deliberately push his arm with his chest, then returned to business and said: "If you want to continue the experiment, this place is no longer suitable. Before, The noise caused by this guy is starting to make people think that this place is haunted. They say that the ghosts of Summer Hall have moved to this room and other nonsense. We need to find a more secluded and private place to rebuild a special experiment. room."

Linde seemed to have read through Moroya's mind and said, "Since you have said it now, you must already have a suitable location."

Moroya did not say anything immediately, but felt that this was not the place to talk about things, so he and Linde walked out of the cell. Cobain extinguished the flame behind him, closed the cage, and followed closely.

After arriving at Moloa's office, she took down a map of the Crimson Mountains from the nearby bookshelf, unfolded it in front of Lind, and said, "There is a valley in the middle of the road from the Red Guard Valley to Summer Hall. The prospecting team discovered a natural cave near the valley. There was only a mountain road leading from the valley to the cave. The mountain road was surrounded by cliffs. They only needed to re-pave the mountain road and repair the cave. It would be suitable for a secret experiment. room."

"I have no objection to the establishment of this laboratory." Linde looked at the location and said: "However, this laboratory must be supervised by the silent monks of the Salvation Temple, and the person sent to do the experiment must be Hu Lun. The bishop, Sister Melissa and Elder Colin jointly determined that the man was unforgivable and could only be handed over to you."

"What? Let the people from the Church of the Seven Gods supervise us." Moroya looked reluctant.

"Only in this way can we ensure that you don't act recklessly." Linde looked at the two of them very seriously and said, "You two are too dangerous. You actually performed sacrifices without notifying me. Fortunately, this time it was just It just produced such a mass of flesh and created such a monster. What if this sacrifice caused some evil force to descend on Redemption Town?"

Both Moroya and Cobain looked disapproving.

Linde said solemnly: "Letting the church supervise your future experiments is the best choice."

Moloa could see that Linde would not change his mind, so he could only make his own request: "They can only supervise the experiment, but they cannot interfere with anything."

"Okay." Linde nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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