Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 177 The Western Territory bows its head

Chapter 177 The Western Territory bows its head
When leaving Highgarden, Lind told Nymeria about the potion. She was also a little surprised that Willas was the master behind the potion.

There was no objection to Lind's caution. After the two returned to the Summer Hall, they handed the potion to Moroya for inspection. At the same time, Nymeria also began to take over various affairs of the Speaker of the Cabinet in the hands of Moroya.

Linde was not idle and went to meet a surprising guest.

"Lord Kevan, I didn't expect to see you here. What brings you to see me?" Linde came to the hotel specially built for visitors and saw that he had been waiting here for two or three days. Kevan Lannister asked very directly.

When Lynd returned to Summerhall, he was surprised to learn from Steward Moose that Kevan Lannister was waiting for his return here.

Because the relationship between the Lannister family and him is very ordinary, and because of Nymeria, the relationship is in a semi-hostile state. When they were in King's Landing, Duke Tywin would not even meet with him in private, but now Kay Von Lannister's unsolicited visit made Linde confused about Lord Tywin's thoughts for a while.

The reason why I say this is because Kevan Lannister has always been known as Tywin's shadow. His words and deeds are always related to Tywin, so you don't need to think too much. This time he came to Summer Hall must be Taiwin's instruction. of.

Faced with Linde's inquiry, Kevan Lannister did not waste any nonsense and told the matter very directly, saying: "Lord Linde, I came here this time to visit Tengshi Town with Count Nymeria Fudley. Signing a long-term grain purchase agreement, we are willing to purchase all the grain sold outside the Tengshi Town territory at a price that is [-]% higher than the regular price."

Lynd was not surprised by what Kevan Lannister said, because Nymeria had mentioned that Casterly Rock wanted to buy food from Tengshi Town.

After the extreme cold disaster, Casterly Rock City sent people to Tengshi Town more than once, hoping to sign a grain purchase agreement with Tengshi Town, but Nymeria found various reasons to reject them. Obviously Nymeria It was also because Duke Tywin was dissatisfied with what he had done in the Tumblestone Territory.

"Shouldn't you talk to the Earl of Tengshi Town about this matter? Why do you want to come to me?" Linde pretended to be confused.

Kevan frowned and said, "Lord Linde, you should know very well why I came to you, so why bother pretending to be confused?"

"Oh! I remember, it's because Nymeria doesn't want to pay attention to you," Lind walked to the chair next to Kevan and sat down, smiling and said: "But why doesn't Nymeria want to pay attention to you? She shouldn't Are you that kind of unreasonable person? Is there someone who has done something wrong and hasn’t even apologized yet?"

Kevan's face became a little gloomy, and he said with a slightly tough tone: "I don't think what happened at the beginning was wrong. A lord couldn't even manage his own territory well, which led to rampant bandits there and even affected the territories of other lords... …”

Before Kevan could finish speaking, Lind retorted: "This is not the reason for you to attack and loot other lords' territories. If anyone can use this reason to attack other weak lords, then the Seven Kingdoms will be in chaos. What do you think? What? Lord Kevan."

Kevan fell silent, and after a while, said: "We are willing to make compensation."

Hearing Kevan's words, Linde felt a little surprised. There is no doubt that Kevan's actions represent Casterly Rock City's bow, and Kevan's behavior represents Tywin. This behavior of bowing his head is really not in line with Lind's heart. In his opinion, Tywin's image is too Tywin should be the kind of person who is stubborn to the end and never bows his head.

However, Lind soon remembered an investigation document on the food of the Seven Kingdoms that Jon Bulwe had completed before leaving.

After experiencing the extreme cold disaster, except for Dorne, which was least affected by the disaster, the food of the other seven kingdoms was seriously affected. A large amount of wheat, corn and other crops were frozen to death in the fields, and various territories had to use Store food.

Although this year's extreme cold disaster only affected the northern border, and there were no problems in the areas south of Ningze, the food production in various places was still not high, which was not enough to make up for the losses of the previous year. Coupled with the extreme cold disaster and corpses, The appearance of ghosts made lords everywhere feel that the crisis was around them, and they all realized the importance of food. Therefore, except for a few productive territories in the River Bend, which were still selling food to the outside world, no other place sold a single grain of food to the outside world. , and even continued to purchase grain from abroad, causing the price of grain to double compared with last year.

Linde has always attached great importance to food reserves, so he has been hoarding food from a long time ago. Therefore, his current granaries are full, and sometimes he will release some food to stabilize the price of food in the territory. At the same time, he also uses This abnormal food fluctuation uses the method of using the method that only the citizens who have completed the identity registration in the territory can purchase cheap food to conduct a census and place of birth record of the population in his and Nymeria's territory.

Compared with Linde and Nymeria, who calmly responded to the abnormal food situation, the situation in the Western Region was obviously not good.

Having just experienced an extremely cold natural disaster and then being plundered by the Ironborn, it can be said that there has been no food harvest in the Western Territory in the past two years.

Although the Western Region is very rich and can buy food from overseas, this is not a long-term solution after all. One is because the route is too far and accidents are easy to happen on the way. Once an accident occurs, it will be completely lost. The other is that the price is too high. The price of purchasing food is already three times the price of regular food in the Seven Kingdoms.

In addition, the food production in the Western Territory itself is not much, because the Western Territory is mostly mountainous, and there are very few places suitable for growing food. It is so small that all the food-producing places in the entire Western Territory put together cannot compare to a secondary lord in the Reach. The area of ​​cultivated land is so large that the Western Territory urgently needs a place that can stably supply a large amount of food.

Duke Tywin had also seen the problems in the Western Territory a long time ago, and also thought of some solutions, and then came up with the plan to invade the territory of Tengshi Town.

At that time, the strength of Tengshi Town was very weak, but its territory was very large. The large plains west of the Mander River belonged to the lords of Tengshi Town. It was surrounded by water on both sides and the land was fertile. Once captured by the Western Territory, it would definitely be able to solve the problem. The Western Territory has been plagued by production problems for many years.

Unfortunately, the plan that was originally very smooth failed because of Linde's appearance, and the successive disasters also led to the deepening of the plight of the Western Territory. Duke Tywin also knew this very well, so he sent Kevan to see Linde. , and bowed his head on behalf of Tywin and was willing to compensate Nymeria for this scene.

Linde knew that Kevan's current stance had reached its limit. If he continued, he would really become a mortal enemy of the Western Territory. Although he was not afraid of the Western Territory, he did not want to make an enemy around him for no reason.

After thinking about the current situation in the Western Region, Linde also expressed his decision, saying: "I will help you make peace with Nymeria, but I will not interfere with your food agreement. The specific food purchase price will be different from yours." It’s up to you to negotiate compensation for Nymeria. Is that okay? Lord Kevan.”

"Thank you for your help, Lord Linde." Kevan also breathed a sigh of relief.

For Kevan, bowing to Lind is not an uncomfortable thing. After all, Lind's status as the Chosen One has become a symbol of the Church of the Seven Gods. Bowing to him is equivalent to bowing to the Church of the Seven Gods. As long as this Thinking about it, the estrangement in my heart no longer exists.This long-term grain purchase agreement is not only related to the food problem in the Western Territory, it is also an opportunity to re-establish good relations with Tengshi Town and Shengxia Hall. After all, Linde is acting extremely strong now. If such a strong figure continues to use the enemy's Standing next to the Western Territory with a posture is not conducive to the development of the Western Territory.

Seeing that the matter had been dealt with, Linde did not take him any further and stood up to leave. However, he suddenly thought of something and stopped again. He turned to look at Kevan and said, "Lord Kevan, I want to ask a question. How is Lord Tyrion doing now?"

"Tyrion?" Kevan looked puzzled. He didn't understand why Lind suddenly asked about Tyrion, but he still answered truthfully: "He is now working as a steward in Casterly Rock, assisting me in my work."

"Is he just a steward?" Linde smiled and said, "When I was in Lannisport, I got along very well with Lord Tyrion, and I also felt that Lord Tyrion was outstanding in talent and learning. He was somewhat qualified to be a steward. I'm sorry. If Lord Tywin doesn't mind, I hope Lord Tyrion can come to Summer Hall to help me. This can also deepen the relationship between us. What do you think? Lord Kevan."

Kevan looked at Linde in surprise, seeming a little surprised that Linde commented so much on Tyrion.

Although within the Lannister family, Kevan is the person who has the least discrimination against Tyrion except James, but he still does not think there is anything outstanding about Tyrion. In his eyes, Tyrion is just a prankster. He is just a clever nephew who likes to make sarcastic remarks regardless of the situation. He has no talent to speak of. This can be seen from the fact that he only appointed Tyrion as the service chief, which shows the status and ability of Tyrion in his mind.

Therefore, Lind suddenly mentioned Tyrion and expressed such high praise for Tyrion. In Kevan's eyes, this became the inevitable evil when things go wrong, and he immediately thought of Tyrion's other side. A person with the identity of the first heir to Casterly Rock City.

Kevan thought he had seen through Linde's plan, so he pretended to think, then shook his head and said: "This matter is not something I can decide. I need to return to Casterly Rock City and inform the Duke."

"Indeed." Lind nodded and said: "As the first heir of Casterly Rock City, but working under other lords, you do need to seriously consider it. I think this should also be Lord Kevan's concern, right?"

Kevan was a little surprised that Linde took the initiative to express what he was thinking. He didn't understand Linde's words for a while and didn't know how to respond.

"What if Tyrion is no longer the first heir?" Lind said solemnly: "What if I find a way to get Jaime to take off his white robe and return to Casterly Rock? Can you agree to Tyrion working under me? "

"What? You can make James take off his white robe!" Kevan suddenly stood up, looked at Linde with a serious face, and said, "You are not kidding, Lord Linde."

"Of course I'm not joking." Lind shook his head and said: "Actually, James' oath of the Kingsguard has been broken after he killed the king. You can make James take off his white robe, but you can't bear it. Forcibly order Jaime, and this matter will be settled. I am different. I can propose to King Robert to remove Jaime from his position in the Kingsguard. As for the reason, you can just find any reason. When the time comes..."

"No!" Kevan shook his head and said, "If we do what you said, James will not return to Casterly Rock. He is more likely to go to the Great Wall to wear black robes."

Although Kevan is not familiar with Tyrion's character and abilities, he knows very well what kind of person Jaime is. As he said, if Jaime is really forced to take off his white robe, then the ending will either be Jaime Suicide, or Jaime becoming a night watchman.

Lind added: "What if I can make James take off his white robe voluntarily?"

Lind is not aimless, he just needs to let Varys find an opportunity to slip a note into Jaime, which contains the relationship between Cersei, Joffrey and him, and use it as a threat to let him take off his white robe. .

It is not yet a few years later in the Red Keep. The guards in the Red Keep have not yet completely become people from the West. The relationship network of the West has not firmly controlled King's Landing. Even if they want to resist, they cannot do it. James He could only take off his white robe obediently and return to Casterly Rock City.

However, Kevan obviously didn't know that Lind had taken advantage of James. He just thought that Lind was just saying it casually, so he still shook his head and said: "My lord, this is a family matter of our Lannister family. , please don’t interfere too much. As for Tyrion’s matter, I don’t think the Duke will agree. If you really need talents, I can recommend a few for you.”

"In that case, forget it, just pretend I didn't say it." Linde shook his head, turned around and left the room without saying anything more.

Watching Lind leave, Kevan's frown did not go away. He always felt that Lind had ulterior motives for doing this, and he would not give up because of this, so he had decided to watch Tyrion after he returned. Keep it tight, it's best to let him be your attendant and always be with you. As for places like brothels, don't go to places like that to avoid accidents and being kidnapped.

Far away in Casterly Rock, Tyrion was instructing his servants to iron all kinds of clothes. In his mind, he had already gone to the brothel in Lannisport, thinking about which brothel to go to at night.

Although his current position is not the one he wants, at least he can get a lot of salary, which is enough for him to live the life he wants to live.

However, he had no idea that his happy life would soon end, and the reason for all these changes was just an idea that Linde had inadvertently had.

Regarding Tyrion, Lind just mentioned it casually. He didn't care whether it was successful or not. As for the subsequent impact, he didn't think about it.

After leaving the hotel, Lind found Nymeria and told her about Duke Tywin, and Nymeria did not object to it.

In fact, she no longer hated what Duke Tywin did back then. The reason she didn't see Kevan was just that Kevan was not very lucky. Every time he wanted to see her, she had other things to do.

Now the grain purchase agreement proposed by Kevan can not only find a good buyer for the excess grain in the territory, but also get an additional compensation, which is naturally a success for her.

In the afternoon of that day, the grain purchase agreement to alleviate the plight of the Western Territory was signed in the meeting hall of Redemption Town.

(End of this chapter)

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