Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 178 The Inner Sea of ​​Dorne

Chapter 178 The Inner Sea of ​​Dorne
"Damn it! You bunch of lazy fools! Get up and tighten the cables, tighten them. I want to fill the sails, fill the sails, do you know?" The rain and sea water poured on Mills' bald head, and gathered along his cheeks. Put the standard Novus beard on his mouth, and then soak his collar.

Although Mills comes from Norvos, an inland city-state in the Free City-State Alliance, he is a person who loves the ocean extremely. He has been sailing on the sea for 30 years since he first went to sea as a boy.

He hoped that he could save a sum of money, buy a ship, hire a group of bold sailors, and then sail west across the Sunset Sea to discover a new continent and open a new route.

However, he was always unlucky. Every time he accumulated a certain amount of money, he would spend it all for some inexplicable reasons. But fortunately, he was able to find a job with a generous salary every time after the money was spent. Work.

For example, now he is serving the Golden Goat of Governor Pantostatius. A year ago he was the boatswain, and now he is the new captain of the Golden Goat.

Originally, the Golden Goat was originally dedicated to the White Harbor route, but it was changed to the Miraculous Harbor route half a year ago. He was also promoted from boatswain to captain when he changed to the Miraculous Harbor route.

After becoming the captain of the Golden Goat, he realized how huge the benefits this new route contained. For example, the profit of transporting a ship of white wine and spices from Pentos to Miracle Harbor was twice that of shipping to White Harbor, as long as You can easily earn a lot of money just by taking a trip.

After Mills learned about the profits, he also took the opportunity of each voyage to put some cargo in his captain's cabin to earn some extra money for himself. He felt that if he worked for another year at most, he should be able to earn enough to buy a ship. Money.

However, he was not satisfied with buying an ordinary sailing ship. What he wanted to buy was a large sailing ship that could cross any water, like a three-masted, one-hundred-oared long ship like the Red Prince.

Therefore, it would be difficult for him to buy the sailboat of his choice in his lifetime just by carrying goods secretly on every voyage, so he wanted to find another way to see if there was a chance to get involved in the Seven Mysterious Medicine business.

The monk from the Church of the Seven Gods he met last time at Miracle Port was a monk in Miracle Temple who was responsible for the secret medicine warehouse. According to the information revealed by this monk, he had a very good relationship with Bishop Joses who was responsible for the order of the secret medicine. , as long as he can get in touch with the bishop, it is possible to get a batch of the Seven Mysterious Medicines from the Miracle Temple. When he returns to Pantos and changes hands, he can earn hundreds of gold dragons.

The Seven Mysterious Medicines in Port of Miracles are definitely the most expensive and best-selling specialties among the many specialties in the Chosen Territory. One secret medicine costs ten Westeros gold dragon coins. This is still the purchase price. When these secret medicines are purchased, After the medicine travels across the ocean and is transported to the Essos continent, the price may increase four to five times, or even ten times.

When this secret medicine was first sold, it was sold in the name of an aphrodisiac. However, the effect of this secret medicine is much better than the aphrodisiacs in brothels, and it will not hurt the body. After taking it, it will not be like other aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs can make you feel weak, but you will still have strong energy and strong energy.

Therefore, for a period of time, the Seven Mysterious Medicines were extremely touted by those powerful people who liked to look for flowers and flowers. The price also increased from fifty silver deer to one golden dragon. This really made the Seven Mysterious Medicines touted by countless powerful people in Westeros and Essos. The magic medicine is because someone discovered that this secret medicine has the effect of bringing people back to life.

Marvajo Chiheda of the Tiger Party, one of the three major governors of Volantis, is the youngest of the governors, but due to many years of fighting and injuries, his health is also the worst. During a routine public speech, he passed out directly on the podium.

Mavacho was almost dead when he was brought home. All the doctors thought he was hopeless, but his son Elios Chiheda thought of an alternative way to buy a car he had bought before. Mei Qi's mysterious medicine was ground into powder and given to Mavacho to eat.

As a result, Mavaggio, who had just taken the secret medicine, actually came back to life. Although his body was still weak, he was much more energetic than before, and his old injuries did not recur. Some people even saw him entering and leaving the city many times. It was not until half a year later that he was assassinated by a political opponent, and he resisted and killed two assassins before his death.

Everyone who knew Mavaggio's physical condition knew that it was obviously impossible for Mavaggio's previous body to have this ability, so they all thought it was the effect of the Seven Mysterious Medicines.

For this reason, some thoughtful people have also done some tests, and the results are as they thought. As long as they are not fatal injuries or some special diseases, taking the Seven Mysterious Medicines can save a life.

Therefore, the reputation of the Seven Mysterious Medicines spread throughout the entire Essos continent, and this reputation even spread back to the continent of Westeros, which in turn made the Seven Mysterious Medicines the most popular secret medicine in the entire Westeros. Basically all nobles will be equipped with one or two.

Because of this, each batch of the Seven Mysterious Medicines has been divided up by the powerful people of all parties before reaching the Secret Medicine Warehouse of the Miracle Temple. The number of secret medicines on the market is very small, and the price is very low. Also much more expensive than normal price.

Mills's boss, Governor Tedius, also wanted to do business in the Seven Mysterious Medicines. He even wanted to use the Seven Mysterious Medicines as gifts to make friends with the powerful people in Pentos, but he could not find any way. In the whole of Pentos, there was only Yili. Only Governor Leo can obtain the [-] mystical medicine from the Temple of Miracles from time to time, and use it to make friends with powerful people and increase his strength. This is why Governor Illyrio has been able to stand out among the many governors in Pentos this year. .

Just when Mills imagined in his mind that he had a batch of Seven Mysterious Medicines in his hands, whether to sell it directly at a high price, or to dedicate it to his boss, Governor Tedius, in exchange for appreciation and gain greater rights. , a rapid horn sound came down from the observation mast overhead.

I saw the lookout who was tied to the mast, blowing the horn in his hand and pointing to the right side of the ship.

Mills suddenly felt bad. He quickly ignored the wind and waves on the sea, skillfully grabbed the cable, climbed to the mast, and looked in the direction pointed by the lookout.

He saw a dozen black-sailed long ships approaching here. Judging from the speed of the ships, they should all be long-oared ships. These ships, which exist specifically for pirates, were very fast on the stormy sea. It is extremely fast and can easily catch up with any sailboat.

"Can you see clearly what flag is on the ship?" Mills shouted loudly towards the lookout.

The lookout took a serious look and shouted loudly: "Sea Banshee, this is the Sea Banshee's ship."

Hearing the lookout's words, Mills relaxed slightly, hurriedly got off the mast, and shouted to his boatswain: "Hurry up and get the red sword flag from Miracle Harbor and our sheep's head flag. Come out and hang on the bow.”

Upon hearing the order, the boatswain immediately ran to the cabin and took out the red sword flag and sheep's head flag that had been collected, and inserted them into the unique base on the bow.

Soon, more than a dozen black-sailed pirate ships arrived at the side of Mills' Golden Goat. They sailed side by side with the Golden Goat for a distance. After seeing the flag on the bow of the ship clearly, they blew a horn. The ship turned around and sailed past the Golden Goat without plundering the Golden Goat.

"Phew!" Although he had already guessed the result, Mills still couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.No one knew who the most powerful pirate was in the waters of the Stepstone Islands two years ago, but now the strongest pirate on the Stepstone Islands was none other than the Three Sea Monsters Alliance.

The Three Sea Monsters Alliance has occupied half of the Stepstone Islands. Only the Gray Gallows Island controlled by Dorn, a small part of the islands controlled by Tyrosh, and a part of the small islands near the Essos continent controlled by the Pirate Alliance have not been occupied. In addition to the occupation, the other islands have been controlled by the Three Sea Monsters Alliance.

The Three Sea Monsters Alliance is mainly composed of three great pirates: Asha Greyjoy, the sea witch, Dagon Harlaw, the deep diver, and Baelor Blacks, the sea dog.

This three-sea monster alliance appeared two years ago. It was extremely powerful when it first appeared. With [-] longships, it defeated the Pirate King of the Stone Step Islands in Torture Abyss and captured more than a dozen islands in just a few months. and the surrounding waters. A few months later, even the islands controlled by the Iron Throne were captured by them. By that time, they had occupied nearly half of the Stepped Stone Islands, islands and waters, and had thousands of large and small ships under their control. many.

When everyone thought that the Three Sea Monsters Alliance would take advantage of the situation to take over the entire Stepped Stone Islands, the Three Sea Monsters Alliance stopped expanding.

After that, they established strongholds and ports on the three islands of Torment Abyss, Bloodstone Island and the newly named Divine Grace Island. They built fortresses and docks on other surrounding islands, opened up fishing grounds in controlled sea areas, etc. It looked like A lord runs a territory.

Just when everyone thought that the Three Sea Monsters Alliance's next step was to consolidate its territory and continue to capture the Stepstone Islands, the Three Sea Monsters Alliance's pirate ships appeared in the conflict between the Miraculous Port Fleet and the Dorne Alliance Fleet to assist The Miraculous Port Fleet defeated the Dornish Alliance fleet in Tor City and Soul Hill, and then helped the Miracle Harbor Fleet control the Greyhound Reef and the Cape Stormrage Islands at the northern end of the Dorne Sea, completely defeating the Miracle Harbor Fleet. Controlled the entire Sea of ​​Dorne.

At this time, those who were thoughtful realized that the leaders of the three sea monsters were the descendants of the great lords and the lords themselves who were handed over to the supervision of Lynd Terra, Earl of Summerhall, during the Iron Islands Rebellion. They also discovered that Dorne is now The sea has become an inland sea completely controlled by Linde.

After that, the Three Sea Monsters Alliance and the Miracle Fleet cooperated with each other and annexed some islands of the Pirate Alliance. The Miracle Fleet also established a naval base with thousands of people on a large island in the Stepstone Islands. Everyone believed that , it won’t be long before the Stepped Stone Islands will be completely controlled by Linde, the Chosen One.

For the merchant ships sailing in this area, Linde's control of the Stepped Stone Islands has more advantages than disadvantages. As long as they establish trade relations with Miracle Port and the trade amount reaches a certain level, they will get a side to represent the business. With the flag of your partner, you can pass through this sea area smoothly without being attacked by pirates.

If you are attacked, you can also find the corresponding trading house in the Miracle Port and ask the Miracle Fleet to assist in retrieving the stolen goods. Under normal circumstances, even if you cannot completely retrieve the goods, you can still recover part of them and recover the losses.

The only disadvantage is that the business partner flag is only valid for half a year. After half a year, the trade volume must be re-examined and the partner qualifications must be re-determined.

As the Golden Goat entered the Sea of ​​Dorne, the wind and rain gradually subsided, and the wind and waves on the sea began to calm down, as if a ferocious beast had been tamed.

"Go to Weeping Town." Mills looked at the sky and said to the helmsman: "Let's go to Weeping Town to rest for a night and set off again tomorrow."

Upon hearing Mills' order, the helmsman immediately turned the rudder to adjust the direction, and then Mills loudly directed the sailors to adjust the sails so that they would always maintain full wind power.

Before dark, they had already seen the coastline of Cape Wrath, and also saw the castle built on the hillside in Weeping Town, as well as the Miracle Fleet naval base on Longweeping Island opposite Weeping Town.

After the Miracle Fleet occupied Changwei Island a few months ago, it built a fleet base here and stationed thousands of people, including a thousand naval soldiers, and the rest were craftsmen and their families.

The Weeping Town was naturally extremely dissatisfied with this and wanted to appeal to Duke Renly of Storm's End on the Iron Throne. However, the appeal was not submitted in the end because they discovered the benefits of establishing the Miracle Fleet base. First of all, the base soldiers would spend their free time. At that time, playing in Weeping Town brought a lot of tax revenue to Weeping Town, and everyone in Weeping Town received a lot of benefits.

Secondly, many ships traveling to and from Miracle Port will choose to stay in Weeping Town for one night. Because it is protected by the Miracle Fleet, it is very safe. This has also brought huge benefits to Weeping Town.

In just one month, the tax revenue received by Weeping Town exceeded that of previous years. This was only tax revenue, and the taverns, hotels, etc. controlled by various lords also brought huge profits. This made Baron Whitehead no longer have any regard for God. Any dissatisfaction with the construction of the fleet base.

Even in order to be able to dock more ships, Baron Whitehead hired craftsmen from the base to expand the Weeping Town Pier from a small terminal that could only accommodate a few ships to a large terminal that could accommodate more than twenty ships. pier.

Because the Golden Goat arrived too late, the docks that could dock had been occupied by other ships. They could only anchor near the bay of the port and let the sailors go ashore in batches to rest.

"Boss, look, look over there at the base!" Just when Mills was deciding who would get off the ship to rest and who would stay on the ship, the lookout hand who was about to untie the rope and come down from the mast suddenly pointed in the direction of the Miracle Fleet base and shouted. shouted.

Mills came to the helm of the ship and looked in the direction pointed by the lookout hand.

I saw, on the sea in the distance, seven or eight hundred-man-long galleys towing a battleship with four cabins, four upright sail masts, and triangular sails at the front and rear. This kind of battleship is a miraculous fleet. There are six main armed battleships in total, each of which is equipped with forty giant crossbows capable of killing whales, and has a standing staff of 700 people. It is called a sea fortress.

However, this maritime fortress is now in dilapidated condition. There is a big hole in the hull, which almost broke the entire ship into two sections. The front and rear sails are still intact, but the four middle sails have been completely broken. The only good thing is that the main keel is still intact. It was considered intact and could be repaired, which was why it was towed back to base.

"Did it encounter a sea monster? It was so badly damaged." A sailor who saw the situation clearly couldn't help but muttered.

"No, it's not a sea monster! It's a sea dragon." Mills couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the obvious cracks in the huge claws on the ship.

(End of this chapter)

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