Chapter 188 The Return
Gluttony is a very famous wild dragon, recorded by the famous scholar Dr. Galdan in his book "The True History of the Dance of the Blood Dragon".

According to records, Glutton was not much smaller than Balerion more than 100 years ago. It can be said to be the largest wild dragon.

There have been many quasi-dragon knights with Targaryen blood who tried to tame the gluttons, but they all ended up as withered bones in their lairs.

Moreover, the glutton not only eats people, but even dragons of the same kind will be attacked and eaten by it. Moreover, its attack power is extremely strong, and ordinary dragons are not its opponents at all.

Such a powerful wild dragon suddenly disappeared during the Battle of Dance of Blood Dragons. No one knew where it ended up, and no one knew whether it was dead or alive.

Although Linde is just guessing at the moment, according to the growth laws of dragons, it will take at least hundreds of years for a dragon to grow into the size of this sea dragon. During this period, the only one that can meet the requirements is It seems that the only old wild dragon is the glutton.

As for the other sheep thief, even if it lives to this day, it can only grow to the same size as Balerion at most, which is still far from the size of this sea dragon.

When Linde was observing Hai Long and guessing Hai Long's origin, Hai Long was swinging in place happily because the pain on his head disappeared.

Although it was a little carried away, and its neck and tail swung a bit when it moved its body, it still paid attention to Linde and avoided where Linde was. The already muddy grassland completely turned into A quagmire.

After releasing his happy emotions, Hai Long seemed to have thought of something and suddenly turned around and approached Linde, lowering his head towards Linde again.

Linde sensed that Hai Long wanted to ride on his head.

Naturally, Linde would not refuse this proposal, so he jumped up, controlled the wind power of the dragon rune, and let himself fly to the head of Hai Long.

At the junction of Hai Long's neck and body, there happened to be a slightly sunken joint that formed the shape of a seat. The bone spurs on the front and back of the spine on both sides were like handles and grips, fixing the people sitting on it so that they would not fall. It slipped due to shaking.

After Linde sat on it, he passed a message to Hai Long that he was already seated through a similar method of communicating with Glory.

After receiving the spiritual message, Hai Long turned around, quickly climbed to the edge of the lake, jumped into the lake, and dived to the bottom of the lake.

When Hailong walked to the lake, Linde immediately guessed what it wanted to do, so he immediately used the frozen dragon runes to form a simple diving bell around its body.

As the sea dragon dived, they came to the bottom of the lake, and saw a cave at the bottom that the sea dragon could freely pass through. There was a winding passage inside that led directly to the depths of the mountains.

Hailong got into the passage and swam in it for about ten minutes. The passage was always going downwards. After turning a somewhat narrow bend, they came to a shaft-shaped mountain cave.

Immediately afterwards, Hailong quickly rose to the surface of the water and climbed into the dark cave above the cave.

Although the surroundings were pitch black, through his special vision, Linde could still tell that this was a huge underground cave. The floor of the cave was full of various bones, including human bones, animal bones, and even He also saw the dragon's bones. Apart from the bones, only the dragon's excrement was left. Obviously, this should be the exclusive toilet of this sea dragon.

Because the surrounding humid environment caused all the dragon feces to ferment, a large amount of methane gas filled the surroundings, making it impossible for normal people to breathe.

However, this did not cause any discomfort to Hailong. It quickly led Lind through the cave and dived into another shaft waterway again. After passing through a not very long waterway, it came to the bottom of a mountain stream. In the canyon.

Looking up from the bottom of this canyon, you can see the sky, but the cliffs on both sides of the canyon are very high, at least a thousand meters, and the sun cannot shine down at all. The bottom of the entire mountain stream is covered with moss and other plants, but here there are It had the fresh air Linde needed.

Lind immediately opened the ice diving bell, replaced the turbid air inside, and used the frozen dragon runes to create several additional diving bells around it to prevent the recurrence of long-term diving like before. Condition.

But this time, he seemed to have guessed wrong. This mountain stream was very long. Hailong traveled very fast and walked for almost several hours without reaching the end.

However, from the sky above the canyon, seabirds began to appear flying over. It seemed that they had arrived near the coastline of the Shen'en Mountains from the middle of the Shen'en Mountains.

Not long after, an underground lake about the same size as the forbidden lake appeared in front of them. Hailong immediately got into it and moved forward in the waterway at the bottom of the lake again. After walking for less than 10 minutes, he saw a huge exit in front of him. , you can vaguely see the sunlight penetrating the sea water swaying at the entrance of the cave.

When the sea dragon emerged from the cave, it unfolded its damaged wings and flapped the seawater like fish fins. Its slender body straightened into a straight line and swam in the ocean at extremely fast speeds.

Soon it found a school of fish in front of it, and then saw it open its big mouth, and a ball of green flames shot out from its mouth, burning the seawater in the sea area where the fish school was, and instantly burned the cold seawater to ashes. The hot water was poured out, and at the same time, the shock waves formed by the dragon flames also spread to the surroundings, directly killing the sea fish that were not burned to death by the scalding sea water.

A large number of sea fish floated to the surface of the sea, and Hailong swam over to feast. While enjoying the food, he sank into a group of dead fish, allowing Linde to grab a few dead fish and eat them together.

Although these sea fish were half-cooked, Linde felt unbearably hungry at the moment, as if he hadn't eaten for more than ten days, and he didn't care about the taste, so he grabbed the sea fish one by one and ate them raw.

Although the sea fish had a fishy smell, the meat quality was pretty good and there was no problem eating it raw. After eating a few arm-sized sea fish, Linde felt that his stomach was full.

Only then did he start to look around to determine his position.

Soon, he recognized from several iconic cliffs in the distance that this should be the sea area near the Cape of Divine Grace. It was not very far from the area where he fought the sea dragon before.

Lind thought that his disappearance would definitely cause a lot of noise, and the Miracle Fleet would also send ships to search for him here, so he decided to go over there and take a look to see if he could encounter a ship searching for him and learn about some of the situation.

After making the decision, Linde gave orders to Hai Long according to the method of commanding Glory.

Hai Long did not resist Linde's order. On the contrary, he was willing to obey Linde's order. After receiving the order, he stopped eating and swam quickly in the direction of the order.

On the sea near the Cape of Divine Grace, more than a dozen longships were parked there, and sailors were constantly diving into the seabed to search for something. Judging from the flags on the ships, these ships should be from the Three Sea Monsters Alliance, the sea dog Belle... On the pirate ship under Blacktys, the sailors who dive into the deep sea are without exception his best sailors.

At this time, Baelor Blacktys was standing on the bow of his ship, watching his men do their work with an expressionless face. Ever since he took over from the Sea Banshee Asha Greyjoy, he would stay on the bow of the ship and watch almost every day. The dive search begins until the end of the day.However, the results of finding nothing made his face become more and more gloomy. The crew of the Nightcrawler where he was was also affected by his emotions. Even the sailors who loved telling dirty jokes kept their mouths shut to avoid getting into trouble.

The life on the Stepstone Islands has wiped out the last trace of childishness on Baelor Blacktyce's face. He already has the pirate temperament that only his ancestors Ironborn had. His long-term leadership of the fleet has also given him a leadership temperament. , even if he returns to Kuroshio Island to succeed the lord now, he is definitely a qualified lord of the Iron Islands.

However, unlike his standard Ironborn appearance and temperament, the seven-pointed star badge hanging around his neck shows that his heart is completely different from his appearance.

Baelor's adjutant came up and suggested: "Boss, we've been searching here for half a month and haven't found anything. Why don't we move to another place before Dagon Harlaw's deep divers come to take over?" Look for it? Maybe you can find something."

Baelor Blacktys did not make a decision immediately. After a moment of silence, he turned around and asked a somewhat abrupt question: "Do you think the Earl is still alive?"

The adjutant was stunned, not knowing how to answer for a moment, and stood there blankly.

As rumored by the outside world, Linde Terra has been missing with Hai Long for two months. It is very likely that he is dead. But the problem is that the person they are talking about is the Chosen One of the Seven Gods, the one who was killed outside the wall. The Chosen One who has defeated White Walkers and recovered giants, it is naturally impossible for such a powerful person to judge based on common sense.

Baylor did not get an answer from the adjutant, nor did he continue to ask. Instead, he ordered: "Let them return to the ship, and we will search again in another place."

After hearing the order, the adjutant immediately conveyed the order, and the sailors on each ship returned to the ship one after another, preparing to move the search location.

Just as everyone was preparing in an orderly manner, the lookout standing on the mast to check the surrounding situation suddenly pointed to the sea in the distance with a pale face, and shouted loudly: "Dragon! Dragon!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and soon their faces became extremely pale as they thought of something.

Belle Blacktys's face also became ugly, because the appearance of Hai Long meant that something had happened to Linde, which was an unacceptable thing for him.

You must know that Lind has become his spiritual guide in the past few years. He believes that Lind will definitely lead them to defeat the White Walkers and save mankind in the long night, but such a savior died in the mouth of the sea dragon. This is him Something that is unacceptable under any circumstances.

However, he soon broke away from the negative emotions in his heart, drew out the long sword from his waist, and said to the adjutant: "Blow the duel horn, even if we die, we will leave an indelible mark on that monster. scars."

After hearing Baile's decisive order, the adjutant also recovered from his panic. Without thinking much, he directly took off the horn from his waist and blew the duel signal.

When all the sailors on the ship heard the duel horn, they all recovered from their fear of the sea dragon. They all picked up their spears and stood on the side of the ship. The archers also took out their best iron-headed arrows. , put it on the string, ready to draw the bow and shoot.

However, just as all the sailors were waiting for the sea dragon to appear and fight with it, the lookout hand who first spotted the sea dragon suddenly shouted loudly: "It's gone, it dived into the water and disappeared!"

Everyone immediately stuck their heads out of the side of the ship, trying to see clearly what was going on in the sea, but all they saw was darkness.

At this moment, a huge wave surged out from the bottom of the sea, instantly shaking all the surrounding ships around. The people on the ship were also embarrassed by the sudden shaking.

However, they are people who have been making a living at sea all year round. They quickly adapted to the rocking ship and stood firm, so that they could concentrate on checking the situation.

However, when they saw clearly the culprit who created this wave, all of them couldn't help but have a look of panic on their faces. The courage they had generated due to the duel horn also quickly dissipated, even Baelor Blacktys was no exception.

I saw a ferocious dragon head as huge as a three-story sailboat appearing in the middle of their fleet. Its towering neck raised its dragon head high, and its huge dragon eyes emitted a fierce light, watching all the people as if they were overlooking ants. vessel.

This is only the part floating on the water. Everyone knows very well that the underwater part of this sea dragon is probably huge. Facing such a huge monster, all of them are sure that they can't defeat this kind of monster, even if it is It would probably be difficult to leave a wound on a monster.

However, just when everyone fell into despair, Hai Long suddenly spoke.

I saw it say: "Baylor! Why are you here?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Baelor Blacktys on the Night Walker.

Baylor was also stunned at this moment, because he could hear that the voice was clearly Lind's, so he asked tentatively: "Lord Lind, is it you?"

"Of course it's me." Linde's voice came out from the dragon's neck again, and then he saw the sea dragon slowly sinking until its body was flush with the surrounding ships.

At this time, everyone discovered that Lin De, who had been missing for two months, was sitting at the junction of Hai Long's neck and body.

Everyone immediately realized what was going on, and everyone's emotions instantly soared from despair to ecstasy. Some sailors who were a little weak from diving for a long time even fainted from excitement due to excessive mood swings, while the rest The people cheered loudly, their faces full of joy after the disaster.

Linde ignored the cheers around him and ordered Hailong through his spiritual connection to let it swim around and not go too far.

After that, he stood up and jumped off the dragon. A strong wind was generated out of thin air around his body, pushing him onto the Night Walker and landing firmly on the deck.

"How long have I been missing?" Linde asked very directly.

"You have been missing for more than two months." Belle replied quickly.

Linde frowned, then went straight to the point and asked, "Tell me about the situation in the territory after I disappeared."

(End of this chapter)

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