Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 189 Chapter 3 Character Template

Chapter 189 The third character template
"In other words, after I disappeared, not only did there not be any turmoil in the territory, but it actually expanded?" After listening to Baelor Blacktys's account, Lind couldn't help but be stunned and said in surprise.

"Yes." Baylor nodded and said: "Half a month ago, when I left Divine Grace Island, I received news that Greenstone Castle and Weeping Town were also preparing to sign an offensive and defensive alliance with us. I think they should have signed it by now. Yes. Summer Hall is also planning to build a castle on the expanded frontier, and construction should have started by now."

Linde was silent for a moment and asked: "Are you carrying a kestrel with you?"

Belle nodded.

"Use the Kestrel to tell the Summer Hall that I'm fine. Now return to Miracle Port." Linde ordered.

"Yes, sir." Baylor responded, and then issued an order to his subordinates to return to Miracle Port.

The sailors on each ship cheered loudly. After all, they had been here for more than ten days and were already exhausted.

Even after a few days, when they met with Dagon's people, they only returned to the Stone Steps Islands. Now they were able to take advantage of the opportunity to see Linde off and go to the bustling Miracle Port to play, so they were naturally very happy.

After Linde ordered to return to the ship, he walked to the side of the ship and summoned the sea dragon through spiritual connection.

Soon the sea dragon swimming around sneaked under the boat and emerged from the water, revealing its huge dragon head.

Although they already knew that Linde had subdued the sea dragon and knew that the sea dragon was swimming under the sea, the moment the huge dragon head emerged, all the sailors on the ship were still extremely shocked.

The waves generated by the rising sea dragons rocked the surrounding ships back and forth. The captains on each ship shouted loudly, waking up the sailors who were shocked by the sea dragons. They quickly moved back and forth on the deck according to the tilt direction of the ship's hull. Change the position and control the hull to avoid capsizing due to waves.

"I'm going home. Do you want to come with me or stay here?" Linde looked around and made sure there was no ship accident before asking Hai Long through the spiritual link.

If it were Glory, it would definitely feel confused when faced with such a problem and didn't know how to choose. However, Hailong just hesitated for a moment, turned to look at the cliffs on the distant coastline, and saw a trace of reluctance in its eyes. He Juejue, then turned to look at Linde, nodded, and told Linde that he was willing to follow.

At this moment, Linde could feel that there was a huge difference between Hai Long and Glory. It was obvious that Hai Long was much more intelligent than Glory. His spiritual communication with Hai Long was more like communicating with a normal adult, while Glory was more like A child, and Hai Long also has stronger emotions than Glory. The emotions such as hesitation and reluctance just now are almost the same as ordinary people.

This also made him wonder about the third Dragon Feast Ceremony that was passively inspired, because the performance of the sea dragon has obviously exceeded all records of dragon wisdom.

In all the records about dragons that he has seen, most of the descriptions of their wisdom are beasts with certain intelligence. They obey orders like domesticated hounds and falcons. Even Bellery, the Black Death God, Well, this kind of dragon, which was born when Valyria still existed, did not show particularly outstanding intelligence.

This is true for domesticated dragons, let alone a wild sea dragon like this one.

Moreover, from the previous battle with the sea dragon, it can be seen that this sea dragon has no intelligence, because the intelligent sea dragon will kill the enemy directly through the dragon flame at a safe distance. When faced with Linde's attack, it will burn with the dragon flame instead of He bites it with his mouth, so Linde is almost certain that the sea dragon in front of him has such high intelligence, which should be related to the dragon feasting ceremony, and the strong closeness, dependence and obedience it now shows to Linde should also be the source. From the Dragon Feast Ceremony.

"Why attack ships entering this sea area?" With the idea of ​​testing Hailong's intelligence, Linde asked another question that required thinking with wisdom.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hai Long quickly gave an answer, and the answer was very complete and accurate. In summary, the territory was violated and the food was robbed.

Linde also understood why a large number of ships had accidents here, especially in the past two years, sea dragon attacks on ships have occurred frequently.

Because of the emergence of Miracle Port, the fishing industry has become very prosperous. There are a large number of fish and seafood in this sea area, attracting a large number of fishing boats to fish.

Hailong, which has lived in this sea area for hundreds of years, has long regarded this sea area as its own territory, and the fishing behavior of those fishing boats is naturally regarded as an invasion. At first, it only attacks the fishing boats, and its attack method is very simple. Swallow the boat and people directly.

The disappearance of some fishermen at sea did not attract too much attention from the nobles of Tor City and Hunqiu. In their view, the sea was dangerous and could be destroyed at any time, so they did not prevent fishermen or ships from passing through that sea area. , eventually leading to the sea dragon indiscriminately attacking all ships that broke into that sea area, including smuggling ships.

"Don't attack ships casually in the future. I will be responsible for your food." Linde tried to give clear instructions again.

Hailong shook his huge dragon head and rejected Linde's offer of food. He said that he would look for food and promised Linde very clearly that he would not attack ships casually, but would only attack those ships that attacked it and those designated by Linde. Boat.

Linde couldn't help but smile on his face, because he knew very well that with the addition of Hai Long, his navy would be invincible. This also allowed his plan to conquer the Stepped Stone Islands to be advanced much earlier, without having to wait for the other ten After several fortress battleships were built and equipped to the Miracle Fleet, he could go directly to the Stepstone Islands to complete the unification war after he returned to the Summer Hall.

After suppressing the excitement in his heart, Linde asked a relatively complicated question and said: "Let me give you a name!"

This question made Hai Long a little confused. There was a thoughtful look in its eyes, as if it was thinking about what the name meant.

Linde added: "How about glutton? I will call you glutton from now on."

Although Lind only guessed that the sea dragon in front of him might be the wild dragon Glutton that disappeared during the Dance of the Blood Dragons, and there was no substantial evidence to prove this, he still decided to call him by this name.

And when telling the other party's name, not only telling the other party through spiritual connection, but also directly speaking the name in common language.

The scales on Hai Long's neck shrank when he heard the name. Linde could feel that Hai Long liked the name very much, and then he saw Hai Long nodded.At this time, the fleet had already opened the sails, and the sailors inserted the long oars into the water. After asking Lind for instructions, Baylor ordered to set sail for Miracle Port.

At this time, Sea Dragon Gluttonous also sank into the sea, swimming around and below the fleet, while Linde and Sea Dragon had been maintaining mental communication and doing various tests and exercises.

For example, test how long the spiritual link between them is, test how fast the glutton is in the water, etc.

These tests and exercises also made Linde more clear that his spiritual connection with Gluttony was very different from his connection with Glory.

Among these differences, the most obvious point is that Lind cannot attach his spirit to the glutton and control the glutton's actions. He can only direct the glutton by giving orders, which also makes him unable to act like a glutton. It's like borrowing Glory's special vision, borrowing certain organs with special abilities in the glutton.

After mastering the communication skills with the Sea Dragon Glutton, Lind ended the test and let the Glutton swim around the fleet, while he went to the captain's cabin of the Nightcrawler to check his physical condition.

From the time he woke up next to the restricted lake in the Shen'en Mountains until now, Linde has not carefully checked his physical condition to understand the changes brought about by the passive stimulation of the Golden Finger and Dragon Feast Ceremony.

Like the previous two Dragon Feast Ceremonies, his body has also strengthened a lot. This can be seen from the fact that he was only dizzy for a moment after being swept by the glutton's tail, but his body was not injured. It can be seen that his body strength has increased. A lot. If it had been placed before the third Dragon Feast Ceremony, he might have been injured.

In addition to the improvement in the overall quality of the body, the Dragon Feast Dragon Rune in the heart has also been enhanced. The most obvious feature is that he can feel that the power drawn directly from the Dragon Rune is stronger.

And more importantly, the power of the Dragon Eater Dragon Rune can not only be introduced into the Lost Knight's Great Sword to enhance the effect of the three dragon runes as before, but it can also directly imitate these three and all other dragon runes. Dragon runes, that is to say, even if the Homeless Knight's great sword is not with him, he can still use the power of dragon runes such as ice, storm and thunder, but the power will be slightly smaller and the magic power consumption will be higher.

This undoubtedly made up for Linde's shortcomings, allowing him to maintain his strength without losing too much even if he lost the sword of the Lost Knight.

You must know whether the sword of the Homeless Knight has a huge impact on his strength. The gap caused by this impact is the same as the gap between gods and mortals.

It can be seen from the previous fight with Gluttony that he can easily deal with Gluttony after mastering the sword of the Lost Knight, but he can only passively avoid it after losing the sword of the Lost Knight.

In addition, his body also gained a new ability because of this dragon feast ceremony, just like the second dragon feast ceremony gave him the ability to activate thoughts, but this time the ability is reflected in In terms of bloodline talent, he has an Incombustible physique similar to that of Dragon Mother Daenerys. When he puts his hands on the flames and bakes them, his palms will not feel burned, and the parts baked by the flames will not be burned.

The only thing unclear is how strong his incombustible physique can withstand the flames. Although there is a giant dragon nearby, he is not stupid enough to let the glutton spray him with dragon flames. He just plans to wait until he returns. In the Midsummer Hall, he went to the forge, where there were flames of various temperatures that could help him test the bottom line of the Unburnt's physique.

However, what made Linde a little doubtful was that although he carefully checked the changes in his body after the third dragon feast ceremony, he still found no side effects of the dragon feast ceremony. Even after the dragon feast ceremony, he would inevitably become extremely fast. The increased killing emotion is not much, which is obviously contrary to common sense. The only way to explain it is that the side effects are hidden deeply and he cannot find it now.

This is definitely not good news for him, because the deeper the hidden side effects, the greater the impact on him when they burst out.

However, Linde did not remain confused and troubled about the side effects of the Dragon Feast Ritual for too long. Soon his attention shifted to the golden finger, and the doubts in his heart turned into worry because he found that his golden finger disappeared. .

Before, whenever I thought of Goldfinger, a progress bar would appear in front of my eyes. Now this progress bar no longer exists, and only a Goldfinger character template shrouded in black shadow is left floating there, that is to say. Now this character template is the last character template that his golden finger can give him.

Goldfinger has always been his initial solid backing. He believes that even when facing gods, as long as Goldfinger exists and he continues to accumulate character templates, he will one day have the power to kill gods.

Therefore, now that he saw Goldfinger disappear, he inevitably felt worried and even a little inexplicable panic in his heart.

However, he soon adjusted his mood, because he wanted to know more about who the last character template left by Goldfinger was.

Although this character is still dark and it is impossible to tell who it is, Linde has a feeling that this character template that caused Goldfinger to disappear was definitely not a simple guy.

So, after adjusting his mentality to normal and getting ready, Linde inspired this character template.

Following the inspiration of the character template, a huge figure with a gray-haired crown, exquisite armor, and a long-handled sword and gun appeared in front of him. This figure was surrounded by storms, dark clouds, and thunder and lightning. The vague shadows of some giant dragons flashed among them from time to time.

At this moment, a large number of memories were integrated into Linde's body along with the increasingly clear character template.

At the same time, the sky that was cloudless a moment ago was now covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning were flying through the clouds, and huge storms stirred up the calm sea surface, creating huge waves that surged in all directions.

However, the strange thing is that the sea surface centered on the Night Walker where Linde is located is unusually calm. The huge waves caused by all the surrounding storms have perfectly avoided this area, and the aftermath of these huge waves has swept this area. However, it collided with the aftermath of other huge waves extremely accurately, canceling each other out without causing any impact on this area.

All the ships folded their sails at this moment and moved closer to the Night Walker. The sailors looked at the Night Walker with eyes full of shock and reverence, although they didn't know what caused this weird weather. , but they were able to judge from the calm sea surface surrounded by huge waves and storms that it must be related to Linde on the Night Walker.

The sailors on the Night Walker also looked towards the captain's cabin, and their captain, Baelor Blacktys, stood guard at the door of the captain's cabin and did not dare to move.

A power that ordinary people could not feel came from the cabin and spread to the sea. The gluttons swimming in the sea seemed to have sensed some natural enemy. They did not dare to go near the sea anymore. They sank at a very fast speed, reached the bottom of the sea, and clung to the sea. On the rocks at the bottom of the sea, I dare not move.

(End of this chapter)

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