Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 190 Bloody Countess

Chapter 190 Bloody Countess
Just when Lind was merging the third character template, far away in the castle of Summer Hall, Nymeria, who was working on official documents in Lind's study, suddenly discovered that the patterns on the surface of the dragon egg that looked like blood vessels were shining out of lava. like light.

The Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks who were responsible for guarding Nymeria in the room also saw this abnormal situation. Although they did not know whether this situation was good or bad, they instinctively walked to Nymeria and pulled her away. Protect behind you.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Nymeria gestured to everyone and stood up.

In just two or three months, her belly has become very obvious. Even if it is not to the point of needing help, it has already affected her movements.

She walked to the dragon egg, looked at the lava-like light flashing on it, and then tried to reach out and touch the dragon egg.

She was ready to be burned, but what she felt instead was a chill on her fingers, as if the dragon egg that glowed like fire was actually a ball of ice.

However, this abnormal situation did not last long and ended soon. The attentive Nymeria also discovered that there were more patterns on the dragon egg.

"Linde! Something must have happened to Linde that caused this to happen." Nymeria looked at the dragon egg that had returned to normal, with a smile on her face and said, "Although I don't know the specific details. What is the situation, but at least we can be sure that our God’s Chosen One is still alive.”

Everyone present smiled when they heard this, and even the silent monks who had always been expressionless showed a hint of joy.

Although due to proper handling, various affairs within the territory of Shengxia Hall did not have any major problems due to Linde's disappearance, and external affairs were also prosperous, looking better than when Linde was in Shengxia Hall, but no one It was clear that this situation of stability and prosperity was only temporary, as no one could be entirely sure that Lind was dead.

But as time goes by, and Linde never appears, the possibility of Linde's death becomes greater, and the undercurrent hidden in this stable and prosperous scene will also emerge. Even if there is support from all parties, the territory of Shengxia Hall will definitely be destroyed. It will fall into turmoil, and even her Tengshi Town will also be affected.

Now the dragon egg's reaction undoubtedly showed that Lind was fine, which made Nymeria, who had been tense for the past few days, relax.

"Should we publicize this matter so that in the territory..." Moose, who assisted Nymeria in handling various government affairs, asked in a deep voice.

Nymeria thought for a while, shook her head, with a contemptuous smile on her face, and said: "There is no need to spread the word, let those guys continue dancing, and we will deal with it after the Earl comes back. We just need to prepare the replacement list in advance. That’s it.”

After hearing the order, Musi quickly understood what to do. Then, together with the intelligence chief Balin and the blood-armored leader Rosso, they continued to closely monitor those in the forest according to Nymeria's plan, while looking for the truly loyal ones. Replacer.

If Nymeria judged that Lind was still alive through the reaction of the dragon egg, it was just a vague feeling, then a few days later, the kestrel letter from Baelor Blacktyce, the captain of the Walker, was conclusive evidence, proving that Lind was not only He was still alive and had subdued the sea dragon.

Almost as soon as she received the letter, Nymeria convened a meeting directly in the meeting hall of Redemption Town. This meeting summoned all the officials that could be summoned in Summer Hall.

At the meeting, Nymeria immediately showed Baelor Blacktyce's letter, informing everyone that Lind was still alive and had subdued the sea dragon. The strength of the Miracle Fleet would become unrivaled in the world because of the addition of the sea dragon.

Then, without waiting for the officials to cheer, Nymeria asked Moose to announce a list. This list involved various departments in the entire Summer Hall territory. There were more than 100 people on the list. Although the positions It is not very high, but it is more or less related to people's livelihood, economy, military and so on.

Whenever Musi read out a name, a blood-armored man would take away the person corresponding to the name. Some people tried to resist and were killed on the spot by several blood-armored men and the garrison. Everyone knew that these people were taken away. What mistakes did those who left make? While they felt sad for these people, they were also glad that they could stick to the bottom line of loyalty and did not do anything to betray the interests of Shengxia Hall.

The list of more than 100 people at the meeting was only one-third of the entire list, and two-thirds of the people on the list were not in Redemption Town.

However, none of these people could escape, because almost on the day the Redemption Town meeting ended, they were taken away by the garrison, the Blood Armor and the Chosen Corps.

This time, more than 300 people were purged within Shengxia Hall and Tengshi Town, and the total number of other people affected was more than 2000. Only some of these people were sent to the mines to work as miners, and the rest were directly It would be useless for anyone to ask Nymeria to plead for mercy.

Some of those executed were wandering knights and free cavalry, and more were second, third, or illegitimate sons from noble families in different territories. Their executions more or less offended these territorial nobles, but Nymeria didn't care, she just wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone what would happen to the betrayer.

This also made the Seven Kingdoms get to know Nymeria, Lind's only love, again. Her ruthless and cruel methods shocked everyone. For a time, the name of the Bloody Countess fell on her head. On, she was given the first label with a specific meaning.

However, while everyone was shocked by Nymeria's cruel methods, they were also surprised by Nymeria's political methods.

In any territory, if hundreds of officials, big and small, are dealt with, it will definitely cause violent turmoil in the territory, and even cause the territory's order to collapse and fall into civil strife.

But the Shengxia Hall was different. While hundreds of officials were being dealt with, hundreds more officials were immediately promoted to fill the vacancies.

Although there would be some unusual turmoil when new officials took over their new positions, it only took half a day for these turmoils to calm down, and the entire Shengxia Hall municipal government at all levels returned to normal operations.

At this moment, the great lords also realized the superiority of the various political reforms implemented by Linde in their territories. They also wanted to put such reforms in their territories, but they soon discovered that their territories It's simply impossible, because in their territory, aristocratic relations are like a big net that tightly wraps up the power structure of the entire territory. Any changes will trigger a shock in the entire aristocratic network. By then, this shock will even It will backfire on those in power.

Therefore, the various reforms implemented by Linde are only suitable for emerging lords like him who have emerged from scratch, and are not suitable for the ancient aristocratic systems of other kingdoms whose families have been passed down for at least hundreds of years.However, at this moment, for the great lords, the most noteworthy thing is Lind, not only because Lind is still alive, but also because Lind subdued a dragon, which was the last time the Targaryen family died more than 100 years ago. After a dragon died, someone subdued another dragon for the first time. Although it was a sea dragon, it was still a dragon.

At this time, some rumors about Linde's identity reappeared in various cities in the Seven Kingdoms. The matter of the dragon egg given to him by the ghost of Summer Hall was mentioned again. They all believed that Linde was not the son of Orion at all. I'm afraid he was. The descendant of a certain Targaryen bastard, this also proves why Linde can still subdue dragons without the traditional silver hair and purple eyes of the Targaryen family.

Because the Targaryen family has had marriages with the great nobles of the Seven Kingdoms in the past, the current Baratheon family, Stark family, Lannister family and other families all have some Targaryen blood. The blood of the family, even if Robert Baratheon hates the Targaryens so much, he still has to admit that he has the blood of the Dragon family in his blood.

Therefore, even if Linde does not have the appearance of the Targaryen family, he can still have the blood of the Targaryen family.

However, all the speculations are not as real as Long Lai. The current news about Linde subduing the sea dragon only comes from a letter from Linde's men. No one actually saw the tamed sea dragon, so some people still doubt it. Expressing doubts, she even felt that Nymeria's purpose in doing this was to mislead the outside world and make the outside world think that Lind was still alive, and to take the opportunity to resolve internal uneasy factors in order to maintain the political situation within the Summer Hall when the news of Lind's death spread in the future. .

Regardless of the relevant speculations from the outside world, their focus will eventually focus on Miracle Port, because whether Linde subdues the sea dragon or Linde kills the sea dragon, he will eventually return to Miracle Port.

As a result, spies from various noble forces in the Seven Kingdoms were dispatched in Miracle Port. They stared at the dock every day, waiting for Linde to appear. Some even pretended to be fishermen and cruised outside the Miracle Port to ensure the first time. It was certain that Linde was back.

While the storm was raging in Miracle Port, Linde's fleet was still on the sea, moving slowly in the direction of Miracle Port.

The voyage that could obviously be completed in three days took six days to reach the sea area near Corpse Point. It only takes half a day at most to reach Miracle Port. Of course, that is only under normal circumstances. Under this abnormal situation, Baylor estimates that it will take more than a day to reach his destination.

It wasn't that Baelor Blacktyce deliberately slowed down and delayed, but because he and his ships couldn't sail fast at all, let alone open the sails, or even use human oars.

Because the storm that appeared out of thin air around them was so strong that the waves it raised could easily overturn an intruding ship. Moreover, the storm was always surrounding them without any sign of dissipating, and it moved extremely slowly. Baile's fleet could only move with the storm and did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

However, this situation began to change as they came to the offshore of Corpse Point and the coastline of Red Point.

I don’t know whether it was the storm itself or the blocking effect of the high mountains near the coastline. The dark clouds in the sky seemed to have become lighter, the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds also decreased accordingly, and the surrounding storm winds were also weakening, most obviously. The characteristic is that the wind and waves on the sea are much smaller.

When night came, the oil lamp in the captain's cabin of the Night Walker was suddenly lit.

Ever since Lind entered the captain's room and asked Belle to guard the door, the oil lamp in the captain's room had not been lit. No one knew what Lind was doing in the captain's room. But now that the oil lamp was lit, it seemed to be some kind of signal.

Almost at the same time that the oil lamp was lit, the dark clouds in the sky completely dispersed, the surrounding storm also calmed down, and the sea returned to a calm state.

Seeing the changes in the weather around him, Belle stood stunned for a while, then knocked on the door of the captain's cabin and asked: "My lord, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Linde quickly answered and then asked, "Where are we now?"

Belle replied: "In the sea near Corpse Point, we should be able to reach Miracle Port in half a day."

"Just rest on the sea for one night, and we will continue our journey tomorrow." Linde ordered.

Sailing in the storm these days has made everyone very tired mentally and physically, and they need to rest, so after hearing Lind's order, Belle immediately agreed: "Yes, sir."

After saying that, he went down to arrange rest, sentry and other matters for the people on each of his ships.

In the cabin, Linde had already taken off his sweaty clothes, picked up the kettle on the table, and drank it all in a few sips, regardless of whether it was wine or water, to relieve the thirst in his throat.

The third character template, which is Goldfinger’s last character template, has been completely integrated into Linde’s body. The same difference is that after the fusion of the two character templates, it is more reflected in the memory fusion. This time the character template fusion is Memory fusion and body transformation were carried out at the same time, which meant that in the past few days, he had once again completed the Dragon Feast Ritual, and it was a several times enhanced version of the Dragon Feast Ritual.

The reason for this is because the character template he fused is unusual, or the word character template is not appropriate. It is more correct to use the word god template, because the character template he fused is a god, from a game in the previous life. Important figure, the eldest son of the sun, the unknown king, the dragon-hunting god of war.

Perhaps it is precisely because this is a god. During the fusion process, Linde not only obtained his memory, but his body also completed a transformation under the influence of the golden finger template to adapt to the side effects of the god's memory. , and also laid the physical foundation for him to be able to display various abilities and skills of the Unknown King in the future.

Needless to say the changes in physical fitness, the most special thing is that the Dragon Eater Dragon Rune in his heart has also changed, turning into a shadow that still has the Dragon Eater Dragon Rune, but mixed with a variety of mysterious runes. The rune of the Unknown King.

Linde didn't know the purpose of this unknown king rune for the time being, but judging from the situation after he woke up, this rune had at least made a leap in absorbing the subtle magic power in the surrounding air. It was much faster than before. The Dragon Eater Dragon Rune is much faster, basically absorbing it almost as fast as the Dragon Rune on the Homeless Knight's great sword.

(End of this chapter)

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