Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 193 Simple Marriage

Chapter 193 Simple Marriage
Linde did not stay in Miracle Port for too long. After he finished handling some matters in Miracle Port, he went to the lair location chosen by the Glutton.

This lair is located on the east side of Miracle Harbor, not very far from the Salvation Temple.

Linde ordered people to build a temporary camp here, and specially arranged a team of people to take care of the gluttons here, while also preventing anyone from rashly breaking into this area and being attacked by the gluttons.

Linde has no intention of letting the Gluttonians stay in Miracle Port. When he goes to the Stepped Stone Islands soon, he will take the Gluttonous people with him. After unifying the Stepped Stone Islands, he will place the Gluttonian nests. On Divine Grace Island, let it guard the Stone Steps Islands along with the Three Sea Monsters Alliance.

As for Gluttony, he didn't give too many instructions. He just brought several senior officials of Miracle Port to it to identify people. With Gluttony's current wisdom, he should know what to do and what not to do.

The next day, he left Miraculous Port and returned to Redemption Town. However, before leaving, he also ordered Wise and others to prepare for the expedition to the Stepstone Islands in the near future.

After leaving Miracle Port, Linde did not take the Bone Road back to Redemption City. Instead, he took the Redguard River Valley road and inspected the conditions of the Redguard Castle and its surrounding farms and mines.

While taking a shortcut, I also went to the Black Cave to learn about the situation there and the manufacturing progress of various potions. I also took care of Cobain's affairs and lifted the ban on him.

After discovering that there were deeper caves inside the Black Cave and an underground passage that could lead to the outside of the mountain half a year ago, Linde made some expansions to the Black Cave, moved the original pharmaceutical factory here, and transformed the Black Cave. The number of bachelor's degrees in pharmacy research has increased to 50, and they are specifically used to make original medicinal solutions. There are more than 1000 supporting pharmaceutical workers, but those people are all in the factory outside Redemption Town, not in the black cave.

In order to ensure the safety here, Linde sent all the silent monks in the Salvation Temple who had undergone various trials, had devout faith and absolute loyalty to the Black Cave to supervise the people here, and there were also [-] fully armed guards guarding the outside. The chosen son of God ensures the safety of this place.

After the ban was lifted, Cobain's first request was for Linde to hand over to him the three church monks who failed to survive the Seven Gods' trials and became living dead. He might be able to allow these living dead to continue fighting. Ability.

This proposal also reminded Lind of Cobain's abilities in previous books and dramas. After a little consideration, he agreed to Cobain's request, but this matter involved people from the Redemption Temple, inside the Black Cave According to the agreement, all the affairs were handed over to Mo Luoya. He could only make suggestions, and Coburn needed to convince the two of them for specific matters.

For this reason, even though Cobain, who had just lifted the ban, couldn't wait to return to his laboratory to complete the experiments that were stopped midway, he had to resist the impulse, temporarily leave the Black Cave, and follow Lind back to Redemption Town.

When he set out from Miracle Port, he asked Wise to send a message to Nymeria and tell her his route back, so when he just left the Black Cave and halfway through, he happened to meet someone waiting at the Redguard Shortcut Station. Greeting staff.

Although Nymeria wanted to come here in person, she was pregnant and had difficulty moving, and there would be dangers on the road. If someone didn't want to see something happen to one of Lind's descendants, and set an ambush halfway, even if Nymeria was around, The strict protection is incomparable to that in Redemption Town and Summer Hall Castle. If something goes wrong, they may not even have a chance to regret it.

Therefore, Moose, as the manager of Summer Hall, came to greet Linde on behalf of Nymeria, and he did not bring too many people with him, just some people who were enough to protect his safety.

"Is the situation in Redemption Town already so bad?" Lind said in a deep voice after listening to Moose's introduction to the situation.

Mus said very seriously: "After Lord Nymeria announced her pregnancy, the number of wandering knights, mercenaries and free riders who came to Tengshi Town doubled than before. They all claimed to come to serve you, but you They were still missing at that time, so it is unknown whether they are really working for you. In addition, in order to strengthen the contact with us, the lords from various places also sent envoys to establish a liaison office in Redemption Town, and they also brought It is unknown whether many people have other ideas. The biggest problem now is that they usually abide by the rules set by you, sir. Even if we have some doubts about their motives, we have no way to expel or arrest them."

Linde could feel the impact of his sudden disappearance during the battle with Hai Long. From Musi's words, it was not difficult to feel the mentality of fighting against all odds. In their eyes, it seemed that all the people who appeared during this period were The outsiders in Redemption Town are all assassins with ulterior motives.

It was precisely because of this that they took out his plan to unify the Prince's Pass when he was missing, concentrated the available forces in the territory, and controlled the mountainous area in a short time. They wanted to borrow this A battle shows one's own strength, just like a hedgehog curling up and spreading its thorns outwards when encountering danger.

Precisely because of his different mentality, Linde did not think that the people in Moose's mouth were threats, but he did not refute Moose's concerns. Instead, he thought about it seriously and said: "Those wandering knights, mercenaries and free riders are not Do you want to join my territory and serve me? Recruit them all and send them to the military camp for training. Whether they are those with ulterior motives or those who are sincerely loyal, I will need them in the future. As for those liaison offices, as long as they If you abide by the rules, don't pay attention. I'm back. Even if they have any conspiracy, they still have to consider whether they can withstand my anger."

When Mus heard this, he puffed up his chest and replied: "Yes, Lord Earl, I know what to do."

When Lind returned to Summer Hall, it was already late at night. Except for the glory that sensed Lind's return and ran to the suburbs to pick him up, Lind's return to Redemption Town did not disturb many people until Lind's call the next day. Officials from various departments of the Midsummer Hall went to the castle for a meeting, and only then did the people in Redemption Town know that Lind had returned.

In fact, there was nothing to deal with at this meeting. When Linde was away, Nymeria, Mus and other subordinates handled all the matters very well, even better than Linde himself handled it.

The purpose of summoning everyone to the castle this time is mainly to let the people below know that he has returned to Redemption Town safely, to stabilize the people's hearts that have been somewhat chaotic during this period, and at the same time to give a warning to some caring people in the town, Let them be more at ease. If they should withdraw, they should withdraw. If they should bow their heads, they should bow their heads.

After a brief chat with his officials, Lind ended the meeting. As the officials left the castle, news of his return to Redemption Town also spread.

"Sorry for making you worry!" Linde and Nymeria were walking in the small courtyard of the castle, and when they reached the balcony overlooking the entire Redemption Town, Linde suddenly said apologetically.

Nymeria couldn't help but froze when she heard Lind's apology. She was a little surprised by Lind's actions. Then she smiled again, touched her undulating belly, and said, "It doesn't matter. I have begun to understand these days. Why did my mother act so abnormally when that man went to the battlefield? At first, I blamed my mother for this, but now it seems that I was a little childish and ridiculous." Hearing Nymeria's words, Lind frowned. , suddenly seemed to have made a decision, a decisive look appeared on his face, and then he shook Nymeria's hand and said: "I'm going to the Salvation Temple in the afternoon, you go with me! By the way, we also got married."

Nymeria was completely stunned. It took her a long time to realize what Linde was talking about, then she smiled and simply replied: "Okay!"

Just like Lind's simple proposal and Nymeria's simple acceptance, the wedding of the two was also very simple. It was at the Church of the Redemption that Sister Melissa, wearing a bishop's robe, presided over the ceremony and completed their marriage. oath.

Although the ceremony was very simple, there were many people watching the ceremony in the Redemption Church. In addition to the officials of Summer Hall and Tengshi Town, the supervisors of the liaison offices of the major nobles in Redemption Town were also present, becoming the key to the marriage of the two. One of the witnesses.

In addition, the wedding ceremony of the two of them was also unique. After the two swore their marriage vows to each other, the stone giants also sang ancient songs, and along with the songs, a golden light fell from the sky and penetrated the temple. The seven-pointed star stained glass passed through the statue of the Seven Gods and fell on the two people. This scene was extremely sacred and solemn, as if the Seven Gods blessed their marriage. Everyone present could not help but kneel on the ground and recite He prayed to the Seven Gods and sent their blessings to the two of them.

For the officials of Shengxia Hall and Tengshi Town Territory, the official marriage of the two undoubtedly relieved them of a worry.

Although the legitimacy of the fetus in Nymeria's belly has been recognized by the church, Nymeria and Linde are not officially married after all, and the fetus is always an illegitimate child. This may become the legality of the fetus inheriting their territory. obstacle.

Now, Linde and Nymeria have become an official couple, which has just made up for the only weakness of the fetus in the belly that is easy to be attacked, which will also make the two territories more stable.

Linde and Nymeria just planned to have a simple wedding ceremony, and their wedding ceremony was indeed extremely simple among all the wedding ceremonies of great nobles and lords, but not everyone thinks it is better to be simple. .

People in the two territories of Midsummer Hall and Tengshi Town spontaneously organized celebrations, and congratulatory gifts from other noble lords were also sent one after another. It lasted for more than a month before it ended. From the prince of the southernmost Midsummer Islands , to the night watchman of the Great Wall in the north, to the consul of Volantis in the east, and other gifts from dignitaries from all walks of life, filling the warehouse of the entire castle.

The most valuable gift of all was a battle ax made of Valyrian steel from the Volantis Archons.

What surprised Lind the most was a gift from the House of Black and White in Braavos, which was a set of statues of the Night Lion and the Lady of Light carved and polished from black stone.

For those who know the story of Night Lion, this statue is not only a beautiful work of art, but also contains a hint of blessing. Night Lion and the Girl of Light gave birth to the Human Emperor, who ruled the Kingdom of Dawn for tens of thousands of years. Eventually it rose into the sky and became one of the stars.

Obviously, the meaning of this set of statues is extremely obvious. After learning about the relevant myths, Nymeria also liked this set of statues very much, and after testing that there was no danger, she placed this set of statues in their castle bedroom.

It's just that Linde's officials still don't understand why the House of Black and White in Braavos would send a congratulatory gift to Linde so suddenly. The Summer Hall and Braavos don't have much contact. As for it having a special status in Braavos, I have never had any contact with the House of Black and White. Logically speaking, the House of Black and White should not have any reaction to the marriage of Linde and Nymeria.

Only Linde knew that the person who gave away this set of statues should be the little girl he saved that day. The girl must have become a big shot in the Court of Black and White. Otherwise, it would be impossible to give away such a valuable set of statues.

Originally, Linde planned to rest for two days after returning to Redemption Town. After handling the affairs of Redemption Town, he would set off for the Stepped Stone Islands to completely complete the unification of the Stepped Stone Islands.

However, after seeing Nymeria with a slightly swollen belly, he felt that there was no need to worry about unifying the Stepped Stone Islands. He planned to wait until Nymeria gave birth to her child before executing the plan.

Although the plan to attack the Stepped Stone Islands was temporarily suspended, Linde did not do nothing. He ordered Halls to transfer the main base of the Miracle Fleet to the Divine Grace City on the Stepped Stone Islands, leaving only a part of the fleet in charge. Patrolling the Dorne Sea to maintain maritime security, and also made a special trip to Miracle Port to inform Glutton and let it assist the squadron in maintaining order in the Dorne Sea.

In the following months, Gluttonous eliminated dozens of pirates from the Stepstone Islands. These pirates all wanted to take advantage of the absence of the Miracle Fleet in the Dorne Sea to plunder, and they were all without exception. They did not return to the Stone Steps Islands, but they did not enter the belly of the glutton. Instead, they were captured and sent to the Black Cave to become one of the experimental subjects.

Because of the support of so many experimental products, some of Moroya's potion ideas were realized. The one that caught Linde's mind the most was a hypnotic-like agent called Loyalty Potion.

This potion was not proposed by Lind, but Sister Melissa and Elder Colin felt that it was too slow to improve the piety of the nuns and monks of Notre Dame through daily prayers. They hoped to get what Moroya could create. A potion that can speed up the devout faith of believers and monks. It happened that Lind mentioned the anesthetic for treatment to Mo Luoya at that time, so she combined the two ideas together, and finally created this through testing a large number of experimental products. Plant a loyalty potion.

As for how powerful this potion is, the effect of this potion can be seen from the fact that an extremely devout believer in the Lord of Light became a fanatic believer in the Seven Gods in just ten days.

However, this medicine is not without its flaws. The biggest flaw is that the user will fall into a state of madness similar to schizophrenia and cannot be cured.

Logically speaking, this loyalty potion should be considered a failure, but if the loyalty potion is combined with the living dead who have not passed the Seven Gods Trial, then the loyalty potion becomes the most important potion for Lind now. , even surpassing the Seven Gods Potion in one important aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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