Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 194 The Effect of the Trial of the Seven Gods

Chapter 194 The Effect of the Trial of the Seven Gods

"This is the trial warrior who has completed the soul reshaping in your mouth." In the underground experimental site of the Black Cave, Linde looked at the three tall warriors wearing heavy full-body armor and holding battle axes in front of him. Qyburn asked.

Who could have imagined that these three tall warriors, who were taller than Lind and almost as tall as Nymeria, were just three thin and weak silent monks before.

After passing the trials of the Seven Gods, their bodies strengthened several times and became warriors whose overall quality was close to the limit of human beings. If it weren't for the side effects of the medicine that burned out their brains, perhaps they would have become gods at this moment. The leader of the chosen son.

"Yes, sir." Cobain's answer was as simple as usual, but his excitement and excitement could be heard in his tone.

"Let's see how powerful they are." Linde said solemnly.

"This requires your order, sir." Coburn looked at Moroa and the trio at the Redemption Temple next to him, and whispered: "Lord Moroa's loyalty potion and the soul reshaping of the three church masters We have made them the most pious sons of God’s Chosen, and they only take orders from you, the Chosen One. Unless they are the people you designate, no one else can command them.”

After hearing this, Linde turned to look at the three people in the Salvation Temple and said, "You each choose one."

The three of them were stunned for a moment, wondering what Linde meant.

"I will make them obey your orders, which will make it easier for you to do things, and also protect your safety." Linde said with a solemn expression: "There may be more assassinations in the future. These assassinations are not only targeting me, but also For you, I hope you have adequate security around you."

After hearing this, the three of them understood Linde's thoughts and did not reject Linde's kindness. They each selected a trial warrior.

Later, Linde asked the three trial warriors to take turns fighting the captured pirate prisoners. At the beginning, it was one to many. The result of the battle was very good. They were still able to fight five people at the same time, and the number increased to There will only be some flaws when there are six people, and no injuries will occur until nine people are sieging.

"Okay, stop it!" Moroya saw the trial warriors chopping up melons and vegetables, killing the pirates on death row who were the experimental subjects, and immediately stopped him.

However, she does not sympathize with these pirates who are full of evil, but because these are very precious experimental products. If one dies, one will be missing. Because the Silent Monk has mastered the screening of experimental products, only those who are truly evil will be allowed to send them. Come to the dark cave.

Because of this, the living experiments in the Black Cave have always been in a state of shortage of experimental products. It was not until recently that many pirates from the Stepped Stone Islands were captured, which relieved the situation. However, they could be sent to the Black Cave instead of sending them to the Black Cave. The number of pirates who came to the mine was still very small. Now just to test the strength of the trial warriors, seven or eight pirates were killed, which made Moroya feel a little heartbroken.

However, Moroya's stoppage had no effect. It was not until the trial warrior smashed the last pirate's head with a heavy war hammer that Elder Colin raised the bell on his waist and shook it to stop the attack. test.

Linde stepped forward and looked at the wounds on the trial warriors, and found that all the wounds were almost healed. It can be seen that the potions in the Seven Gods Trial not only made them stronger, but also enhanced their self-healing ability.

"With such a powerful trial warrior joining in, the combat power of the Chosen Son of God will also become stronger." Bishop Hu Lun looked at his trial warrior with excitement, and then asked Linde : "Sir, the number of trial warriors should be increased, so..."

"No, that's fine." Linde shook his head and said, "This method can only be used as a last resort and can only be used under forced circumstances. It cannot be used as a regular method. If every pious person is All the monks of the Seven Gods have turned into such trial warriors, which is the greatest blasphemy against their faith." As he spoke, he looked at Bishop Hulen, then at Sister Melissa and Elder Colin, and said: " I hope you all have a bottom line in everything you do and don’t resort to any means for the sake of immediate benefits.”

"Yes, sir." The three members of the Redemption Temple replied in unison.

"Sir, can you give these corpses to me?" At this time, Coburn, who had the most bottom line among everyone present, suddenly pointed at the corpses on the ground and said.

Lind looked at Cobain. He knew exactly what Cobain wanted to do with these corpses. After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded and agreed to Cobain's request.

"How is the situation of Joses?" Lind asked Moroya again.

The last time he went to the Redemption Temple, he did not see Bishop Joseth who had completed the Trial of the Seven Gods, because Bishop Joseth's resting place was in the Black Cave.

At that time, Linde felt that something was wrong, but because he was going to marry Nymeria, he put this matter aside for the time being. In addition to verifying the effect of the loyalty potion, he came to the Black Cave today to check on Joses. The situation of the bishop.

Moroya replied: "Bishop Joseis has almost recovered. After wearing the dragon rune necklace you provided, he will not be so prone to anger, but his body can no longer return to normal."

"Let's go see him." Linde frowned and said.

After saying that, the group of people came to the prison at the bottom of the black cave. This is where the death row prisoners are held. Bishop Joses took the initiative to request that he be imprisoned here. In his own words, it was in this sinful place. In the dark environment, he could feel the presence of the Seven Gods more clearly.

When they came outside the prison, they heard bursts of neat prayers coming from inside the prison.

These prayers were not recited by one person, but by many people at the same time, and they were extremely neat. The recited sounds produced a harmonious effect, which made those who heard it feel inexplicable. Comfortable.

This kind of prayer effect is the prayer effect that any preaching monk dreams of. In the past, this kind of effect was called the Holy Sound by the church, and it was believed that this kind of prayer could make it easier to feel the attention from the Seven Gods.

However, this holy sound has now appeared in an underground prison, and most of the people imprisoned in the prison are pagans from across the narrow sea. Most of them can't even understand the common language, but now they can communicate with them. Others recited those convoluted prayers together, which was like a miracle in the eyes of Bishop Hulen and others.

"Did you feel it?" When the trio was surprised by the prayer, Moroya suddenly said to Linde.

Linde nodded slightly. He saw the weak magic power floating in the prison, and also felt the mysterious force similar to the power of thoughts reverberating in the dungeon. Obviously, this kind of holy voice prayer should be influenced by some man-made mystery. caused by the influence of power.

Linde did not enter the dungeon immediately, but waited at the door for a while. After the prayers ended, he asked the silent monk who had no hearing to open the cell door and led a few people in.

I saw that in the dungeon cells, the vicious pirates were all kneeling on the ground like devout believers and praying. It was just that if someone could not be affected by the weak firelight around them, they could clearly see the painful expressions and expressions on their faces. With fearful eyes, you can find that their current behavior is not their original intention, but is caused by the influence of some kind of power.

The group of people soon arrived at an unlocked cell in the deepest part of the dungeon. Unlike other cells, there was no light in this cell. It was pitch black inside. The room could be seen through the faint light scattered from the cell next to it. A hooded figure sat inside. "Light the oil lamp." Lind ordered Qianbain.

The voices in the room moved when they heard Linde's instructions, as if they wanted to stop him, but in the end they did nothing.

Soon the oil lamps in the room were lit. Because the person living here had a special status, four oil lamps were given. After all the oil lamps were lit, the room was completely illuminated.

I saw a figure wearing an ascetic robe and covering his head with a hood, sitting with his back to everyone. Although the other party didn't say anything, everyone could feel that the other party seemed very worried and scared at the moment.

"Bishop Joses, turn around and put down your hood." Lind ordered in a calm tone.

After hearing Linde's order, the other party hesitated for a moment, but finally followed Linde's instructions, turned around and took off the hood.

Although it was not the first time to see Bishop Joses's current appearance, Bishop Hulen and the others felt uncomfortable. They took a deep breath in unison and suppressed the emotions in their hearts that wanted to scream, while Moroya and Coburn were very Calm, they have seen a lot, they have seen things a thousand times weirder than what they see in front of them, so naturally they won't have any unusual expressions.

I saw that Bishop Joses, who had gone through the trial of the Seven Gods, did not expand like the previous trial warriors. Instead, he still maintained his previous body shape. The only thing that changed was his brain. At this moment, the back of his head Part of it is twice as big as a normal human brain, and it looks like a deformed big-headed doll.

Moreover, all his hair has fallen out, and the blood vessels emerging from his scalp are like vines surrounding the entire back of his head, which looks a bit scary.

"How are you feeling now?" Linde looked at Bishop Joses and said, "Are you still angry for no reason?"

Bishop Joses could feel that the moment Lind saw his appearance, he had no abnormality in his emotions and did not regard himself as a deformed monster. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I am no longer a monster." I will no longer be able to control my emotions. The necklace you gave me is very effective."

"Do you regret your original choice now?" Linde asked directly: "You took the risk to undergo the Seven Gods Trial because of jealousy, and the result turned out to be like this."

Bishop Joses was silent for a moment, nodded, and said, "I regret a little." After saying that, he looked at Linde with a little expectancy and asked, "Sir, can you..."

"Sorry, as the God's Chosen One, I have no way to change the results of the Seven Gods Trial." Linde bluntly told the other party that he could not restore the other party's appearance, and then continued to ask: "Just now was the ability given to you by the Seven Gods Trial. ?"

Joessel, who looked slightly depressed, nodded when he heard this, and his tone became a little more excited, saying: "This is the ability given to me by the Seven Gods. I can have soul connections with many people and lead them to pray together. The holy sound prayer just now was achieved through this ability."

Lind thought for a moment and said, "Besides praying, what else can you lead them to do."

Joser was silent for a moment, then looked at the prisoner kneeling on the ground in the opposite cell, and saw the prisoner suddenly stood up from the ground and walked to the cell railing.

It can be seen that although there is no expression on his face, his eyes are full of fear. It is obvious that his behavior at this moment is not following his own wishes.

Immediately afterwards, the prisoner raised his hand, opened his left hand in front of everyone, then opened his mouth, bit off the fingers of his left hand, chewed and swallowed, without any hesitation in the whole process, and as if he felt no pain.

When everyone saw this situation, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Let go of control on him." Linde was not too surprised. After thinking about it for a while, he ordered.

Joser obeyed the order and immediately released his mental connection with the prisoner.

When the prisoner regained control of his body, he immediately held his hands and let out an extremely miserable scream. This scream echoed in the dungeon and was transmitted along the tunnel to other parts of the dark cave. The only people who heard it were He looked around in confusion, then continued busy with what he was doing.

"That's enough!" Lind asked Joser to regain control of the prisoner. After the dungeon became quiet, he asked, "How many people can you control at most now?"

Joser thought about it seriously and replied: "There are 37 people in the dungeon now. I feel that the number limit has not been reached yet. There may be more than 100 people in the end."

"Who among us can you control?" Linde asked another key question.

After hearing this, everyone around them became nervous instantly, because they all saw the appearance of the prisoner just now. This situation of being completely controlled was simply worse than death, and they did not want to be one of them.

After hearing Linde's question, Joser was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Bishop Hulen and said: "I can only control Bishop Hulen, no one else can." As he said that, he looked again Looking at Linde, he said: "My soul power can't even get close to you."

Moroya concluded: "In other words, you can't control people with strong willpower and strong beliefs. You can only control people with weak wills and weak beliefs."

After hearing what Moroya said, Bishop Hulen's face instantly turned a little ugly. Although what Moroya said was true and everyone knew what kind of person he was, when he said it in front of Linde, he still made He felt extremely embarrassed.

Linde didn't care that much. What he was thinking about at the moment was how to place Joseth. After all, Joseth's ability was very practical. If used properly, it could even achieve effects that a hundred thousand troops could not achieve.

"I will give you two choices now. One is to continue to return to the Miracle Church to be the bishop. You just need to find a way to cover your head." After thinking for a moment, Linde said: "The other is that I will establish An independent church secret society, this secret society is responsible for intelligence collection and assassination..."

"I choose the church secret society." Before Linde could finish speaking, Joseth immediately made his choice.

(End of this chapter)

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