Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 200 Unification Naval Battle

Chapter 200 Unification Naval Battle
Linde stood on the captain's podium of his car, the Glory, looking at the sea shrouded in thick fog in front of him.

The Glory under his feet at this moment is no longer the original Glory. This Glory is the latest warship. This warship is also the only one in the world with five floors of cabins and four long sails. The battleships, the main battleships in the Miracle Fleet, are much smaller than the Glory.

Although the Glory is the most advanced warship in the world, it will not participate in this naval battle. Instead, it will serve as a combat command center to connect other fleets together.

Linde knew very well that he did not understand naval warfare, so except for arranging the decisive battle plan at the beginning, he did not intervene in any naval warfare affairs. All ship dispatching, personnel arrangements, etc. were left to Halls, Asha, Baylor, and Dagon and the others.

He stayed behind on the Glory, which was full of trained messenger crows, used to communicate with ships of different fleets and exchange battle reports.

The bachelor in charge of the crow's nest on the ship came to Linde with a letter and said: "My Lord Earl, Lord Halls, and Lord Asha have all arrived at the designated positions, but the fog on the sea is too strong. They Can’t see clearly what’s going on with the enemy ships.”

Although there was a fog obstruction, Linde could easily grasp the precise position and every movement of the enemy fleet through the gluttons lurking on the seabed, waiting for opportunities, and then said: "Tell them that the enemy fleet has arrived. Location No. [-] will proceed as planned, and the fog on the sea will disappear soon, so don’t worry.”

"Okay." The bachelor could tell that the fog on the sea would not disperse until at least noon, so he was a little confused about Linde's words, but he felt that since Linde spoke so confidently, there must be a way to disperse the fog that he didn't know about.

After the bachelor released all the communication crows, about an hour later, Lind felt that the crows should have flown into the hands of each fleet, so he walked down from the command platform and at the same time ordered the sailors to remove everything moving on the ship. Fix it to prevent those things from moving back and forth when the wind and waves are too strong, causing unnecessary damage.

Although the sailors on the ship didn't understand why Linde gave such an order, some of the sailors who had heard the legend about Linde looked at Linde with admiration one by one, and some even took out a bottle from around their necks. He held the pendant of the Storm God in his hand and muttered something.

Lind ignored the movements of the sailors. He came to the back of the sea dragon statue on the bow of the ship, reached out and grasped the sword of the lost knight at his waist, and then guided the storm dragon rune, combined with the rune power of the unknown king in his heart, and instantly A huge storm was created in the surrounding sea.

The fog on the sea was instantly blown away by the storm, and the clouds in the sky quickly gathered to form dark clouds. Then Linde was blown into the air by the huge whirlwind and rushed into the clouds. Dark clouds, lightning, and hurricanes appeared at the same time. , a storm covering the entire Dark Forest Bay quickly formed.

The people who witnessed all this, whether they were sailors, bachelors, or warriors, no matter which god they initially believed in, at this moment, without exception, they believed in Lind, the god of storms.

The moment the storm appeared, all the dense fog was blown away by the hurricane. Tyrosh and the Pirate Alliance had no idea what was going on, because their many years of sailing experience told them that there would be no storms in the recent period. The thick fog will not completely dissipate until noon.

Therefore, none of them were in a state of preparation for war. When the thick fog disappeared, they looked blankly at the rough sea around them that was blown by the strong wind. Some ships that had raised their sails had to lower their sails to prevent the ship from being blown by the strong wind. Overturned.

However, while the fleets of Tyrosh and the Pirate Alliance were busy responding to the surrounding storm, the Miracle Fleet and the Three Sea Monsters Alliance, which had already been prepared, had already folded their sails and paddled towards the enemy. He rushed over to where the Fang fleet was docked.

The storm that swept through the Dark Forest Bay came and went quickly. Just as the sailors of Tyrosh and the Pirate Alliance were ready to deal with the large storm, the sailors hid in the cabin to avoid being blown off the deck by the storm. , but the storm suddenly stopped, as if it had never existed.

At the same time, Linde also fell back to the deck of the Glory under the lift of the whirlwind, with a rare look of exhaustion on his face.

This wave of ultimate moves that covered the entire sea consumed [-]% to [-]% of the magic power he had accumulated over the years. In fact, he did not originally want to use this ultimate move. He just wanted to create a strong wind and blow away the fog on the water surface. But when he introduced the power of the Nameless King's rune with his heart fused with the Dragon Feast Rune into the power of the Storm Dragon Rune that was actually fighting, and tried to imitate the power of the Nameless King to create storms, things got a little out of control.

What was originally just a gust of wind turned into a storm covering the entire sea area. What is even more exaggerated is that his consciousness was actually affected by the unknown king, and he wanted to enter the storm and fly into the sky. When he woke up, he realized that his behavior had gone too far. He quickly cut off most of the power of the Storm Dragon Rune and flew back to the deck.

Although the movement was a bit big, the effect was very good. The thick fog on the sea disappeared at this moment. Even though there were still some wind and waves on the sea, it was no longer in the way.

"Set the ship and go to area three!" Lind turned around and ordered loudly to the sailors and soldiers who were kneeling to him as if they were gods.

After hearing Linde's order, the sailors and soldiers instinctively stood up and followed the training, untied the cables, and raised the sails. The sailors in the cabin also stretched out the oars, paddled hard, and under the control of the helmsman, headed towards Linde sailed past Sea Area No. [-] designated by Linde.

At this moment, in Area [-] of the Dark Forest Bay, the longships of the three pirate alliances have already taken the lead in fighting the ships of the pirate alliance. They used the flexibility of their ships to quickly shuttle between each ship. The neat shield blocked the flying arrows, and the thrower looked for an opportunity to throw the wildfire can in his hand, setting the enemy ship and the people on it on fire.

Asha, Belle and Dagon's attack came too suddenly. The people of the Pirate Alliance were still preparing for the storm a moment ago. Most of them hid in the cabins below the deck, but the storm was still raging on the sea just now. But it suddenly disappeared. Before all of them understood what was going on, Asha and their longships had already attacked nearby.

After more than a dozen ships were sunk, the Pirate Alliance immediately stopped the counterattack, but their counterattack had no effect at all. All the arrows fired were blocked by the enemy ship's shield wrapped with a steel plate, and they faced The steel arrows shot by the enemy ships were powerless, and what was even worse was that when the longship of the three sea monsters approached, the throwing hand revealed a wildfire can, which easily ignited the ship. As long as it was touched, it would not be possible. put out.

After the ships of the Three Sea Monsters pierced through the Pirate Alliance's fleet formation, they spread out along the edge, wrapping the entire Pirate Alliance fleet in them. Countless arrows were directed at the unsinked ships in the middle. The ships were shot over, and the entire pirate alliance didn't even have the ability to resist. It would only be a matter of time before the entire army was annihilated.

At the same time, the Miracle Fleet on the other side had begun a boarding battle with the Tyrosh fleet. Facing the leaderless Tyrosh fleet, Halls did not hesitate to adopt the most conservative tactics, planning to use his elite navy to Soldiers, defeat the sailors on these ships one by one.

The Tyrosh fleet was completely in disarray at the moment, because at the beginning of the war, the flagship of their fleet commander and captain mysteriously disappeared from the sea.

Originally, the fleet commander called the captains together to arrange the mission one last time to avoid any mistakes when the war started. As a result, with the disappearance of the flagship, the entire fleet's command also disappeared.There are no captains on all ships, and Tyrosh's military system does not stipulate the rules for the deputy to take over when the captain or other generals disappear.

So much so that when the Miracle Fleet used penetration tactics to divide the entire Tyrosh fleet into dozens of small areas and conduct boarding battles, the entire fleet had not yet completed an effective counterattack.

On one side were sailors wearing commoners and holding wooden spears, and on the other side were soldiers wearing armor and holding shields and swords. The advantages and disadvantages of both sides were extremely obvious. Many sailors on the ships surrendered at the beginning of the battle, although some ships still resisted. But the final result can already be imagined.

Under this sea area, the gluttons swam leisurely, spitting out some broken wood from their mouths from time to time, including some masts and bitten human corpses.

Although it had just swallowed the Tyroshi flagship in one gulp, and the task assigned to it by Lind had been completed, it was not ready to stop there. Its eyes were still staring at the water, seeing the Tyroshi ships that had broken through. , then rushed over, swallowed it in one gulp, and had a good meal.

It wasn't until Linde came to the nearby sea area, saw the fighting situation, and ordered it to stop that it stopped attacking those ships.

So far, four or five ships, large and small, have fallen into the belly of the glutton. Even if it has extremely strong digestive power, even steel can be melted by its stomach, but so many things have entered its belly at once. In the stomach, it still feels like a bloated person after eating, but even so, it still has a strong desire to devour, which is in line with its name of a glutton.

Through the messenger crows that kept flying over, the battle situation on both sides of the sea was already under Lind's control. The Three Sea Monsters Alliance executed its plan perfectly, surrounding all the ships of the Pirate Alliance on the sea, and not a single fish slipped through the net. And his losses were only a few long ships and dozens of sailors.

The situation on the Miracle Fleet was even better. Halls not only annihilated Tyrosh's fleet, but also captured most of the ships. There were more than 100 ships, including dozens of armed merchant ships. There are ten three-cabin sailing ships, and these ships are all intact and can be incorporated into the Miracle Fleet with a little modification.

There were more than 2000 sailors captured on these ships. Unfortunately, there were no officers among them, and they were all low-level sailors.

Since the battle went so smoothly, the original plan was slightly modified and the part of returning to the port for rest was cancelled. Linde directly ordered Asha and the others to start clearing the islands occupied by the Pirate Alliance and Tyrosh, and sent a message. The immigrants prepared for Shen’en Island later will go to these islands and cooperate with Asha and others to occupy them.

At the same time, he also ordered the Miracle Fleet to take the captured Tyrosi fleet to Blackstone Island for rest and recuperation. When passing Tyrosi, they also deliberately let the fleet pass outside the Tyrosi port to let Tyrosi's Everyone has seen the current situation of their fleet.

The Glutton also hovered above the water near the Tyrosi harbor for a moment under Lind's orders, bringing fear to the Tyrosi people.

Blackstone Island is located due west of Tyrosh, only a few leagues away from Tyrosh. Standing on the high wall of Tyrosh's port, you can see Blackstone Island, and the same can be said when standing on the lighthouse of Blackstone Island. Being able to see Tyrosh.

Blackstone Island was originally occupied by Tyrosi, who built towns and lighthouses on Blackstone Island to help ships at night avoid the reefs and sail safely to the port.

However, Blackstone Island was later occupied by pirates, and it became a stronghold used by pirates to plunder Tyrosh. After several attempts to recapture Blackstone Island failed, Tyrosh had to build high-wall fortresses on the coastline to resist the pirates. of looting.

After that, the ruling class of Tyrosh used various methods to negotiate with the pirates on the Stepstone Islands, reached some agreements, and paid a protection fee, which reduced the number of pirates looting Tyrosh through Blackstone Island a lot.

Later, Blackstone Island changed hands several times between Tyrosh and the pirates. It was not until more than two years ago that the Three Sea Monsters Alliance appeared, defeated the pirates of Blackstone Island, and occupied Blackstone Island.

Tyrosh was initially happy to see the outcome of the Three Sea Monsters Alliance occupying Blackstone Island, because the Three Sea Monsters Alliance was very disciplined and never looted Tyrosh's merchant ships, and even maintained the safety of the routes on the Stepstone Islands. , is simply an anomaly among pirates.

It wasn't until Tyrosh learned that the Three Sea Monsters Alliance was actually a subordinate of Earl Lind of Summer Hall, and that the Three Sea Monsters Alliance began to attack islands in other sea areas of the Stepstone Islands, did they feel something was wrong.

In the view of the Lord of Tyrosh, although it is troublesome for the Stepped Islands to be occupied by the islands, these troubles are just minor troubles. But if someone unifies the Stepped Islands and becomes the king of the Stepped Islands, then this is what they should do Big trouble to worry about.

So after that, even though Tyroshi continued to do business with Miracle Port openly, he secretly continued to instigate pirates to attack Blackstone Island and other islands occupied by the Three Sea Monster Alliance, just to prevent someone from unifying the Stepstone Islands.

In recent months, when the Miracle Fleet of Miracle Port stationed at Divine Grace Island and began to patrol the waters of the Stepstone Islands, Tyrosh felt the danger coming, so this time they formed a fleet and joined forces with the Pirate Alliance. action.

However, what they didn't expect was that they had only received a letter the day before, saying that the alliance was going well and that they would attack Divine Grace Island tomorrow. Today, the fleet was completely wiped out, and all the ships were captured by the other side. The open sea passes through.

For a time, the entire Tyrosh fell into panic. All the warriors and Unsullied in the city boarded the city walls and fortresses, nervously watching the movements on the sea. The people in the city also hid in their houses in panic. , the door was closed tightly, and the prices of various materials in the market increased instantly, increasing several times.

As the leader, Lord Tyrosh and his officials all gathered in the ruling hall to discuss countermeasures. It was not until the early morning of the next day that a tribune came with a personal letter from Lord Tyrosh and an apology gift. , being taken by a small fishing boat towards Black Rock Island.

(End of this chapter)

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