Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 201 Compensation Gifts

Chapter 201 Compensation Gifts
"Although this is only the personal behavior of your fleet commander, it cannot be used as a basis for me to forgive you for jointly attacking the Shen'en Island with pirates. The losses you have caused me are real. I can only use a misunderstanding to explain this. It's too easy." In the manor courtyard outside the port of Blackstone Island, Lind was drinking a glass of frozen juice created by using the frozen dragon runes, while looking at the chubby man with short green hair, colorful clothes, and Tyroshi Municipal Tribune Artest said in a deep voice.

Looking at the glass of frozen juice in Lind's hand, Artest couldn't help but swallowed dryly. It was not because he was greedy for this glass of frozen juice, but because this glass of frozen juice was created by Lind in front of him through magic. .

For a long time, there have been many rumors about Lind's mastery of divine power in the Free City-States Alliance of Essos. Even port city-states such as Tyrosh, Myr, Lys, and Pentos all have buildings with Lind as their leader. Temple of the Storm, an object of worship.

Although these temples are not very big and are not mainstream beliefs, there are still many sailors at sea who go to the temples to worship before setting sail.

Artest never believed these rumors. Even before coming here, in his mind, Lind was just a barbarian lord on the western continent, until he saw Lind turn a glass of ordinary juice into frozen juice directly in front of him. , and then he believed that the man in front of him was indeed like the legend, and had mastered the mysterious magic power like a god.

He has seen wizards, pyromancers, red-robed monks, shapechangers, blood warriors and other people who have magical powers. He can distinguish which ones are just tricks and illusions, and which ones are real mysterious powers. In his eyes, Linde obviously He is the kind of person who has mastered mysterious power.

And he also saw from the fact that Lind could easily exert this power without any prayer or chanting, that Lind's control of the mysterious power must far exceed that of any wizard or red robe he had seen. Monk, as if this power originated from himself, which also made him feel that the rumors about Linde being the incarnation of the Storm God might be true.

That is to say, after confirming Linde's ability, he also felt that his mission might fail this time. After all, people with strong power are firm-minded people and are not easily bewitched by other people's words.

But even so, he still wanted to give it a try, so after Linde asked, he quickly replied: "Of course, of course we know that we are at fault this time, and we are willing to compensate you, Lord Chosen One, for your losses."

"Very good." Linde was not polite. He waved to the attendant on the side, took out a scroll and handed it to him, saying: "This is the compensation I requested. You should take a look first!"

Artest couldn't help but tremble when he saw Lind directly taking out the compensation list. He felt that things were a little bad, but he still took the scroll, opened it, and looked at it carefully, with a surprised look on his face. Instead, before he finished reading, he couldn't help but raise his head and ask Linde: "Is this all the compensation?"

"Do you think I'm the kind of greedy person?" Linde said seriously, "I only take what belongs to me."

"I admire your character." Artest stood up quickly and saluted.

No wonder he was so frightened. Not only did the contents of this compensation list not exceed the limit of compensation given to him by the Maharaja, but it was actually much less than the expected compensation.

The main content is the compensation for the ships and personnel lost in the naval battle. These compensations are within a reasonable range. Secondly, the captured ships and sailors will not be returned to Tyrosh. This is also the case among Tyrosh officials. as expected.

There are only two things that are somewhat harsh. One is that in the next five years, the Midsummer Hall will take over the dock. All ship docking fees will be collected by the Midsummer Hall. If the local merchant ships in Tyrosh are not members of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, then You must pay twice the docking fee. After five years, Summer Hall will be returned to the dock and all fees will return to normal.

The second point is that the specialty purple dye of Tyrosh must be exclusively operated by members of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce and is not allowed to be sold to caravans or chambers of commerce in other cities, including local merchants in Tyrosh.

Although the past two days have been a bit harsh, they have not exceeded the psychological endurance limit of Tyrosh's senior management. Compared with the huge compensation proposed in yesterday's discussion, the current compensation conditions are already too good to be true.

"Since you think these compensation conditions are reasonable, then take it back to show it to your prince. If it is passed, we will formally sign the compensation agreement!" Linde did things simply and directly, and did not continue to waste words with the other party. He issued an eviction order and complained: "The weather here is too hot. I don't like it. End it early and go back early. Don't keep me waiting too long, Lord Tribune."

"Yes, yes." Artest responded quickly.

When he stood up to leave, he stopped again, turned to Linde and said, "I also brought two small gifts for this mission. I hope you will like it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the courtyard without saying clearly what the gift was.

"A gift?" Linde frowned, turned to look at the attendant, and asked, "Did he bring a gift?"

"Yes, sir." The attendant responded quickly: "His gift is for two people."

"Two people?" Linde asked, "A woman?"

"No, it's a boy and a girl." The attendant replied: "A boy about ten years old, and a girl who looks about ten years old."

Lind was confused. He felt that since Artest would send these two people as gifts, he must think that these two people are very important and valuable to him. He felt that this gift could allow him to lower the compensation conditions. But he really couldn't think of any boy or girl who would make him feel valuable.

So, he asked his attendants to bring the two people over.

When the attendant led the two people through the grape trellis one after another and came to Lind, Lind immediately understood why Artest thought these two people were valuable to him.

I saw that these two people both had silver hair and purple eyes, but one had silver-white hair and the other had silver-gold hair. Both of them were very handsome, at least bigger than anything Lind had ever seen. Most people want to be handsome.

When the two appeared in front of Linde, the boy instinctively blocked the girl behind him, raised his head, and deliberately looked arrogant, while the girl timidly hid behind the boy, holding on tightly with her hands. The young man looked at Linde worriedly from his clothes.

"Go and bring two chairs and prepare some food. Targaryen princes and princesses should not stand here like prisoners on trial." Lind ordered the attendant.

The boys and girls in front of them are the Targaryen brothers and sisters living on the streets. It is not difficult to tell from the clothes they are wearing now that they must have reached the end of their rope. They don't even have any decent clothes. Viserys is wearing Patches can still be seen on his clothes. No wonder he is ridiculed as a beggar king.

Seeing Lind recognizing them, both of them became extremely nervous, but Viserys still held his head stubbornly and proudly, as if if he lowered his head, the invisible crown on his head would fall off.

The attendant quickly brought two chairs and placed sumptuous food on the table.

The two of them obviously hadn't eaten since morning. They couldn't help but swallow when they saw the food on the table, and their stomachs growled. However, they didn't reach out to take the food on the table, and they still looked at it nervously. Linde.

Linde smiled, picked up two cups, poured two glasses of juice, then pushed it in front of the two of them, and said: "Try it! This is juice made by filtering the green fruit juice from Shengxia Hall, you guys try it You might be able to taste the taste of home once you taste it.”

While Lind was talking, two glasses of juice were frozen into ice juice in front of them, and the cold air was coming out.

Both of them looked at the scene in front of them in surprise, and then looked at Lind. Then Viserys picked up a glass of juice on the table and took a careful sip. After a while, he found that he was fine, and then he took the remaining juice. He handed another glass of juice to Daenerys.

Obviously the current Viserys has not been insulted and stimulated enough and has not become crazy or manic. He is still a good brother who strives to protect his sister and his only relative.

No wonder later, even though Viserys treated Daenerys like that, she still used Viserys's name when naming the three dragons.

"In the name of Viserys III, when I take back the throne, I will reward you with a large enough territory for this glass of juice." Perhaps this glass of refreshing juice will eliminate the heat in his heart, and Viserys will no longer He seemed so tit-for-tat, and when he put down the cup, he said it very seriously.

Linde smiled and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Viserys shook his head.

Lind introduced himself: "My name is Lind Terra, others are used to calling me the Chosen One. I am the Earl of Summer Hall. This territory was given to me by King Robert Baratheon."

Hearing Lind's words, Viserys became nervous again, and his body tensed up. Daenerys looked at her brother in confusion, but she still hid behind Viserys out of habit.

"You don't have to be afraid. I won't use you to gain credit from King Robert." Lind looked at the two of them and said, "You stay here for the next two days. After the compensation negotiations between Tyrosh and I are over, I will send someone to send you away. Do you have somewhere you want to go?" "You really won't send us to the usurper?" Viserys asked in disbelief.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you now?" Linde asked.

Viserys shook his head slightly, and then seemed to feel that Lind did not need to say so much to him, so he thought that Lind really meant no harm, so he relaxed and pulled Daenerys to sit at the table. Start eating the food on the table.

Perhaps because she was relaxed, Daenerys looked at Lind curiously while eating. She seemed to have some questions she wanted to ask, but she looked worriedly at Viserys beside her.

"If you have any questions, just ask them! If I can answer them, I will answer you." Lind looked at Daenerys and said.

"I have heard your legend." Daenerys glanced at her brother again. Seeing that he had no objection, she took a sip of juice, swallowed the food, and then asked curiously: "Are you really the chosen one by the Seven Gods?" ?"

Linde smiled and replied: "They all say I am, then I am."

"It is said that you have seen the White Walkers, is it true?" Daenerys asked again.

"It's true. Not only have I seen it, I've also killed it." Linde nodded and said in a deep tone: "Winter is coming. When the long winter appears, the White Walkers will inevitably go south. By then, we will definitely have a problem. A big battle.”

"If I can regain the throne, I will definitely prepare for this war with all my strength." Viserys interjected.

However, Lynd just smiled noncommittally, which annoyed Viserys a little.

"You conquered the giants beyond the wall, right?" Daenerys asked still curiously.

Linde replied: "Yes, now I have arranged those giants in the Salvation Church in Summer Hall, and they are protecting my wife. By the way, my wife is the illegitimate daughter of Prince Lewin, from Tengshi Town. Earl, Prince Lewen was your father's Kingsguard, and he assisted Prince Rhaegar in the Battle of the Trident and died on the battlefield."

Hearing this, Viserys's eyes lit up and he said anxiously: "We have a common enemy..."

Lind interrupted Viserys and said: "Wrong! King Robert is not my enemy, and my wife also dislikes her father very much, even extremely disgusted. In her words, hearing Le The news of Prince Moon’s death was the best news she had heard at the time.”

Hearing Linde say this, Viserys could only curl his lips, lower his head, and bite the food in front of him desperately.

Daenerys stuffed a piece of dessert into her mouth and asked before she could swallow it: "Have you really transcended the ghosts of Summerhall?"

"Well, I did save the ghosts there, so I built a salvation temple there. And I also got a dragon egg, but now the dragon egg is placed in the castle of Summer Hall."

Daenerys's eyes sparkled with excitement when she heard about the dragon eggs, and Viserys stopped eating.

Daenerys sat up straight and asked, "Is it true that you subdued the sea dragon?"

"Yes, it's true." After Lind admitted, he then asked, "The glutton is nearby, do you want to see it?"

"Yes," Daenerys replied quickly, but she also doubted: "Can you really take me to see it?"

"Of course." Linde nodded, stood up, and said, "Are you full? When we are full, we will go over and take a look."

"Eat up, eat up!" Daenerys quickly jumped down from the chair, and Viserys also stood up, then took Daenerys's hand and followed Lind out of the courtyard. Walk towards the seaside.

After walking out of the courtyard, seven silent monks and nuns of redemption also came out of the darkness and came to protect Linde.

In fact, Linde didn't need the protection of these people at all, but he couldn't resist the kindness of Sister Melissa and Elder Colin, and coupled with Nymeria's request, he arranged seven people each like Nymeria.

Viserys and Daenerys were a little surprised to see that the guards around Lind were all from the church, but they didn't ask any more questions.

The group soon arrived at a beach on Blackstone Island.

With their arrival, Glutton, who had received Lind's order through the spiritual link very early, emerged from the sea, climbed onto the shore, and crouched in front of Lind.

Seeing such a huge glutton, not only the Targaryen brothers and sisters were stunned, but even the Silent Monk and the Sister of Redemption, who had seen the glutton several times, still felt inexplicably shocked and were speechless for a long time.

Seeing the glutton, Daenerys, who was full of curiosity, took her hand out of her brother's hand, and then walked towards the glutton involuntarily as if she had lost her soul.

Viserys was completely frightened by what he saw and didn't even notice Daenerys' bold move.

Linde, who noticed this, did not stop him. Instead, he watched the future Dragon Mother's next move with interest, and also wanted to see the glutton's reaction.

I saw that Daenerys quickly walked to the side of the glutton's head. Her short stature was like a bug in front of the glutton's huge head. The glutton even had to tilt her head. , to be able to see the little guy under its eyelids.

Daenerys wanted to touch it, but she was a little scared. She looked back at Viserys, who was still stunned, then turned to look at Linde, and then put her hand on Greedy. On the eater.

Lind could sense its emotions from the glutton, and it did not resent Daenerys' touch. This was not because Daenerys had any special charm, but because the dragon was as hard as armor. The skin blocked the touch. It only saw Daenerys reaching out to touch itself, but did not really feel the touch.

At this time, Viserys also recovered from the shock, and saw his sister touching the giant thing in front of him, and he couldn't help but have a trace of delusion in his heart.

He glanced at Linde secretly, and seeing that Linde ignored him, he quickly ran to the glutton and shouted loudly to the glutton: "I am a descendant of the Dragon King of Valyria. Lord of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Warden of the Realms, Viserys III Targaryen, dragon, I command you now to obey my command."

Viserys's actions undoubtedly caused trouble for Lind, and naturally attracted the attention of the Silent Monks and Sisters of Redemption. They were about to step forward to arrest Viserys, but were stopped by Lind.

Lind watched with interest as Viserys loudly read out his self-righteous noble status like a madman.

Daenerys was also frightened by Viserys's crazy look, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then looked at Lynd worriedly.

At this time, the glutton seemed to be annoyed by the constant nuisance of the fly in front of him. Its slender whip-like tail flexibly swung out, and the end of the tail went around the body and landed on Viserys's head. On the body.

Although the end of the tail was extremely small compared to the body shape of the glutton, for Viserys, it was like a siege cone, knocking him away and landing heavily more than ten meters away. on the beach.

(End of this chapter)

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