Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 202 Emergencies

Chapter 202 Emergencies
It had been several days since she first saw the glutton. Daenerys found Lind every day and begged him to summon the glutton. Then she looked closely at the dragon in front of her, as if she couldn't get enough of it. of.

As for Viserys, he lost his mind on the day he met the Glutton and tried to use his Targaryen blood to tame the Glutton in front of Lynd. As a result, he was swept away by the Glutton's tail. Whether it was due to his good luck or his body's strong ability to withstand blows, he did not die from the blow, but was only seriously injured, with several fractures in his body. He is still lying on the bed unable to move.

I don’t know whether it was due to the injury or the blow caused by the failure to train the dragon. Viserys looked very decadent, and whenever Daenerys went to see Glutton, she came back and told him that she touched Glutton. When he saw the details of the dragon scales on his body, his eyes were full of strong jealousy when he looked at Daenerys.

Lind felt the change in Viserys's mood, but he did not take it to heart and concentrated on dealing with Tyrosh's affairs.

The compensation matters related to Tyrosh have been discussed and the compensation agreement has been signed. Tyrosh honestly handed over the first compensation and let the Miracle Fleet take over the dock.

The reason why Linde did not take advantage of this great opportunity to pursue the victory was not because Linde didn't want to, but because Tyrosh's military power had not yet been exhausted to the bottom. There were still a large number of hired mercenary groups stationed in the city, and The number of Unsullied in Tyrosh is also very large, and the entire city's defenses are still very complete.

If he chooses to attack Tyrosh by force, since the number of troops Linde currently has on hand is still a bit short, he may be able to capture Tyrosh by using gluttons, but then he will only get a pile of ruins, and capturing Tyrosh is One thing, occupying this place is another.

After temporarily forgetting the great victory on the Stepstone Islands and thinking calmly, he decided to follow the original plan to provoke a war in the disputed area, consume the military strength of Lys, Myr and Tyrosh, and then use other means to restrict the secrets. The forces of Er and Lys intervened and attacked Tyrosh alone.

Therefore, Linde not only did not continue to take action against Tyrosi, but also gave Tyrosi a break in terms of compensation, so that Tyrosi would not be injured and still have the ability to fight foreign wars.

In fact, the Tyrosh king and his officials felt a little incredible after receiving the compensation clause. In their view, Linde annihilated the Tyrosh fleet, pressed hard on the border, and blocked the port with sea dragons. , it should be that the lions opened their mouths widely and demanded without restraint. They were even ready to cut the meat.

However, when they felt the terms, they all unanimously thought that Tribune Artest had got the wrong compensation terms.

After repeatedly confirming that the content of the terms was correct, they suspected whether there were any unknown traps in it, so they studied the contents line by line all night long, but in the end they still found nothing suspicious.

As a result, Tyrosh's senior officials, who were full of arrogance and prejudice, thought that Lind was practicing the so-called chivalry in Westeros.

In their eyes, the continent of Westeros is just a larger island. The people on the island are all uncivilized barbarians. Only the chivalry established by the faith of the Seven Gods is the only thing they approve of.

And Linde is the chosen one of the Church of the Seven Gods, so they naturally think that Linde has the kind of chivalry that sometimes seems stupid, and then speculate that Linde was the other party's chivalry when he wrote the current compensation document. When you act stupidly.

Therefore, they quickly passed these compensation clauses and drafted the corresponding compensation agreement. They collected the first compensation as quickly as possible, signed the compensation agreement with Linde, and solidified the compensation agreement to prevent Linde from waking up. Modify Terms.

At the same time that Linde signed the agreement, Asha and the others successfully completed the capture of the Stepstone Islands, although they also encountered some obstacles in the process, such as pirates hiding in caves on the island, trying to avoid encirclement and suppression.

But Asha and the others didn't care at all. When encountering such a situation, they threw wildfire directly into the cave, and then kept throwing wet firewood inside. The people hiding inside would either die from the smoke, or try to escape and become contaminated by the wildfire. Fire, burned alive.

All in all, all the pirates hiding in the caves died inside without exception.
After that, there were no more obstacles. The pirate families and other people living on these islands were all moved to live near the newly built castle east of Prince's Pass and participated in the construction of the castle, completely breaking the foundation of their resistance.

These islands are occupied by prepared immigrants and re-planned and constructed. It will not take long for these islands to be completely controlled.

In the southeastern waters of the Stepstone Islands, the Sunspear fleet commanded by Daeron Martell and the fleet sent by Reese encountered each other in the waters near Helm Bay at the southern end of the Stepstone Islands.

The Lys Fleet dispatched thirty long-oared warships, twenty armed merchant ships, and some warships converted from fishing boats. It seemed that they did not want to see the Stepped Stone Islands unified in the hands of one person, and planned to do their best to prevent this. thing.

As a result, when they wanted to follow the coastline from Stonehelm Bay and bypass the Gray Gallows Island area, they happened to encounter the Sunspear City fleet waiting here. Neither side started a war, but faced off on the sea.

It wasn't until the news came that the fleets of Tyrosh and the Pirate Alliance were completely wiped out and that Lind had completed the preliminary unification of the Stepstone Islands, then the Lys fleet silently turned around and returned to Lys.

Among the three major city-states in the disputed land, Lys is the one that Lind pays the least attention to. As long as he controls the Stepstone Islands, Lys, the north, and the main trade channel with Westeros will be completely controlled. This is why, after learning that Lind planned to unify the Stepstone Islands, Reese put aside his years of grudges with Tyrosh and took the initiative to send a fleet to support Tyrosh.

As an isolated city-state, normal shipping is particularly important to Lys. The supply of food and other materials all depends on sea transportation. Linde only needs to send a miracle fleet and gluttons to block the sea area around Lys and prevent any ship from entering. If the ship enters or exits, it can completely trap Reese.

Although Lys can also ask for help from Tyrosh and Myr, the ships from these two cities must pass through the Stepstone Islands to support the south. After passing through the disputed land to the southern coastline in an army way, a large number of ships will also be needed. Moreover, these ships are not troop carriers, but warships capable of combat.

The only one who can provide help to Lys is Volantis, and the relationship between Volantis and Lys, or the Three Cities Alliance, is in turmoil. They are eager to see the Three Cities Alliance suffer misfortune, so how can they be willing to spend a lot of money? Use manpower and material resources to keep away an enemy.

Therefore, the moment Lind took control of the Stepstone Islands, Lys was already like a turtle in a urn. After he solved Tyrosh, Lys would be next.

Although Lind has regarded the three major city-states in the disputed area as his own, he has not shown any aggression towards the three areas. Instead, he immediately sent people to Lys and Myr to discuss new settlements. Trade Agreement, the new trade agreement mainly aims to form a trade alliance with Reese and other Three Cities Alliance, using the Stepstone Islands as a checkpoint to control the north-south trade of Essos and Westeros.

Of course, it is true to use the Stepped Islands to control north-south trade, and the Trade Alliance is just a way to let the Three Cities Alliance relax its vigilance, because trade agreements and trade alliances will definitely not be reached in the short term. Linde will let the discussions and negotiations The time was extended until he took action against Tyrosh.

"Lord Lind, do you also have Targaryen blood in you?" When Lind was thinking about what to do next, Daenerys walked up to Lind and couldn't help but ask the question that had been bothering her for many days. come out.

"No." Linde shook his head and replied affirmatively.

Daenerys had a slightly disappointed look in her eyes.

Linde said calmly: "Don't easily judge a person's enemies based on his bloodline. Some people have noble bloodlines, but behave despicably. Some people have lowly origins, but they are like saints."

"Like you?" Daenerys said solemnly.

Linde smiled, nodded and said, "Yes, just like me."

As he spoke, he took out a dragon crystal necklace with dragon runes from his body, handed it to Daenerys, and said, "I'll give this dragon crystal necklace to you as a gift! It has the magic power I exerted on it. I'm upset." Wearing it can help you calm down, but remember not to wear it for a long time and only take it out when needed.”

After hearing this, Daenerys couldn't wait to put the necklace on her neck. She quickly felt the effect, and a look of surprise appeared on her face. Then she took off the necklace and carefully put it in her small cloth bag.Linde then added: "This necklace is also a token. If you need help, you can take this necklace and go to the Miracle Chamber of Commerce in your town. The people there will help you as much as possible. .”

Hearing Lind's words, Daenerys seemed to have thought of something, and asked with reluctance in her eyes: "Are you leaving?"

"Yes!" Linde did not hide anything, nodded, and said: "The compensation agreement has been signed, and there is no need for me to stay here. I will go back to Shengxia Hall, and the follow-up affairs will be handled by my subordinates."

After hearing this, Daenerys looked a little depressed. She had been very happy these past few days. Not only did she have new clothes to wear, but she also had plenty of food. She didn't have to hide and starve, and she didn't have to be treated like a guest at a banquet. As an ornament, she faced all kinds of weird looks. More importantly, she saw dragons and the power that the Targaryen family once had.

The moment she saw the dragon, Daenerys could not help but feel a strong desire that she had never had before. She hoped that one day she could ride on a dragon and fly in the sky.

"Can I have dragons in the future?" Daenerys couldn't help but say what she was thinking, as if she was asking Linde, but also as if she was asking herself.

After hearing this, Lind reached out and rubbed Daenerys' silver-gold hair, and said, "Yes, you will have your own dragon in the future."

Daenerys turned her head and looked at Lind, with a hint of gratitude in her eyes. It was obvious from her look that Lind's words were just to comfort her and were not a prophecy.

Before Lind left Blackstone Island, he asked a merchant ship to take the Targaryen brothers and sisters to Pentos. Although he knew that when the brothers and sisters arrived there, they would be received by Illyrio and become his guests, he still gave him He gave Daenerys some money, just in case.

After seeing off Daenerys, Lind left Blackstone Island and toured the newly occupied Stepstone Islands before returning to Miraculous Port.

The Miracle Fleet did not go back with Linde, but moved its headquarters to Gray Gallows Island and was responsible for the defense of the entire Stepped Stone Islands.

Lind did not immediately send Asha and Baelor to the Iron Islands to fight for control of the Iron Islands. Instead, he asked them to stay on the Stepstone Islands and be responsible for the security of the Stepstone Islands until the Miracle Fleet had enough ships and officers. and sailors would be sent to the Iron Islands only after they accepted the defense of the sea in their hands.

As for Dagon Harlaw, he has never considered returning to a bitter and cold place like the Iron Islands, even if he is the sole heir to Harlaw.

Dagon lived like a fish in water on the Stepstone Islands. Not only did he marry a Lysian woman, he also gave birth to two sons, one of whom he had already sent to Harlaw Island and was given to his father Harlaw Island. He was raised by Earl Rodrik Harlaw, the Lord of the Ten Towers City, and regarded as a substitute for the heir of the Harlaw family.

Lin De had no objection to Dagon's decision. In fact, even if Dagon didn't take the initiative to stay, he would force Dagon to stay on the Stepstone Islands, because Dagon was not only a qualified naval general, but also a A very rare sea creature shapeshifter.

In all known records of shapechangers, all shapechangers establish spiritual connections with land creatures and attach their consciousness to creatures on the road, such as land animals such as lynxes, hounds, wolves, and birds such as ravens and falcons. Wait, there has never been a case of a shapeshifter establishing a spiritual connection with a sea creature.

However, Dagon is a real sea creature shapechanger, and the sea creature he is associated with is a giant octopus, which among those who live at sea lives in the waters around Cape Brokeback and often attacks passing ships. , the sea monster that dragged the ship into the water.

In fact, Linde already knew about the sea monster's existence before the sea dragon appeared to attack the ship.

Because at that time, Dagon and Asha's fleet happened to be chasing a group of pirates in the Broken Arm area. As a result, they somehow alerted the sea monster there. Several ships where the pirates were were attacked and silenced by the sea monster.

When the sea monster in turn prepared to attack Dagon and Asha's ship, Dagon unexpectedly developed a spiritual connection with the sea monster.

It's just that this connection is not very deep. He cannot project his consciousness onto the sea monster, control the sea monster's actions, or even directly give orders to the sea monster like a shapechanger. His connection with the sea monster is only to perceive it. The location of the sea monster and the feeling of closeness are all it takes to avoid being attacked by the sea monster.

After learning about this incident, Linde changed his mind about destroying the sea monster. Instead, he asked Dagon to go to Broken Arm Point to contact the sea monster whenever he had time, and follow the training methods of skinchangers provided by Moroya. , carry out relevant training.

After two years of continuous training, Dagon's connection with the sea monster has become deeper and deeper, and he can gradually order the sea monster to do some things, such as not to attack or attack certain ships.

I believe that with continuous practice, Dagon will eventually be able to control this octopus sea monster. By then, this sea monster will also be used as an important means to control the Stepped Stone Islands, and Asha and Belle will be able to leave the Stepped Stone Islands. Go to the Iron Islands and fight for Linde's position as Lord of the Iron Islands.

After Linde gave instructions to Asha and the other three on some major matters, he was about to end his tour of the Stepped Stone Islands and return to Miracle Port. However, at this time, Governor Rees sent an envoy to Gray Gallows Island, hoping to communicate with Linde. Meet and discuss maritime trade matters with Linde in person.

But Linde found a reason to reject this request. It was too late for him to delay the trade agreement negotiations. How could he take the initiative to complete the trade agreement negotiations?

After rejecting the request for a meeting, Reese's envoy made another request, which was a very large weapons order.

The amount of this weapons order is huge, almost the sum of the previous weapons orders, and most of the weapons are based on horse scimitars. Judging from the shape, they should be the kind of scimitars that the Dothraki are good at.

Faced with such a large order, Linde naturally would not extrapolate, and quickly asked his officials in charge of commerce and trade to sign the deal. At the same time, he also inquired about why such a large batch of weapons was ordered, but the envoy did not A little bit of news.

Lind didn't think much about it. Anyway, for him, these weapons would be sold to Reese sooner or later. Now Reese took the initiative to buy them, which saved his people from selling them.

After Linde returned to Summer Hall, the various news coming from the three major free trade city-states made Linde feel that something was wrong, because whether it was Myr who had not shown up in the Battle of the Stepstone Islands, or who had just paid Tyroshi, who had received a large amount of compensation, all came to Gray Gallows Island in the next month or two. They also discussed a large weapons order with Linde. The types of weapons were all Dothraki scimitars. Lord.

This unusual situation made Lind feel that major changes might have occurred in the disputed area that he was unaware of. So while signing the order, he also sent people to several free castles to inquire about the information.

As a result, the news he received was that a huge gem mine had been discovered in the disputed area. Moreover, this gem mine was an open-pit gem mine, and it could be dug and collected directly without spending much effort.

The three major city-states almost simultaneously claimed that they had absolute ownership of this open-pit gem mine, and also thought that the battle for the gem mine was inevitable, so they almost made the same decision, that is, not to fight themselves, but to hire Multiple Dothraki LSs fought for them, which is why the three major city-states placed orders for Dothraki scimitars at the same time.

This is undoubtedly good news for Linde. There is no need for him to start another war. The only thing he needs to do is to continue the war in the disputed area until the power of the three major city-states is weakened to the level he expected. up to the estimated level.

(End of this chapter)

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