Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 215 Moroya’s Blood Magic

Chapter 215 Moroya’s Blood Magic
"The monk of Qohor." The old maester introduced himself.

"Lion Knight Onstein." Lind responded.

Xiu Fu asked curiously: "You are a follower of Night Lion."

"No." Linde shook his head.

The old maester asked again: "Have you been to Qohor?"

"No." Linde simply responded.

The old bachelor was stunned and said: "Your armor has the forging process of Qohor, and it is a master-level forging process. Even in Qohor, only a few people have mastered this process, and mastering this process The master blacksmith will never be allowed to leave Qohor." As he spoke, he pointed to the red patterns on the armor that Moroya made using so-called black magic, and said: "And you also used blood magic on your armor. , if I guess correctly, the master who forged this armor for you is a master forger from the Muku sect."

"You guessed wrong." Linde said calmly.

"Did you guess wrong?" The old bachelor looked confused.

Linde didn't wait for the other party to continue asking, and then asked: "Since you recognized the blood magic on the armor, do you know what blood magic it is?"

"Can I get a closer look?" the old bachelor asked.

"Okay." Linde nodded.

The old bachelor came closer to Linde and carefully observed the bloody lines on the armor by the light of the bonfire.

After a while, he returned to his original position, his face full of doubts, and said: "The person who uses this blood magic has a much better understanding of blood magic than me, and even knows better than me. Any blood magic master who comes here is smarter. She directly combined the sacrificial ciphers of several blood magics together to form a new blood magic. You must know that the blood magic masters of Qohor have been there for so many years. They are all still looking for the secret of ancient blood magic, but this one has already begun to create new blood magic based on ancient blood magic, and he has created it so perfectly. If the blood magic master of Qohor sees this body of yours, The armor will definitely drive you crazy with excitement.”

The old maester seemed very excited and kept praising the blood magic on Linde's armor.

Linde was also surprised at this moment. Apparently he had never thought that the magic Moroya used on the armor would be so good.

Lind only knew that Moroya had never stopped researching magic, but he never knew much about the specific research progress. He only knew that his dragon runes and the sacrificial tablets brought back from outside the Great Wall made her research The progress has improved by leaps and bounds, but to what extent Linde is not clear.

He remembered that when Moroya gave him the Lion Knight armor, she said that she had applied magic when forging the armor, and that those magics were a summary of her research over the years.

And he didn't care at the time, because he didn't see any magic aura on the armor. Not only did he not see it, but he also didn't see it through Glory's eyes, so he subconsciously thought that Moroya's magic research had failed. .

But now it seems that Moroya has not failed, but has succeeded, at least in appearance, otherwise he would not be so highly regarded by the old bachelor who was born in Qohor.

The old bachelor continued: "I don't know exactly what effect the blood magic on this can produce, but it can be seen from some of the secret texts of blood magic that it should involve emotions and the like."

"Emotions?" Linde was stunned.

"Yes, emotions." The old bachelor explained very seriously: "The reason why blood magic is regarded as the most dangerous forbidden knowledge, even more than necromancy, is because the power of blood magic comes from exchange, some of which are life. , some are health, and some are illusory things like luck. In short, if you want to obtain power, you need to exchange it with something of equal value. It can be your own or someone else's, but no matter what kind, the process of exchange It’s all uncontrollable.”

As he spoke, he pointed at Linde's armor and said, "But your armor is an exception. Although I don't have a deep research on blood magic, I can still see that the blood magic on the armor seems to have been cast. The magician has control, and the master can make the objects that formulate the exchange of blood magic power, such as your emotions."

"My emotions?" Lind hesitated for a moment, and suddenly thought of his collecting habit. It seemed that this behavior was amplified many times after entering the continent of Essos, and he happened to be wearing this suit during this time. Golden lion armor, the two should not be a coincidence.

In other words, Moroya's magic research was successful, but this magic was another kind of mysterious power, not magic that could be captured by Linde and Glory's special vision.

However, because the power he possesses is so strong, the blood magic power obtained through some kind of exchange ritual cannot show its effect on him at all.

But Lind soon thought that this kind of magical power might be used on ordinary people, unlike his dragon rune, which would be equivalent to suicide for ordinary people.

At this time, the movement not far away interrupted Lind's thoughts. He looked up and saw the bachelors or students of the Sphinx Academy who had recovered from their panic and were digging into the ground with the tools in their hands. of soil.

Lind turned to the old bachelor monk and asked, "Are you trying to excavate the ruins of the Gith Empire below? Why don't you choose to excavate during the day?"

"You actually know that the ruins below are the ruins of the Gith Empire?" Scholar Xiufu looked at Linde in surprise.

"It's easy to tell." Lind pointed to the harpy symbol carved on a beam behind him.

"No, this is much more difficult than you think. This symbol is a cipher text symbol, not a commonly used symbol. Ordinary people don't know what this symbol represents." Bachelor Xiufu shook his head and said, "Wa The Dragon King of the Free Fortress of Rhelia completely destroyed the Empire of Gith. Most of the documents were destroyed, and very few survived. Some were kept in the Temple of Grace in Meereen, and some were taken to Weiss by the escapees. The Old Town Academy in the Trolo Continent..." At this point, he seemed to have guessed something and looked at Lind and said, "You should be a bachelor from the Old Town Academy, right?"

"No." Linde simply denied the other party's guess.

It's just that the bachelor monk didn't seem to believe what Linde said, thinking that Linde was just pretending. After all, who would have thought that a person dressed as a knight would be a city bachelor.

And he also thought that Linde might have come to the continent of Essos with a special mission and needed to disguise his identity, so he did not continue talking, but changed the topic back and said: "The reason why we chose to go to Essos at night The purpose of digging is to avoid the patrols of Governor Pros. After all, no one wants to see their land being dug into holes."

After hearing this, Linde hesitated for a moment and said, "In other words, you didn't get Governor Pros to dig on his land? So just now..."

The old bachelor shrugged playfully and said with a slightly proud expression: "I was just stating the fact that this land belongs to Governor Pros. I did not lie and said that I had the permission of the Governor."

When Lind heard this, he couldn't help but smile. The bachelor of the Sphinx Academy in front of him was just like his impression of his subordinates. He was flexible and not bound by rules. He thought that maybe he should establish a similar academy in his territory. Cultivate the talents needed in the territory.With the expansion of his territory, Lin De's talent gap is also getting bigger and bigger. Although he has applied to the school many times for a bachelor's degree or even an apprenticeship, the school has also given support and sent many people to Shengxia Hall, but for Lin De The talent gap in Germany is still a drop in the bucket.

However, talent training obviously takes a long time, and water from afar cannot quench the thirst of the near. Now that we start building the academy, I am afraid it will take several years before qualified talents are trained.

But now the old bachelor of the Sphinx Academy in front of him passively provided him with a solution, which was to move the Sphinx Academy of Pantos directly to the Summer Hall. The talents of the Sphinx Academy would naturally It was accepted by Linde.

Thinking of this, Linde had the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to make friends with each other, so he pretended to be concerned and said: "How long will it take for you to dig secretly at night before you can completely excavate the ruins? And now you may be able to see There won’t be any problems, but if you dig big enough, the patrol team during the day will definitely notice the problem, and then all your efforts will be wasted.”

Hearing this, Bachelor Xiufu couldn't help but frown. In fact, he had thought of this before coming, but he couldn't think of any solution.

He has met Governor Pross five or six times, and was rejected by Governor Pross every time. If he didn't do something privately, I'm afraid he would never know what was buried underneath in his lifetime.

"Let me help you!" Linde said as he stood up and walked towards the excavation site.

Although Bachelor Xiufu feels that having one more person digging will not increase the digging speed too much, it is better to have someone to help than no one to help.

However, what surprised him was that the enthusiastic lion knight did not pick up the tools to help dig, but directly bypassed the excavation site and walked down the hill.

Not long after, he was seen returning to the hill with a large group of mercenaries. Then he pointed to the car with the heads of the robbers with a bounty on it, and then pointed to the excavation site. The mercenaries immediately picked up their tools and started digging. They got up, and those who didn't get the tools snatched the tools from the digging scholars, or they just took their own weapons and started digging directly.

"This is the power of wealth." Linde returned to sit down by the campfire and said.

Bachelor Xiufu looked at Linde blankly and asked again: "Are you really not a follower of Night Lion?"

"No." Linde still gave the same answer.

Because of the addition of mercenaries, the excavation process has become much faster. The bachelors and students of the Sphinx Academy have also changed from laborers to commanders, dividing the excavation sites and collecting the small items excavated.

The hill itself is not very big, and the soil covering the ruins is not very thick. Everyone worked until midnight to dig out half of the hill, revealing the buried ruins of the Gith Empire. come out.

However, after the monk saw the dug-out part, a look of disappointment inevitably appeared on his face, and he signaled that there was no need to continue digging.

The reason why the Master Cultivation signaled to stop digging was because it was impossible to find anything useful if he continued digging. The Dragon King of Valyria burned the place thoroughly, even the rocks were burned into magma, and only a small amount was used. Decorative, carved columns of black stone survive, so there is no need to dig any further.

The bachelor monk organized manpower to carry the black stone pillars to the carriage he prepared. Because it went smoothly beyond expectations, the carriage he prepared was a little short, which forced him to hire a few more carriages and planned to transport the stone pillars overnight. Transported back to the Sphinx Courtyard.

When leaving, the bachelor monk extended an invitation to Linde: "Lord Onstein, when you arrive in Pentos, you can come to the Sphinx Courtyard to find me. I think the dean will be very willing to meet you."

Linde, who had planned to go to the Sphinx Courtyard, naturally would not refuse the invitation.

After the maester and students left, Lind ordered all the heads on the carriage to be divided as a reward for hiring them to dig up the ruins.

Early the next morning, when the patrol arrived at the inn, they were shocked when they saw the half-excavated hillock. They rubbed their eyes to make sure they had seen it wrong.

But when they learned about the situation and wanted to trouble the mercenaries who dug the mountain last night, they discovered that there were not one or two mercenaries, nor ten or twenty, but hundreds of them, and each of them was There was a head hanging on the waist, and those who were careful discovered that those heads were all the heads of famous bandits on the reward list.

Therefore, the patrol team who had the misunderstanding dared to cause trouble to these mercenaries. They all pretended not to see anything and continued to walk along the daily patrol route towards the next patrol location.

Because it was close enough to Pentos, patrols patrolled this area frequently, and there was no problem with safety. Linde went on the road alone early in the morning when it was still dark, without letting those caravans go. Follow.

Because he was traveling alone, he walked very fast. When the sun had just risen from the ground, he arrived outside the city of Pentos.

Originally, he was going to find a place to change his armor and enter the city disguised as an ordinary mercenary like he did in Myr. But before he could find a suitable place, a group of cavalry came from the direction of Pentos. They were watching. After arriving at Linde, we immediately sped up.

Seeing this situation, Linde quickly made a judgment. This group of cavalry was obviously coming towards him. Naturally, he would not avoid it. Instead, he picked up the long gun hanging on the saddle and took off the holster. Prepare to deal with this group of cavalry.

However, after this group of cavalry approached Linde, they immediately slowed down and took the initiative to show their hands instead of placing them on their weapons. It seemed that they wanted to show Linde that they had no ill intentions.

"Are you Mr. Lion Knight Onstein?" The leading knight came to Linde and asked respectfully.

Linde nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

The knight quickly replied: "We are the men of Master Illyrio. He ordered us to take you to his manor."

Lind was not surprised that his vest was discovered by Illyrio, but he was a little surprised that Illyrio discovered his true identity so quickly and grasped his exact location.

"Lead the way!" Linde thought for a moment, nodded, and ordered.

Afterwards, the group did not enter Pantos, but took a detour along the city wall of Pantos, came to the hillside of a villa estate in the suburbs, and entered one of the estates near the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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