Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 216 The Lost Magic Armor

Chapter 216 The Lost Magic Armor

"Lord Onstein, welcome to your arrival!" Illyrio, who had been informed by his subordinates, stood at the door of his manor early. When he saw Lind, he immediately stepped forward and saluted, saying.

The surrounding servants were a little surprised by Illyrio's attitude. After all, Illyrio was one of the governors of Pentos and held a high position. Even if he saw someone who was also a governor, he would not look so humble. The person who showed Illyrio such lowliness was Khal Drogo who visited Pentos.

After Lind got off the horse, he walked up to Illyrio and said, "Lord Illyrio, you should know why I am here."

"Of course I know." Hearing Linde's words, Illyrio's hands couldn't help but tremble, and he smiled reluctantly and said, "Please believe me, that matter is definitely not something I want to mess up. "

Linde reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, if I thought you were deliberately causing trouble, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now." As he said that, he looked around at the people who were busy doing things with their heads down. And the servants who looked here curiously from time to time said, "You are sure this is a suitable place to discuss things."

"Yes, this is not suitable, not suitable!" Illyrio responded quickly, and then ordered the servant to take Linde's horse to the horse care center to take care of it, and then asked someone to carry Linde's luggage and other things, and then personally led Linde We arrived at an exquisite cabin located on the edge of a cliff on the sea side of the manor.

"The people here are all my confidants. Sir, please rest assured that they will not tell anyone about you." Illyrio pointed to the servants inside and outside the hut and said.

Lind nodded, took off his armor, handed it to Illyrio's servants, and asked them to wipe off the dirt on the armor. Then he went to the bathroom in the house to freshen up, and put on a pan. Wearing Toss-style clothes, we arrived at the observation deck on the edge of the cliff of the small building.

At this time, Illyrio had already prepared the food, and according to Lind's habit, he prepared warm water that had been boiled and cooled down, and placed it in a crystal bottle, ready for use at any time.

Linde sat down casually as if he were at home, picked up the food on the table, poured a glass of water, and asked while eating: "Tell me! What is going on? Wallis's The letter stated very simply. I had other things to deal with at the time, so I didn’t ask any more questions. Now that I have arrived in Pentos, it would be more accurate to learn what happened from the person involved, Lord Illyrio. "

Although Illyrio knew that Lind would ask about this matter sooner or later, he was still a little flustered. After recalling it for a while, he told the whole story.

In fact, from the beginning when Varys gave him Valyrian steel and asked him to help find a master craftsman in Qohor to build a piece of magic armor, he took this matter very seriously.

Because he knew very well how much his friend hated magic, but even so, Varys still entrusted him with something related to magic, and he already knew how important this matter was to Varys.

So from the beginning, he specially assigned a team of people to be responsible for the creation of this set of armor in Qohor.

Later, as he learned that the person who commissioned Varys to build the armor turned out to be the legendary figure of Westeros, the Chosen One Lynd Terra, and after meeting Lynd in King's Landing, he took this matter more seriously, and for In addition, he also sent two additional teams to be responsible for the armor making.

Although there were some troubles in the process of making the armor, fortunately the result was pretty good and the armor was finally forged.

In order to avoid accidents on the road, he also specially dispatched three more teams of 200 people. Together with the people previously stationed in Kohol, the total reached an escort team of 800 people to transport armor.

However, when the armor was transported halfway, near Ge Duohe, it was attacked by the Dothraki. Everyone was killed and the armor was robbed.

After that, Illyrio sent people to investigate, trying to find out which Dothraki LS did this and see if it could be redeemed. Even if it couldn't be redeemed, there could still be something when Lind asked. You can answer the questions without being confused.

But what made him feel strange was that he investigated almost all the Dothraki LSs operating in the nearby area, but found nothing. None of them seemed to admit that they had robbed Illyrio's caravan in Ge Doho.

"Could someone pretend to be a Dothraki to rob?" Lind picked up a piece of bread, soaked it in the soup, and then asked.

Illyrio nodded and said: "I think so too, and I am also sending people to Qohor to investigate, because if the other party goes for the armor, they will definitely leave clues in Qohor."

"What's going on with the magic armor in Braavos?" Lind chewed slowly and asked again.

Illyrio explained: "While investigating the whereabouts of the magic armor, I found out that shortly after the magic armor was taken away, a group of Dothraki had contact with the Thoyd family of Qohor."

Perhaps because he was worried that Linde didn't know the Soyd family, he stopped again and introduced the great nobleman of Qohor.

Just like Myr, Qohor's power is also composed of three forces. The craftsmen's guild united by blacksmiths, weavers, and carpenters, the ancient Black Goat Church, and wizards, witches, diviners, pyromancers, etc. who pursue various pursuits. The Association of Mages, composed of mysterious forces, jointly controls the power of Qohor.

Most of the dignitaries of Qohor work in their respective forces and rarely have contact with other forces. Only a few families with ancient inheritance are involved in the three forces at the same time. The Soyid family is such an ancient Qohor. family.

This family existed before Valyria conquered Qohor. According to the family's own claims, they were one of the original builders of Qohor and have absolute ownership rights to Qohor.

However, many people did not take this claim seriously, because all the ancient information on Qohor was burned with the invasion of Valyria. As for who built Qohor, , there is no public opinion, the only certainty is that the earliest builder should be related to the Black Goat Church.

Because the Temple of the Black Goat Church is the oldest building among the entire buildings in Qohor. It is ancient enough to be comparable to the huge labyrinth of Loras. It should be a building from the same period. The entire Qohor is named after the Black Goat. It was built with the temple as the center.

Although the Soyd family uses some despised means to forcibly elevate their family's status, the people of Kohor have to admit that the Soyd family is indeed very powerful. This family not only occupies a seat among the priests of the Black Goat Church. , and there are also several diviners, blood wizards, alchemists, witches and dark warlocks in the Mage Association, who have great say in the Mage Association.

However, the core foundation of the Soyd family is the Craftsman Association. Half of the blacksmiths in Qohor come from this family, and several of the best blacksmith masters are members of this family.

"Is my magic armor made by this family's blacksmith?" Lind asked in a deep voice after listening to Illyrio's introduction.Illyrio nodded and said: "While forging this magic armor, the Soyd family sent people to contact me several times, wanting to buy this armor. Even after the forging was successful, they even thought about it. The reason why I kept this armor and refused to deliver it was because I contacted Qohor and put pressure on them to hand over the forged armor. Therefore, when something happened to the transport team, my first suspect was Suo The Ide family immediately sent people to monitor this family, and then they discovered that they were in contact with the Dothraki."

"What happened after that?" Linde asked, "What happened after the contact?"

Illyrio continued: "The Soyd family sent a team to transport a batch of customized weapons to Braavos, but the Soyd family was very weird. They did not take the Valyrian Avenue like a normal caravan. Pentos took a boat to Braavos, but went directly to Loras Bay. From Loras Bay, he took a boat from the more dangerous northern Shivering Sea to Braavos. And during the transportation of the Soyd family Not long after the team arrived in Braavos, the Sea King of Braavos announced that he had obtained a piece of magical armor."

"Could it be that the Soyd family imitated the same magic armor based on my armor?" Linde asked in a deep voice.

Illyrio shook his head and said: "I think this possibility is very low, because the cost of building such a magic armor is too high, and the reason why the armor can be successfully built is more about luck. If you want to It is very difficult to imitate one piece, and it cannot be imitated in a short time. And the only clue we can find now is the magic armor in the hands of the Sea King of Braavos."

"That means I have to go to Braavos no matter what." Lind took a sip of water, swallowed the food in his mouth, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, that's the case for the time being." Illyrio also nodded and said.

"What if the armor in Neptune's hand is not mine?" Lind asked.

Illyrio thought for a while and said, "Then we can only go to Qohor to find the Soyd family."

Linde sighed heavily and complained rather dissatisfiedly: "If I had known this, I should have stayed in Qohor after the armor was forged, and then I would have gone to pick it up myself, so I wouldn't have had this trouble. ."

Illyrio smiled awkwardly and did not respond, you know.

Linde stood up, walked to the edge of the observation deck, held on to the stone railing, and looked towards the sea ahead.

The location of this observation deck is very good. Not only can you see the sea in front, but you can also overlook the scenery of Pantos City not far away. You can see everything from the port terminal to the temples and shops in the city. Clearly.

"Is that the palace you built for Khal Drogo?" Lind pointed to a huge building still under construction in the distance and asked Illyrio who was walking over.

"Yes." Illyrio nodded and said: "The news came yesterday that Khal Drogo had defeated two LSs of ten thousand people and annexed their troops. The number of Dothraki warriors under his command reached 3 With more than [-] people, he has become the strongest Khal in the Disputed Land, and the Dothraki melee in the Disputed Land should come to an end soon."

"It seems that your palace was not repaired in vain." Linde smiled and said.

At this time, Linde's attention shifted to the domed red brick building located in a remote corner of the city. There was a pair of miniature sphinx statues on the roof. It was not difficult to tell from the shape of the statues that they should be imitated. The pair of sphinxes at the city gate.

However, after all, it was just an imitation, and the nature of the statue could not be compared with that pair of statues. You must know that Lind could feel a strong threat from those pair of statues.

Although at that time, it had not been long since Linde had just obtained the memory of the lost knight, and the power of the dragon rune had not accumulated to the level of a qualitative change, and the overall body was still very weak, but after all, he had obtained the complete memory of the lost knight, especially the battles in his memory. The experience made his mind far beyond the level of a normal person, but even so, he still felt threatened and had a sense of fear in his heart, which showed that the power contained in the pair of sphinxes should not be underestimated.

"How is the situation of the Sphinx Academy in Pentos?" Lind asked a little abruptly.

Illyrio was stunned and didn't understand why Lind's topic suddenly shifted to the Sphinx Courtyard, but he still truthfully told Lind what he knew.

Compared to the other academy in Pentos, the Academy of Song and Art, the Sphinx Academy, which specializes in various academic studies and the compilation of ancient books, is obviously less favored by the governor of Pentos, and now it can only reluctantly To maintain normal operations, students in the college even need to work at the docks or in various workshops to subsidize the college's daily consumption.

Although some businessmen will donate money to the Sphinx Academy, and some accomplished bachelors who go out to work will send money back to support the normal operation of the Sphinx Academy, but overall, the current situation of the Sphinx Academy Too bad, many people speculate that it will take only ten years at most before the Sphinx House will cease to exist.

Because the Sphinx Academy faces one of the biggest problems, that is, there is no source of students.

Since five years ago, there have been no new students in the Sphinx Academy. People from Pantos prefer to study at the Academy of Song and Art. After graduating, they can quickly become bards, singers, and artists. A guest in the home of a powerful person, receiving financial support from the powerful person, and having no worries about food and clothing.

But after the Sphinx Academy came out, they couldn't find anything to do at all. They either moved away from home or found some menial jobs in the city, so the Sphinx Academy stopped working in Pantos a long time ago. Students have been recruited.

Most of the students, bachelors and scholars in the Sphinx Academy are now people from other Free Trade Cities. Naturally, they are not loyal to Pentos, let alone treated by others, and the Sphinx Academy occupies We have acquired a large piece of land in the center of the city. The value of this land is very huge and it is coveted by many people. Some people have already proposed at the governor's meeting to close the Sphinx Courtyard, take back the land, and transform it into theaters, shops, etc. Money making facility.

Hearing this, Linde nodded slightly and said, "Lord Illyrio, can you do me a favor?"

Illyrio asked: "What's the business?"

Linde said solemnly: "Help me close the Sphinx Courtyard, expel all the scholars, bachelors and students of the Sphinx Courtyard, and then send them all to the ship heading to Summer Hall."

(End of this chapter)

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