Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 327 The rising young wolf master

Chapter 327 The rising young wolf master

When Yashai fell into the monster disaster, Linde had already flown over the Great Morak Island. He saw an army attacking the only big city on the island, Faros City. Among the troops, he saw the Golden Company's soldiers. Flag, it seems that Daenerys intends to completely clean up the remaining forces of the Thirteen Giants of Qarth before formal talks with Nymeria.

When Daenerys captured Qarth, although she also captured the relatives, friends and companions of the Thirteen Giants and put them under house arrest, the defense force on Qarth was also captured immediately, but in the next step The Great Morak Island faced the sea, but she had no way to capture it immediately.

Because the main army Daenerys has on hand is Dothraki, even if they have surrendered to Daenerys, most of them are unwilling to cross the sea to fight.

Secondly, Daenerys's men and horses at the time were barely able to guard Qarth and the Isle of Qarth, and there was no extra strength to launch a cross-sea war.

However, the situation is different now. Daenerys has purchased a large number of Unsullied from Slaver's Bay, plus she has hired several mercenary groups and recruited part of Qarth's army, so that she has The troops that can be mobilized have become much more abundant, and now they plan to take over the resource-rich island of Great Morak Island to stabilize their rear.

Seeing this, Lind didn't mind helping her casually, so when flying over Pharos City, he asked Diltos to spray a puff of dragon flame directly at the city gate, blowing it to pieces. Helped the siege Golden Group to overcome the most difficult difficulty.

During this process, Linde also discovered that after the trip to Stea, Diltos seemed to have undergone some changes. For example, its dragon flame was no longer just a pillar of high-temperature fire, but had other elements added to it. After its power, it can exert different effects. Just like when it burned the gate of Pharos City, it added a burst of thunder and lightning magic to the dragon flame, which caused the dragon flame to explode after falling on the target. , causing secondary damage.

Diltos said that this may be because its control of its own magic has improved to a higher level, which has given it new skills in the use of its own magic.

And what makes Diltos most happy is that its wings representing the magic power of fire are about to mature. Soon, it will be able to use three different magic powers at the same time. This is undoubtedly good news for Linde.

When using the big thunderstorm that destroyed the city of Staia, Linde also discovered that if he and Diltos cooperated, the power of the runes he used would be doubled, even reaching the power of a certain strategic weapon in his previous life.

This was the effect when Deltos had not fully grown. If Deltos had grown fully and all the magic contained in the four wings of his body were stimulated, he felt that the magical power produced by his cooperation with Deltos might be There will be a substantial improvement. As for the extent to which it will be improved, he can't imagine it now.

Therefore, after Lind flew back to the ruins of Valyria, he continued to let Diltos stay in the ruins. The black stone here is different from the black stone of Asshai and Styria, and it has a certain influence on its growth. A great help, and he flew back to Summerhall Castle on the lava dragon Neltharion again.

After returning to Summerhall Castle, Lind immediately expanded the Miracle Fleet and allowed the two major organizations, the Miracle Fleet and the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, to expand eastward with Qarth as the center, and also with the Great Morak Island. Taking the port of Morak as an outpost, they began to explore the continent of Sothoros.

Lind's high-profile expansion of the Miracle Fleet also attracted the attention of various forces in Westeros. However, after they discovered that Lind's purpose of expanding the Miracle Fleet was the distant continent of Eastern Essos and Sothothros, They also lost interest in paying attention.

Only Dorne expressed his desire to cooperate with Linde, and sent Manfri Martell, the acting lord of Sunspear, to the Summer Hall to discuss cooperation. It seems that Prince Doran has decided to change his strategic direction and instead strengthen peace and cooperation. The relationship between Summer Hall and Dorn is completely tied to Summer Hall.

Linde is naturally happy to see the results of Dorn's cooperation. Although he has funds and resources now, he really doesn't have enough manpower, especially those who are proficient in navigation. Although he has accelerated the training of manpower, These people simply cannot be independent in a short period of time.

Now that Dorn has joined, Linde has provided a large number of experienced captains and sailors, which just fills the hole of insufficient manpower, allowing Linde's plan to expand eastward and southward to directly skip the preparation stage and enter the implementation stage.

Unlike Dorn who actively participated in Linde's plan to expand eastward and southward, the dignitaries on Westeros were not interested in matters in the distant continent at all. They were more concerned about the war situation in the Seven Kingdoms in front of them.

During the time that Lind left Westeros, the situation in the Riverlands had not changed much. They were all in a confrontation stage. However, Stannis Baratheon surprisingly landed in Stonedance City and fought with Storm's End. Renly's confrontation at the junction of the King's Land and the Stormlands made many people think that Stannis was crazy.

Because in the eyes of most people, Stannis should cooperate with the North at this time to attack King's Landing or join forces to attack the West. However, he ignores the most important enemy and instead attacks his brothers. No wonder some people You'd think there's something wrong with Stannis's brain.

But only those who are truly familiar with Stannis know that Stannis must do this. Before he captures King's Landing, he must obtain the identity of the Duke of Storm's End and the Patriarch of the Baratheon family, so that he can legitimately sit on the Iron Gate. The throne, and this legal and honorary orthodoxy is what Stannis values ​​most.

Compared to Stannis's confusing behavior, most of the people paying attention to the war situation focused on Robb Stark, the Young Wolf Lord who proclaimed himself the King of the North. Because of the recent war situation, this talented man The performance of the young wolf protagonist who has just grown up is really amazing.

He first bypassed Golden Tooth City through a secret mountain road and captured the unsuspecting Brand City. When Golden Tooth City sent troops to rescue, he completely abandoned Brand City and intercepted Golden Tooth City's rescue troops halfway.

Tens of thousands of Golden Tooth City's reinforcements were killed, leaving only a few thousand people who fled back to Golden Tooth City. The commander of the Golden Tooth City's supporting army, Fuller Priest, and his generals died in the battle. So far, Golden Tooth City has been completely lost. In order to deter the Riverlands, they could only retreat to the city and defend passively.

After defeating the reinforcements from Golden Teeth City, Young Wolf Lord Robb turned back to reoccupy Brand City, and then successively captured Cliff City within a few days, forced the surrender of Fortress, and directed his troops towards Sarsfield City.

Unlike Golden Tooth City, Sarsfield City is not a fortress city, but a normal inner castle. There are no dangerous points to guard here. If the Young Wolf Lord is willing, he can completely bypass this castle and directly attack Casterly Rock City.

Even Duke Tywin was a little panicked by this situation. He immediately sent a letter to the lords of Crake Hall, Corn City and Fire Feast City, ordering them to send troops to support Casterly Rock City. At the same time, he spent a lot of money to recruit troops in Lannisport, and He also sent a letter to Fairy City and asked Fairy City to send a fleet to threaten Qiaoyan City and wait for an opportunity to recapture Qiaoyan City.

Just when everyone was turning their attention to the West to see when the Young Wolf Lord Robb Stark would start attacking Casterly Rock, another incident shifted their attention from the west to the east. Renly, the Duke of Storm's End, and Margaery Tyrell of House Tyrell in Highgarden is getting married.

This is definitely a big news for people on the continent of Westeros, because when they were struggling north of the Blackwater River, both the Stormlands and the Reach had preserved their strength intact. Once they are combined, their overall strength will far exceed that of the armies of the West, the North, the Riverlands and the Valley. Everyone believes that the moment this combined army crosses the Blackwater River, King's Landing will surely fall. , the Iron Throne will also be replaced. "Do we need to prepare some gifts in advance? Congratulations to the new king on his coronation." Looking at the intelligence information sent over, Bert suddenly said jokingly.

However, his joke didn't seem to make everyone laugh. They just looked at Bert calmly, and then turned their attention to the documents in their hands.

"Moose, you will go to Storm's End tomorrow on my behalf to attend the wedding of Duke Renly and Miss Margaery." Lind also closed the intelligence information about Storm's End and made a decision.

Moose responded: "Yes, my lord."

"My lord, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for Lord Moose to go." Jon reminded from the side: "The Duke of Metz is your lord after all. His daughter is getting married. He has also submitted an invitation in advance and informed you that you won't go in person. , it’s okay to go with someone else, but at least you have to go with someone with a suitable identity.” As he said that, he also realized that his words were somewhat ambiguous, and quickly explained to Moose: “Master Moose, I am not laughing at your identity. Humble, I just..."

"Needless to say, Lord Jon, I understand what you mean." Moose interrupted Jon's explanation with a smile, and said: "Actually, I also feel that the identity is a bit inappropriate. After all, it is the prince who needs to be represented. His status is too low, and it will only make other nobles feel that the prince is humiliating them."

Linde looked at them and said disapprovingly: "As the general manager of Midsummer Hall, Moose assists me in handling all affairs of Midsummer Hall. Isn't his status high enough? If you think his status is not high enough, I will now make him an earl." How about it? Instead of focusing on such unimportant things, you should pay more attention to important things!" As he said, he took out a document from the table, placed it in front of everyone, and said: " This matter is more important than other things, and you should all focus on it from now on."

Everyone took the document in Linde's hand and looked at it carefully, with surprise written all over their faces.

"Pantos wants to join the Kingdom of Lorne?" Bert quickly calmed down from his surprise and said, "Shouldn't this matter be handled by Her Majesty the Queen?"

"She has other things to do, so we will leave the matter of Pentos to us." Linde answered Burt's question, then pointed to the list on the document and said: "There are a total of forty people in Pentos." There are three princely families and twenty governors. Currently, there are only thirteen governors and seven princely families who intend to join the Kingdom of Lorne. This is not enough for Pantos to join the Kingdom of Lorne peacefully. I don’t want Pantos to come. A civil war and a fragmented city-state at the end, what I want is a whole Pentos."

Halls Redwin, the commander-in-chief of the Miracle Fleet, who just returned to report on his duties not long ago, asked: "What if the civil war in Pentos is unavoidable? Should we intervene directly?"

Lind thought for a while and said: "Don't intervene directly. We only need to protect the farms in the plains. As long as their civil war does not spread outside of Pentos, we don't need to intervene. However, it is best to avoid civil war. If so, it is best to avoid it. After all, no matter how controlled the civil war is, the financial, manpower and material resources consumed are not a small amount. You have to try to get more princely families and governors to fall to our side, and you can use some small means when necessary. I will let the Tranquility Court and the Mage Association assist you with your questions. On some matters, they may be able to solve some problems better than you."

"Yes, sir." Everyone responded in unison.

At this time, an attendant came to the meeting hall and said that Moroya and others were already waiting in the side hall of the castle.

Lind then announced the end of the meeting, asked Jon and others to leave, and at the same time ordered the attendants to bring Moroya and the others over.

Jon and others got up and left one after another. When they walked to the front of the castle, they happened to see Moroya and others coming. The people on both sides just nodded slightly and separated without any conversation.

Under Linde's conscious arrangement, the various forces controlled by the Summer Hall were roughly divided into three groups. One was the secular faction composed of the bureaucrats and the military of the Summer Hall, and the other was the mysterious faction composed of mages such as Moroya. , and Sangu is a religious sect that mainly focuses on religious temples such as the Redemption Temple and the Miracle Temple.

Compared with the religious sect and the mystical sect who often come into contact to conduct some experiments or trials together, the secular sect and the mystical sect have almost no contact. It is not because of any hatred between them, but purely because of concerns.

Jon and others knew very well that the things Moroya and the others were involved in were the core secrets of Summer Hall. These secrets should not be made public and were also taboo.

In their view, if they rashly come into contact with these taboo secrets, even a close friend like Jon will probably be punished, so whether it is in public or in private, these two groups will try to avoid contact as much as possible, even if it is necessary. We will also choose places where there are many people, or where there are religious people around.

As the two groups passed by each other, Bert suddenly stopped and looked curiously at Moroya and others who were walking towards the meeting hall, with doubts on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Moose asked.

"Something big may happen." Bert whispered: "Not only the famous people from the Black Cave are here, but also the Mage Association, the Director of the Quiet Courtyard, and the High Priest of the Temple of the God of Magic. That son of the forest named Gray Stone, what do you think this is because of..."

Jon glared at Bert fiercely, interrupted him, and said: "I don't know why, but I know that if you continue to ask, I think Lord Rosso may invite you to go to the Blood Armored Man." Let’s go and have a seat at the headquarters.”

When Bert heard this, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at Rosso Brun. He happened to see Rosso Brun smiling at him. Although he just smiled, it still made Bert shiver and lower his head. Quickly entered the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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