Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 328 Questioning

Chapter 328 Questioning

"Look at what this is?" Lind motioned for them to come closer after Moroya and others came in, then took out the items collected from Euron's altar and placed them on the table. , asked.

Everyone looked at these items that looked like handicrafts in confusion and didn't know how to answer for a while.

These items looked very ordinary, just a few wooden and metal sticks the size of forearms, with some mysterious-looking patterns engraved on the surface. Other than that, there was nothing special about them.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Gray Stone, the son of the forest who was much shorter than everyone else, held the table with both hands, stretched his head upward, looked at the things on the table, and then said with a look of surprise on his face: " Did you snatch the divine body back from that bad guy?"

"God's Bones?" Everyone was stunned and looked at the sticks on the table. Some people didn't know what God's Bones were, but they felt a little mysterious when they heard the name. The expressions on their faces were still confused. , but there are still some people who seem to know the origin of the divine bones, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Is this the legendary divine skeleton? It looks a bit ordinary." Moroya couldn't help but be curious, picked up the divine skeleton from the table, and put it in front of his eyes to look at it.

"Lord Moroya, what is the divine skeleton?" Someone asked curiously before Linde asked.

However, Moroya did not answer. On the contrary, Marwin thought about it seriously and said: "I remember seeing an etched ancient book in Loras, which recorded the divine remains in a very ancient writing. As for the matter, the divine bones are actually the bones left behind after the death of the gods.”

After hearing Marwin's words, everyone looked surprised.

At this time, the director of the Quiet Courtyard, Lagoz, took over the topic and said: "It is said that before the Dawn Era, before the ancestors migrated to the continent of Westeros, humans were just primitive tribes, and the ruler of the world was the forest. Sons, giants and other more mysterious races, at that time the gods walked the world, just like the legend about Green-Hand Garth in the Reach, the gods and mortals lived and communicated, and even combined to have children. After the gods died, their bodies would turn into For nothingness and the world are merged together, but one or two pieces of divine bones will still be left behind as a souvenir for one’s descendants.”

"This god sounds a little weird." An assistant to the dean of the Mage Association couldn't help but muttered.

"Actually, the gods at that time were similar to the prophets today. Isn't the prophet also the god of magic?" said the director of the Quiet Courtyard.

"Sir, where did this divine skeleton come from?" Bron, the president of the Mage Association, asked with some confusion.

Lind then told everyone about his trip to the Land of Shadows to solve the hidden danger of Euron.

After hearing this, everyone showed a shocked expression. People like Moloa and others who knew that Lind had left for Asia were also extremely shocked. They thought that Lind was just chasing Euron, even if it meant taking action. They only attacked Euron alone, but what they never expected was that Linde actually destroyed Stea.

Even on the continent of Westeros, anyone who is interested in magic and other occult sciences will more or less know the name of the city of dead bodies, Steia. It is a city more terrifying than Xia, and even It is called the city from the Seven Hells.

However, such an ancient city that may have existed even earlier than Xia was completely destroyed by Linde. This made them shocked and curious about what kind of magic Linde cast last time. .

Unlike others who were surprised by the power of Linde's magic, Moroya's face was full of doubts and asked: "Master Linde, don't you think this is a bit weird?"

Linde frowned and said in a deep voice, "How do you say that?"

"You learned about Euron from Lord Willas, and you judged that Euron was going to Stea to make a sacrifice, and the purpose of the sacrifice was to replace the gods, and the sacrifice items used were divine bones. But anyone who knows about sacrifice knows that sacrifice is never equal, and it is impossible to be small and generous. How can he replace the gods by simply sacrificing the remains of gods? Another point is who he sacrifices to, Black Stone? Although the power contained in the Black Stone is powerful, it cannot be compared with the legendary gods. Even the Green Seer of the Children of the Forest cannot compare. You must know that the Green Seer changed the world and flooded the entire Dorne. Arm, the power contained in the black stone cannot do such a thing. If he didn't sacrifice to the black stone, then why did he ask Daostea to sacrifice?"

As Moroya expressed her suspicions one by one, others also felt that something was wrong.

Linde did not show too much surprise or surprise, but nodded calmly and said: "On the way back, I also felt that something was strange, but I never figured out where it was." As he spoke, , he turned to look at the son of the forest, Gray Stone, and asked: "This divine skeleton has always been placed with you before. Do you know what the use of this thing is?"

Gray Stone quickly gave the answer, saying: "Balancing nature, it is used as a node for the power of nature."

"Can it be used for sacrifice?" Linde asked again.

Gray Stone asked: "If someone gave you a human bone as a gift, would you be happy?"

Linde was stunned when he heard this, and his face became serious. Then he asked: "Things like divine bones should be very important to you sons of the forest, right?"

"Of course, it's very important." Gray Stone nodded and said: "Although the children of the forest can also live in a human environment, they are not as comfortable as living in a stable natural realm, just like living in the wild on a rainy day. It’s the same gap as living in a castle with a fireplace.”

Linde asked again: "In this case, you should be very protective of this thing. Why was it easily stolen by Euron? Is this the case in the Marshland, and even in the God's Eye Lake?"

Hui Shi also said with a puzzled look on his face: "We are also very surprised. The bad guy avoided all our traps, cracked our big ritual stone plate, and easily took away the divine bones until the divine bones left nature. We only realized something was wrong when we entered the realm, and this matter has been bothering us all the time. Even Spark said that unless it was the Green Seer who arranged all this, no one would be able to take away the divine bones so easily."

"Can only the Green Seer take away the divine bones?" Linde had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Did you think of something?" Moroya asked in a deep voice.

"It's nothing." Linde seemed not to want to waste any more time on this matter. He pointed at the remains and said to Gray Stone: "Since the thing belongs to you, then you..."

Gray Stone shook his head and said: "I'll give this to you! The balance has been broken, and the nodes have naturally lost their function. This thing is of no use to us now."

Seeing this, Linde did not refuse. He turned to Moroya and said, "In that case, I'll leave the remains to you! Let's see what useful things can be researched." Moroya also shook his head, Said: "My current research has reached a critical juncture and I cannot afford to be distracted."

"How about you give these things to me!" Maloxin, the high priest of the God of Magic, proactively requested: "Maybe I can make them into several scepters and give them to me, the High Priest of the God of Natural Disasters, and the God of Storms respectively. High priest as a religious token.”

After hearing this, Lind thought for a while and handed the things to Maloxin.

Later, he mentioned his plan to expand eastward and southward to the people in front of him, and asked a few people for their opinions.

While others were still thinking about this matter, the son of the forest, Gray Stone, took the initiative to ask: "Do you want us, the sons of the forest, to migrate to the continent of Sothoryos?"

Lind nodded and said: "I have this idea, but the premise is that safety can be guaranteed. The Children of the Forest should be very suitable for living in a forest environment, and you can serve as an outpost for our exploration of Sothoryos."

Gray Stone thought for a while, nodded, and said: "I will select suitable candidates to join as soon as possible." After thinking about it, he asked: "Can I select some dragoons? If there are long-winged dragons... "

Lind shook his head and said: "The Dragoons will go to the north to resist the White Walkers in the future. The Dragoons cannot leave until the White Walkers are eliminated or repelled."

There was a look of regret on Gray Stone's face and he didn't say anything more.

"Is our mission to assist the Miracle Chamber of Commerce to infiltrate Yaxia and then control Yaxia?" Moloa, who had finished thinking on the other side, asked immediately.

"Yes." Linde nodded and said: "Yasia is very suitable for cultivating spellcasters. There are also a lot of resources needed by spellcasters in the Shadow Land. There are also a lot of mineral deposits in the surrounding area. Ultes across the sea is even more It is rich in resources. In addition, what else will there be if Yaxia continues to go east? Whether it can have its own civilization and whether it can open up a new golden route. These are the potentials of the city of Yaxia. It is a pity that after so many years, those The spellcasters who occupy Yashai have never considered developing these resources, which is simply a waste of resources. Since they are unwilling to develop it, we reluctantly accepted it."

Marwen couldn't help but ask: "In this case, why did you let Mr. Jiaben come to Summer Hall? Wouldn't it be better for him to stay in Asia?"

"Because he has not completed the trial of the Redemption Temple, I cannot trust him," Lind said very bluntly: "He will definitely be sent to Asshai in the future, but before that I need to know that he is loyal. "

After hearing what Lind said, Marwin didn't say anything else. Although he had not undergone the trials of the Redemption Temple, he also knew what these trials meant. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with Lind's actions. After all, he had witnessed After various experiments in the Black Cave, he felt that Lind's decision to stipulate that only those who had completed the trial could join the Black Cave was correct. He even took the initiative to express his willingness to accept the trial, but it was a pity that his and Qyburn's bodies were both weak. Not suitable for any trial, so they became the only people in the black cave who had not undergone any trial.

Others also expressed that they would arrange manpower to cooperate with the Miracle Chamber of Commerce and the Miracle Fleet's plan to expand eastward and southward. Linde also asked them to immediately contact the Miracle Fleet Commander-in-Chief Halls Reid who was responsible for this matter after they returned. The executive director of the Gentle Miracle Chamber of Commerce, Gorman Settiga, directly handed over the matters regarding mages to Bronn, the president of the Mages Association, for coordination.

After everyone retreated, Linde did not rest. He directly rode on the lava dragon and flew towards the north. He flew to the Great Wall of Despair at the fastest speed and flew to Ice Scar City where Vilas was located.

After landing in the courtyard of the castle, Linde walked directly into the passage leading to the center of the Great Wall and left the night watchman outside.

"It seems you have already dealt with Euron." After Linde arrived at the ice cave, Vilas, who was frozen in the ice, said as if he knew Linde would come.

"Yes, it was indeed solved. It was much easier and smoother than expected. In addition, I also destroyed the city of Stea. The black stone under the entire city was also suppressed by my power. I think this is yours. Purpose?" Lind looked at Vilas and said seriously: "Aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Villas didn't answer.

"You were once possessed by the Three-Eyed Crow, and you should also have obtained the Green Seer memory of the Three-Eyed Crow, so you know the two nodes of natural power, the Swamp Land and the God's Eye Lake, and you also know how to easily take them out and place them inside. "The remains of a god." Linde said in a deep voice: "I'm curious when did you cooperate with Euron? Why does he believe in you so much?"

Vilas chose to answer this time and said calmly: "Because all the tips I gave him helped him, and the pressure you put on him was too much. In this case, he could only choose to believe me. "

Linde said very formally: "Euron is involved with the White Walkers. You are now working with Euron. Can I think that you are also colluding with the White Walkers now?"

As he spoke, Linde put his hand on the sword of the Homeless Knight at his waist.

Willas said calmly: "Everything I have done is to prevent the White Walkers from going south and the long night and winter."

"I'll give you a chance to explain." Linde looked at Vilas and said.

Villas did not have too many emotional fluctuations and explained: "The Great Wall has been damaged, and the ancient runes inside have lost their effectiveness. The next time the long winter comes, the Great Wall will not be able to resist the White Walkers from moving south."

Linde immediately shook his head and said: "Impossible! I can see the magic runes and powerful magic power contained in the Great Wall of Impasse. They are impossible..."

"What you saw was just an illusion used to deceive the White Walkers. In fact, the ancient runes on the Great Wall had been destroyed the last time the Horn of Winter sounded. After that, the people who restored the Great Wall cleverly used the broken runes. Wen created an illusion." Vilas calmly explained: "Actually, it was you who proved that the Wall has failed. Do you still remember the wight sent to King's Landing? If the magic of the Wall still exists, the wight is It’s impossible to pass through the Great Wall of Despair.”

Linde was stunned when he heard this. In fact, he had also thought about the problem of ghouls crossing the Great Wall at that time, but due to the influence of the previous life drama, he remembered that two night watchmen were transformed into ghouls and were transported across the Great Wall, and in There was something going on in Castle Black, so he didn't take it seriously. Now that he thought about it, there was something wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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