Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 329 Trust and Use

Chapter 329 Trust and Use

Lind gradually believed Willas's explanation that the ancient runes that blocked the White Walkers in the Great Wall had been damaged. He then asked: "Let Euron take away the divine bones and destroy the nodes of the power of nature. What's the difference between the Great Wall and the Great Wall?" what relationship?"

"Because I need the power of nature to maintain the operation of the Great Wall. Only in this way can it continue to block the White Walkers." Willas paused, perhaps feeling that it was too simple, and added: "Westeros Continent There are a total of ten natural power nodes on the world, including the Arm of Dorne, the Divine Grace Mountains, Oldtown, Highgarden, God's Eye Lake, the Marshlands, Fairy Isle, Winterfell, the Eagle's Nest and the Great Wall. Seven of the power nodes were destroyed for various reasons, and only the God's Eye Lake, Zedi and Shen'en Mountains were preserved. Although these natural power nodes are located far and wide, they are related to each other and are involved in each other. , I can use this connection to directly call upon the power of the Power of Nature nodes on the Great Wall of Despair. However, the Power of Nature nodes of God's Eye Lake and Swamp Land are bound by the Green Seers of the Sons of the Forest, and I am blocked from the outside. Only by destroying the areas arranged by the Green Seer and releasing the power of nature can I use these natural powers to maintain the normal operation of the Great Wall of Despair."

Lind frowned and said, "You can tell me directly about this kind of thing. I can go to the Children of the Forest to negotiate. Why should I cooperate with Euron?"

Faced with Linde's questioning, Vilas was silent for a moment and said, "Because you can't be trusted."

"Me? Untrustworthy?" Lind looked at Willas with a strange expression, smiled angrily, and said, "Is a lunatic like Euron Greyjoy more trustworthy than me?"

"Yes." Vilas acknowledged Linde's statement very directly and continued: "I can see Euron's life trajectory, but I can't see yours."

Linde was stunned and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"You should know that green seers can pass on all kinds of knowledge and what they see and hear to generations of green seers through weirwood, green seer inheritance, etc., so green seers know all the knowledge of the past and know the lives of everyone in the past. He is considered to be the most knowledgeable person in the world." Vilas explained seriously: "But you don't know that in addition to knowing the past, the green seer can also predict the future. The green seer can pass changes in the trajectory of life, Predict related future things, which can be people or events. For example, I can predict that Renly Baratheon and Robb Stark are about to die because of their lives. The trajectories are all there, and no matter how hard they struggle, they can’t escape the trajectory of their lives.”

Hearing this, Lind couldn't help but have a surprised expression on his face, because he knew the reason for the death of Renly and Robb, but Willas also knew it, and he couldn't help but feel impressed by Willas' ability to predict the future. Somewhat unexpected.

Vilas continued: "But you are different. Your life trajectory should have disappeared, but it was connected again by a new life trajectory, and it also indirectly affected the life trajectories of other people. It's like a monster that is tearing apart the lives of countless people, including mine. This kind of influence is very scary, leading everything to the unknown. The unknown is very scary, and you who caused the unknown to appear are even scarier."

After the initial surprise, Linde also calmed down and looked at Vilas with a somewhat thoughtful look, because he knew very well how Vilas's life trajectory was changed. After he appeared, almost most people Most of the people who come into contact with him have changed their future. For example, Nymeria may have died, but now she has become the queen of Lorne.

It’s just that Lind felt that Willas’s fear of the unknown was a bit strange. It was more like the fear that a person who has always been able to see the future suddenly loses the ability to see the future, and Willas has the knowledge of the green prophet. It didn't last long, so it shouldn't have caused such strong fear.

Lind thought for a while and asked in a deep voice: "Are you related to the Three-Eyed Crow?"

"Yes." Vilas was silent for a moment and admitted: "I have always been connected with the Three-Eyed Crow. He taught me how to use the knowledge of the Green Seer, and also taught me how to use my own power."

Linde asked: "You came to the Great Wall of Despair and then sacrificed yourself as a sacrifice to the Great Wall. Is this what he taught you?"

"No, it was my own idea to come to the Great Wall of Despair." Vilas said calmly: "I know he is dying and someone needs to take his place. I should be the best choice now."

Lind brought the topic back to Euron and asked: "What is the purpose of asking Euron to go to Stea to sacrifice? Who is the object of the sacrifice?"

Villas said solemnly: "You asked the wrong person. It was not me who asked Euron to go to Stea to sacrifice. It was just that Euron was going to Stea to sacrifice. There was a lack of suitable sacrifices. I happened to need to release him. The greenseers, the children of the forest, bound the power of nature, so Euron was used just right.”

Linde said with a slightly gloomy face: "So, you are lying about everything about Euron. There is no such thing as a god-hater."

Willas said solemnly: "No, I didn't lie about any of this. Euron is indeed a god-hater, and he does not only have the power of one god, but also the power of the Cold God, the Drowned God, and other ancient gods. , I have never seen a person possess so much divine power, and such a monster has never appeared even in the memory of the Green Seer. Everything I said to you is just what I inferred from Euron's life trajectory. The most likely outcome." As he spoke, he paused and said, "Can you tell me what happened in Staia? Maybe I can deduce some situations."

After hearing this, Linde hesitated for a moment, and then recounted what happened in Staia.

When Vilas heard that Lind had used magic to destroy the entire city of Stea, he couldn't help but exclaimed. The shock in his heart made his emotions fluctuate strongly, and he couldn't help but sigh: " I didn’t expect that you already have such a powerful power. Looking at the past, there has never been anyone who can reach your level.”

Linde said disapprovingly: "You are exaggerating. The Green Seer of the Children of the Forest destroyed the entire Arm of Dorne back then."

"No, that's different from you!" Willas explained: "First of all, it's not just one Green Seer, but all the Green Seers of the Children of the Forest were involved, and they also paid a heavy price. So far, the Green Seers of the Children of the Forest have The prophets are almost cut off. In addition, they do not use their own power, but the power of all natural power nodes. In other words, the Arm of Dorne was destroyed by Westeros itself, and the green prophets are just on a pile of dry wood. It's just a flame. But you are different. You completely destroyed a city like Stea with your own power. Even the gods who walked the world in the Dawn Era may not have such a powerful power. Most of them don't have it. It has to be. Said, in terms of strength alone, you are indeed qualified to be called a god."

Lind did not show any expression of joy because of Vilas's praise. He was waiting for Vilas's subsequent analysis.

Vilas thought for a while and said: "I probably know why Euron went to Stea. My guess is not wrong. He really wants to integrate the divine power in his body through some kind of sacrificial ritual to achieve transcendence." The purpose of ascending to the gods. However, the people who taught him how to sacrifice and pointed him to Stea did not tell him that the god in his heart was completely different from the god he became after a successful sacrifice. In fact, Lind ·Terra, you recently completed a feat that no one has ever accomplished before, and you killed a god."

"Kill the Gods?" Lind was stunned. It took him a while to realize the meaning of Willas's words, and confirmed: "You mean Euron has actually successfully sacrificed himself. At that time, he had become a God."

"Yes," Villas admitted.

Linde found it hard to accept this and said, "Isn't this god too weak?"

Willas sighed: "Are you weak? Yes, it is indeed weak for you. I said before that the power you have now far exceeds most of the gods in the Dawn Era, so the gods incarnated by Euron are very important to you. In the eyes of ordinary people, Euron is very weak. But in the eyes of ordinary people, Euron is incomparably powerful. And you have forgotten one thing, that is, Euron is just a new god, and the reason why gods exist is because Believers, if they lose their believers, the gods will lose most of their power, just like Garth the Green Hand of Highgarden. He is a god who has lost his followers. And the black stone itself has the power to imprison gods. He has just completed You made a sacrifice and became a god, but you were trapped by the power of the black stone. How can a imprisoned god resist your powerful magic?"

"Can black stones imprison gods?" Linde was a little surprised by this secret.

"Yes, the black stone can imprison the gods, but it can only be imprisoned once. Once used, no matter what happens to the imprisoned gods, the power of the black stones to imprison the gods will also disappear." Vilas carefully analyzed: "This may be the instruction. Euron went to Stea to perform sacrifices to the gods. The result he wanted was to destroy a black stone that could imprison the gods." After hearing this, Lind asked curiously: "How many black stones are there in the world that can imprison the gods? ?”

"As far as I know, Asshai is one of them." Vilas paused and said, "Since that person used Euron to destroy Stea, he will definitely use you to destroy Asshai. "

"Use me to destroy Yaxia?" Linde couldn't help but think of his plan to expand eastward and southward. He thought about sending people to infiltrate Yaxia. If there was a conflict with Yaxia, would he treat Yaxia the same way? Just like the city of Taiya, Yaxia was destroyed.

However, Vilas's subsequent words made him realize that he might have thought too much, and Vilas said in a deep voice: "Asshai is now being besieged by monsters in the Shadow Land."

Linde was stunned and asked urgently: "When did it happen?"

Vilas replied: "A few days after you left Asshai."

Lind's face became solemn after hearing this. He knew that even if he wanted to rescue Yashai, it would probably be too late. Even if Neltharion flew at full speed, diagonally down from the Great Wall, across the Shivering Sea, to the continent of Essos, and to Yashai, It will take about ten days to reach Yaxia, and this is if everything goes smoothly without getting lost. If we take the coastline, it will take more time.

Linde asked with concern: "How is Yaxia's current situation?"

"I don't know." Vilas shook his head and said: "I can only feel the movement on Yaxia's side. This feeling is very vague, just like now I just feel that the battle is over, but I don't know the final result. Was it the monsters from the Shadow Mountains who won, or the mages from Asshai?"

Linde asked confirmingly: "Is it because I destroyed Staia that the monsters in the Shadow Mountains rioted?"

"Yes." Vilas replied unceremoniously.

"Why did the White Walkers do this?" Lind wondered: "Destroy all the black stones that can imprison the gods. Do they want to prevent the Cold God of the White Walkers' belief from being imprisoned?"

Willas suddenly said in confusion: "When did I say that the person who instigated Euron was a White Walker?"

"Isn't it instigated by the White Walkers?" Lind looked stunned and said in confusion: "Euron turned all the ironmen who followed him into wights, and he was able to control wights. Isn't this enough to explain? His relationship with the White Walkers?”

Willas explained: "The power that can turn living creatures into zombies is not something that only White Walkers can master. In fact, White Walkers have already mastered this evil power before they become White Walkers."

Linde quickly thought of the clue and said, "It was the frozen ancient survivor that Euron stole from the Neptune Palace treasure house."

"Yes," Villas replied.

"The treasure house of the Neptune Palace is very tight. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter, let alone take away such a big and heavy crystal coffin." Lind looked at Willas and said solemnly: "You helped Euron steal it. Crystal coffin.”

"Yes." Vilas quickly admitted Linde's guess.

Linde asked again: "Are you a collaborator with that ancient survivor now?"

"No, it's just mutual use." Vilas denied: "I am using him to contain the White Walkers, and he also wants to use me to help him rescue his people from the hands of the Cold God."

Lind asked: "In other words, he was resurrected, not transformed into a ghost."

"To be precise, he woke up. He didn't die, he was just banned." Vilas responded.

Lind asked again: "Why didn't the White Walkers wake him up and transform him into a White Walker?"

"I don't know." Vilas replied: "Beyond the wall is the domain of the cold god, I can't see over there."

Linde asked in a deep voice: "You are at the Great Wall and he is outside the Great Wall. How do you contact each other?"

"The Three-Eyed Crow." Vilas said solemnly: "It was the Three-Eyed Crow who introduced him to me, and it was also the Three-Eyed Crow who acted as his guarantee, so I chose to cooperate with him."

Lind also knew that the Three-Eyed Crow and the White Walkers were mortal enemies of each other. If that person was a helper of the White Walkers, it would be absolutely impossible for the Three-Eyed Crow to come into contact with him. This was also the basis of trust for Willas to cooperate with that person.

Linde was silent for a moment, and asked with a very serious look: "You have done so many things with me, can I still trust you? Lord Vilas."

(End of this chapter)

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