Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 330 Taking the blame

Chapter 330 Taking the blame

Lind left the ice cave and sat on the lava dragon. While ordering Neltharion to take off, he couldn't help but look behind him, with a sad look in his eyes, because he knew that it would be difficult for him in the future. Trust Vilas no more.

Although Vilas explained a lot of things just now, he also concealed a lot of things. For example, when Lind asked him what the purpose of destroying the black stone with the power to imprison the gods was, he deliberately changed the topic and focused on Transferred to the ancient survivor.

Another example is that he was hiding from the beginning to the end what he, the ancient survivors, and the three-eyed crow were planning.

But these are not the reasons why Linde feels that Vilas is no longer trustworthy. After all, even Linde has concealed a lot of things from Vilas, such as the experiments in the black cave, etc., so he can also understand that Vilas is hiding things from him. The act of something.

What really makes Lind feel that Vilas is completely untrustworthy is that Vilas's methods of doing things have no bottom line. He is becoming more and more like the Three-Eyed Crow. Anyone can be used as long as he can achieve his purpose. be sacrificed.

If Lind still trusts him as before, then sooner or later he will be used by Vilas again. In order to deal with the White Walkers, he will be put in danger. Although he and Vilas have the same purpose, he is not generous yet. To the extent that you can be used as a chess piece at the mercy of others.

He didn't know what Vilas's plan was. Now he could only follow his own plan step by step. As for whether there would be any conflict with Vilas, that was a matter for the future.

Although he is also full of concerns about the White Walkers, is also very afraid of the future Long Night and Eternal Winter, and is willing to participate in the action against the White Walkers, all this can only be based on the fact that he and the people around him are safe and sound. On the basis of this, he still does not have the spirit of self-sacrifice for others.

Thinking of this, Lind changed his flight direction and flew to Bear Island instead. Since he could no longer trust Vilas, some plans needed to be changed. Daisy was in the Riverlands at the moment and had no way to manage Bear Island. He must go to Bear Island in person to meet with the acting lord Meggie Mormont and explain the details of adjusting some plans.

By the way, he also needs to go to the Iron Islands to meet Asha and the others and ask them to stop pursuing Euron's whereabouts and put all their ships and energy outside the wall.

For this reason, Lind spent more than ten days on Bear Island and Pike Island to adjust the previous plan. Only when it was completely complete and no omissions were left, he left and returned to Summer Hall.

During this period, he also spread the news about Yaxia to the Miracle Fleet and Miracle Chamber of Commerce through the Faith Eagle, asking them to try to find ships familiar with Yaxia's routes to go to Yaxia to inquire about the news, but he did not let Miracle The fleet forcibly sent ships to Yaxia, but asked them to stick to the original plan, move steadily, and not risk entering the Jade Sea and Blood Sea in the east.

Just when Linde returned to Summer Hall and his butt was still hot, Jon, who had been waiting in the meeting hall for a long time, hurriedly took out a piece of information about King's Landing that had been sent not long ago.

"If you are so anxious, just tell him directly! What happened?" Lind did not read the information, but asked Jon directly.

"Winterfell has been captured." Jon said solemnly.

Lind was stunned for a moment, then quickly thought of a possibility and said, "Did Theon Greyjoy do it?"

"You already know about this matter?" Jon looked at Linde in surprise, as if he had misunderstood Linde, and said, "Is it because of this matter that you stayed in the Iron Islands a few days ago? You Are you planning to take action against the Northern Territory?"

"Why am I planning to attack the North? What nonsense are you talking about?" Lynde glared at Jon with a displeased look on his face and said, "I am in the Iron Islands for other things. I don't even know about Theon Gerard." Thunderjoy’s attack on the North and the capture of Winterfell.”

"Then why did you guess so accurately that Theon Greyjoy did it?" Jon obviously didn't believe Lind's words, and said rather dissatisfied: "Sir, if you make such a big move, please ask in advance Please remind our deputies to avoid receiving such information..."

"Shut up! I said, I have no intention of taking action against the North. Theon Greyjoy's behavior has nothing to do with me." Lind interrupted Jon's words directly, and asked urgently: "Theon Greyjoy's actions have nothing to do with me." Where did you get the manpower to attack the northern border?"

Jon didn't answer, just looked at Lynd with a strange look.

Seeing Jon's expression, Lind immediately had a bad guess in his mind and said, "Could he be an Ironborn from the Iron Islands?"

Jon nodded and said: "It's not just the Ironmen, but there are also a lot of them. There are more than five thousand people and more than a hundred longships."

"So many people?" Linde was stunned. Then he picked up the piece of information he had just put down and read it carefully. The look on his face became much gloomier.

Judging from the intelligence, these people who follow Theon are all followers of the Drowned God among the Iron People, and they are also people who devoutly believe in the ancient ways. They are the most unwilling group of people in the Iron Islands to accept Asha's rule.

When Asha ruled the Iron Islands, she changed the customs of the iron people. They no longer relied on plundering to obtain wealth, but relied on trade. Although doing so allowed the people of the Iron Islands to gain a lot of benefits, this kind of The practice of changing customs still disgusts many people. These people still miss the life of wanton robbery, but in the face of Asha's strength, they have no room to resist.

In addition, in order to facilitate her rule, Asha also introduced the Storm God Faith to the Iron Islands, directly competing with the Drowned God Faith. Because of the privileges granted, and the Storm God Faith is also very important to sailors and captains, many Ironborn have converted. Believed.

This made many devout believers of the Drowned God extremely hostile to Asha, and they launched many assassinations against Asha. In the end, Asha followed the clues and found the group they secretly organized, and hunted down all those who escaped. Then he hid even deeper, not daring to make any sudden moves.

Until Theon Greyjoy appeared, the rebels of the Iron Islands saw an opportunity, so they appointed Theon Greyjoy as their leader, gathered all the ships and manpower now, and launched a sneak attack on the North. By escaping Asha's control, they can also take the opportunity to make a lot of money from the North, and Theon Greyjoy, who was elected by them, is more likely to be a hostage kept in the dark than a leader.

As for Asha, she probably had a premeditated plan. Although it seemed that she had suffered a betrayal, and it was also the betrayal of her own brother, and she lost a lot of men and ships, but in fact her losses were not what they seemed. It was so serious, but it actually brought a lot of benefits. For example, she could use this betrayal as an excuse to legitimately take away some people's territories. Another example was that she could use this to completely clean up the opposition forces within the Iron Islands and achieve true success. of the Iron Islands. Lind didn't think there was anything wrong with Asha doing this. What really displeased him was that she didn't tell him about it, and that was while he was on the Iron Islands.

The incident of Theon defecting and attacking the North happened to be on the day that Lind had just left the Great Wall. By the time he finished handling matters on Bear Island and arrived at the Iron Islands, several days had passed. At that time, Theon should have They have already landed on the northern coastline. With Asha's character, it is impossible not to send someone to monitor them, so she definitely knows that Xion is attacking the northern coast.

However, Linde stayed in the Sea Banshee Castle for almost ten days, and no one in the entire castle, either soldiers or servants, mentioned this matter. It was obvious that Asha had ordered her subordinates and deliberately hid it from herself. This made Linde felt betrayed.

However, after calming down, he looked at the intelligence information in his hand and asked Jon: "Where did this information come from?"

Jon thought for a while and said, "It seems to have been sent from Asha."

"This guy," Linde smiled when he heard this, and said, "I know about this, go down! Send someone to inform the Iron Islands that Asha Greyjoy will be confined in the Temple of the Storm God for three months. Let Baylor handle the affairs for months.”

Jon was stunned when he heard this. At this moment, he was sure that Theon's attack and occupation of Winterfell was really not arranged by Lind. Otherwise, Lind would not have punished Asha so severely. You must know Asha's character. Being confined in the temple for three months and living a boring life like a nun would definitely make her feel worse than death.

He did not plead to Asha, but thought about it and asked, "Now that Theon has occupied Winterfell, do we need to do anything?"

"What are you going to do?" Linde asked.

Jon hesitated for a moment and asked: "For example, issuing an announcement saying that Theon's occupation of Winterfell has nothing to do with us."

"How many people do you think will believe it?" Linde asked.

Jon didn't answer, sensing that few would believe the announcement.

In fact, just as Lind and Jon thought, when Theon Greyjoy attacked the North and occupied Winterfell, everyone who knew the news immediately thought that Lind wanted to borrow The Iron Islands were indirectly involved in the melee.

Because when Theon led the ironmen of the Iron Islands to attack the North, Lynd was in the Iron Islands, and many people knew that although Theon was sent to Winterfell as a hostage to be his adopted son, Eddard, Duke of Winterfell ·Stark treated him like his own son. Not only did he get the same living treatment as his own son, but he also allowed him to learn swordsmanship and knowledge with Robb. He had everything Robb had, which also made him and Robb As a brother, he would never betray Robb under normal circumstances.

But if you encounter an unusual situation, it will be different, such as pressure from Linde. Only people like Linde can make Xion give up brotherly love and insert a knife in his brother's back. After all, in this world There are only a handful of people who can withstand Lind's pressure, and Theon Greyjoy is definitely not one of them.

The more important point is that there are more than 5,000 Ironborn who followed Theon to attack Winterfell. Everyone knows that Asha Greyjoy manages the Iron Islands like an iron barrel. Without Asha's Agreed, it is impossible for these five thousand people to go to sea, let alone attack the northern border. I am afraid they will have been intercepted by the sea monster Dagon Harlaw halfway.

So anyone thinks that Theon's occupation of Winterfell was Lind's instruction.

It is precisely for this reason that the ongoing war suddenly stopped as if the pause button was pressed. Everyone's attention was focused on the Summer Hall and on Linde, and they were all waiting. His next move.

Although the ancient nobles of the Seven Kingdoms looked down on Linde's origin, they had to admit that Linde's strength had reached a level beyond their reach. Whether it was the army under Linde's command or the dragon he owned, Enough to sweep across the entire continent of Westeros.

When Linde said that he would not interfere in the civil war in Westeros, both the nobles who had participated in the melee and the nobles who were waiting for the opportunity to participate, all breathed a sigh of relief, because they knew very well that if Linde ended up personally If so, they would have no chance of winning even if they united, and then this game of power would be unplayable.

Now Theon Greyjoy's actions make everyone mistakenly think that Lind is ready to die, so they are waiting for Lind's next step, and then consider what they should do, such as surrender or resistance.

However, there are also some people who have doubts about Theon's capture of Winterfell, because everyone knows that Lind has a good relationship with the Stark family. Robb Stark's sword was what made Lind famous back then. Sansa Stark, one of the rival half-swordsmen, is currently in Summer Hall. It is said that she is still working as an assistant to Jon Bulwer in Summer Hall and has access to the internal affairs of Summer Hall, including the body of Eddard Stark. It was Lind who personally went to King's Landing to pick it up and send it back to Winterfell for burial. No matter how close the relationship was, Linder should not have ordered an attack on Winterfell.

However, as news of the Iron Islands spread to the interior, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Asha Greyjoy was deprived of all her rights by Lind's order and was sent to the Temple of the Storm God for confinement. All duties were given to Baelor Blacktys. Obviously, Theon's attack on King's Landing The incident was entirely the actions of Asha and Theon, siblings, possibly in revenge for Duke Eddard's attack on Pike City when he led troops.

While the misunderstanding was solved, the people of the Seven Kingdoms were once again in awe of Lind. One guess could stop a war. With just one order, he deprived the Lord of the Iron Islands of his rights. , and let him be imprisoned honestly, and the whole Iron Islands had no objection to this, which shows how strong Linde's control over the forces under his command is.

The Iron Islands are not directly controlled by Linde. They are just peripheral forces that have reached this level of control. So in the territories actually controlled by Midsummer Hall, the disputed areas, etc., how much control does Linde have? How powerful it is is beyond the imagination of everyone in the Seven Kingdoms.

However, just as the chaos caused by Theon subsided, another unexpected incident shifted everyone's attention to Storm's End, because Renly Baratheon, the Duke of Storm's End and the most favorable contender for the Iron Throne, was in his Killed before the wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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