Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 331 The Death of Renly

Chapter 331 The Death of Renly

The death of Renly Baratheon undoubtedly shocked many people, because judging from the current situation, if there are no accidents, the coalition forces of the Stormlands and the Reach will win the final victory, and Renly will become the new Iron Man. Lord of the Throne.

But an accident happened. Just when Renly and Margaery Tyrell were about to hold their wedding and complete the most important part of the alliance ceremony, Renly was assassinated, and the person who assassinated him turned out to be a representative of Roland. Burt Stark came to Storm's End to ally with Catelyn Tully and Lynd's former squire, the model knight Brienne of Tarth.

Everyone was shocked and confused by this incident, not to mention why Catelyn Tully, who took the initiative to come to Storm's End to discuss an alliance with Renly, wanted to assassinate Renly, but the model knight Brienne... The fact that Tas assassinated the lord she was loyal to was already making people feel that something was wrong.

If in the beginning, the title of Paragon Knight was only given to Brienne of Tarth because of Lind's approval, then Brienne's words and deeds after receiving this title are worthy of the name of Paragon.

Before the war started, everyone thought that Brienne might go to Summer Hall to serve Lind. After all, with her relationship with Lind and her own reputation, working in Summer Hall would definitely lead to re-use, far more than being loyal to anyone else. People are much stronger.

However, she did not do what everyone thought, but chose to be loyal to Lord Renly Baratheon of the Hall of Dusk.

And Renly did not let Brienne down. Not only did he appoint Brienne as the captain of his Rainbow Guard, but he even appointed her as his adjutant to assist him in military matters. Renly was able to gather the storm so quickly. Most of the land's army is thanks to Brienne's assistance.

Among the officers and nobles under Renly's command, Brienne is definitely the most valued one, and her status is only slightly lower than Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Flowers. She is so trusted that when Renly was assassinated When the news came out that the captain of his Rainbow Guard, Brienne Tarth, had been assassinated, almost everyone felt that the news was not true. It was not until they repeatedly confirmed that it was true that they felt incredible.

Many people quickly connected this incident with Theon's previous occupation of Winterfell, and everyone's attention was focused on Lind again.

If Renly is really Brienne's perpetrator, then the only person in the world who has the ability to make a model knight give up the rules of chivalry and commit regicide is Lynd Terra, who single-handedly trained Brienne. .

However, there are still many people who refute this statement because they cannot see the reason for Linde to do this.

If Lind did this for the rights of the Stormlands, then he did not need to assassinate Renly at all. He only needed to send people to contact the various lords of the Stormlands, because everyone knew that the current relationship between the Stormlands and Summer Hall was The connection is so close, the economy, military and other aspects are integrated with the Midsummer Hall. Most of the security of the entire storm land is handled by the Midsummer Hall.

It was precisely because of this that when Renly summoned the army, the various lords of the Stormlands were able to send all their troops to Storm's End without leaving anyone at home, because they did not need to worry about the safety of their homes.

It is already known to everyone that Lind Terra is the actual controller of the Stormlands. Renly was able to get the support of the Stormlands because of Lind's acquiescence. He wanted to take back the rights of the Stormlands. It was just a matter of order to sideline Renly. In this case, why would he assassinate Renly?

Regarding this question, some people speculate that it may be because Renly is going to marry Margaery Tyrell, which angered Lynd, because Margaery is Lynd's secret lover.

Although this statement is completely unreliable, it is the favorite statement of ordinary people. In some taverns and hotels, there are already stories that Lind Terra and Margaery Tyrell fell in love at first sight and fell in love with each other when they first met. I have read the ballad and story, but I have never thought that when Lind and Margaery first met, Margaery was still a child.

Compared to the theory that Lind asked Brienne to assassinate Renly, which cannot withstand scrutiny, others are more inclined to see who benefits and who is the murderer, so two suspects appear in everyone's eyes, one They are Tywin Lanlister, Duke of Casterly Rock in the West, and Stannis Baratheon, Duke of Dragonstone, because they are both the biggest beneficiaries after Renly's death.

Needless to say, Tywin Lanlister naturally has his main army being dragged outside Riverrun, on the other side of the Red Fork River, and the Young Wolf Lord, who is at the height of his power, is currently plundering the West, ready to attack his Casterly Rock at any time, and Harrenhal's army cannot move, because part of Stannis's army is still eyeing the Crab Claw Peninsula.

It can be said that Duke Tywin is now in the biggest dilemma. If the alliance between the Stormlands and the Reach is formally formed at this time and crosses the Blackwater River, then Duke Tywin will completely lose this war.

Now, Renly's death has solved Lord Tywin's biggest problem. Although his dilemma still exists, it has given him a chance to breathe. This is simply the key to life and death for Lord Tywin. From it, he The benefits obtained are not insignificant.

However, compared to the benefits that Lord Tywin received from Lord Renly, the benefits that Stannis Baratheon received were more real.

After Renly became king, Stannis rushed back to the Stormlands from the battlefield of the king's territory, hoping to seize the orthodox identity of the patriarch of the Baratheon family, the guardian of the Stormlands, and the Duke of Storm's End, but everyone knew that Stannis It was impossible for Nice to succeed. His army was directly blocked at Cape Marseille and could not enter the storm land at all.

As long as Renly and Margaery get married, they will be free to deal with Stannis. No one thinks that Stannis has a chance of winning.

However, Renly's sudden death caused Stannis to be completely out of trouble, and more importantly, after Renly's death, Stannis became the heir of the Baratheon family, so the Stormlands had to move forward for a moment. The enemy's allegiance to Stannis.

The nobles of the entire Stormland are loyal to the Baratheon family, not to a member of the Baratheon family. Anyone who becomes the head of the Baratheon family and the Duke of Storm's End is the object of their allegiance, and Renly had no descendants. His death represented the demise of the Baratheon tribe that belonged to him. Everything that belonged to him was directly transferred to Stannis, who was higher in the line of succession than anyone else in the Baratheon family. , Stannis also directly became the Duke of Storm's End, taking over Renly's army, property, and everything else, increasing the number of troops under his control several times and becoming the biggest threat to King's Landing.

Now King's Landing is even panicking because of this news. Many people are worried that Stannis will attack King's Landing and are not optimistic that the defenders of King's Landing can hold on. As a result, the people of King's Landing have fled, planning to flee to Summer Hall for refuge.

Therefore, Stannis is definitely the biggest and most direct beneficiary after Renly was assassinated, and he is naturally the most suspected.

However, all speculations have no substantial evidence. The only people who can figure out how Renly was assassinated are only two people who know Brienne of Tarth and Catelyn Tully, and these two people were assassinated after Renly was assassinated. He then ran away and his whereabouts are still unknown.

However, news came that someone had seen them near Crab Cove, and they seemed to be planning to return to Riverrun from the Trident River.

"Why did they run away?" The news from Renly reached Lind immediately. He looked at it seriously, as if he was asking Jon, or talking to himself.

"I think they should be afraid," Jon guessed: "There were only three of them in that room at the time, but Renly was dead. They couldn't explain it clearly. The first thing they thought of was to escape first and find an opportunity to explain later. ." Lind shook his head and said: "If it were just Mrs. Caitlin, she might do this, but Brienne will not run away, even if she is eventually judged to have killed the Lord, she will not run away, which must have happened at that time. There are things we don’t know.” As he spoke, he turned to Balin, who had just resumed his original position, and ordered: “Have your men find Lady Catelyn and Brienne immediately.”

"Yes, sir." Balin, who had just completed the loyalty trial of the Redemption Temple, became a little taciturn, which also gave him a colder temperament.

Linde didn't care about Bahrain's changes. In fact, the current Bahrain was more in line with the temperament of an intelligence director. On the contrary, the previous Bahrain was more like a knight.

"What's going on with Musi now?" Linde then asked.

"Stannis did not enter Storm's End, he just received the Stormland coalition forces outside Storm's End and left," Jon began to narrate: "The Lord of Stormland asked what to do next?"

"How to do it?" Linde was silent for a moment and said: "They are the lords of the Stormland. It is their duty to serve the lord. They only need to fulfill their own obligations. As for the integrity of the Stormland, we will be responsible for it. There will be no changes to the territory’s trade.”

Jon nodded and said, "Yes, I will send people to inform these lords one by one to make them feel at ease."

"Who is in charge of Storm's End now?" Linde suddenly asked again.

Jon quickly replied: "It seems that it was Ser Cortanai Penros, who was the commander of the Storm's End army before and the acting lord of the city after Renly's death. He refused Stannis to enter Storm's End. He seemed to I would also like King Robert’s illegitimate son Edric Storm to inherit the title of Duke of Storm’s End.” After that, he asked: “Do we need to do anything.”

"No need." Lind shook his head and said: "Cortanai is just a knight. What qualifications does he have to decide the ownership of Storm's End? As for Edric, although he is the illegitimate son recognized by King Robert, but King Robert did not clear his name. His current identity is still that of an illegitimate son. How many people in the Seven Kingdoms would recognize the inheritance rights of an illegitimate son? If he really has the right to inherit, what he is fighting for now is not the Duke of Storm's End. His identity is changed, but the Iron Throne."

"Speaking of illegitimate children, there are also many illegitimate children of King Robert in our territory. If Edric is eligible to inherit Storm's End, then other illegitimate children are also eligible to receive an inheritance from the Baratheon family. That's okay. That’s interesting!” Rosso Brun took out an apple from his pocket, wiped it on his body, and joked while eating.

"Haha! In that case, one Storm's End Castle wouldn't be enough." Bert couldn't help laughing.

Others couldn't help but laugh.

Linde also smiled, and then asked: "How is it going in Highgarden?"

"What else can we do? Miss Margaery's marriage has become taboo in Highgarden now." Jon stopped his smile, sighed, and said: "The wedding of Renly and Miss Margaery has not been held yet. Miss Margaery is not yet Renly's widow. She is just an outsider in Storm's End. She is not even qualified to keep watch for Renly. She returned to Highgarden on the third day after the accident, in the Reach outside Storm's End. The army has retreated to Bitterbridge, and it is unclear what the Tyrell family will do."

"I received news from Tengshi Town. The envoy sent by King's Landing City has boarded a boat in Tengshi Town. It seems that he should be going to Highgarden." Balin suddenly said at this time: "Isn't it from King's Landing City? Are you planning to renew your engagement with High Court?”

"It should be impossible for Highgarden to agree to such a ridiculous request, right?" Bert was extremely shocked and said: "If such a request is agreed, how will Miss Margaery deal with herself? She will become the laughing stock of the Seven Kingdoms. "

"Do you think Miss Margaery is not a laughingstock now?" Jon said with a serious look: "First, the Iron Throne regretted her marriage, and then her fiancé was assassinated before the wedding. She is not even qualified to become a widow. It won't be long before she may be There will be all kinds of rumors about Miss Margery appearing in the streets, taverns and hotels, and I really can’t imagine how such a kind-hearted Miss Margery can survive these rumors.”

"Kind?" Linde looked at Jon in surprise and said, "Jon, do you have a wife and children?"

Jon's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly defended: "Sir, what are you talking about? I just think Miss Margaery shouldn't be in so many troubles. She deserves a better person."

"Don't worry about her. She is much stronger than you think. Compared to that little rose, the assistant I arranged for you is the one you should care more about." Lind rolled his eyes at Jon. , then asked: "Why did you show her the information about Winterfell and Storm's End? Didn't I ask you to hide it from her?"

Jon explained: "I just think it's better for Sansa to know some things. Just like you just said about me, I also think Sansa is much stronger than you think."

"Jon, have you found that you have become a little too gentle recently?" Lind looked at Jon with a slightly surprised look, and then confirmed with others around him: "What do you think?"

Everyone nodded and looked at Jon with a hint of curiosity.

Jon's cheeks turned slightly red and he said, "Is it gentle? I don't think it's any different from before?"

Rosso suddenly spoke at this time: "Lord Jon, he took in the sisters from the Riverlands not long ago. They are refugees. They are now living in the apartment he bought on Flint Street. The apartment was purchased privately by Lord Jon. Yes, Lady Victoria doesn’t know.”

"Oh!" Everyone's faces immediately showed a look of surprise, and they looked at Jon with an inexplicable smile.

(End of this chapter)

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