Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 332 Everyone has their own plans

Chapter 332 Everyone has their own plans

"No, I will never agree." In the Prime Minister's Tower in the Red Keep, the little devil Tyrion was convening all ministers to discuss recruiting an army. However, the meeting had just begun when Queen Cersei opened the door and rushed in. , shouted loudly at the little devil.

Tyrion was not surprised by Cersei's arrival. He waved to Varys and others, telling them to leave first and come back later.

Then, Bronn was asked to guard the door with someone, and the two Kingsguards who followed Cersei in were asked to go out as well.

After there were only two siblings left in the room, he took out the wine glass and bottle from the cabinet next to him, poured a glass for himself and Cersei, and said, "You should drink a glass of wine first to calm down..."

Before he could finish his words, Cersei picked up the wine glass and poured it directly into Tyrion's face. Then, as if she thought it was not enough, she picked up the wine jug and poured it on his head.

Tyrion licked the wine that fell to his lips and said with a look of regret: "This is the flint wine from the Summer Islands. Since the city was closed, no ship from the Summer Islands has docked at the dock of King's Landing. This bottle of wine It may be the only bottle left in the city, it’s really a waste of you to do this.”

"Bang!" Before Tyrion could finish clearing the wine from his face, Cersei slapped him in the face, knocking most of the wine off his face.

Cersei then wanted to slap Tyrion again, but he immediately lowered his head and dodged it.

Tyrion quickly jumped off the chair, took a few steps back, and said, "Calm down, damn it, can't you just calm down and use your brain?"

"You damn guy, last time you sent my daughter to Summer Hall, she was sent to the other side of the narrow sea by Lynd Terra, so that I could never see my Myrcella. You said that was my father. I'll let it go." Cersei gritted her teeth and said, "This time you actually dare to go behind my back to talk to the Tyrells about resuming the engagement, and you want Joffrey to marry the woman who killed her fiancé. Do you want to kill Joffrey too?"

As she said that, she picked up the candlesticks, documents and other things on the table and threw them at Tyrion, causing Tyrion to hide and hide.

People outside the door also heard the noise and wanted to enter the house, but were stopped by Bronn.

Bronn looked at the two Kingsguards contemptuously and said, "Don't move. The brother and sister are discussing things inside. It's best for outsiders not to interfere."

Although there are two famous Kingsguards in front of them, the current Kingsguards are not as good as those of the past. Most of the current Kingsguards are just show-offs. And Bronn, including him, has seven or eight good players, and he can easily Kill them before they draw their swords.

The two Kingsguards also felt the threat and did not dare to rush forward. At the same time, they also took their hands from their weapons and took a few steps back to express that they would not mess around.

In the house, the table that was originally piled with various documents has been completely cleared, and the ground is in a mess. Cersei panted and leaned on the table, glaring fiercely at Tyrion across the table, and Tyrion's face was so expressionless. The mark of the slap was already swollen, and it seemed that something had hit his forehead just now, which broke the skin and caused a little blood. He looked a little embarrassed.

Tyrion was also angered at this moment. He wiped the blood from his forehead and walked directly to Cersei without any intention of avoiding it. He said, "If you don't want to marry the Tyrell family, fine! I'll send someone immediately. Go get the envoy back, and then I will resign as Prime Minister. I will take my people to leave King's Landing and return to Casterly Rock, leaving you two women to toss on your own." As he spoke, he said with a ruthless face: "You know What will happen in the near future? Let me tell you, Stannis will unite the armies of the Stormlands to attack King's Landing. You will not have any reinforcements. Dad's army will be dragged to the river by Robb Stark. In the middle of the land, the wildling turmoil in the valley has calmed down not long ago, and the army in the valley has begun to regroup. The Tyrells in the Reach will regard us as mortal enemies because we withdrew our envoys and broke the contract again, and will unite with Stannis to attack King's Landing. Do you know what will happen to you in the end? I tell you, you will be hanged on the city gate, and your son Joffrey will have his head chopped off and stuck on the wall, like He treats Eddard Stark the same way. Our father will be besieged by the armies of the four countries and die on the battlefield. I will surrender when the armies of all countries arrive in the West and then go to Summer Hall. Anyway, Lind and I have a good relationship. , can provide me with shelter, and I will live well for you when the time comes. If this is what you want to see, I have nothing to say and will submit my resignation immediately."

Cersei turned pale when Tyrion was talking to her in front of her. Although she was not smart enough, she also knew that their situation was very bad now and could be destroyed at any time. This is why Tyrion secretly removed Myrcella. Sent to Summer Hall, even though she was very angry, she didn't say anything about the reason.

However, this time Tyrion sent people to Highgarden, which made her think of the prophecy again. She felt that the prophecy would definitely come true with Margaery Tyrell, and judging from Renly's experience, Margaery is also an ominous person. If the engagement is resumed, he is worried that his Joffrey will suffer the same misfortune as Renly. Coupled with the backlog of worries about Jaime's disappearance, various reasons make her emotions completely out of control. She needs A place to vent his emotions, so he desperately went to the Prime Minister's Tower to investigate.

After venting, she calmed down, sat on a chair nearby, and asked in a deep voice: "Is our situation really that bad?"

Tyrion sneered: "Is it bad? Haven't you understood yet? The stupid behavior of you and Joffrey pushed us into the abyss little by little. We are now standing on the edge of the cliff. Just a gentle gust of wind will It can save us from disaster."

The room fell silent, and both of them remained silent.

After giving in for a while, Cersei suddenly stood up from the chair, scaring Tyrion so much that he couldn't help but take two steps back. Then she looked at Tyrion coldly, raised her head slightly, and said: "Even if it means death, We will also die with dignity."

After saying that, she turned and walked out of the room, and hurriedly left the Prime Minister's Tower with her Kingsguard.

At this time, Bronn walked in, looked at Tyrion, and said: "Although I really want you to have time to tidy up your clothes, the information just sent does not allow me to do so." As he said, he Then he handed a scroll to Tyrion and said, "The news from Dragonstone Island is not good."

Tyrion quickly took the scroll, opened it and read it quickly, his face became much gloomier.

As Bronn said, the situation is indeed not good for them. Stannis has borrowed enough ships from the sea king in Braavos. Now these ships are filled with troops. It is obvious that Stannis has planned to go around. The defenders of the Western Region opened Duskingdale City to stop them, and they used shipping to go to Blackwater Bay to attack King's Landing City.

Bronn said solemnly: "I estimate that they will arrive in the sea outside King's Landing within four days at most. Your situation is not good."

"Me, isn't it us?" Tyrion raised his eyebrows and looked at Bronn.

Bronn said disdainfully: "Shut up! Don't want me to help you. When I see that something is wrong, I will run away first. If you have enough money on hand, I don't mind taking it with you." I'll slip away with you."

Tyrion pretended to be sad and said, "I thought we were friends."

Bronn said unceremoniously: "Yes, we are friends, that's why I chose to escape instead of betraying you, catching you, and giving it to Stannis to collect the reward." "It seems that I really should thank you. Treat me as a friend." Tyrion pouted, and then asked Bronn to call Petyr Baelish, the little finger.

Littlefinger obviously didn't go far and soon arrived at the Prime Minister's Tower. When he saw the messy scene in the study and Tyrion's embarrassed look, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you need me to call Pai Xi." Are you a great bachelor? He should be able to find some good medicine there."

"No need." Tyrion said very directly: "I want you to ride a horse to Bitterbridge immediately to meet Duke Mace Tyrell. As long as you can persuade Duke Mace Tyrell to agree to resume the engagement, And rescue King's Landing, I will reward you with Harrenhal, and let His Majesty the King make you Earl of Harrenhal."

"Really?" Littlefinger's expression immediately became serious and he confirmed.

Tyrion said very formally: "I can immediately sign the appointment and removal order as the Hand of the King. As long as you can complete the task, Harrenhal will be yours."

When Littlefinger heard this, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he walked back and forth in the room before agreeing to take on the task.

However, he has a prerequisite, that is, the appointment and dismissal order cannot be issued by Tyrion alone, but must be jointly signed by the Prime Minister, the King and the Queen Mother, and must be stamped with an official seal.

After all, there was already a precedent of Janos Slynt before, and he had to guard against it.

Although Jaros Slynt publicly appointed the Earl of Harrenhal at the king's meeting, I don't know if the Lannister family did it deliberately or if they forgot for a while. Jaros has never received a formal appointment or removal order, so When Tyrion becomes Prime Minister, he can strip away his identity without any burden and send him to be a night watchman.

Therefore, Littlefinger must have a formal appointment and dismissal order to prevent the Lannister family from killing the donkey.

Regarding Littlefinger's request, Tyrion hesitated for a while, but finally agreed. In fact, he did have the idea of ​​​​killing the donkey, because his status as prime minister was a temporary prime minister, and the appointment and dismissal order he personally issued did not have much legal significance. As a result, once the official prime minister takes over, the appointment and dismissal order can be cancelled.

Now Littlefinger's actions have obviously filled this gap. Even if things change in the future, his status as Earl of Harrenhal will not be affected unless there is a replacement on the Iron Throne.

After receiving the order of appointment and dismissal, Littlefinger immediately set off for Bitterbridge. At the same time, Tyrion also ordered the recruitment of soldiers in the city. For this reason, he even took out the few funds left in the treasury for the recruitment needs. .

But even so, not many soldiers were recruited. Some people have already begun to propose forced recruitment. Although Tyrion knew that this proposal was the most suitable for the current situation, he was a little worried. He was worried that doing so would lead to resentment among the people in the city. If this resentment breaks out when Stannis sieges the city, and they cooperate with Stannis's siege from within, things will be bad. So even if they are forced to recruit, they have to wait for the war to start, and the people in the city have no way to escape. Only when the time comes.

While Tyrion was worried about the upcoming siege, Robb Stark in the West was also worried about his brother and missing mother in Winterfell.

Due to the exhaustion of days of fighting, old wounds on his body, and worries about his relatives, Robb Stark fell ill. In order to avoid being known by the army in the West, he had someone disguise himself as himself, and brought Gray Wind with him. He wandered around the West, pretending to be looking for opportunities to attack Casterly Rock, while he stayed in Casterly Rock to recuperate.

"It's too late to say anything now. We should send people to rescue Winterfell immediately," Greatjon Umber suggested: "Let Daisy lead the troops back to the North! With her strength, she can easily capture Winterfell." Winterfell, catch that traitor Theon."

"No." Roose Bolton, who was supposed to hold off Tywin's army in the Riverlands, made a special trip to Crag City after learning that Robb was ill, to check on Robb's condition, and took the initiative to stay and participate in the During the discussion on the fall of Winterfell, he very directly opposed the Great Jon's proposal, saying: "Daisy's Bear Island army is very important now. It is because of Daisy's restraint that the army at Harrenhal cannot If Daisy returns to the north, her whereabouts will be exposed. Kevan Lannister from Harrenhal will definitely support Tywin, and Riverrun will be in danger."

"Yes, Daisy can't move." Robb was a little weak with a high fever, but his mind was still clear and he agreed with Roose Bolton's decision.

At this time, a nurse dressed as a lady came in from outside the door without any obstruction. She came to Robb's side, took off the hot towel on Robb's forehead, replaced it with a cold towel, and then untied Robb's head. He took out an ointment from Robb's lapel and applied it on Robb's chest with his own hands.

The surrounding northern officers seemed to have become accustomed to this, and did not show any expressions of surprise. On the contrary, Roose Bolton, who had just come from the Riverlands, looked at the noble lady with a somewhat thoughtful look.

Rickard Karstark was saddened by the death of his son and became older, but his anger did not diminish at all. On the contrary, he became more intense. He shouted: "Are we just going to let King's Landing be occupied by a group of pirates?" , don’t you care?”

A noble suggested: "Of course we have to take care of it, but now we have no way to spare the extra troops to go back to rescue Winterfell. We can only let those who stay in the north organize manpower to rescue Winterfell."

Someone retorted: "But those who stay in the north now cannot organize a complete army. It is said that the Ironmen have more than 5,000 people, all of whom are elite warriors."

Someone else suggested: "How about asking the night watchman at the Great Wall for help?"

Someone immediately shook his head and said: "No, it is impossible for the Great Wall to help us in a desperate situation."

Everyone made suggestions one after another, but in the end they were all rejected.

At this time, Roose Bolton suddenly coughed twice, focusing everyone's attention on himself, and then said: "I still have some people in the Dreadfort. I can let my son Ramsay lead the team." , maybe he can help us save Winterfell from the Ironborn."

(End of this chapter)

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