Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 334 The shocking changes in Castle Black

Chapter 334 The shocking changes in Castle Black

"My lord, is there any news about my mother?" Since Renly was assassinated and Lady Catelyn disappeared, Sansa has come to ask about her mother's whereabouts once a day.

"No." Linde quickly signed a transfer order without raising his head, handed it to the waiting attendants, and answered in a very casual manner.

It's not that he deliberately snubbed Sansa, but he really has no new information to provide, and he is now also looking for the whereabouts of Lady Catelyn and Brienne.

There has been no news of the two of them since news broke that they saw the two of them sailing towards the mouth of the Trident River in a boat near Crab Cove.

The boat the two of them boarded was found at a small pier outside Female Spring. The owner of the boat said that the two of them had disembarked at the small pier near Candleden City. Therefore, it is speculated that the two of them were probably trying to avoid the Lannister army. Entering the mountains outside the valley, the path in the mountains passes through the Lannister family's occupied territory and returns to the North and the Riverlands.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for them to be unable to find their whereabouts.

"What about Winterfell? Is there any news from Winterfell? How is my brother doing now?" Sansa asked again with concern.

"No..." Lind was about to answer, but suddenly thought of something. He picked up the documents on the table and handed them to Sansa, saying, "This is the information I just received. Take a look!"

Sansa quickly took it, opened it and took a look. Her face instantly turned pale, and her tears couldn't stop flowing out. Her feet gave way, and she sat down on the ground, burying her head. A suppressed cry came from her mouth. come out.

The information Sansa saw was just sent over, and it was about Winterfell. For some unknown reason, Theon Greyjoy suddenly massacred the people of Winterfell, Maester Luwin, Rhodes Sir Leake, Brother Chail and other important figures in Winterfell were all killed, and Bran Stark and Rickon Stark were burned to death.

Seeing Sansa like this, Lind stopped what he was doing, handed the signed document to the attendant, told him to go down, then stood up and walked to Sansa.

Sansa found Lind standing in front of her and gradually stopped crying. Her nose was still sobbing slightly involuntarily. She raised her head slightly and looked at Lind with a pitiful expression.

"You have been working with Jon for a while. Jon has praised you more than once in front of me for your carefulness and analytical skills. You can always see things from clues that others cannot see." Lind looked down at Sansa. , pointed to the information in Sansa's hand, and said: "Now you take a closer look at this information, and then tell me what hidden content you saw in it."

Hearing Linde's words, Sansa couldn't help but froze, then wiped her eyes and asked slightly excitedly: "My lord, do you mean to say that the content of this intelligence is false and that my brother is not dead?"

"You need to tell me this." Linde did not answer Sansa's question.

Sansa immediately picked up the information and read it carefully. Not only did she read it several times, she also analyzed it word for word.

After a while, her mood seemed to relax, and a smile appeared on her face, and she said, "They are not dead. Neither Bran nor Rickon are dead. They are not dead."

Linde asked: "Tell me, how did you analyze this conclusion?"

"Because Theon deliberately burned the corpse beyond recognition." After Sansa calmed down, her mind became much more flexible, and she analyzed seriously: "Theon first went crazy and killed Maester Luwin, Ser Rodrik, and Chaile Monks, and even blacksmiths and grooms, these people have completely lost their ability to resist and cannot pose a threat to him. They are more useful to him alive. At least they can make Robb worry about sending troops back to the north to recapture Lin. Winter City will cause the prisoners to be killed, and it will also prevent the remaining armies of other lords in the north from acting rashly. However, he suddenly went crazy and killed so many useful prisoners, so there is only one possibility, that is, something happened Something happened that made him lose his mind, and it was probably Bran and Rickon running away."

Lind nodded slightly when he heard this and motioned for Sansa to continue.

Seeing Lind nodding, Sansa seemed to be encouraged, stood up, and continued: "After executing Maester Luwin and the others, Theon actually went hunting in the Wolf Wood. This is really unusual. You must know that he is always there. Being watched by the northern lords, once he left Winterfell, it was equivalent to putting himself in danger, but he still led the team to leave Winterfell, and took more than 3,000 people with him, so he went to Wolf Forest The purpose is definitely not to hunt, but to hunt down Bran and Rickon."

As she said that, she paused, and the look on her face became more and more confident, and said: "If he catches up with Bran and Rickon, he will definitely not kill them. A living Stark is more dangerous than a dead one." It was valuable. Even if he accidentally killed Bran and Rickon, he would not have burned them beyond recognition. He should have deliberately concealed the fact that the two escaped and created the illusion to make people think that he still had control over the two. Stark, but he brought two burned corpses back to Winterfell and claimed that Bran and Rickon had been burned to death. This only shows that he is guilty. He wants everyone to think that Bran and Rickon are dead. If Bran and Rickon go to other lords for help and refuge, then no one will believe them. After all, the two of them have never appeared in front of other lords and their men. The North knows them. There are not many people.”

Listening to Sansa's analysis, Lind couldn't help but clapped his hands in approval and said: "You are indeed as outstanding as Jon said, and you are indeed very good at analyzing intelligence. In this case, come and work with me! Specifically responsible for assisting me in sorting out information."

"Yes, my lord." Upon hearing this, Sansa's face showed a hint of joy, and then a worried look appeared on her face. She hesitated and asked Lind: "My lord, can you help me find Bran and Rickon? "

Linde shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know their whereabouts, but I know they will definitely go to a place, so I just need to wait for the news."

"Going to a place?" Sansa was stunned for a moment, then thought of something quickly and said, "You mean they will go to the Great Wall?"

Lind analyzed: "Jon Snow is the steward of the Commander-in-Chief at the Great Wall, Benjen Stark is the chief ranger, Jeor Mormont was once a vassal of Winterfell, and Bran and If Rickon flees, the best choice is to go north. And as long as they go north through the Wolf Forest, they are within the sphere of influence of the Great Wall, and they will be relatively safe. The Ironborn do not dare to go near there."

Sansa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing Lind's analysis.

However, at this moment, Lind did not know that Benyan led the rangers to patrol outside the wall and disappeared. Jon Snow was unable to save himself at the moment and was imprisoned in the dungeon of Castle Black. Even if Bran and Rickon went to the Great Wall, He was unable to offer them any help, as he was accused by the Night's Watch of being the murderer of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. "Jon is definitely not the murderer. You can't assume that he is the murderer just because he was the first to find out something happened to the Commander-in-Chief. Such a judgment is too absurd." Samwell Tarly forced himself to look at the people in front of him. The castle commander was frightened and mustered up the courage to argue for Jon: "If you judge it this way, then the next time you are assassinated, what will the first person who finds your body do? Treat it as invisible? Until your corpses stink and rot, treat them as invisible, because as long as someone claims to have seen the corpse, he is the murderer."

"Sam, you don't have to be so excited," Chief Affairs Officer Bowen Marsh said with a gloomy face: "We have not yet determined that Jon Snow is the murderer. After all, he was the first person to see the body of the Commander-in-Chief. Also the last person to leave the Commander-in-Chief’s room…”

Sam immediately retorted: "Lord Bowen, when Jon left the Commander-in-Chief's room the day before yesterday, we were all there. The Commander-in-Chief was assigning tasks for the next day. We all saw that the Commander-in-Chief had nothing to do at that time. You How can you use this as evidence to doubt Jon?"

Janos Slynt, who had just been appointed as the steward, slapped the table hard and shouted: "That's enough, Fatty. When we were analyzing the situation, you just ran in and said this and that. I don't think you have any idea at all." You are in the same group with that illegitimate child, and you want to disrupt our thinking and let your accomplices get away with it."

Originally, Genos was not qualified to sit here, but because of his status as the former Earl of Harrenhal and the former Commander of the Capital Guard, he had a place here.

Sam said without any sign of weakness: "Lord Genos, you must know that I am representing Maester Aemon, and it was Maester Aemon who asked me to assist you in investigating the truth. According to your wishes, Maester Aemon also killed The Commander-in-Chief is a suspect.”

Ser Alliser Thorne immediately stood up and said: "Samwell Tarly, we know what you mean. You are Jon's friend and want to try your best to exonerate him..."

"No, you don't know what I mean." Sam immediately interrupted Alliser and said, "Do you think Jon is just Lord Eddard's illegitimate son? Do you think Jon is just Lord Eddard's illegitimate son? I have no support, can I let you manipulate and frame me? You seem to have forgotten that Prince Lynd gave his sword to Jon. This shows that Prince Lynd attaches great importance to Jon. The Commander-in-Chief also gave Jon his sword during his lifetime. En was brought with him as a close affairs officer, and he was asked to handle all affairs of the Night's Watch, in order to train Jon to become the next Commander-in-Chief. You are now directly bypassing Prince Lynd and convicting Jon of killing the Commander-in-Chief. The commander’s murderer, what do you think Prince Linde will think when he finds out about this?”

After hearing Sam's words, everyone in the room fell silent, and the expressions on the faces of the castle commanders who had not spoken since the beginning also became focused.

"If I'm not wrong, you guys haven't informed Summer Hall yet, right?" Sam suddenly said again.

Alliser Thorne and Bowen Marsh looked a little ugly.

"Alliser, Bowen, have you notified the Summer Hall of the Commander-in-Chief's assassination?" Eastwatch Commander Carter Pike changed his previous lazy look, sat up straight, and asked in a deep voice.

Bowen explained: "The commander-in-chief's assassin has not yet been caught, so we decided not to spread the news for the time being."

Carter stood up and said in a serious tone: "I'm asking you if you informed the Summer Hall of the commander-in-chief's assassination?"

Alliser hesitated for a moment, then said with a serious expression: "I feel that our Night's Watch Legion is not under the control of the Summer Hall, but is independent of the Seven Kingdoms, so I don't think we need to specifically notify the Summer Hall. "

"Are you all idiots? Do you know who is responsible for the Night's Watch Legion's current size?" Shadow Tower Commander Dennis Mallister also stood up and angrily shouted with excitement: "Do you know that the Night's Watch has its current size? How many people in the legion worship Prince Lind? Most of the commanders of the nineteen castles are devout believers in the Redemption Sect of the Seven Gods. They regard Prince Lind as their savior. The entire Night Watch Legion needs more than 70% of the bonus food and grass in the Summer Hall. Supply! Do you know that if you stood outside and said what you just said, you would be hanged on the city gate tonight, you two idiots!"

Alliser and Bowen are the head coach of Castle Black and the other is the chief steward. If they are rebuked by others in this way, they will have to retort. But the person who said them now is Denys Mallister. Among the current Night's Watch, except Apart from Maester Aemon, he was the oldest Night's Watchman and a former Chief Ranger with great military exploits. He had guarded the Shadow Tower for more than thirty years. When an old Night's Watcher with such seniority scolded them, they were not even qualified to reply.

At this moment, the door opened from the outside, and then a steward was seen walking in, supporting Maester Aemon, who was probably still in bed.

Everyone stood up when they saw Maester Aemon.

Denis Mallister expressed concern: "Maester Aemon, you should be lying in bed to recuperate now. In such a cold weather, you..."

"I should come here and save an innocent person." Maester Aemon said in his low and hoarse voice: "I can vouch for Jon Snow with my life and honor. He will definitely kill the Lord Commander. "

"Maester Aemon, don't worry, we have not identified Jon as the murderer." Carter Pike said quickly: "We are just temporarily locking him up, just in case anything happens." As he said that, he looked at Jon Risa and others said: "Actually, I don't think there is any need to lock up Jon Snow and let him stay outside. If he escapes, he will be the murderer, and we don't need to investigate anymore."

Others also nodded and said: "Yes, that's it. As long as Jon escapes, then he is the murderer."

Only Alliser and Bowen still refused to let Jon out, but at this time they had no way to stop it.

Afterwards, Dennis immediately asked someone to send a letter to Summer Hall, and expressed the hope that Summer Hall could send someone to investigate the assassination of the Commander-in-Chief, because now everyone in Castle Black is suspected, and there are no people in other castles who specialize in such matters. Talent, so I hope Shengxia Hall can intervene to solve this big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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