Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 335 Projection of the past

Chapter 335 Projection of the past

When the letter from the Great Wall was delivered to Linde, Linde was preparing to go to the Stepstone Islands because he was needed for the sea monster Dagon Harlaw's defense change, the formation of the Sunspear fleet into the Miracle Fleet sequence, and other matters. Handle it yourself to avoid any mistakes.

However, when he saw the letter sent from the Great Wall, he changed his itinerary and headed to the Black Castle of the Great Wall instead.

The death of Old Bear Jeor Mormont was really beyond Lind's expectation. Due to the expansion of manpower, Castle Black now has a total of more than two thousand people including stewards, rangers and trainee night watchmen. , there are as many as ten security officers around Mr. Xiong, so it should be very safe.

It is believed that when Mr. Xiong was assassinated, there were standing security officers stationed downstairs and next door to his room, and they stayed up all night. No one heard any unusual movements until the security officer who lived next door. When the official went to wake Mr. Xiong up in the morning and announced his daily tasks, he discovered that Mr. Xiong had been assassinated.

If there were other affairs officers living next door and downstairs, Linde might suspect that they were lying. They had actually fallen asleep the night before, so they didn't hear anything, but among the affairs officers living next door and downstairs There are two people, Jon Snow and Samwell Tarly, so there is no possibility of lying. It can only be that someone quietly sneaked into Castle Black and killed the old bear.

During this period, who would benefit the most from the sudden death of Mr. Bear? The tribe of wildlings outside the wall, the White Walkers, or the people within the Night's Watch. Lind suddenly thought of Willas, so on the way to Castle Black, he turned around. After checking the direction, he first flew to Icemark City to meet Vilas.

"Who was responsible for the assassination of Lord Jeor Mormont?" Lind asked very directly when he met Willas for the first time.

Vilas was silent for a moment and said, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Linde frowned and said, "You and the Great Wall are integrated. The entire Great Wall is your domain, including Castle Black. You should be aware of everything going on here. "

"Asleep?" Linde didn't expect Vilas to give such an answer at all, and was stunned.

"No," Villas answered in the affirmative, but then changed the topic and said, "But other people may influence me."

"Because everyone doesn't pay attention to the White Walkers or the coming of the long night. They all feel that the end is too far away from them. Even if they see the corpses with their own eyes, they still don't take it seriously. Now they are more willing to kill each other than to fight for the upcoming Prepare for the doomsday." Vilas, who had always been in a cold mood, was a little excited at this time, and then sighed and said: "It's a pity that the doomsday belief has failed. I didn't expect that it would be surrounded and suppressed by you and the Church of the Seven Gods. If If there had been no failure, the war now taking place in the South might not have happened."

Linde asked again: "Did they leave before Mr. Xiong was assassinated or after?"

Linde then asked another key question: "Are the doomsday believers who appear on the Great Wall outsiders or night watchmen?"

Vilas was silent for a moment and said, "It's possible."

Vilas said in shock: "No, Euron is just the executor, I am the one who truly established the doomsday belief."

Linde disagreed with Vilas's statement. Perhaps because of his different location, in his view, the existence of doomsday beliefs would only disrupt the existing social order and would not make the great nobles and lords alert, let alone It is not conducive to the execution of your step-by-step plan.

"I'm also surprised, because I haven't slept for a long time." Villas knew why Linde was so surprised, and said: "I haven't slept since I became one with the Great Wall of Despair. I was awake all the time, but I fell asleep on the day the Commander-in-Chief was assassinated, and I felt something was wrong when I thought about it afterwards, as if there was a force affecting me and making me fall asleep."

Vilas explained: “Because the savage tribe outside the Great Wall recently excavated an ancient cemetery, and they found an artifact of the Cold God in the cemetery, which was the trophy captured by the liberator Brandon after he killed the Night Queen. However, the artifact could not pass through the Great Wall, so he had to put the artifact into the tomb of the Night's Watch dead. Now that artifact is in the hands of the barbarian tribe outside the wall. If they know how to use it, then I am unprepared. Under the circumstances, that artifact can have a certain impact on me."

"A wild man outside the wall?" Lind thought for a moment and then asked: "Is it possible that it was done by someone inside the Night Watch?"

Linde asked: "Is there anyone in the night watch who can make you sleep?"

"No." Vilas replied with certainty: "The main force of the White Walkers is still gathering in the Land of Eternal Winter. Those who have penetrated into the south are only some vanguard troops. They do not have such powerful capabilities." As he said, he added : "Compared to the White Walkers, I think the tribe of savages beyond the wall is more questionable."

Willas replied: "Doomsday believers have appeared near the Great Wall, and the winter horns in their hands can affect me."

"Is it a White Walker?" Lind didn't think Vilas was lying, so he followed Vilas' words and asked.

"They have left the Great Wall and gone beyond the Great Wall." Although Villas gave a vague answer, the answer was already clear. Only the Night Watchmen can travel through the Great Wall, and among the Night Watchmen, only the Travelers Only the cavalry will go outside the wall.

"I was asleep." Vilas gave an unexpected answer.

"Doomsday Believers?" Lind said solemnly: "Weren't Doomsday Believers founded by Euron?"

Linde was stunned for a long time before asking: "Why do you do this?"

"Others?" Linde asked.

"Why?" Lind asked.

Villas didn't answer this time.

"Vilas, what do you want to do?" Lind asked extremely angrily.

Vilas said solemnly: "I can tell you for sure that the death of the Commander-in-Chief has nothing to do with the doomsday believers."

Linde was a little surprised when he heard Vilas's affirmative answer. Then a burst of magic power suddenly erupted from Vilas' body and enveloped the entire ice cave. At the same time, he said to Linde, who was about to defend himself, "Don't resist. I'll take you to take a look for yourself." As soon as Vilas' voice fell, Linde felt a pulling force appear out of thin air, and then he seemed to be pulled involuntarily by some force that was too powerful to resist. He took a step forward, and just after he took this step, the surrounding scene changed instantly, from the freezing ice cave to a warm room, in which the old bear Jeor Mormont was sitting. At the desk next to the bed, he looked through the documents.

"This is the scene before the commander-in-chief was assassinated." Vilas's voice sounded next to him.

Lind turned his head and looked over, and saw that Vilas had returned to his normal appearance at this moment, and his feet could stand and walk like a normal person.

"Is this the ability of the Green Seer?" Lind asked.

"Yes." Vilas nodded and said, "I just imitated this power. As long as it happened on the Great Wall, I can experience it again through this method." As he said that, he suddenly paused. After a moment, he turned to look at Linde and said seriously: "I also saw how humans and other races fought against the White Walkers when the Great Wall was first built. That is a history that has been forgotten, so I know it better than anyone else. The horror of the White Walkers.”

Linde did not comment on Vilas's statement, but quietly looked at the historical scene in front of him.

At this time, Mr. Xiong had already finished his official duties and put the documents aside, waiting to be handed over to the affairs officer for distribution tomorrow. Then he stood up, took off his sword with long claws, put it aside, and was about to untie it. clothes, and when he was lying down to rest, the door of the room suddenly opened.

Old Xiong alertly picked up the sword beside him, but after seeing the person coming, he put the sword down again and said to the person: "Why are you? It's so late, is there anything important? Is there Bunyan? Any news?"

The people who came in from the outside were Alliser Thorne and Bowen Marsh.

"No, there is no news from Bunyan yet. Bowen and I have some things that we can't figure out and want to confirm." Allisa took two steps forward and came to the old Xiong. Behind him, Bowen Close the door behind you.

"What can't you figure out?" Obviously this was not the first time that Alliser and Bowen came to talk to Jeor Mormont in the middle of the night. Jeor Mormont didn't feel anything was wrong and turned around and sat down. on the chair, asked.

Allisa said with a gloomy face: "I just received the battle report from the front line. More than a hundred brothers were killed in the battle with the savage tribe, and their bodies were hung on the fence by the savage tribe."

Jeor Mormont sighed and said with regret: "I have also read this battle report. I have ordered the Ranger Brigade to retrieve the bodies of my brothers and bring them back to the Great Wall for a safe burial. They are all the same. They are all good men and deserve respect."

"Yes, they are all top-notch heroes. More than a thousand heroes like this have died in the past few months," Allisa said with an angry tone: "But we brothers cannot die fighting for these." To avenge our brothers, we must also let those who killed our brothers off the Great Wall in the future, give them fields, give them materials, and let them live a better life. These brothers who have lived for thousands of years and died fighting against the invasion of savages. Is it fair?”

Old Xiong frowned and said displeased: "I have already said this. Now our biggest enemy is not the savages, but the White Walkers. They are the enemies of all life. We need to unite all the forces that can be united. …”

"We can lock them north of the Great Wall and let them fight the White Walkers first. After consuming the power of the White Walkers, we will be able to deal with the White Walkers more easily." Bowen Marsh also walked to the Bear The old man beside him said.

The old bear looked at Bowen Marsh with a look of disgust, and said: "Are you so stupid that you don't know how to use your brain? You will only increase the strength of the White Walkers. Have you forgotten what Prince Lynd is?" Are you saying that? The White Walkers can resurrect corpses and turn them into corpses to continue to serve them. The more people die and injured outside the Great Wall, the more White Walkers will have strength. It is impossible to consume the White Walkers' strength."

Alliser said angrily: "Everything is just what Lynde Terra said. We have never seen it at all. What did he ask us to do? Are we, the Night Watch, his vassals?"

Elder Xiong looked at the two of them in surprise and said, "Are you two crazy? You actually said such things. Don't you know the importance of Lord Linde to the Night's Watch?"

Alliser said angrily: "I don't know how important he is. I just know that the Night's Watch Legion is completely independent of the Seven Kingdoms and should not be controlled by any kingdom lord. Now the Night's Watch Legion is losing its independence and taking orders. At the mercy of the nobles of a kingdom, and even because of the orders of others, we abandoned our thousands-year purpose and allowed our enemies to enter our homeland. Commander-in-Chief, this is betrayal!"

"Betrayal? How dare you say this to me... What do you want to do? Bowen." Just when Mr. Xiong was extremely angry at Allisa's words and wanted to stand up to argue with him, Bowen stood beside him. Wen Marci suddenly reached out and grabbed Mr. Xiong's arm and pressed him on the chair.

Jeor Mormont was completely confused by Bowen's actions. Before he could react, he saw Alliser suddenly pull out a dagger and thrust it into his neck, while his body was restrained at all. Unable to dodge or block, he could only watch as the dagger plunged into his neck.

Then a large amount of blood poured out from the wound, part of it flowing out, and part of it pouring into his trachea and into his lungs. He soon felt difficulty breathing, and eventually lost all consciousness and sat slumped in a chair. His eyes were not closed yet, and you could still see the shocked expression written in his eyes and face.

Until the moment he died, Mr. Xiong never thought that his highly-respected coach and chief affairs officer would join forces to kill him. He also didn't expect that his death would come so suddenly and quickly. What he couldn't understand even more was this. There was a lot of commotion on the side, why didn't Jon and the others next door and downstairs show up? Maybe before he died, he was still doubting whether Jon and the others were involved in the murder.

"Is he dead?" Bowen Marsh asked in a low voice, not caring about wiping the blood splattered on his body.

"She should be dead." Although he didn't use much strength just now, Allisa was still breathing heavily, as if the knife that had just been inserted into the old bear's neck had exhausted all his strength, and he even had to hold on to it. The legs of the table allow you to stand firmly.

"The things those guys gave are really effective." Bowen Marsh stood up, turned to look at the wall in the next room, and said, "That thing can really block out all movement. Now Jon and the others Don’t know what’s going on here yet.”

"The matter is not over yet. We have to clean up this place before that thing fails." Allisa picked up a hand towel from the table and wiped the blood on his hand, then blocked it on the wound of the dagger, and wiped the blood on his hand. The dagger was drawn out, blocking the blood splatter at the same time.

Bowen also quickly cleaned up the traces of their visit. After the two confirmed that they were correct, he turned around and quickly left the room.

When the two left, Lind saw Bowen gently taking a rune black stone from the door next door. He originally wanted to throw it away, but he felt it was a pity and put it in his pocket.

As the two figures disappeared into the darkness of the corridor, the scene in front of Linde also changed back to the ice cave.

(End of this chapter)

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