Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 336: Finding out the pests

Chapter 336: Finding out the pests

"Here he comes! Prince Linde is here!" The guard standing on the wall of Castle Black shouted loudly to the night watchman in the castle when he saw the dragon flying over from a distance.

Then the people under the castle were preparing to open the gate, but Lind did not land outside the castle, but landed on the large playground inside the castle.

Lind got off the dragon's back, and happened to see Alliser Thorne and Bowen Marsh leading the stewards and rangers of Castle Black to greet him. Alliser and Bowen seemed very calm, and they were not like the others around them. People don't have any unusual expressions.

Lind looked at everyone calmly. Although Allisa and Bowen had tried their best to hide their emotions, the moment Lind's eyes fell on them, they still felt nervous. The expressions on their faces Also a little stiffer.

"Have the commanders of each castle arrived?" Lind asked Alliser and others.

"My lord, we are all here, and the new chief ranger Sauron Smallwood has also returned from the front line." Allisa replied quickly.

Linde nodded and walked directly towards the conference hall of Castle Black, followed closely by the others.

At this moment, in addition to the necessary defense personnel, all the rangers in Castle Black gathered in the small square outside the meeting hall. There were even too many people to stand in the small square, and many people were crowded into the surrounding houses. , they are waiting for the outcome of the trial and the new successor to the commander-in-chief.

When Linde arrived, everyone moved spontaneously to make way for Linde and others to enter the meeting hall.

The various castle commanders waiting in the meeting hall stood up and saluted Linde the moment they saw him walking in.

As soon as Lind finished speaking, there was an uproar in the room. The commanders' eyes couldn't help but glance at everyone in Castle Black in the meeting hall. Except for Maester Aemon, everyone became the object of their suspicion.

Linde did not answer his question directly, but deliberately took a detour and said: "Before I came to Castle Black, I went to Ice Scar City and met Lord Vilas. You should also know that Lord Vilas Integrate with the Great Wall through some method to maintain the normal operation of the magic contained within the Great Wall and resist the power of the White Walkers."

The people in Castle Black also looked at each other. Their faces were confused, worried, and even more angry, and they looked at their companions around them with more scrutiny and suspicion.

Linde's words surprised everyone present, because they all knew that Linde had not checked in Mr. Xiong's room at this moment. He came directly to the meeting hall after arriving at Castle Black, but he still responded so affirmatively, This made everyone couldn't help but think that Lind must have arranged a lot of eyes and ears in the Night Watch Legion. It was those eyes and ears that sent the relevant information to Lind, which allowed Lind to go to the scene without checking the scene. Make a judgment immediately.

"You are right, there is indeed magic involved." Linde said with great certainty: "Someone used sound-blocking magic to isolate the rooms of the two clerks, so the clerk in the room listened. There was no movement in the Commander-in-Chief's room, so we could not rescue him in time."

"Not yet." Shadow Tower Commander Dennis, the oldest among the commanders, stood up and said on behalf of everyone: "We have sent the best rangers to check the commander-in-chief's room, but we did not find any clues. , but from the body of the commander-in-chief, it is speculated that the assassination time of the commander-in-chief was very short. The commander-in-chief didn't even have time to resist, and the vital part of his neck was pierced. Judging from the size of the wound, it should be a dagger."

Linde smiled and said: "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. Although I have arranged people in the Night's Watch, their role is mainly on the savage tribes and white ghosts outside the wall. They will not know about things within the Great Wall. If you intervene, there is no need to waste resources on informing me."

Seeing that their thoughts were exposed, many people lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Linde said in a deep voice: "Although someone used magic to block the sound transmission, the assassination of Mr. Xiong was definitely not the work of outsiders, because Mr. Xiong did not resist at all when he was assassinated. Someone inserted a dagger into his throat at close range. It can be seen that The person who assassinated him must be someone who is very familiar with him, so that Mr. Xiong can be defenseless."

Just as the discussion stopped, Linde continued to speak to everyone: "I guess you think I made this judgment because I have placed eyes and ears in the Night Watch, and they reported to me everything that happened here. , allowing me to immediately analyze how Commander-in-Chief Geo died?"

Alliser and Bowen also had the same expressions as the others, making it difficult to doubt them.

"How are you discussing the assassination of Commander-in-Chief Jeor Mormont?" Lind asked everyone very directly.

Everyone immediately looked at Lind in confusion, and Dennis couldn't help but ask: "In this case, why did you make those judgments so quickly, my lord, that the commander-in-chief was assassinated by people from our night watch, and also used magic? Woolen cloth?"

As he spoke, Dennis turned to look at Carter Pike, the commander of Eastwatch on the side. Carter immediately took over and said: "At that time, there were stewards waiting to be called in the commander-in-chief's room, both upstairs and downstairs. We have also interrogated these affairs officers, and they have not heard anything, so we think there may be magic involved."

Linde also took the trouble to greet each commander, and went straight to where Mr. Xiong originally sat and sat down, then motioned for everyone to sit down.

At this time, everyone praised Willas's great sentiment. After all, not everyone in this world can give up the identity and power of the Guardian of the South and the Duke of Highgarden and go to a place like the Great Wall to fight against the evil outside the city. In this way Even the lower-class poor people in the Night Watch who were hostile to the nobles admired him greatly.

"In ancient legends, the green seers of the Children of the Forest are the most knowledgeable people in the world, because the green seers can see the evolution of all things in the world through the weirwood trees, see the lost history in the past, and see everything that is new to others. Secret things." Lind's words made everyone feel a little confused, but they did not interrupt, but listened quietly. Only Allisa and Bowen seemed to notice the nervous look on their faces.

Lind returned to the topic and said: "After Vilas merged with the Great Wall, he also gained part of the green prophet's ability. He was able to see everything from the construction of the Great Wall to the ancient legend of the Night Watch. In the war between humans and the White Walkers, everything that happens within the realm of the Great Wall is seen. No matter how long it takes, it is firmly recorded by the Great Wall. Unless the Great Wall disappears, the records of these things will not disappear. ." At this moment, no matter how stupid the people in the meeting hall were, they all heard the clues. Maester Aemon couldn't help but said: "Lord Linde, did you see the murder of the Commander-in-Chief through the method of Green Seer? .”

"Yes." Linde answered in the affirmative and said: "When the Commander-in-Chief was killed, I was watching from the side, but what I saw was only the afterimage of history, and I could not save the Commander-in-Chief from the hands of two traitors. Commander." As he spoke, he looked at Allisa and Bowen, whose faces became extremely pale, and said: "Everything is just what Lind Terra said himself. We have never seen what he asked us to do. Are we, the Night's Watch, his vassals? Commander Alliser, it seems you have a lot of resentment towards me!"

As Linder's words fell, Bowen Marsh's legs softened and he sat down on the ground. Although Allisa's face was pale and panicked, he was still strong enough to keep himself steady.

The surrounding Castle Black Night Watchmen all looked at Alliser in disbelief. Although Alliser was harsh, stubborn, and unkind, in the hearts of the Night Watchmen, he was barely a competent instructor, and he treated the Night Watchmen His loyalty is also obvious to all, and such a person turned out to be the murderer of the Commander-in-Chief.

However, no matter how unbelievable these night watchmen were, the abnormal behavior of Alliser Thorne and Bowen Marsh next to him all proved that Lind's words were true. The two of them were the assassination commander-in-chief. The murderer, and he was extremely shameless and assassinated with the trust of the Commander-in-Chief.

Everyone's angry, contemptuous, and disdainful eyes fell on the two of them. Allisa showed a look of shame, and then said with great excitement: "We are not wrong, we just executed a traitor. Over the past thousands of years, we have We have always been fighting against the wildlings beyond the wall. We have an undying hatred with the wildlings, but Jeor Mormont has to obey the orders of an outsider and let the wildlings cross the wall. Isn't this betrayal?"

While Alliser loudly defended himself, except for the old Night's Watchmen such as Shadow Tower Commander Dennis, Eastwatch Commander Carter, and the new Chief Ranger Sauron Smallwood, others expressed disapproval of the so-called wildlings Alliser said. Hatred doesn't respond much.

Before the expansion of the Night Watch, there were only less than a thousand people. However, with the continuous expansion over the years, the number of Night Watch has reached tens of thousands. Most of these people have no grudges against the wild people outside the wall, like the twenty people now. Among the several castle commanders, less than ten are old Night's Watchmen, and the rest are new Night's Watchmen, so it is difficult for them to resonate with Alliser. This is why Elder Xiong decided to obey Lind's request and help the wildlings pass the Great Wall. When we were preparing in advance, there was not much resistance in the Night Watch Legion.

"No matter how you make excuses, you can't cover up your crime of murdering the Commander-in-Chief." Lind looked at Allisa coldly, and then ordered the other night watchmen: "Take them down, imprison them, and interrogate them. They can't There are only two people planning this, and they must have follow-up plans."

Almost at the same time as Lind's words fell, Alliser drew out the long sword from his waist. Obviously he would not be willing to be caught like this. Around him, other night watchmen also drew out their long swords from their waists and aimed at Alliser. .

Seeing the situation in front of him, Allisa felt that there was no possibility of escaping, so he pointed the tip of the long sword in his hand at his chin, preparing to commit suicide.

However, how could Linde let him die like this? He could not die until he explained everything clearly.

Then, Linde casually snapped his fingers, and then a bolt of lightning shot out from his fingertips and fell on Allisa, directly electrocuting Allisa until his limbs became stiff and his body twitched. fell to the ground.

Everyone around was stunned when they saw this scene. Everyone didn't know what to do next, and they all looked at Linde.

"Do you still need me to teach you how to kidnap people?" Linde looked at the night watchmen.

Hearing Linde's words, the night watchmen all looked embarrassed, and then they immediately found ropes and tied up Allisa, who was stiff, and Bowen, who had completely given up resistance.

"Tie them up as well." While taking Alliser and Bowen down, Lind pointed at Janos Slynt and Chief Ranger Sauron Small hiding in the crowd. Wood, said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but look at Genos and Sauron, who were both shocked at the moment. Genos was just a night watchman who had just come to the Great Wall of Despair, but Sauron Morwood is different. He is a veteran Night Watchman and a good player among the rangers. He was able to become the chief ranger after Bunyan disappeared because of his extraordinary strength. However, such a powerful ranger commander actually Also the murderer of the Commander-in-Chief.

After being stunned, everyone stepped forward and tied up Genos and Sauron again. Compared with Genos struggling to argue that he was innocent, Sauron seemed very calm. He looked at Lind and asked : "Lord Linde, how did you know that I was involved? Did you also see it with the green seer's ability? I remember that when Alliser came to discuss things with me, it was not in the Great Wall, but outside the Great Wall."

Linde replied calmly: "The expressions on the two of you just now were so obvious that it was difficult not to notice."

When Sauron heard this, a wry smile appeared on his face. He did not expect that his expression would give away the traces. Pushed by the night watchman, he lowered his head and walked out of the meeting hall.

"Next, I hope you can pay attention to this matter and catch all the pests who are trying to sabotage the White Walkers' plans." Lind turned to the castle commanders and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Prince." Everyone stood up and responded, saying that they would definitely catch this matter with their own hands and strive to find out all the people related to this assassination. In fact, they were also afraid. They were afraid that one day they would be as innocent as Mr. Xiong. He was killed defenselessly by the man he considered his brother.

No matter how legitimate and sufficient Alisa's reasons are this time, he has touched the bottom line of the rules. No one will allow his subordinates to have people who are willing to plot against them at any time because of disagreements, even if Dennis and Carter do this to People with deep-seated hatred of savages will never allow it.

At this moment, Maester Aemon suddenly asked Linde: "Lord Linde, the Commander-in-Chief has passed away now. Do you have any suggestions for the candidate of the new Commander-in-Chief?"

(End of this chapter)

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