Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 337 Little Rose’s surprise visit

Chapter 337 Little Rose’s surprise visit

Linde sat on the back of the dragon and said to the people seeing him off: "Everyone, please be sure to assist the Acting Commander-in-Chief in continuing to advance the plans we made before. I will find a suitable candidate for the Commander-in-Chief as soon as possible."

After hearing this, everyone expressed that they would assist the Acting Commander-in-Chief, but Samwell Tarly, as the Acting Commander-in-Chief, looked confused. Until now, he still has not figured out why he suddenly became the Acting Commander-in-Chief. Didn't wake up.

Just now, everyone was still discussing how to use the traditional method to select the commander-in-chief, but Linde rejected it, because if we follow the traditional method, we will need to summon people from all the castles on the Great Wall of Despair, and also send outposts outside the wall. The rangers from the camp are called back to participate in the election, which will only disrupt the order of the entire Wall.

And the more important point is that although the person who assassinated the commander-in-chief has been caught, his accomplices have not been completely found. If the commander-in-chief is selected according to the traditional method at this time, then what if the selected commander-in-chief is an assassin? What about the associates of the former Commander-in-Chief.

Therefore, Linde directly rejected the traditional method of selecting a commander-in-chief. Instead, he first appointed an acting commander-in-chief to temporarily perform the duties of commander-in-chief. After he found a candidate with a more suitable status outside, he would then let that person The man came to formally join the Night's Watch and take over the position of Commander-in-Chief.

Although Lind's approach is somewhat unruly, it is not without precedent. Maester Aemon has found several similar examples. When special circumstances arise in the Night's Watch, some special methods can be used to select a suitable general. The Commander does not need to be chosen by the traditional vote of each member of the Night's Watch.

However, the acting commander-in-chief subsequently selected by Lind surprised everyone. He did not select from the castle commanders present, nor from the elite rangers, nor from the senior night watchmen. Instead, Samwell Tarly, who was known for being weak and cowardly in Castle Black, was chosen.

At that time, everyone was stunned by Linde's choice, and many people couldn't help but objected, but the reasons given by Linde later convinced them.

He gave only three reasons. The first point was that among the entire Night's Watch, Sam was one of the least likely people to participate in the assassination of the Commander-in-Chief, because no one would win over a weak guy like Sam.

The second point is that Sam is one of the few faction-less members of the Night's Watch. He is neither a civilian faction nor an aristocratic faction, nor is he the so-called northern faction or southern faction divided according to the regions of the Seven Kingdoms. Because of his bad reputation, No one wants to pull Sam into their faction's camp. So, Sam became acting commander-in-chief, and he would not take sides administratively.

Lind, who returned to Summer Hall, also ordered people to search for the whereabouts of Bran and Rickon, but there was still no news. If Lind didn't know Bran's true situation very well, he might have thought that Bran and others had died in the wolf. In the forest.

After reading the message sent from Pantos, Linde was ready to handle the next matter.

As for the third point, which is also particularly important, that is, Sam has always followed the Commander-in-Chief and Maester Aemon to handle various related matters, so he has no idea how the Night's Watch will implement its plans to gather the wildlings, resist the White Walkers, etc. One step at a time, you understand it very well, you don’t need to adapt at all, you can get started immediately.

On the way Bran and others fled, they met the Reed siblings. According to the siblings, Jojen Reed foresaw what happened to Bran and others, so he waited for them on the road in advance to help them escape from the pursuers.

"We should be careful, these crows can't be trusted!" The female savage Osha clenched the wooden stick in her hand and said seriously.

Because Duke Eddard mentioned more than once during his lifetime that the Reed family in Graywater was the most trustworthy vassal family, Bran and others quickly trusted this pair of siblings, and during their subsequent escape, the pair The siblings also provided a lot of help, allowing them to smoothly pass through the forest and the desolate grant land where many wild beasts lurked.

After Lind once again emphasized his support for Sam, he drove Neltharion to fly towards the south.

On the second day after Linde left the Great Wall of Despair, several figures appeared near the Great Wall of Despair. These figures were male and female, some were extremely tall, and some were as short as young children. These figures saw the front The Great Wall of Despair couldn't help but cheer.

These people were Bran and the others who escaped from Winterfell. They stayed up day and night, avoided all roads, walked through the mountain roads, and finally arrived near the Great Wall of Despair.

For the current Night Watch Legion, what they need most is not a warrior who can lead them into battle, but a bachelor who can carry out the existing plan completely.

Although it was the first time for Bran and others to come to the Great Wall of Despair, Bran and Jojian walked directly towards the Ice Mark City as if they knew the way, and soon they arrived outside the Ice Mark City.

"Don't worry, they don't mean any harm." Bran reassured Osha, and then motioned to follow the night watchman into the Ice Scar City.

The fact that the two survivors of the Stark family came to the Great Wall was not spread by the Night Watch of Icescar City. Those who tracked their whereabouts still believed that they were still hiding in the forests and wilderness of the North.

"Miss Margaery?" Lind was stunned, and soon realized who Jon was talking about, and then asked in confusion: "Why is she here with me?"

The reasons given by Linde were very sufficient, and they were quickly recognized by the Night Watchmen. However, the real reason for Sam to become the acting commander-in-chief was because of Linde's own strength. With Linde as his backer, any dissatisfied voices and thoughts would be eliminated. To suppress it.

However, Jon Falwell hurriedly walked in at this time. After seeing Lind, he immediately reported: "My lord, Miss Margery is outside asking for a meeting."

However, what surprised them was that someone was already waiting there. After seeing the group of people, they stepped forward and said, "Sir Vilas is already waiting for you. Please come with me."

"No, go to Ice Scar City." Two voices said the same answer in unison. The speakers were Bran, who was being carried behind by his servant Ado, and Jojian, who was helping Bran avoid the pursuers on the road. ·Reed.

"Where are we going now? Crow's Black Castle?" Osha, the female savage, looked at the Great Wall with disgust and asked.

After speaking, without giving any explanation, he turned around and led the group of people into the castle.

However, Lind did not spend too much thought on this aspect. Although Bran is also one of the important figures in the fight against the White Walkers, the situation in the entire world has changed now. Is Bran still as important as in the previous series? It’s unknown.

Lind asked Jon to lead the people in, and then he saw Margaery Tyrell, who was wearing a large robe, completely wrapping herself, and even wearing a hood on her head, with a mysterious expression. Xi appeared in front of him dressed up.

"Good afternoon, Lord Linde." After arriving in front of Linde, Margery took off her hood, and then saluted Linde with extremely standard lady etiquette.

"Uh! Good afternoon, Miss Margery." Linde was stunned, unable to adapt for a while, nodded towards Margery, and then asked: "Miss Margery, what do you want to see me for here? ?"

Margaery said directly: "I want to live with Lord Linde for a while, is that okay?" "Of course, you can stay as long as you want." Linde replied nonchalantly, just in Margaery. Jon behind Geli quickly made a gesture. When Lind saw it, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. He quickly thought of something and asked: "Miss Margery, what about your coming to Summer Hall?" Does the Duke of Metz know?”

Hearing this, Margaery turned her head to look at Jon who was acting serious, then turned to smile at Lind and said, "No, except for Brother Garland and the trusted knights he sent to escort me. , no one else knows that I came to Summer Hall."

Hearing Margaery's words, Lind couldn't help but sigh, and then asked: "Is it because the Iron Throne wants to resume the engagement and re-marry with Highgarden?"

Margaery smiled bitterly and said: "Since I was born into the Tyrell family and enjoy the wealth and power of the Tyrell family, I don't mind marrying for the sake of the family, but my father went too far in this matter." As she spoke, her expression became a little excited, and she said: "The majestic Duke of Highgarden allowed the Iron Throne to insult our Highgarden like this. He canceled the engagement whenever he wanted, resumed it whenever he wanted, and even used the rumors from the outside world to slander me. , as a father, shouldn’t he stand up and refute the other party at this time and drive him away? He even said that he would consider it. This is simply, simply..."

Margery was so angry that she couldn't find the right words to describe it.

Lind asked: "Where is Mrs. Olenna? She didn't say anything."

Margery shook her head in frustration and said, "Grandma didn't say anything. She seemed to be on her father's side."

"Well, I understand!" Linde nodded and said, "I won't reveal your whereabouts. You can stay here as long as you want."

"Thank you for your kindness." Margery saluted Lind again and thanked him.

Lind summoned an attendant from the castle and ordered: "Arrange this young lady to live in the guest room next to Miss Sansa. The treatment will be similar to Miss Sansa."

"Is the Sansa you are talking about Miss Sansa Stark from the North?" Margaery asked curiously.

"Yes." Linde nodded.

Margaery asked again: "I heard that Miss Sansa is here as your assistant to help you handle the government affairs of Summer Hall?"

"You are mistaken, you are not assisting me, you are assisting Jon." Lind pointed to Jon Farwell beside him and said.

Margaery thought for a while and said: "Can I also be your assistant and help you handle your affairs? After all, I am living and eating at your place for free. I am really embarrassed. If I can help you do something within my ability, , it can just offset the cost of living, and it can also give me something to do and not think about those bad things, what do you think?"

Linde stared at the little rose in front of him, seeming to be considering the little rose's proposal.

Margery thought that Lind was examining whether she had the ability to serve as an assistant, so she said with great confidence: "Please rest assured about my ability. When I was in High Court, I often assisted my father and Brother Garland in handling some government affairs."

Linde smiled, took out one of the documents on the table and handed it to Margery, saying, "After reading this document, tell me what is noteworthy in it and how it should be handled."

Margery took the document and looked through it carefully. At first she didn't take it seriously, thinking that the matter in this document was a small matter within the territory of Summer Hall, but she soon realized that she was wrong. What was recorded in this document was much bigger than she imagined.

What is recorded in this document is not what happens on the continent of Westeros, but part of the plan to expand eastward and westward.

Although the Miracle Fleet has obtained permission from Port Morak to establish a base on the coast near the port, the distance from Port Morak to Asshai is still too far, and the supply line is a bit long, so Hols Redwin proposed to Several sub-bases were established on the islands surrounding the route to Asia to form a cruise island chain, and then he added the islands he selected as sub-bases, such as the Manticore Islands, Mara Atoll, Elephant Island and more.

Margaery was completely confused by the content above, because these islands are all legendary areas, so far away that it even makes people think that these islands do not exist, as if they are called the Far East Land, the World The same as Asshai on the edge.

Although she considers herself to be knowledgeable, the things she has learned are all from the continent of Westeros and have never touched such a distant place.

So after putting down the document in her hand, she said nothing and just looked at Linde with an aggrieved look, as if Linde was deliberately using such a document to make things difficult for her.

Linde looked at Margery calmly and said: "You don't need to think about where those places are, you just need to tell me the advantages and disadvantages of building a sub-base there. After the sub-base is built, how to recover the construction cost and how Proportionate manpower for each sub-base.”

After hearing this, Margery thought seriously for a moment, and then carefully recounted what she thought of.

Jon also knew the contents of the document that Margaery saw, and also knew how the document was processed, so when he heard Margaery describe her thoughts, he couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face. , because there are many similarities between what Margery narrated and the final result of their discussion. The only difference is that the figures such as the construction cost, the size of the sub-base army, etc. are very wrong, but this is not a big deal. The problem is, because Margaery does not know the actual situation of Summer Hall, it is reasonable for specific data errors to occur.

Linde did not show any abnormal emotions, but quietly listened to everything Margaery thought about.

"Have you finished talking?" Lind confirmed after Margery finished telling her story.

"Yes, it's already said." Margery nodded, then looked at Linde slightly nervously.

Linde smiled and said: "You are better than I expected. You can be by my side as my assistant and help me handle affairs." As he said, he pushed the pile of documents around him forward and said: "Now you can Read these documents, write down your solution, and then give them to me for review."

Margaery looked at the pile of documents in front of her blankly, and suddenly felt that she had done something stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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