Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 357 The biggest profiteer

Chapter 357 The biggest profiteer

"What about you? Aren't you going to King's Landing together?" Lind turned to look at Margaery and asked.

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to go?" Margaery raised her eyebrows displeased and said.

It's no wonder that Margaery has emotions. She was originally engaged to Joffrey, but the engagement was broken up, which made her lose face. This led to her subsequent engagement to Renly, and then to the current Witch of Cev. With her reputation and the source of all her bad luck being her engagement to Joffrey, how could she be willing to go to King's Landing to watch the ceremony?

Linde said with regret: "It's a pity. I feel that there will be a lot of interesting things happening in King's Landing this time. It would be a pity to miss it."

"Interesting thing?" Margaery looked thoughtful, then lifted up her skirt and ran to her room while saying, "Wait for me, I'll change clothes."

"Sir, should I go too?" Shirin asked timidly.

Lind knelt down, touched Shireen's head, and said, "Of course, you will be the Duke of Storm's End in the future, so of course you will go to meet the lords of the Seven Kingdoms."

Sansa also squatted down and said to Shireen: "Don't worry, Lord Linde will protect us. Those bad guys don't dare to do anything to us."

Shireen looked at Sansa, then turned back and asked, "My lord, can I take Patchface with me?"

"Okay." Linde nodded, looked at Patch Face who was peeking outside the door, and said.

However, they did not force Margaery to return to Highgarden. Instead, they thought it would be good for Margaery to stay with Linde.

Although the Duke of Metz and others believed Linde's explanation, they didn't believe much.

As soon as Patchface leaves Shireen, the mysterious power in him will gradually become manic, so Linde can only arrange him and Shireen together.

When they saw Margaery, who was wearing a knight's armor, taking off her helmet and walking out of the team of Lind's attendants, they were all stunned.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but on the way to King’s Landing, they encountered Highgarden’s team at the small town at the intersection of Tumbling Stone Avenue and Rose Avenue. Highgarden’s team included not only the Duke and Duchess of Mace and the Queen of Thorns , and Ellie Tyrell as Margaery's stand-in.

"Go and get ready too! We'll set off today." Lind turned to look at Sansa and said.

For this reason, Lind had to explain the situation and ask Sansa to testify. He did not want to cause any misunderstanding and let Nymeria hear it.

They knew very well that although High Court was still nominally Linde's lord, in fact the gap in strength between the two was huge. Just like in this war, Linde did not send a single soldier. A bystander obtained the two territories of Storm's End and Dragonstone after the war, and judging from various signs, Winterfell will also be controlled by him because of Sansa.

As a result, the Stormlands, Royal Territory and the North are almost all under its influence, and recently, Dorne Sunspear's fleet is rumored to have been integrated into the Miracle Fleet, which shows that Dorne has also been integrated into it. Within Linde's sphere of influence, it is no exaggeration to say that if Linde wants to sit on the Iron Throne now, it is not impossible.

The Duke of Metz and others were also surprised to encounter Linde, but what was even more surprising was that they did not know that Margaery was with Linde.

Originally, Linde was planning to send Patchface to the Black Cave and leave it to Moroya and the others to study the power of an ancient existence within Patchface, but he soon discovered that the reason why the mysterious power in Patchface seemed so stable was All because of Shireen.

However, this facilitates Linde's research, because when it is necessary to test the mysterious power in Patch Face, there is no need to use any particularly complicated methods. You only need to take Patch Face away from Shireen.

Lind did not plan to ride a dragon to King's Landing this time. Instead, he chose to take a group of entourage to King's Landing via the Rose Avenue like other noble lords of the Seven Kingdoms. However, there was a group of people among the entourage he brought. Somewhat special, they are composed of Sisters of Redemption and Silent Monks. Their task is to bring Queen Cersei back to the Temple of Redemption after the wedding.

After bringing Shireen back to Summerhall Castle, Patchface was also brought here. His strange appearance and behavior made people feel extremely weird. Even Margaery, who had seen many court jesters, couldn't stand it, let alone Sansa, the court jester, is rarely seen.

Shireen no longer resisted and ran out happily, holding Patchface's hand, and went back to her room to get ready.

Sansa watched Shireen leave and murmured: "What a terrible person. I didn't expect Shireen to be close to such a person."

While their families were reunited and weeping with joy, the Duke and Duchess of Metz, the Queen of Thorns and others also looked at Linde a little strangely. They seemed to have misunderstood something, especially after hearing Margaery say she would continue to live in Summer Hall. , when he was not returning to High Court, he looked at Linde as if he were looking at a married man seducing an ignorant girl.

"Yes, my lord." Although Sansa had a strong resistance to King's Landing, which was the source of all nightmares for her, she still endured the discomfort and responded calmly.

It turned out that when Margaery came to Linde, Margaery thought that Linde would inform Highgarden, and Linde also thought that Margaery would inform Highgarden. In the end, both parties misunderstood, and nothing happened. Notifying the High Court side eventually led the High Court side to think that Margaery was missing, and they had been secretly sending people to search for her.

Although the relationship between High Court and Summer Hall has always been good, it is only good. No matter how much the Duke of Metz looks down on Linde's origin, he still hopes to have a good relationship with Linde, or even go further.

Now the appearance of Margaery has just filled this vacancy. Even if she can't become Linde's woman, it's good to be able to work by Linde's side. At least she can know for the first time what measures are taken by Shengxia Hall, so that Gao Ting can prepare in advance.

Along the way, Lind could also feel the change in High Court's attitude toward him, especially the Duke of Metz, and guessed what High Court was planning. He just responded with a smile and did not give anything to the Duke of Metz and others. Substantial commitment. So when their team arrived at King's Landing and the people in Duke Mace's family were chatting, Lynd had the nickname Loach.

When the team arrived at King's Landing, Duke Tywin personally led people to the Gate of the Gods to greet them. The etiquette was solemn and formal, leaving no room for fault.

During the meeting, Lynd led Sansa and Shireen to Lord Tywin.

When Tywin saw Sansa and Shireen, no matter how mature and steady he was, he could not hide a trace of concern. But even so, he still greeted Sansa and Shireen very appropriately, without any sign of an enemy.

Compared to Sansa, who couldn't hide the fear and hostility in her heart after meeting Tywin, Shireen's behavior was more stable, which surprised Tywin.

After entering the city, Lind asked his men to take salutes to his official residence in the city, while he himself took Shireen and Sansa to the Chancellor's Tower in the Red Keep with the Duke of Mace to participate in a battle to deal with the Seven Kingdoms. After-business meeting.

When a group of them arrived at the meeting hall of the Prime Minister's Tower, several people were already waiting there.

Sitting on the throne is King Joffrey I, with Garlan Tyrell beside him, Oberyn the Red Viper sitting in the first place on the right, and next to the Red Viper are Roose Bolton and Catelyn ·Tully.

These people here, including Tywin and the Duke of Mace, who are now coming in, all the guardians and their representatives of the seven kingdoms except the valley are already here.

After Tywin entered, he came directly to his seat. He didn't say anything, but just glanced at Joffrey. Joffrey lowered his head and stood up, giving up his seat to Tywin. When Garland saw this Situation also stood up and gave up his seat to Joffrey. After saying hello to the Duke of Metz, he sat in the auditorium on one side.

After Sansa entered the door and saw her mother, she couldn't help but walked over quickly, but after taking two steps, she stopped again and looked at Catelyn Tully with a complicated expression.

Catelyn Tully also looked at Sansa excitedly and wanted to stand up, but was pushed down by Roose Bolton on the side.

In this regard, Catelyn Tully looked at Roose Bolton with some complaints, but when Roose Bolton showed an unhappy look, he lowered his head and did not look at Sansa again.

Seeing this scene, Sansa had a shocked expression on her face. She had never thought that her mother would become such an extremely disappointed person, and her eyes turned cold when she looked at her mother. , anger, and a little contempt.

Then she sat directly opposite Catelyn, without saying anything, just glaring at her mother. Catelyn Tully no longer lowered her head, but raised her head to look at her daughter calmly.

Seeing Caitlin's changes, Lind was also a little surprised. He could feel that Caitlin had been tamed by Roose Bolton in some way. Although Caitlin still retained some emotions at this time, she He has completely lost himself, and his body and mind are completely dominated by Roose Bolton. It feels like he has gone through the trial of the Redemption Temple.

However, there is an essential difference between the changes in Caitlin and the trials at the Redemption Temple. In addition to ordinary techniques such as religious brainwashing, the trials at the Redemption Temple are more importantly caused by the dual effects of potions and magic. The ideological stamp effect and the core technology all involve magic, so everyone who has passed various levels of trials in the Redemption Temple will have a wave of magic power more or less.

However, there was no magic fluctuation in Caitlin's body. She simply used ordinary people's methods to change her mind.

Roose Bolton's family of Skinned Men has mastered the most advanced torture methods in the entire Westeros continent since ancient times. In the previous series, Ramsay Snow, the Skinned Man, distorted and domesticated Theon's mind. The little skinner's technique is definitely not as good as Roose Bolton's, so Roose Bolton may have taken advantage of the mental blow caused by Robb Stark's murder to Caitlin, took advantage of it, and reversed her mind. Completely turning Caitlin into a puppet that he can control at will.

Lind had no intention of intervening in Catelyn's matter. Sansa would handle these matters herself. He motioned for Shireen to sit down next to Sansa, and then sat directly opposite Tywin.

At this time, Varys and other ministers of the Royal Council came in from outside, including Littlefinger Petyr Baelish. Although he still had a smile on his face, his smile was obviously a bit forced, especially when When he saw Roose Bolton put his hand on Catelyn's leg, his fists clenched.

Because this meeting was not a royal meeting, but a meeting of the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms, Varys and others were not qualified to attend and could only sit in the spectator seats like Garland.

Afterwards, members of the younger generation of the Lannister family, including James, Davon Lannister, and Adam Malbrandt, also came to the conference room one after another and sat on the chairs behind Tywin.

"Everyone has almost arrived, let's get started!" Tywin looked at everyone arriving and said, "Now except for the valley, the dukes, princes and kingdom guardians from other kingdoms have arrived. In the past, this time More than years of war have consumed too much of our financial, material and manpower. All the kingdoms participating in the war have suffered heavy losses and the people are in dire straits. We should not continue this civil war. Now our real enemy is north of the Great Wall, so we are now We should calm down all the fights, let everything return to normal, and concentrate our efforts on dealing with those inhuman enemies." When he said this, he looked at Linde opposite him and said, "Prince Linde, do you think I am right? "

"Lord Tywin, you are right." Lind nodded, then smiled and said: "I said that as long as it does not affect the war against the White Walkers outside the northern wall, then I will not interfere with the Seven Kingdoms. The current civil war has not affected the situation in the north, so if you are still interested in continuing the melee, I will not take action."

After hearing Linde's words, Tywin and others looked at Linde with a strange look. Although Linde seemed to be very rational and spoke completely from a neutral position, anyone present, Not even this little girl Shilin would believe what Linde said.

After more than a year of war, the North, the Riverlands, the Vale, the Westlands, and the Stormlands all suffered numerous casualties. Even the Reach, which finally participated in the war, also suffered many casualties. In the end, Linde took it away without doing anything. Others could only eat the rest of the biggest fruits of victory. A neutral became the biggest winner. Not to mention those who directly participated in the war like Tywin, even the Reach who participated in the war at the end felt that they were taken advantage of.

If anyone really believed Linde's words and continued the fight, they had to doubt that in the end, Linde would be able to become the new owner of the Iron Throne without spending a single soldier.

Therefore, even those conspirators in the crowd who had ulterior motives and wanted to stir up chaos again and profit from it now gave up their initial thoughts and felt that it was best for the matter to end here.

(End of this chapter)

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