Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 358 Patch Face’s Prophecy

Chapter 358 Patch Face’s Prophecy

This meeting was not a spoils-sharing meeting, because there was no spoils to be divided. After Lind controlled Dragonstone, the Stormlands and the North, only the Riverlands had some value.

However, the entire Riverland is now a quagmire. It takes countless manpower and material resources to rebuild the territory. Not to mention the Western Territory, even if the Riverlands are included, it will be difficult to restore the Riverlands to normal in a short time. level, in this case, Lord Tywin naturally lacks interest in it.

Therefore, at the end of the entire meeting, only one issue was completed, which was to end all disputes, recognize the legitimacy of Joffrey I's Iron Throne, and sign a peace agreement to this end.

The people who signed this agreement were King Joffrey I of the Iron Throne, Duke Tywin of the West, Duke Mace of the River Bend, Duke Sansa of the North, Duke Shireen of the Stormlands, and Catelyn of the Riverlands. There were six dukes, and Linde signed the agreement as a witness. The agreement was also kept by Linde. Once someone violated the agreement, Linde, as a witness, would directly intervene to punish them.

Although there is no Valley to participate, when the other six kingdoms all agree on one thing, it doesn't matter whether there is Valley or not.

When signing the agreement, Lind could clearly feel that both Sansa and Caitlin hesitated. It was obvious that they were unwilling to recognize the legitimacy of Joffrey I, but the current situation did not allow them to have any objections.

"There are two more things." After putting the agreement away and Duke Tywin inviting everyone to attend the banquet he held, Lind stopped everyone and said: "The first thing is to ask Duke Tywin to bring the Stark family to the throne. Return the clan sword Ice to Lord Sansa."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Tywin in unison.

Tywin hesitated for a moment, turned around, and took out the Valyrian steel sword Ice from the cabinet behind him.

Perhaps he wanted to make Sansa look embarrassed, so he deliberately walked up to Sansa and handed over the sword.

The moment Joffrey's words came out, everyone in the room couldn't help but look at Joffrey. None of them expected that Joffrey would stab Cersei in the back, but Joffrey actually enjoyed being treated like this. With everyone paying attention, he even thought that he had made a good decision, with a proud expression on his face.

Tywin hesitated for a moment, and Joffrey I, who had been sitting next to him and was suppressed by Tywin and dared not speak, suddenly said: "I also think Prince Lynde's proposal is good, and it would be good for my mother to adapt to the life of a nun in advance. "

"Father..." James broke away from Garland who was half-letting go, walked up to Tywin, and said angrily: "Do you really want Cersei to become a nun?"

The two looked at James after hearing this, then stood up and left the room.

"I also think Queen Cersei should be handed over to Prince Lynd to control her." Sansa also said at this time. There is no doubt that she is full of hatred for the Lannisters. She can make one Lannister suffer and make other Lannisters suffer. Nist felt uncomfortable, so she naturally wouldn't let him go.

"That's enough! Jaime, have you had enough trouble?" Sensing that Jaime might be going to make matters worse, Tywin immediately scolded Jaime, and then said to Lynd: "I hope that Cersei can attend the end of Qiao Dynasty." Go to the Holy Tower of Redemption for Fo Li’s wedding.”

"Lind, you've gone too far!" James couldn't help but stood up and yelled.

At the same time, Caitlin also represented Riverrun and said that Duke Tywin should keep his promise. Although Shireen didn't understand what was going on, she also knew that she should echo her words at this time. As for the Red Viper Oberon saw so many people here. He didn't get involved in the Lannister family, but drank the wine from Tywin's collection and watched the show.

"Go, bring Cersei here." Tywin ordered Adam Malbrand and Davon Lannister.

Obviously, in Joffrey's view, his mother Cersei is just a rival for his rights. If Cersei is around, he will always be Cersei's child. Only when he is free from Cersei's control will he be His Majesty Joffrey I. .

"When you ask this question, use your head." Tywin did not answer directly, but scolded James and said, "After attending the wedding, you will return to Casterly Rock City."

Although everyone present knew that Tywin was the one who called the shots in the Red Keep, Joffrey I was still the lord of the Iron Throne after all, and the weight of his words at special times was unmatched by others.

James wanted to get rid of Garland's arm, but couldn't, which made him yell in embarrassment: "Boy, go away! If my right hand is still there..."

However, he did not expect that while living in Summerhall Castle, Sansa also received combat training from the Sisters of Redemption. Although it was difficult for her to fight alone, it was not a problem to hold a Valyrian steel sword. of.

Lynde then said: "The second thing is that I hope that Lord Tywin can keep his promise and hand over Queen Cersei to me and let me bring her back to the Temple of Redemption."

And more importantly, he believes that Cersei is a tool used by Tywin to control him. Once Cersei is lost, Tywin will no longer be able to control him like he does now, and he will be able to enjoy the true rights of a king.

When she saw the ice returned to Sansa's hand, Catelyn showed a look of joy, and then a look of sadness. When Roose Bolton took her hand, she calmed down those emotions. .

James felt that Lind's move was humiliating him. He was so angry that he went to his head. Regardless of the strength gap between the two and his current situation, he wanted to step forward to attack Lind, but was stopped by Garland. .

Lynd ignored Jaime and looked at Tywin.

"It's not that I don't want to wait, but I can't trust James. He will definitely do something wrong for Queen Cersei, and it will really end badly." Lind pointed at James and said, "Let Cersei do something wrong." Queen Mother Xi stays with the Sisters of Redemption. When she attends the wedding, she is accompanied by the Sisters of Redemption. After the wedding, she is sent to the Church of Redemption. This is my bottom line."

So the person in the room who wants Cersei to be sent to the Sanctuary the most is Joffrey.

After hearing Tywin's words, Lynd suddenly noticed that Jaime was not wearing the white cloak of the Kingsguard. This made him a little surprised, and he was also curious about how Tywin persuaded Jaime.

Faced with Tywin's rebuke, James lowered his head and walked aside in frustration without saying anything more.

Not long after, Cersei, dressed in gorgeous clothes, was brought over by Davon and Adam. After seeing everyone in the room, she had obviously realized her fate, and her face became extremely gloomy.

"From now on, Cersei will be in your care, Prince Lynd." Tywin said to Lynd.

"I will never agree..." Upon hearing this, Cersei immediately yelled at Lynde and Tywin, wanting to resist.

However, she immediately found that her mouth was blocked by an invisible thing, and her body was also bound by the invisible thing, and her whole person was also held by the invisible object and suspended in the air.

After using telekinesis to restrain Cersei, Lind turned around and saluted everyone, saying: "Everyone, I will take my leave first. Before the wedding of His Majesty Joffrey and Miss Ellie, I will stay in the mansion in the city. If you If you have anything, you can come to me."

After saying that, he turned and walked out of the meeting hall. Cersei was also controlled by him to float in the air and left with him, while Shireen and Sansa quickly followed. After Linde left, it took a long time for everyone in the room to recover from the scene just now.

"Did he use magic just now?" Duke Metz asked in surprise.

"Probably not." Red Viper Oberon frowned and said: "I have seen the way dark warlocks, shadow binders, and fire warlocks cast magic. The power Lind used just now is very different from those magics. .”

When the Red Viper was explaining to Duke Mace, Tywin couldn't help but look at the two of them, with a slightly suspicious look on his face.

After Lind left the Red Keep, he handed Cersei over to the Redemption Sisters who were waiting outside the Red Keep. Cersei was already frightened by what had just happened. Even if her restraints were removed, she still remained. Without slowing down, she allowed the Sister of Redemption to stuff her into the carriage.

The group returned to Linde's official residence in King's Landing. Although it was very close to the Steel Gate, and this area was also part of the battlefield during the siege, both the defenders and the attackers were careful. He avoided this official residence, so his official residence became one of the few buildings in this area that was still intact.

At the same time, because this official residence was a taboo place in the hearts of both warring parties, most of the residents living nearby ran to Linde's official residence to take refuge. The person responsible for maintaining the official residence obtained Linde's consent. , also received these refugees until the end of the war.

So when Linde returned to the official residence, many people saw the crest of the Terra family on the carriage and guessed who was in the carriage. They stood on the side of the road and saluted Linde. These were obviously all in People who took refuge in the official residence and survived.

When Lind returned to the mansion, it was already evening. He had no intention of having any conversation with Cersei. He directly asked the accompanying Sisters of Redemption to take Cersei down and treat Cersei according to the training method of the Sisters of Redemption.

"Can I go and have a look?" Sansa watched Cersei being taken away by the Sisters of Redemption, and couldn't help but ask Lind.

Upon hearing this, Linde looked at Sansa again with a strange expression, and then said solemnly: "You can watch, but you are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Sister of Redemption."

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you." Sansa thanked her quickly and quickly caught up.

At this time, Patchface, who had come to the mansion first, also ran out of the house, and then danced and sang beside Shirin, singing some confusing-sounding sentences.

"Red, purple, squeezing his neck to scream, many faces looking at him, laughing and shouting, I know, I know, the rusty chair can't sit on it, I know!"

To other people, what Patchface sang was just random, meaningless sentences, but to Linder's ears, he knew what Patchface was singing.

However, what puzzled him was who wanted to kill Joffrey now?

In the books of the previous life, Joffrey was killed by the Rose Family and Littlefinger jointly. The reason is simple. Littlefinger needs more chaos, while the Rose Family needs a king who can control it.

But the situation is different now. Littlefinger has obtained Harrenhal, and with the Lannister family and Roose Bolton occupying Harrenhal twice respectively, as well as the evil mountain and the warrior group, etc. People are raiding the surrounding areas of Harrenhal. Harrenhal now has no power to resist Littlefinger's control. The only thing Littlefinger needs to worry about is Roose Bolton, so he no longer needs to create chaos at this moment. Chaos will not only gain nothing, but may even lose Harrenhal, which he has already obtained.

As for the Rose family, there is even less reason to kill Joffrey, because the Rose family only paid for a noblewoman from the Tyrell family, but they got a king, and this king now trusts Garland Tyrell very much. , also intends to support the Tyrell family against the powerful Duke Tywin, so the Rose family is even less likely to assassinate Joffrey.

Just when Lind was wondering who would kill Joffrey, the manager of the mansion came over with an eleven or twelve-year-old child and introduced: "My lord, this is Lord Tyrion's squire. "

Lind was stunned when he heard this, and soon realized that this child might be Podrick.

Lynde asked Podrick: "Tyrion sent you here because he wanted me to help him persuade Lord Tywin to let him out, right?"

"No, it's not!" Podrick was a little nervous, stuttered, and then said carefully: "Lord Tyrion hired a Myrian cook not long ago, who can cook a lot of delicious food. He wanted to invite Come over and have a meal."

Lind smiled and said: "Myr Cook? This reason is a bit new. If my guess is correct, Jaime should be with Tyrion now, right?"

Podrick didn't answer, just lowered his head slightly.

"There's no need to go have a meal. If I go, the two brothers won't be able to eat." Lind shook his head and said, "Go tell Tyrion that if he is willing to come and work with me, I will Go and beg Lord Tywin to let him go. If you don't want to, there is no need to meet."

After saying that, he asked the supervisor to take Podrick out.

After Podrick left, he hurried back to Tyrion's residence.

Just as Lind guessed, Jaime Lannister was drinking wine here. After seeing Podrick come back, he wanted to ask for the result, but he did not ask because all the answers were unknown. It was written on Podrick's face.

"He knows Jaime is here with me, right?" Tyrion quickly guessed.

Podrick nodded, and then repeated Lind's words.

After hearing this, Tyrion reached out and patted James and said, "Give up! There is no way Cersei will leave the Salvation Temple again."

"Is there no other way?" James asked sadly.

"Have you not figured out the situation yet?" Tyrion emphasized, saying: "Now you are the only one in King's Landing who wants to get Cersei out. Our father, Cersei's son, and even me, all hope that Cersei will die. Just stay in the Redemption Temple and give up! No one can save her."

After hearing this, James' face was gloomy, he was silent for a moment, drank the wine in the glass in one breath, stood up and walked out without looking back.

Looking at James's leaving figure, Tyrion couldn't help but feel worried.

(End of this chapter)

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