Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 361 1 bottle of poison

Chapter 361 A bottle of poison

Facing Varys's silence, Tyrion felt a little anxious. After taking a few sips of wine, he went to the small opening under the cell door where food was delivered, and said loudly toward the outside: "Seven gods above, Varys, You just had that thing cut, not your throat."

Wallis said calmly: "Sir, half of your current situation is due to your mouth."

Tyrion said disapprovingly: "If it weren't for my mouth, I wouldn't be alive until now. I would have been killed by those savages in the valley!" As he said, he asked with great concern: "Wa Reese, do you know something? Tell me quickly and don't make me anxious."

Varys sighed and said, "My lord, you are very smart. You should already know what situation you are in. Why bother asking me again? Didn't your brother James make it clear to you?"

Tyrion took another sip of wine and said with a gloomy face: "Father will not allow Joffrey..."

"My lord, my lord, my lord, after so many years, you have not understood your position in Lord Tywin's heart." Varys came out of the shadows, with pity in his eyes, looking through the bars of the cell door. Looking at Tyrion, he said: "Your only value to him is that you can reproduce, inherit Casterly Rock, and continue the Lannister family. But once you lose these values, then in his mind What's left in it? I think all that's left is hatred. He hates you for being a deformed dwarf, hates you for killing his wife, hates you for humiliating the reputation of the Lannister family and marrying a prostitute... "

"That's enough! That's enough! Don't say any more!" Tyrion yelled loudly and slammed the bottle in his hand on the door.

"Which of my words irritated you? The dwarf or the prostitute?" Wallis said pretending to be confused.

Tyrion glared at Varys and said, "Varys, if possible, I think your mouth should be torn apart."

The woman smiled and saluted Varys, and then walked quickly along the path along the Blackwater Bay towards the city outside the Red Castle.

After Varys left, Tyrion reached out with trembling hands and grabbed the bottle of poison outside.

When Tyrion heard this, his body couldn't help but tremble. In his opinion, his nephew would definitely do this. He knew Joffrey's hatred for him all too well.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the shadow, "You shouldn't be here."

Under the weak illumination of the oil lamp, the two Varys were almost identical, except for their clothing.

Varys, who had just come out of the cell, looked at the other party and asked calmly: "I shouldn't appear here, so where should I appear? Lord Varys."

As the words fell, another Varys was seen walking out of the shadows.

"Sorry! I can't save you, I'm just a useless person who doesn't have that stuff!" Wallis shrugged, then squatted down, took out a small bottle from his pocket, and placed it in front of the small opening for delivering food. Said: "This is a bottle of poison. If the day comes, you may be able to commit suicide so that you will not suffer the pain."

Varys left the cell, got into the secret passage, and walked along the complicated secret passage toward the outside of the Red Keep. Soon he came to the exit near Blackwater Bay.

Varys shook his head and said: "Don't worry, you can't be a night watchman, because His Majesty Joffrey has planned to kidnap you on the way to the Great Wall, and then he will torture you in the most cruel way. Until his death, he even went to Lord Roose Bolton to learn how to skin people alive."

Tyrion said without hesitation: "Impossible, there is absolutely no way I can put on a black robe. Let me be a night watchman. It's better to let me die."

After saying that, he ignored Tyrion's reaction, stood up, and walked into the dark corridor.

Wallis smiled and said: "Of course, I think you should do this, but you must grow taller. Otherwise, with your current height, you may not be able to touch my mouth even if you jump."

When Tyrion heard this, he suddenly fell silent, and his mood suddenly changed from furious to calm. He looked at Varys with a strange look and said in a deep voice: "Varys, the way you talk now is the same as your usual way. Something is different, tell me! Why are you deliberately stimulating me like this?"

"My lord, you are so smart." Varys praised him, but his tone didn't sound like a compliment, but sounded more like a mockery. "Duke Tywin will not stop His Majesty Joffrey from trying you. But he will find an opportunity to make you put on a black robe to save your life..."

"I hope you will do what you say." Wallis looked at the other party with a gloomy face.

"Varys, can you save me?" Tyrion said with a slightly trembling tone.

The woman looked at Wallis and said, "After a while, someone may need to use your identity again. By then, the debt between that person and you will be cleared."

Suddenly he stopped and looked towards the shadow of a bush not far away.

"Sorry, Lord Varys." Varys came out of the cell and wiped his hand on his face, then transformed into a woman who can be seen everywhere in King's Landing. Then she took off her bloated clothes, revealing An old long skirt worn underneath.

Varys stared at the person in front of him who looked exactly like himself, and said, "You can want revenge, but you shouldn't use my identity. This will cause a lot of trouble to me."

Watching the woman leave, Wallis' nervousness eased a little, and the hand in his sleeve moved away from the hidden dagger.

Although the atmosphere of the conversation just now was calm, Varys could feel that the other party had the idea of ​​killing him and replacing his identity. Fortunately, the other party gave up.

As for the reason why the other party gave up, Varys was certain that it was not because of himself. He speculated that it was most likely because of Linde Terra who was currently in the city, because once he replaced his identity, he would inevitably break up with Linde Terra, and There was no way the Faceless Man's disguise could fool Lynd Terra.

After leaving the Red Fort, the woman entered a small alley, walked through the narrow streets, walked through several corridors, and finally came to an ordinary-looking house.

She was about to open the door and enter the hut, but suddenly stopped again, turned around and walked to a dark alley opposite, sat on the corner of the street, covered her body with a rag, dressed as if she was looking for a quiet place. The place is like a beggar waiting to die.

Just after the woman had finished her disguise, she saw the door of the previous room being opened, and then some heavily armed soldiers walked out of the house and spread out to form a protective circle.

Then another girl in luxurious clothes came out of the house, and this girl was pulling another girl in simple clothes. The two stood at the door and said something. The two girls spoke very quietly. Even in this remote and quiet alley, you couldn't hear their voices clearly. And even if you could hear their voices clearly, you wouldn't understand what they said because they were talking with each other. The language has a strong northern accent. Unless you are a native of the northern border, it is difficult for anyone to understand the pronunciation of the common language that has been changed beyond recognition.

The two girls talked for a while and then reluctantly separated. The girl in gorgeous clothes led the group of people out of the alley, while the girl in simple clothes calmly watched the other party leave, with a look of reluctance on her face. The expression was gradually replaced by a cold look.

The woman disguised as a beggar took off her rags, walked out of the dark alley, came to the girl, and said: "Someone should not meet the sisters from the past at this time, because someone's behavior may cause Plan failed."

"In that case, why are you going to see your past husband again? Wouldn't it be more dangerous?" the girl retorted.

When the woman listened to the other party's words, her eyes became extremely cold, so cold that the air around her seemed to freeze.

The girl felt that the other party was really angry, so she immediately changed the subject and said, "I saw that Sansa wanted to use her connections to sneak into Prince Lind's team and enter the Red Castle wedding banquet that day."

"How to enter the venue has been planned before. Someone should not change the plan without authorization, let alone involve Lind Terra." After saying that, she turned and walked out of the alley, and said at the same time: "This The stronghold has been destroyed. Go to the next stronghold and act according to the original plan. Someone should forget about the stupid plan they had in mind."

Hearing the woman's words, the girl couldn't help curling her lips, but without saying anything more, she quickly caught up with the woman without even closing the door of the house behind her.

Later, people passing by this alley discovered that the door of this house was open. They couldn't help but curiously looked inside, and shouted twice tentatively.

After realizing that there was no one in the house, he couldn't help but have a trace of greed on his face, then looked around, then entered the house, plundered something from inside, and then hurried out.

Immediately afterwards, other people discovered the empty house with the door open, and one after another people entered the house and moved some things, and their actions also destroyed any traces left by the previous occupants of the house.

When Linde came to the outside of the house with the Redemption Sister and the Silent Monk, the house was in a mess, and no clues could be found.

"Sir, do you need us to send someone to search for you?" The director of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce in Junlin City, who was following Linde, came up and asked in a low voice.

"No need." Linde shook his head and said, "You may not be able to find it, and even if you find it, it may be a trouble."

After Sansa returned to the mansion, she never thought about hiding her experience. She also knew that she couldn't hide it. After all, there was a team of Chosen Sons around her to protect her. Although they were talking on the second floor, who could It was guaranteed that no one in the Chosen Son would hear their conversation, so as soon as she returned to the official residence, she took the initiative to find Linde and reported to him what had happened before.

In fact, Sansa saw Arya yesterday, but she was not able to confirm Arya's identity at that time, and Arya also saw her, perhaps because of dissatisfaction with her, or because of the people around her The chosen son of God, Arya did not dare to approach and chose to hide among the crowd.

Today, she came to the place where she met Arya again to see if she could wait until Arya appeared.

As a result, Arya really showed up. After the two sisters reunited and exchanged pleasantries, before Sansa could take Arya to Lind's mansion, Arya took Sansa to the place where she now lives. .

The two talked a lot in the room, but the main content was that Arya wanted to avenge Lord Eddard and wanted Sansa to help her. At the banquet of Joffrey's wedding, she would try to assassinate Joe by sneaking into the wedding banquet. Lord Frey and Tywin.

After listening to Sansa's narration, Lynd also realized who was going to kill Joffrey in Patchface's prophecy.

Linde was originally not prepared to get involved in this matter, but he thought that the other party's plan might conflict with his own, so he planned to meet with the other party first to understand the other party's plan and avoid conflicts between the two.

Unfortunately, the other party was obviously much smarter than he expected and did not give him a chance to meet. After meeting with Sansa, he left.

Since the other party is not willing to meet with him, Linde naturally does not need to force it.

Originally, he wanted to see Tyrion who was imprisoned in the cell, but when he thought of this woman who was planning revenge, he gave up the idea. In the following days, not only himself, but also Sansa stayed. In the official residence.

Two days before the wedding, the confession ceremony for Cersei had been successfully completed. When Cersei knelt at Lind's feet and kissed the instep of Lind's feet to show her faith in the Seven Gods, Lind actually felt something from her. The kind of extreme piety that only a fanatic can have.

"Have you completed the Piety Trial?" Lind looked at Cersei in surprise, then turned to the others and asked.

"No, that's it after completing the confession ceremony." Sister Linda shook her head, and then she reminded: "Actually, her situation is not an exception. Serelia, the head of the nuns, also directly became a disciple after completing the confession ceremony. A fanatic."

Hearing Linda's words, Lind also looked at Cersei kneeling on the ground in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that she was equated with Cerelia.

Cerelia is the most special one among the nuns, because after she completed all the trials and became a nun of redemption, she was able to obtain the thunder dragon rune mark after completing the pious oath to Linde, just like he used Like the power of the nameless king's runes, she can also exert the power of thunder and lightning by borrowing the power of the rune marks in her heart.

Because of this, when she formed the nuns to go to the Great Wall of Despair, she naturally became the leader of the nuns. Her status in the Church of Salvation is second only to Bishop Hulen, Sister Melissa and Elder Colin.

"Do you think she might become the second Serelia?" Lind asked with some doubts.

"It's possible." Sister Linda was not sure.

Lind thought for a while and asked, "Can we conduct subsequent trials now?"

"Okay." Linda nodded and said.

Linde made a decision: "Then let's continue with the subsequent trials! See if we can make her an official nun of salvation before the wedding."

(End of this chapter)

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