Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 362 Cersei’s Change

Chapter 362 Cersei’s Change

The wedding of King Joffrey I and Ellie Tyrell was held on time. Except for the North, all the noble lords of the Seven Kingdoms came to King's Landing to attend the wedding, even the lords of the Riverlands who had regarded them as enemies not long ago. and nobles also came to King's Landing City.

Because after the peace agreement signed by the guardian dukes of the six kingdoms and their representatives was made public, everyone knew that the war was over, and there was no point in continuing the hatred. The most important thing to do now was to go to King's Landing and try to get some benefits. In particular, those nobles who have no owner's territory hope to use this wedding to make friends with powerful people and obtain the inheritance rights of their territory.

Even the nobles in the valley participated in person or sent people, but the people sent were just some small nobles in the valley, while the real big nobles were busy fighting the civil war.

Because of the Iron Throne's appointment, the valley is now divided into two groups of people. One group is the rear party headed by Lysa Tully, and the other group is headed by Bronze Yohn Royce, Earl of Runestone City. The great aristocratic party.

Because of Lysa Tully's inaction during the Wildling Rebellion, the people in the valley hated the duchess extremely, so they, led by Yohn Royce, used the will of the Iron Throne to seize Robert Elmore. Lin's custody rights and evict Lysa Tully.

Lysa Tully was naturally not willing to give in. While sealing all roads to the Eagle's Nest, she sent a message to Littlefinger in King's Landing, and Littlefinger handed over some of his men in the valley to Lysa Tully. , to resist the oppression of the great noble forces in the valley.

Although the power of the great nobles in the valley now has the upper hand, almost 80% of the great nobles have expressed their intention to drive away Lysa Tully and let the people of the valley govern the valley themselves.

But the problem is that Lysa Tully controls Robert Arryn, the lord of all the nobles in the valley, and she occupies the natural barrier of the Eyrie, which prevents them from messing around, and the situation in the valley is deadlocked.

As a result, they were not in the mood to pay attention to King Joffrey I's wedding, which was a major event related to the formal alliance between the West and the Reach. They just asked some minor nobles or knights to attend the ceremony on their behalf.

However, some people couldn't see it, and when Joffrey met with the ministers, he took the initiative to stand up and request Joffrey: "Your Majesty, today is your wedding day, Lord Tyrion is just a suspicion, and If he is not completely convicted, he cannot be regarded as a traitor. After all, he is your family member. Letting him attend your wedding in chains will undermine your majesty. I am willing to guarantee Lord Tyrion. He will never take advantage of it. You ran away from the wedding, so please grant me this small request."

"Stop talking! I won't run away. Even if I want to run away, I have to wait until after the trial. I don't believe it. Are everyone blind? Can't you see that it is simply slander?" Tyrion refused. At this time, he saw two Kingsguards approaching, and signaled James to stop talking, and then changed the subject a little stiffly, saying: "Didn't you notice that there are a few people missing here?"

Afterwards, the palace master of ceremonies continued to introduce the dignitaries of the Seven Kingdoms attending the wedding.

"To block them, what should you use to block them? Your broken hand?" Tyrion looked at his brother and made a not-so-funny joke, then shook his head and said, "Don't forget me, the Tyrell family just now The boy who acted as guarantee for me, if I escape, he will be punished by Joffrey."

Facing Garland's request, Joffrey was silent for a moment and said: "If it were someone else's request, I would refuse without hesitation and arrest the person who made the request as an accomplice of the traitor for interrogation, but you Garlan Tyrell is different. You are a good guy. I should give you some face, but never again. Don’t waste my good feelings for you on this kind of thing." As he said, he ordered to his Kingsguard. Said: "Unlock the shackles of traitor Tyrion and find two people to follow him."

After hearing Tyrion's crime, most people immediately understood that Tyrion was wronged and that it was Joffrey who wanted to punish Tyrion, but none of them were willing to plead for Tyrion or complain. They would rather see the Lannister family's internal strife continue.

King's Landing, which had been somewhat depressed due to the war, has become noisy and prosperous again. If it weren't for the fact that many of the walls around King's Landing had not been repaired and some of the siege equipment discarded by Stanlis' army had not been cleared away, perhaps people would have I have forgotten that a siege that lasted for more than a month took place here not long ago.

On the contrary, Tywin's face had always been gloomy, so that the nobles who tried to please the new king did not dare to approach him.

Because of the wedding, Tywin lifted Jaime's confinement, and Joffrey also released Tyrion from prison, but he made Tyrion wear handcuffs and shackles on the grounds of suspected treason and preventing escape. Come to the wedding.

"Of course." Garland stepped back with a smile.

"Your Majesty, your kindness is amazing." Garlan smiled and saluted Joffrey, bowed and stepped back.

Garland said disapprovingly: "Don't worry, His Majesty Joffrey will not..."

"Lord Garland, your ability to speak for me is already a great help to me." Tyrion thanked him very sincerely: "However, during the trial, you'd better not speak. My nephew is not What a magnanimous person, one moment you will be his best friend, and the next moment he will pick up his coward's crossbow and aim it at you."

"How many people are missing?" James was so focused on how to rescue Tyrion that he didn't pay attention to the situation in the throne room. After hearing Tyrion's reminder, he looked around and found nothing. Exceptions.

Tyrion didn't care about this. He ate what he needed to eat and drank what he needed to drink. He didn't feel there was anything embarrassing about his current attire.

"Thank you! The boy from the Rose family." After untying the shackles, Tyrion picked up a bottle of wine and two glasses, walked to Garland, poured a glass of wine for Garland and himself, and said.

"What a nice boy, but it's a pity that his surname is Tyrell." Jaime muttered as he watched Garland leave, and then whispered to Tyrion: "I have prepared a boat, waiting for Jofer When you and Ellie Tyrell go to Baelor Cathedral to complete the wedding ceremony, your former subordinates Bronn and Podrick will look for opportunities to take you away. If anyone is chasing you, I will stop them. "

Seeing that the person interceding for Tyrion turned out to be Garland Tyrell, many people were surprised, even Tywin, because the internal strife in the Lannister family was a problem for the Tyrell family no matter what. Good thing.

"Everyone knows that you have been wronged, my lord. Unfortunately, my ability is limited and I can only do some meaningless things. I cannot really help you." Garland took the wine glass and said apologetically: "Wait until after the wedding. , when His Majesty Joffrey judges you, I will defend you, but I don’t think His Majesty Joffrey will listen to my defense.”

Before Garland could finish speaking, James came to the side and interjected: "Excuse me, I have something to discuss with my brother. Can we be alone for a while?"

James shook his head and said, "Don't worry about that boy. He is the future Duke of Highgarden and is currently the commander of the allied forces in the Reach in King's Landing. Even if Joffrey punishes him, it won't be too severe."

Tyrion gave the answer directly: "Cersei, Lynd, Sansa and Shireen, they are not here."

After hearing Tyrion's instructions, James noticed that there were a few important people missing here.

At the same time, Duke Tywin and Duke Mace, who were sitting at the head of the table, also noticed that a few important people were missing, and asked their subordinates if they would send someone to inform Linde at his official residence in the city.

Just when everyone was wondering that Linde hadn't appeared yet, the palace master of ceremonies outside promptly announced the names of the arriving nobles. "The Summer Hall, the Stone Steps Islands and the Prince of the Narrow Sea, Lord Lynd Terra, the beloved of the Seven Gods, have arrived."

"Lord Shireen Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End and Warden of the Stormlands, has arrived."

"The Duke of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Lady Sansa Stark has arrived."

"Queen Cersei has arrived."

As the last name was announced, Lind led Shireen and others into the throne room from the outside. After saluting Joffrey, they sat down on the seats prepared for them.

The one who attracted the most attention among this group of people was not Lynd, nor the two girl dukes, Shireen and Sansa, but Queen Cersei, who was dressed in the civilian clothes of a nun of salvation.

Not to mention the people in the throne room who are familiar with Cersei like Joffrey, Tywin, Jaime and Tyrion, even the servants who have only seen Cersei from a distance are all I felt that Cersei's whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes.

This change is not a change in appearance, but a change in overall temperament. In the past, Cersei's temperament was noble, arrogant, vicious, etc., which made people feel at arm's length, but now Cersei's temperament is peaceful, Elegant and peaceful, just like a real nun.

"My eyes are a bit bad. That nun should be Cersei, right?" Tyrion stared at Cersei who looked like a real nun in stunned silence. He couldn't help being shocked and pulled James aside who had the same expression. asked.

"Huh? Maybe...?" James couldn't be sure at all. As a pillow person, he knew Cersei very well, but now Cersei's temperament was completely different from the person in his memory. He was a little confused for a while.

The most confused person was probably Joffrey, who was sitting next to him. He looked at his mother blankly, and after a while, he said, "Mother, how come you... why have you become different?"

However, Cersei did not answer him, just turned her head and looked at Joffrey coldly.

This kind of cold gaze was something Joffrey had never felt before, and he couldn't help but shudder.

"Lord Linde, how did Cersei become like this?" Tywin also noticed that something was wrong with Cersei and asked Linde who was standing aside.

Before Lind could answer, Cersei took the initiative and said: "Father, don't worry, I just completed all the redemption trials. The trials washed away my past sins and made me feel the glory of the Seven Gods. The Seven Gods saved me from sin and allowed me to regain my life. I feel better than ever now, like a newborn baby."

Looking at Cersei with a pious look on her face, Tywin didn't know what to say for a moment.

Linde also spoke at this time: "Lord Tywin, please don't worry. As Cersei said, her condition is indeed very good. Since the trial of redemption, Cersei is the first person to have such a great success in such a short period of time." The person who completes all the trials will become the second head of the order of nuns after she completes the training of all the Sisters of Redemption in the near future.”

In fact, not only those who saw Cersei's changes were surprised, Linde was also extremely surprised not long ago when he saw Cersei successfully completed the final trial of redemption and her body perfectly integrated with the trial potion.

You must know that even the current head of the nuns, Serelia, has only completed about 95% of the fusion of the last trial potion. Her body has a brief rejection reaction, and some potions and sweat Excreted from the body together through the pores.

But Cersei is different. She perfectly integrates all the potions without any rejection reaction. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as she undergoes combat training from the Sisters of Redemption, Cersei's combat ability will be comparable to that of Nymeria. Comparable, if the frozen dragon rune is added, she will even be stronger than Nymeria, of course, provided that Nymeria does not use the power of the Rhoyne River.

Just like Serellia, after completing all the trials, Cersei also established a connection with Lind in the heart or soul, treating Lind as a god, and also gained from Lind. A dragon rune mark, but unlike Selelia's thunder dragon rune, what she obtained was the frozen dragon rune.

James also walked over at this time, came to Cersei's side, and asked with concern: "Cersei, why are you like this now?"

Cersei looked at James and said calmly: "Isn't it bad that I am like this now? Jaime, you should let it go. We were all wrong before, and now we are back on track. You inherit Casterly Rock and I get a new life. .You should be happy for me, my brother."

James looked at Cersei now and didn't know what to say for a moment, standing there in a daze.

"How did you do it?" Tyrion also walked to Lind's side and whispered: "She is like, like a saint now?"

"I just inspired her nature!" Linde gave a casual answer. As for whether this answer is true or not, it is not his business to believe it or not.

Although the abnormal commotion caused by Cersei was not small, it quickly subsided and the wedding ceremony continued. After Joffrey met with all the visiting nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, everyone set off for Baelor Cathedral.

When Joffrey arrived at the cathedral, the Queen of Thorns and the Duchess of Highgarden were already waiting there with their bride Ellie Tyrell.

This is the first time that Lind has seen this stand-in for Margaery. What makes Lind feel weird is that this Ellie Tyrell is more similar to Cersei than to someone from the Tyrell family. , this similarity is not only in appearance, but also in temperament, which is very similar to the previous Cersei.

After seeing Ellie Tyrell's appearance clearly, many nobles couldn't help but look at Cersei, and compared their appearance and temperament in their minds.

After seeing Ellie, Duke Tywin and other Lannister family members all looked a little ugly, because they also realized some bad things. Only Joffrey looked at his bride with joy. Obviously, he I am very satisfied with my bride.

(End of this chapter)

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