Chapter 363 Snake Cave

When everyone looked at the bride Ellie and Cersei with strange eyes, the wedding was back on track. Joffrey and Ellie were led by the archbishop to the statue of the Seven Gods in the cathedral, and the nobles watching the ceremony stood around. , the two parties swore an oath, exchanged rings, and then the Archbishop certified the marriage of the two in the name of the Seven Gods and blessed the two.

At this time, Lind walked up to Garland and asked in a low voice: "Is this Ellie Tyrell really from the Tyrell family?"

"Of course," Garland replied affirmatively.

Linde added: "You did it on purpose, right?"

This time Garland didn't answer, and just smiled at Linde.

The careful Lind could find that although Ellie Tyrell's appearance is somewhat similar to Cersei's, it is not so similar that it would make people feel that the two are like twin sisters. The main reason for this illusion is probably more. It's mostly about Ellie's makeup and clothes, and the Tyrell family also specially trained her for Cersei's temperament, so that Ellie can look so like Queen Cersei.

It's a pity that the Tyrell family missed Lind. They didn't expect that Lind would completely change Cersei into a saint-like Church of the Seven Gods in just a few days. Sister, otherwise, if Cersei still maintains her previous temperament and stands with Ellie Tyrell, the effect will probably be more prominent and the humiliating effect will be stronger.

There is no doubt that now the Tyrell family has completely repaid the humiliation they suffered due to the inexplicable cancellation of their original engagement, and may even have made a fortune.

However, for the dignitaries of the Seven Kingdoms who came to attend the wedding, Tyrell's revenge is a good thing, because it represents the discord between the West and the Reach, and the pressure on the dignitaries in other places will be much less, otherwise If the two kingdoms join forces, the lords and nobles of other kingdoms, especially the royal territories and the nobles of the Riverlands, will feel very uncomfortable.

After returning to the Red Keep from the cathedral, the wedding banquet was held in the garden. The Duke Guards of the Seven Kingdoms and their representatives were placed in different areas. Even Shireen and Sansa had their own areas.

"Guess." Linde gave an answer that made Red Viper frown.

As described in the books of his previous life, Tyrion sent a rare book, but it was chopped into pieces by Joffrey in front of everyone, and he ordered Joffrey to serve as his squire and give him Pour the wine.

Lynd shook his head and said: "I never said that Joffrey was the lord of the Iron Throne that I recognized. I only said that Joffrey was the heir to the throne designated in the will of the former King Robert Baratheon. He His inheritance is beyond reproach. If I really recognized Joffrey as the King of the Iron Throne, then when Stannis attacked King's Landing, I would have taken action."

Perhaps because she felt too bored, Sansa chose to leave for a while. Others around her didn't pay too much attention. Only Lind looked at Sansa who left thoughtfully. At the same time, he also found that there were other people paying attention to her departure. Sansa, one is Oberyn Martell, the red viper, and the other is Orianna Redwyne, Queen of Thorns.

At the same time, Sansa and Lady Catelyn both looked extremely embarrassed and wanted to stand up to stop the farce, but were held down by Lynd and Roose Bolton respectively.

However, compared to Shireen who was surrounded by the lords and nobles of the Stormlands, Sansa was much deserted. They were all free knights who had sneaked into the banquet through various methods. They seemed to want to take advantage of this opportunity. After being appreciated by Sansa, they are hired by her, and some even try their best to show their charm in front of Sansa, hoping to become Sansa's lover and thus gain a promotion in status.

The Red Viper said solemnly: "I thought Joffrey was the master of the Iron Throne recognized by you, and you would protect him."

Following Joffrey's order, the clowns began to play. Different from the previous book records, there were only four clowns, namely Renly, Stannis, Robb and himself. They watched the clowns representing themselves defeat their opponents one by one. Defeated, he finally cut off Robb's head and sewed it on with the wolf's head, and couldn't help laughing happily.

Lady Catelyn saw Sansa's condition and wanted to go over and talk to her, but ultimately gave up.

Lind asked very clearly: "When did the Faceless Men, the Queen of Thorns and you join forces?"

Red Viper raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Why did you ask me such a question out of nowhere? How do you want me to answer it?"

Later, nobles from all over the world presented gifts to Tyrion and Ellie. Linde prepared a beautiful sword, Sansa gave a set of jewelry, and Shireen gave a set of limited edition specialties from Miracle Port. Makeup box.

If it were Sansa in the past, she would have been dazzled by these peacock-like knights, but now she just feels irritated. After convincing the approaching knights several times, she asked the god responsible for protecting her to The Chosen One surrounded the area where she was and stopped letting people get close to her, which also made her a bit awkward.

After hearing this, the Red Viper breathed a sigh of relief and made a secret gesture. The Queen of Thorns, who had been observing the movement since just now, also breathed a sigh of relief and started talking to the people around her again.

If an ordinary person were talking to him like this, the Red Viper would probably have drawn his sword against him. But now that the person speaking was Linde, the Red Viper could only endure it and asked tentatively: "You want to stop us?" ?”

"No, I said I will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Seven Kingdoms." Lind said calmly: "Just like the Stark family, I have a good relationship with the Stark family. Duke Eddard and Robb died. I didn’t interfere when it happened, and I won’t interfere now either.”

Red Viper's smile gradually faded, and he stared at Linde, trying to figure out something from his face, but couldn't figure out anything. He could only ask directly: "How do you know?"

Seeing this scene, Linde couldn't help but have some bold guesses in his mind, so he walked towards the Red Viper. When he came to the Red Viper, he motioned everyone around the Red Viper to go away, and then said: "What do you want? What the hell are you going to do?"

While the two were talking, Sansa returned to the banquet. Linde discovered that when Sansa came back, she did not come back alone. Two maids from the Red Keep followed her in. The two maids left separately. Near Queen Ellie and behind Tyrion.

During this process, Lind also looked at Roose Bolton and then at the Red Viper strangely. He suddenly realized that he seemed to be missing one person, and that was Roose Bolton, because from Roose Bolton, Judging from some of S Bolton's subtle actions, he has a cooperative relationship with the Queen of Thorns and the Red Viper.

Thinking of this, Lind couldn't help but look at Tywin with some sympathy. Tywin didn't realize that King's Landing was now a snake den, full of giant pythons and poisonous snakes that wanted to tear the lions apart and devour them. There seemed to be no way he could stop this.

What happened next was as recorded in the book of the previous life. Joffrey shamelessly humiliated Tyrion and asked Tyrion to bring him the wine glass on his table. Then Joffrey drank the poisoned wine. , fell to the ground and died. At this moment, the entire banquet suddenly fell into chaos. Cersei rushed over like a normal mother, hugged Joffrey, and cried loudly. Jaime stood aside and stared at everything in front of him, not knowing what to do. .

Only Tywin shouted very calmly and ordered the guards at the banquet to completely seal the banquet and not allow anyone to leave. At the same time, he ordered people to catch Tyrion who was at a loss because everyone saw the cup of poison. The wine was handed over by Tyrion, and the bad relationship between Tyrion and Joffrey was evident just now, not to mention that Joffrey had just made it clear that Tyrion would be tried for treason tomorrow, so the two could It is said that he exists like a mortal enemy.

"It's the strangler." Under Tywin's instructions, Grand Maester Pycelle quickly walked to the body. Seeing the traces of poison on Joffrey's face, he immediately identified what kind of poison he had been poisoned with.

"The strangler is the poison that the regretful guests of Qarth are best at using." The Red Viper also came over at this time, with a serious look on his face, and said: "As far as I know, King Robert once hired someone to hire someone when he was alive. The Regret assassinated Daenerys, the Dragon Queen who now occupies Qarth, once. Could this be Daenerys’ revenge?”

As he spoke, some people couldn't help but look at Linde, who was still sitting calmly in his seat. Many dignitaries attending the banquet were also well-informed people. They already knew about Nymelie of Lorne Kingdom from various channels. Ya has already formed an alliance with Daenerys, the Queen of Dragons, and has begun to jointly conquer the vast area between Qarth and Lorne. Now only the Dothraki on the Dothraki Sea and Slaver's Bay have not been conquered. .

Now the Red Viper is blaming Daenerys for poisoning King Joffrey, which is equivalent to blaming Lynd. This makes people wonder whether the Red Viper has a deep grudge with Lind. , otherwise he would not offend Linde in this way.

However, before Linde could open his mouth to defend himself, the other lords and nobles around him had already expressed that it was absolutely impossible for Linde to do it. They also stood up for Linde and pointed the finger at the Red Viper himself. After all, the Red Viper used its poison to poison the whole world. The continent of Westeros is one of the best. It is not impossible for such a master of poison to prepare a unique poison like the strangler.

Faced with these accusations, Red Viper could only shrug and look helpless.

"My lord, look." At this time, Sandor, the hound responsible for capturing Tyrion, found a bottle from Tyrion and filled it with some liquid.

Tywin took the bottle and looked at it, his face turned livid, and the eyes he looked at Tyrion were full of anger and hatred.

Cersei also looked at Tyrion with hatred, raised her hand and was about to kill Tyrion with the frozen dragon rune, but the power of the dragon rune she had just gathered suddenly disappeared, as if she was being manipulated by the power of the higher-ups. It was like being dispersed, which made her couldn't help but look at Linde. After seeing Linde shaking his head slightly, she had to put down her hands and could only look at the dead child in her arms with a sad face.

"Impossible! It's impossible for Tyrion to kill Joffrey!" James was still in disbelief. He looked at Tyrion who was caught and said, "Tell me, tell me, it wasn't you who did this! The bottle is not yours! Speak, Tyrion Lannister!"

"This is not... this is..." Tyrion looked at the bottle in shock, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Tywin handed the poison bottle in his hand to the Red Viper and said: "Prince Oberon, you know poisons best, tell me what poison is in it."

The Red Viper did not refuse. After taking the medicine bottle, he opened the cork, sniffed it, then dipped the tip of his dagger into a little venom, licked it, then spit it out, and said: "Yes, this is the poison for strangling people." , and judging from the amount of venom in the medicine, it should have been used once, and it may have been used recently."

"I, this bottle..." Tyrion felt that he had fallen into the conspiracy, turned to look at Varys, and said, "Varys gave this bottle to me in the cell a few nights ago."

After hearing Tyrion's words, Varys looked at Tyrion in surprise, as if he didn't understand why Tyrion accused him.

"Why did Varys give you poison?" Tywin looked at Varys, motioned to the guards beside him, sandwiched Varys in the middle, and then asked Tyrion.

Tyrion said quickly: "I told him that if I was convicted of treason in the trial, I would rather die than become a night watchman, so he gave me this bottle of poison and let me go on the road. drink."

Varys couldn't help but look at Tyrion angrily and said: "My lord, are you kidding me? This joke is not funny. I haven't seen you since you were put under house arrest by Lord Tywin, let alone go to the cell to see you. .”

Seeing Varys and Tyrion insisting on their own opinions, Tywin couldn't help but frown. Just when he was about to order them both to be locked up and interrogated slowly, Littlefinger suddenly asked Tyrion. : "When did Varys go to see you, Lord Tyrion?"

Tyrion quickly told a time, and after hearing this time, Tywin couldn't help but froze, and his expression when he looked at Tyrion became colder.

"In this case, Lord Varys will definitely not be able to see you in the cell, let alone provide you with any poison," Littlefinger shook his head and said, "Because Lord Varys was attending a royal meeting in the Prime Minister's Tower at that time, and it was very late. He just left, and when the Prime Minister locked you in the cell, he ordered anyone who wanted to see you to have his warrant. Otherwise, even Lord James would not be allowed to go to the dungeon to see you. Varys also How is it possible to get through the layers of guards and enter the dungeon to see you?"

Tyrion was completely stunned when he heard Littlefinger's analysis. He could not make any excuse. He still looked confused until he was carried back to the cell by the hound.

While everyone's attention was focused on the questioning and defense taking place next to Joffrey's body, Lynd's attention was focused elsewhere. He saw the two maids who followed Sansa into the Red Keep. Before the guards took her away for a search, she handed a bottle to Sansa, who also left her seat and sat behind Lind.

"Give it to me." Lind looked at Sansa, stretched out his hand to her, and said.

Sansa was stunned for a moment, her face turned pale, and after a moment's hesitation, she handed over the poison bottle she just received to Linde.

Linde looked at the identical poison bottle, put it in his pocket, and then continued to watch what happened in the center of the banquet like a bystander.

(End of this chapter)

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