Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 371: An ordinary ascension to the throne

Chapter 371: An ordinary ascension to the throne

Tywin died. All the people and dignitaries in King's Landing who heard the news thought it was just a rumor made up by someone who hated the Lannister family. However, as the Great Sept of Baelor rang the bell that would only be rung after the Prime Minister died. After hearing the sound, everyone realized that it was not a rumor. Tywin, the old lion of the West, was indeed dead.

For the nobles of this era, before Lind appeared, Tywin was definitely a high mountain above the heads of all the nobles. Only the three families of the Riverlands, the North and the Valley could resist his influence alone. The rainy season in Castelme is daunting.

As for the people of King's Landing, their feelings towards Tywin are also very complicated. When Tywin assisted the Mad King, King's Landing prospered like never before. Many people of King's Landing were the beneficiaries of Taiwin's various policies. Wen's reputation at the time even surpassed that of the Mad King, which is why the Mad King was so scrupulous about Tywin.

Similarly, the people of King's Landing also hated Tywin very much, because the army of the West under Tywin's command burned, killed, and looted King's Landing, and committed all kinds of evil. Countless people were victims of that war, and their hatred for Tywin was deeply rooted in their bones.

So when the news of Tywin's death was confirmed, many people cheered, and some even booked a tavern to provide free drinks for a whole day to celebrate Tywin's death. Of course, to the public Of course, we can't say that. We can only claim that this is a tribute to Duke Tywin.

Soon more detailed news came out from the Red Keep. For example, Tywin actually died on the toilet, and dying with him was his son Tyrion's former lover, the one who accused Tyrion at the trial. Ang's prostitute Shae, and what's even more exciting is that the one who killed them turned out to be the little devil Tyrion.

Soon a big ethical drama was figured out by the good guys. For example, the reason why Tywin targeted the little devil Tyrion was actually because he fell in love with Tyrion's woman and wanted to occupy her for a long time, but he also wanted to I wanted to save some face, so I tried to convict Tyrion and then sent him to the Wall.

All in all, in just one day, songs related to this were sung in taverns and brothels, and Lord Tywin's reputation could be said to have been lost overnight.

However, not everyone is interested in such tidbits. Many people are more concerned about the current situation in the Red Keep. You must know that the Hand of the King is dead and the master of the Iron Throne has not yet been selected. What will happen in it? No one knew what had happened, so those people tried their best to bribe the servants and guards of the Red Fort, hoping to get the news as soon as possible.

"Should we arrest Tyrion Lannister now?" Catelyn Tully, who had participated in several royal meetings, took the initiative to make a suggestion for the first time without Roose Bolton's signal.

Now this scandal has completely thrown the reputation of the Lannister family into the quagmire. As the person who will inherit the title of Duke of Casterly Rock, it is definitely a very bad start. He can already imagine what he will face. The ridicule of the nobles of the Western Region, big and small, and the loss of Duke Tywin's intimidation, whether he can still suppress the ambitious lords of the Western Region is a question mark.

"In this case, we need the seal of the King and the King's Hand." Red Viper said solemnly: "But we haven't even chosen the King yet, let alone the King's Hand."

"Ahem!" Duke Mace coughed twice deliberately to ease the awkward atmosphere in the room, and then immediately returned to the topic, saying: "Tyrion must be wanted, but how? Just let the Western Territory announce it himself Wanted, or do we need to have all seven countries issue wanted notices at the same time?”

At this moment, Catelyn Tully was very happy. She watched her enemies die one by one, and they died in such an interesting way. She felt unprecedented happiness, and she couldn't help but smile on her face.

"Lord Garland, are you just going to let these rumors that slander my father continue to spread?" Jaime had just placed Duke Tywin's body. After arriving at the meeting hall of the Prime Minister's Tower, he immediately asked Garland Tilly I got angry and asked.

The other kingdom guards around could not help but look at Caitlin, and they couldn't help complaining that Caitlin smiled too obviously. She was afraid that James didn't know that you, Caitlin, were happy to see Lord Tywin die without any dignity of a nobleman. , even Sansa Stark, as a daughter, felt something was wrong with her mother.

Cersei looked at everyone in the room, then they bowed and said: "I think you are discussing the ownership of the Lord of the Iron Throne. I think I, the Queen Regent, and Prince Tommen should be qualified to attend the meeting. "

"Of course he is wanted throughout the Seven Kingdoms." Duke Metz shouted immediately.

"We are talking about the Iron Throne..." Jaime was about to argue, but Cersei, wearing a nun's uniform, led Tommen to the meeting hall and interrupted him.

Then, I saw Cersei leading Tommen to the chief seat where Lord Tywin used to sit. However, she did not sit in that seat. Instead, she brought two other chairs and placed them behind the chief seat. both sides.

In fact, he still can't accept the death of Duke Tywin, and he can't even accept the cause of Duke Tywin's death. He saw the woman lying on the bed with his own eyes, and also saw his father who was shot to death on the toilet by a crossbow. When I learned that Varys and Tyrion had disappeared, what came to my mind was almost the same as what the rumors said.

James really wants to be wanted only in the West, because he can understand the difficulties of his brother Tyrion, and he also feels guilty for his brother, but he knows very well that with the crimes Tyrion committed, it is impossible to only be wanted in the West. wanted.

"Of course." Everyone nodded.

Garland, who was sitting in the auditorium, signaled to James to calm down, and then replied very formally: "We have arrested seventeen people who actively spread rumors, and there are also more than twenty singers who spread rumors in pubs. He was caught, but these rumors spread too fast and cannot be banned at all. Even if everyone in King's Landing is arrested, those rumors have already spread. Lord James, please forgive me, I have tried my best."

"Lord James, Tommen is not the only heir to the Baratheon family, not to mention the distant Princess Myrcella," Roose Bolton interrupted James and pointed to the chair he was sitting on. Shireen, whose chin was level with the table, said: "The lady Shireen sitting here now is the orthodox Duke Baratheon."

"I propose that Tommen Baratheon succeeds the king." Jaime said without hesitation the candidate he proposed, "Tommen is the only heir of the Baratheon family, he should inherit Baratheon..."

Seeing Cersei arranging their seats in this way, the others nodded slightly, but James had a look of confusion on his face.

James couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. He knew that Garland had tried his best, but the rumors spread were so vicious that they had basically completely ruined the reputation of the Lannister family.

"Now we..." The Duke of Metz was about to continue discussing the ownership of the Iron Throne.

But Cersei interrupted him and said: "Duke Metz, please wait a moment. Prince Lynde has not come yet. We can discuss it better after the prince comes."

The Duke of Metz nodded when he heard this and said, "Yes, let's discuss it better after he comes." About ten minutes later, Linde came in from the outside. He looked at the seats of everyone around him, and then He went directly to the chief seat and sat down, and then apologized to everyone, saying: "Sorry, I was late because I was busy dealing with Lord Tywin's body." Then, he turned to look at James and said, "I Lord Tywin's body has been sealed in ice, and when you return to Casterly Rock for burial, his body will remain the same."

"Thank you very much! Lord Linde." James said with sincere gratitude.

Linde nodded, then looked at everyone and said, "Where are you discussing now?"

Duke Mace responded: "Regarding the wanted arrest of Tyrion, we all believe that Tyrion and Varys should be wanted throughout the seven kingdoms. However, a nationwide arrest requires the king's seal and the prime minister's seal, so we are still Discuss who should be the lord of the Iron Throne."

"There is no need to discuss, just declare who you support as king!" Linde looked at everyone and said: "The people sitting here now are the people with the highest power in other kingdoms. Whoever we support as king, others You can’t object.”

After hearing this, everyone nodded.

When the Red Viper was about to take the initiative and elect Lynd as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei suddenly stood up and said: "Tommen and I both believe that with the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms, the Lord of the Iron Throne needs to be a strong one." Only strong leaders can prevent the Seven Kingdoms from falling into war again, so Tommen and I both believe that the most suitable person to sit in this position is the Chosen One of the Seven Gods, the Summer Hall, the Stepstone Islands, and the Prince of the Narrow Sea, Lynd Terra. Only adults are fit to be Lords of the Iron Throne.”

The Red Viper immediately responded: "On behalf of Prince Doran Martell, Guardian of Dorne, I second the proposal."

Duke Mace also said: "I, Duke of Highgarden and Warden of the Reach, Mace Tyrell, second my proposal."

Then Catelyn Tully, Sansa Stark, and Shireen Baratheon all agreed with Cersei's proposal.

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on James.

James was completely stunned at this moment. Looking at everyone present, he never imagined that they were discussing who would become the king, Myrcella or Tommen, and how they turned into supporting Lind to become the master of the Iron Throne.

However, no matter how unfamiliar he was with politics, he could still see that all this was definitely planned.

And the most important point is that no matter how much he wants to elect Tommen to be the king, if Tommen gives up the throne on his own, what can he do? There is nothing he can do.

In the end, James could only follow everyone's suggestion and said: "On behalf of the Duke of Casterly Rock, I second the proposal, the Warden of the West."

"Now there is only the valley left." Duke Metz said solemnly.

Lin De said in a deep voice: "No need! Just inform the valley directly through an announcement." After saying that, he stood up, looked at everyone, and said: "Since you have elected me to become the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, then I I will not let down everyone’s recommendation, and will work hard to maintain the stability of the kingdom so that your territories can be prosperous and prosperous for a long time. I hope that you can also assist me in governing this huge country."

"I will obey your Majesty's will." Everyone responded.

"Okay, without further ado, let's start today's topic!" Linde took out a document and handed it to the Duke of Metz, saying, "Please read this document and then discuss how to deal with it. "

The Duke of Metz looked down at the document in his hand and found that the content was actually about the battle between the Night Watch Legion and the Savage Tribe outside the Great Wall. He couldn't help but wonder: "Shouldn't we discuss your Majesty's succession ceremony now?"

Lind shook his head and said: "No need, just inform the seven kingdoms. Keep everything simple and every copper coin must be used effectively." After that, he gestured to the Duke of Metz: "Please, Duke of Metz. Finish it quickly, there are others to watch later.”

After hearing this, the Duke of Metz said nothing more and lowered his head to read the documents in his hand.

The other people in the room couldn't help but look at each other, understanding that Linde was probably completely different from the other kings, and they needed to change, otherwise it would be hard to say whether they could still occupy a place here in the future.

If the murder of Duke Tywin by his son Tyrion was a big scandal that shocked the Seven Kingdoms, then the change of dynasty on the Iron Throne from the Baratheon Dynasty to the Terra Dynasty was an earth-shaking event. It was big news. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who heard the news showed an expression of disbelief, and then immediately accused the other party of spreading rumors.

This is not because people who heard the news think that Lind cannot sit on the Iron Throne. In fact, almost everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows that it is easy for Lind to sit on the Iron Throne, not to mention that it is very easy for Lind to sit on the Iron Throne. Linde himself was as powerful as a god. Just his three dragons were enough to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.

What's more, Linde doesn't only have three giant dragons in his possession. News has long spread to the continent of Westeros that Queen Nymeria of the Kingdom of Lorne, Linde's wife, also owns giant dragons, and she's not the only one. One and two are a total of five giant dragons. Although these five giant dragons are still in the state of young dragons, as the young dragons grow, they have been able to assist Nymeria in conquering the city-states of the Essos continent.

It is precisely because of the dragon power that Linde possesses that there have been rumors among the people that Linde will definitely sit on the Iron Throne and become the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Therefore, it is not impossible for Linde to become the master of the Iron Throne now. Things to understand.

What really made those who heard the news think it was a rumor was that the process of Linde's succession to the Iron Throne and establishment of the Terra Dynasty was so peaceful that it was so peaceful that it didn't look like he was ascending the throne to become the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, but rather more peaceful. It's like announcing something trivial.

You know, every time there was a change of dynasty in the past, wars of varying degrees broke out. When Linde sat on the Iron Throne and established the Terra Dynasty, the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms did not react much. They just followed the new king's request and hung up. The unique long sword heraldic flag belonging to the Terra family was mounted.

(End of this chapter)

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