Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 372 Baratheon accepts reality

Chapter 372 Baratheon accepts reality

Davos, the Onion Knight, took the news he had just received from the Crow's Nest and hurried towards Commander-in-Chief Stannis' room. His face was solemn. Anyone could tell from his face that the letter in his hand was not a good thing. , at least not a good thing for Stannis.

Davos was supposed to stay with Shireen and take care of her until she came of age, but when he was in Summer Hall, he saw Lind summoning the lords of the Stormlands, asking them to swear allegiance to Shireen, and publicly announcing Shireen was the Duke of Storm's End, so she felt that there was little point in continuing to stay in Summerhall.

The Summer Hall can help Shirin find better teachers, learn better knowledge, and have stricter and more secure protection. He is just a useless person staying in the Summer Hall, so he expressed the hope to Lin De to serve on the Great Wall of Despair. Stannis' thoughts.

It happened that Linde had a batch of weapons and other materials made of dragon crystal to be transported to the Great Wall, so Davos came to the Great Wall with the transport team.

However, various positions on the Great Wall have been arranged, and Stannis cannot force Davos into certain positions, so he can only arrange Davos in the Crow's Nest to be responsible for all kinds of letters. Send and receive.

When Davos came to Stannis's office, the office had already gathered the various ranger captains of the Night's Watch, the commander of the Wildling Corps who had accepted the recruitment, the wildling leader of the Tree Tribe, Gerry, and the leader of the Lord of Light's Crusade. Beric Dondarrion, the Lightning Lord, Selelia, the leader of the Sisters of Redemption, and Lill, the leader of the Silent Monks.

In addition, Chief Steward Samwell Tarly, Second Steward Jon Snow, Red Goddess Priestess Melisandre, Bishop Greed of the Seven Gods, Maester Aemon and other staff members.

The entire Stannis' office was packed to the brim. If Stannis hadn't doubled the size of the original office after becoming Lord Commander, perhaps so many people wouldn't be able to fit in, and many people would have to stand outside.

After Davos came in, he did not immediately hand the letter in his hand to Stannis. Instead, he stood at the door and waited to discuss the end of the matter.

Serelia suddenly stood up and said: "Commander-in-Chief, our Redemption Sisters and Silent Monks will not participate in any military operations against the free people tribe, but we can intercept the White Walkers, although it is impossible to completely stop the White Walkers. The ghost is heading south, but it should be delayed for a while.”

When Stannis came to the Wall to serve as the Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch, the Red Temple of Volantis joined forces with the armed monks from the Red Temples of other free castles to form a holy war regiment of the Lord of Light and marched to the Wall. , participating in the war against the White Walkers.

Over the years, nearly one-third of the wildling tribes that were driven by the White Walkers and wights to the southern Haunted Forest and the Frostfang Mountains were won over by Grie. Therefore, after Stannis took over as Commander-in-Chief, he The savage tribe was organized into an independent corps, and Gerry was appointed as the commander of the corps. The savages managed the savages.

"Why didn't any tribe go south? Aren't these the crows of your Seventh Cavalry? You violated orders without authorization and attacked the tribes that went south to seek refuge. Now everyone in the tribe thinks that going south is a trap. Otherwise, now..." Gerry He looked at the ranger captain with an annoyed look and said angrily.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief." The captain of the 7th Cavalry did not dare to have any objections and nodded.

Stannis has only one way to deal with those rangers who make serious mistakes, and that is to send them to the front line to fight until they die. And there is only one way for those who make small mistakes, and that is to be whipped. The just judgment and harsh punishment soon gained respect and completed the mastery of the office of commander-in-chief.

A ranger captain said disdainfully: "Gerry, if I remember correctly, you said the same thing a month ago. There are only two savage tribes that have chosen to go south this month, and both of them are more than a hundred people." Mance Rayder has restrained all the savage tribes and is forming an army to attack the Great Wall. It is impossible for any more savage tribes to go south."

Gerry's face was a little gloomy, but he didn't say anything else.

The reason why the Tree Tribe agreed to join the Tree Tribe so smoothly was entirely because of Linde. The power that Lind showed back then had already conquered the entire Tree Tribe. In recent years, Linde has ordered Daisy to continue to help the Tree Tribe. Support various supplies and strengthen the tree tribe, allowing it to grow from a tribe that is about to decline to one of the largest tribes among the wild tribes outside the Great Wall.

The first thing Stannis dealt with after becoming Lord Commander was that the 7th Cavalry broke the rules and attacked the tribes that had returned south without authorization, because the temporary Lord Commander at the time was Samwell Tarly. Although Sam was a good hand at handling affairs, But the prestige was too low. At first, Linde's reputation could be used to suppress some people's movements, but as time went by, the suppression effect weakened. In the end, many rangers outside the Great Wall violated the regulations and committed some mistakes. .

The leader of the Tree Tribe, Gerry, immediately stood up and said: "Commander-in-Chief, please give us a little more time. We will definitely be able to persuade more people to go south."

The Treant Tribe was the first tribe of wildlings to join the Night's Watch. It had already joined during Mormont's time. However, at that time, there was still controversy within the Night's Watch over allowing the wildling tribes to enter south of the Great Wall, so they were placed there. He arrived near the Great Wall and helped win over the savage tribes.

The leader of the tree tribe, Gerry, had never forgotten Lind's kindness, so when Mr. Xiong began to recruit the savage tribe, he took the initiative to lead the tribe to join the Night's Watch Corps and assist the Night Watch Corps despite a lot of infamy. Winning over other tree tribes.

"Stop talking! The Rangers of the 7th Cavalry who disobeyed orders have been punished and all died in the subsequent battles. This matter has passed." Stannis interrupted Gerry and then turned to He looked at the captain of the 7th Cavalry who had just deliberately provoked him, and said: "If you are dissatisfied with my penalty, you can tell me directly, but don't make trouble in the meeting, and you used the wrong word just now, Lind Terra I have given clear instructions to refer to tribes outside the wall as free people tribe. This time, as you are used to it, I will not punish you. Next time, I will flog you in accordance with the law. Do you understand?"

After warning the Ranger Captain, Stannis turned to Gerry and said: "Commander Gerry, we have no time for you to continue lobbying the free folk tribes. You have also read the intelligence. The White Walkers have led the corpses." The ghost army is approaching the Frostfangs and will soon cross the mountains and enter the Haunted Forest. We must solve the problem of the free people tribe before the White Walkers arrive, do you understand?"

"This information was sent by the sentinels of the Silent Monks who risked their lives!" Stannis looked at Davos, then continued to talk to other people in the room, "This is why I called you here this time. , time is running out, we have to resolve the issue of the savages outside the Great Wall migrating southward within a month, so I decided not to negotiate anymore and immediately launched a general attack. The savage tribes beyond the Great Wall will either surrender or perish."

At first, this army was commanded by Melisandre, but since Beric Dondarrion arrived yesterday, Melisandre learned from Thoros that Beric Dondarrion had been resurrected several times under the prayers of the Lord of Light. After that, he took the initiative to hand over the command of the regiment to Beric Dondarrion.

At this time, Beric Dondarrion also stood up and said: "We, the Lord of Light's Jihad, can also intercept the White Walkers."

After hearing what Cerelia and Berry said, Gerry couldn't help but look at the two of them gratefully.

Stannis thought for a moment and asked Serellia: "How long can you delay this?"

"It should be possible to delay it for a month." Serelia quickly gave the answer: "The supplies provided by my lord are very sufficient, and Bear Island can also continue to replenish them. I guess as long as we don't encounter the elves my lord mentioned, White Walkers, then delaying it for a month is not a problem." Stanlis thought for a while and made a decision: "Since the official decisive battle is postponed for a month, the preparations for the decisive battle of each army cannot be stopped, and the battle will start in one month." With that said, he turned to look at Gerry and said solemnly: "You only have one month."

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief." Gerry nodded quickly.

Stannis was about to dismiss the meeting, but suddenly thought of something and asked Davos: "Davos, do you have something important to do when you rush in so hurriedly?"

"Yes, sir." Davos walked up to Stannis with a serious expression, put the letter in his hand on the table, and said, "This is news from King's Landing, news from more than twenty days ago. ."

"News from more than twenty days ago? Why so late?" Stannis picked up the letter and asked Davos before he read it.

Davos explained: "It should be that something happened to the messenger on the way. This is the second letter sent from King's Landing City when no reply was received."

Stannis opened the letter in his hand and read it. The content inside was very simple, with only a few sentences, but the meaning expressed by these sentences was not simple at all. After reading it, Stannis's face became gloomy, and the whole Everyone was stunned.

Everyone in the room noticed that something was wrong with Stannis. Melisandre, who was sitting next to her, was curious and puzzled. She took the note from Stannis, read it, and exclaimed: "Lind ·Tera ascended the throne and became the new ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the lord of the Iron Throne?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was stunned, because this incident was completely beyond their expectations.

When the news came that Joffrey I was assassinated more than a month ago, they were guessing who would sit on the Iron Throne next. Most people guessed it was Myrcella Baratheon, because she Behind him stands Lynd Terra, a powerful backer, while behind Tommen there is only the old lion Tywin.

However, what they got now was a completely unexpected answer. The new king turned out to be Lind Terra, which made everyone confused for a moment how to react.

Gerry, who was born outside the Great Wall, looked at the people around him with a puzzled expression and said, "Isn't this a good thing? Lord Linde has become the king and is very kind to us. At least we don't have to worry about supplies, and Lord Linde is so powerful, wouldn’t it be reasonable for him to be the king? In my opinion, letting an incompetent child become the king is the most ridiculous thing?”

As soon as Gerry said this, most people in the room quickly woke up and expressed their agreement. Some people even shouted slogans such as "Long live the Chosen One".

However, some people are still puzzled by this and ask: "Does Duke Tywin allow this kind of thing? Doesn't the other guardians of the kingdom object? Just let Lord Lynd become the new king?"

While handing the letter in her hand to the person who asked the question, Melisandre said: "Tywin was murdered by his son Tyrion. The person who proposed to make Lord Lynd and His Majesty Birlind the master of the Iron Throne was Thor. Queen Mother Xi, Prince Tommen, and other guardians of the kingdom all agreed, and no one objected."

"The change of dynasty was completed without bloodshed. This has never happened before. It can be said to be a miracle!" Maester Aemon whispered with great emotion.

"A miracle, this is a miracle! A miracle created by the chosen one." Someone immediately echoed loudly.

"Long live the Terra Dynasty!" Someone immediately shouted the name of the new dynasty loudly.

However, attentive people also noticed that Stannis's face was a bit ugly, and they realized the other person's identity, and quickly grabbed the people around him who shouted "Long live the Terran Dynasty, long live His Majesty Lynd".

Only then did everyone remember that there was a Baratheon sitting in the room. You must know that after Lind ascended the throne, it was the Baratheon dynasty that he replaced, even though Stannis is no longer qualified to inherit the Baratheon family or the Iron Throne. , but I definitely feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Many people feel that the Baratheon dynasty is really short-lived. It only lasted more than ten years from its establishment to its disappearance. It only experienced two generations of kings, one of which only took the throne for about a year. It is really difficult to call it a dynasty.

"My lords, there is no need to stay here any longer. Let's go prepare as discussed in the meeting!" Jon stood up at this time and said to the people in the room.

Although Jon was not qualified to say such words, everyone did not refute and stood up and left the room. In the end, only Davos, Melisandre and a few other close associates remained in the room.

"Haha! It's really ridiculous." Stannis suddenly smiled and said with a self-deprecating expression: "Everyone fought to the death, but in the end the ones who reaped all the fruits of the battle were those who didn't use a single soldier. Those of us fighting for iron What are those who fight desperately for the throne, clowns dancing in front of His Majesty the King?"

Everyone in the room could hear that Stannis's tone was both annoyed and self-deprecating. He was angry that Lynd Terra got what he dreamed of so easily, and he was laughing at himself. With his stubbornness and stupidity, he worked hard and gave everything, but in the end he became someone else's.

Melisandre lowered her body slightly and said very seriously: "Commander-in-Chief, the matter has become a foregone conclusion. You cannot change it. It is better to look away. Now your energy should be focused on outside the wall."

Stannis nodded and said: "Yes, you are right, nothing can be changed." As he said that, he turned to look at Davos and ordered: "Immediately send a letter of congratulations and tell the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Lord Stannis, Tanis Baratheon and all the Night's Watch congratulate the founding of the Terran Dynasty and congratulate His Majesty Lynd Terra on the throne. They will send an open letter to all the great castles."

(End of this chapter)

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