Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 380 Battle Report and Test

Chapter 380 Battle Report and Test

"Your Majesty, this is the latest battle report." Sam, who was temporarily in charge of Castle Black affairs, put the battle reports of the past two days on the table, looked at Linde who had just inspected the eastern castle, and said: "The supporting troops from the south have already arrived yesterday. When we arrive to lead the army, Lord Brynden Tully, do you want to see him, Your Majesty?"

"Let him come!" Linde said as he picked up the battle report on the table and flipped through it quickly.

"Yes." Sam responded and stepped back.

"Wait!" Lind stopped Sam and asked, "Is there no news about Jon yet?"

Sam had a sad look on his face, shook his head and said, "No."

Rickon, who was serving as Lynd's squire, couldn't help but lower his head and sob. During his time in the Night's Watch, Jon had always been taking care of him. After the death of his family, the disappearance of his family, and the disappearance of his closest friend, Bran. He also sealed himself in the ice. Jon was the only person who allowed him to still feel the feeling of home. Now something happened to this person, which reminded him of the unbearable days before, and he couldn't help but feel sad. The heart rises.

"How is that woman named Ygritte doing now?" Lind asked again.

Sam replied: "Still locked in a cell at Forward Fortress. We will deal with it only after Jon's condition is completely determined."

Lind thought for a moment and said, "Send a letter to Commander-in-Chief Stannis. Don't embarrass her."

However, although there are many of these weapons, the final effect has not been verified. This time, the Silent Monks and the Redemption Sisters' blocking battle against the zombies moving south has become the best testing ground. At Linde's request, , basically half a day there will be a new battle report sent to Castle Black by the Letter Falcon, allowing Linde to understand the situation there as quickly as possible.

Although there are not many ships, each one is an elite warship equipped with crossbows, slings and other combat tools, which is enough to block the waters of Hardhome.

As long as Stannis doesn't make any big mistakes, the outcome of the Free Folk Alliance is already doomed. Lind feels that there is no need for him to go to the front line now and add pressure to them. He also focuses on Battle on the Frozen Coast.

This was not only the first confrontation between Linde's most elite armed forces and the White Walkers, but also the first testing ground for Linde to test various targeted weapons.

And now the test effect of this kind of wildfire bomb against ghouls is unexpectedly good. Just more than 60 wildfire bombs annihilated an army of more than 7,000 ghouls without any loss. Basically, those ghouls were like fluffy Like tinder, if you touch a spark, it will immediately burn and turn into a torch instantly.

Over the years, under Lind's instructions, the Black Cave, the Forge, the Sphinx Courtyard and the Serenity Court have been continuously researching various weapons against ghosts and corpses. More than ten types have been manufactured in batches, and those There are more than fifty kinds of highly targeted special weapons.

Judging from these signs, there should be outside forces helping them resist the Night Watch Legion. Otherwise, they would not have been able to seize this opportunity to smuggle so accurately while being blocked outside the Great Wall.

Now the Free People's Alliance has been completely driven out of the Ghost Forest. Except for a small number of people who broke away from the coalition and retreated across the Antler River towards the north, most of the others retreated to Stodd Point and took advantage of the complex terrain there to avoid it. The pursuers of the Night's Watch.

However, they were doomed to fail, because they did not know that Lind had conquered the savage tribe on Skagos Island a few years ago and set up a secret base for the Miracle Fleet there, where there was a A small fleet of fifty warships.

According to information from spies in the Free Folk Alliance, the Free Folk Alliance has built hundreds of rafts at Hardship at the top of Stodd Point. It seems that they want to take advantage of the Miracle Fleet and other seven-nation fleets to gather in Bu. Lavos took the opportunity to borrow a raft and bypass the Great Wall of Despair.

Lind returned his attention to the battle report in his hand. The battle between Stannis and the Free Folk Tribe beyond the Wall has lasted for three days. Both sides have won and lost. However, in terms of the overall battle situation, Stannis can be said to have an absolute advantage. His victories are all great overall victories, while his failures are just small defeats on local battlefields.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Sam responded.

Although Mance Rayder has extraordinary abilities and is able to integrate so many free people tribes and gain the trust of so many free people tribe leaders and become the king beyond the wall, he has never experienced a real war after all. In terms of planning the battle, he is much inferior to Stannis who has rich experience. What's more, there is also a huge gap in the equipment between the two. It is reasonable that the final result will be like this.

The effect of wildfire bombs is also miraculous against ghouls like the Silent Monks, but there are more than a dozen human white ghosts hidden in this army of ghouls. This slightly less powerful wildfire bomb does not cause harm to the white ghosts. , and the White Walkers are extremely smart and know how to use corpses to cover their whereabouts. When they get close to the Sister of Redemption, they suddenly emerge from the fire and launch an attack.

Although there were some accidents during these three days of contact battles, the overall situation was much better than expected, and the weapons specially designed to target zombies and white ghosts had their due effects.

On the first day of the battle with a ghoul army of at least six to seven thousand people, the Silent Monks used special wildfire bombs. The burning intensity of this wildfire bomb was not as strong as the original version of wildfire, and compared to ordinary wildfire bombs. The flame is slightly stronger, but it can continue to burn for a long time, and it will not weaken too much in low temperature environments. Linde once tested it with the Frozen Dragon Rune. Only by directly freezing the source of the flame can it be completely extinguished. flame.

After seeing that Lind had no other instructions, he turned and left the room.

Things went smoothly for the Silent Monks, but there were some surprises for the Sisters of Redemption. Their location was on the west side of the Frostfang Mountains, and they encountered an army of ghouls that should number in the tens of thousands. They also used wildfire bombs to launch a large-scale attack on the ghoul army.

Because the attack was too sudden and the flames blocked the line of sight, three Sisters of Redemption had no time to defend themselves and were stabbed by the White Walker's ice blades. Fortunately, the Sisters of Redemption's armors were all filled with dragon crystal and dragon bone. Although the White Walker's ice blades were broken, The armor's defense was activated, but not much, and the wounds it caused were very small.

However, even a small wound can be fatal. The three Redemption Sisters all felt to varying degrees an abnormal force penetrating into their bodies through the wound. For this reason, they retreated immediately under the protection of their companions. After arriving at the rear of the military formation, he took out the various potions prepared by the Black Cave and tried them.

In the end, it was discovered that the potion of God's Choice could suppress the power of the White Walkers invading the body. Instead, it was a cold-proof potion made from a spicy spice. Whether it was taken or applied externally, it could clear away the power of the White Walkers. On the other side, after encountering the attack, the Sisters of Redemption counterattacked very promptly, cooperating with the attack on the White Walkers and taking the opportunity to test various tactical coordination and weapons and equipment against the White Walkers.

During the battle, they discovered that the White Walkers were incredibly powerful. Each random swing was equivalent to the full attack of the Sisters of Redemption, and their movement and attack speeds were far faster than ordinary people. It took four or five Sisters of Redemption to cooperate to kill a White Walker. Suppress it.

In addition, the body of the White Walker also has a certain resistance to dragon crystal. Although the dragon crystal weapon can still cause damage to the White Walker, it is not enough to completely kill the White Walker. Only by attacking the vital parts can it be killed with one blow. The vital parts of the ghost seem to be different, some are on the top of the head, some are in the throat, and some are on the palms of the hands.

If their weaknesses cannot be found, they can only break their hand and foot joints with war hammers. Although the human White Walkers are very powerful, they still cannot change the movement patterns of their body functions. Even with the power of magic, if the joints are broken, the It was hard to get up.

The incapacitated White Walkers are just lambs to be slaughtered. You can use wildfire to burn them completely to death, or you can continuously use weapons mixed with dragon crystal to continuously destroy their bodies and drive away the aliens in their bodies. Ghost power. A White Walker who loses the power of a White Walker cannot maintain his physical form and will turn into a piece of ice crystal.

By breaking the joints of the White Walkers, the Sisters of Redemption also captured five live White Walkers. Afterwards, they cut off all four of the White Walkers' limbs and put them into containers made of frozen dragon runes. The Great White Dog Sled transported these White Walkers to the tribes near the coastline of the Walrus People. Moroya led the Black Cave and the Serenity Court to establish a temporary research base here in advance.

In addition, there are thousands of transport ships specially designed to carry people docked here. Each ship can accommodate a maximum of about 300 people. If an accident occurs, these ships can transfer everyone away as soon as possible.

After that, for two days, the Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks fought more than 20 annihilation battles against the ghoul army. More than 100,000 ghouls were eliminated, and more than a hundred human White Walkers were killed. He encountered more than twenty human ghosts and encountered no elven ghosts.

In addition, they tested all the weapons, and some of them had outstanding effects, such as wildfire bombs, dragon crystal arrows, dragon crystal armors and weapons, etc., while others had no effect, such as dragon crystal powder mist, magic metal weapons, etc.

Except for a silent monk who was accidentally hit by a White Walker weapon and died on the spot, there were no major casualties. All those injured by the White Walker weapons were perfectly cured by the spice potion combined with the God's Choice potion. All injuries were treated.

There is no doubt that the results of the Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks are amazing. If publicity is allowed, it will definitely improve the morale of the entire human world.

However, the best news for Lind is that the White Walkers cannot cross the sea, even if they walk on the ship.

Among the experiments planned by Linde, the first one was to test whether the White Walkers had the ability to cross the sea. Therefore, after capturing the White Walker captives, the Walrus Base immediately carried out the experiment. As long as the ship left the coast and had nothing to do with the coast, When contacted, the White Walkers will shatter into pieces of ice as if they were attacked by a Valyrian steel sword, as if there is an invisible force contained in the sea, dispelling a force within the body.

Although it is good news for Lind that the White Walkers cannot move from the sea, the bad news is that as long as there is ice connecting the land, the White Walkers can pass through the sea.

If it were in normal times, there might not be any ice on the sea, but if it were placed in a long night and eternal winter, let alone the sea at both ends of the Great Wall, even the Stepped Stone Islands in the south would have the possibility of freezing. Ghosts only need to use these layers of ice to cross obstacles such as the Great Wall. This is definitely bad news.

Just when Lind was checking the battle reports on both sides, there was a knock on the door. Rickon, who had calmed down, walked over and opened the door. Blackfish Brynden Tully walked in, saluted Lind and said, "See your majesty."

"No need to be polite!" Linde waved his hand, and then asked seriously: "How many people are there in the support army, how many are real soldiers, and how many are temporarily recruited?"

Brynden thought for a while and said: "There are more than 500 knights and 7,000 warriors in total, all drawn from the garrison of various families, and there are also 35,000 conscripted troops. We You can go to fight outside the Great Wall at any time.”

"Sending you outside the Great Wall in this situation will only make you die." Linde bluntly knocked Brynden's self-confidence, and then handed Brynden the battle reports on both sides of the battlefield before the other party could defend himself. Deng, said: "Read them and tell me what you think."

Brynden hesitated for a moment, then took the two battle reports and looked at them carefully. The expression on his face also changed with the battle reports. When he saw Stannis step by step pushing the coalition of free people tribes beyond the wall to a dead end, He couldn't help but sigh in admiration, and then he saw that the Silent Monks and the Sisters of Redemption, which had only 2,000 people in total, easily eliminated more than 100,000 corpses and hundreds of White Walkers. He only suffered losses. One person also had a look of contempt on his face. He obviously felt that the corpses and ghosts were not as scary as the rumors in the outside world.

"Your Majesty, I've finished reading." Brynden closed the battle report in his hand and was about to express his feelings.

Linde, who was writing the overall defense plan for the Great Wall of Despair, said to Brynden without raising his head: "Keep reading, look carefully, don't be fooled by the superficial content."

Seeing Linde say this, Brynden felt a little confused, and then opened the battle report again and looked at it again. This time he read it more carefully than the last time, basically reading it word for word.

After about an hour or so, he raised his head from the battle report and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the support troops I brought need to be retrained and reorganized. They cannot be allowed to go to the battlefield immediately."

It's no wonder that his attitude has changed so much, because he has seen that the troops he brought are far inferior to the Night's Watch Legion in Stanley's hands now, both in terms of weapons and equipment, and in terms of personal combat power. .

Even compared to the Night's Watch, let alone the Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks.

He saw that when the Sisters of Redemption were dealing with a White Walker, they actually needed five Sisters of Redemption with carefully crafted weapons specifically designed to deal with White Walkers in order to suppress the White Walkers.

He had seen how the Sisters of Redemption fought. At that time, a group of ten Silent Monks and Sisters of Redemption were about to head north to the Great Wall of Despair. On the way, they encountered a rebel army of thousands of people. As a result, the ten people killed that group without any injuries. Thousands of rebel soldiers were annihilated. Five such powerful warriors were needed to resist a White Walker. If those under him encountered a White Walker, thousands of them might not be able to take down the White Walker.

(End of this chapter)

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