Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 381 White Walker Research

Chapter 381 White Walker Research

When Lind left Castle Black, the instructors of the Night's Watch were training tens of thousands of troops supported by the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms. Even the Blackfish Brynden Tully, the commander of these people, also needed training, because he gave him the training from Lind. From the battle reports he read, he found that their fighting methods were not adapted to the northern battlefield at all, just as their bodies were not adapted to the northern climate.

If these support troops are rashly sent outside the Great Wall, I am afraid that all of these people will die outside the Great Wall in less than ten days.

Finally, Lind transferred some instructors from other castles, and then selected some rangers from the current Night's Watch Legion as instructors to teach these support troops how to fight in the extremely cold weather outside the wall.

However, there are not many battles outside the Great Wall. The real main content is how to use the desperate Great Wall for defense.

Because Lind had no intention of sending these support troops outside the Great Wall from the beginning. They would only be left on the Great Wall to fill the vacancies in the hands of the Night Watch defenders. When the White Walker army attacks the Great Wall, they will serve as The reserve force supplements the personnel consumption of each castle.

After leaving Castle Black, Linde continued to inspect the fortifications of each castle to the west. In the same way as he inspected to the east, Linde still walked from the top of the Great Wall of Despair to check whether the catapults and rolling log holes on the Great Wall of Despair had been secured. Repair and ensure that all types of combat supplies are properly prepared. Once problems are discovered, the responsibility of the Night Watch captain in the area will be directly held accountable.

Fortunately, whether it is Old Bear Mormont, temporary commander-in-chief Sam Weir, or Stannis, they all attach great importance to the repair of the Great Wall fortifications and the storage of various combat supplies.

No problems were found all the way from Castle Black to the Shadow Tower. The only problem was the Grand Canyon near the Shadow Tower.

This grand canyon is located to the west of the Shadow Tower. It is a very deep glacial canyon. This is the channel of the Milk River. The river passes through the bottom of the canyon and extends to Ice Bay. The cold climate forms a layer on the river. The thick layer of ice turned the Ruhe River into an underground river. Steep cliffs and deep valleys separated the outside of the Great Wall from the northern border.

A long time ago, Daisy carried out trade with the Walrus Tribe under Lind's orders, and gradually brought the Walrus Tribe under her control by hiring warriors from the Walrus Tribe.

In the past, there was a Skull Bridge here connecting the two sections, but now the Skull Bridge has been abandoned, and the bridge body has been broken into two sections. Along with the Skull Bridge, there is also a fortress called Xiqiaowang. Castle, this fortress castle is the westernmost castle of the Night Watch.

After Neltharion fell, Lind immediately received a message from Neltharion. The ground under his feet made him feel very painful, and stepping on it was like being cut by a knife.

The cultivation of War Bears has already yielded results, and the War Bear Team under Daisy is one of the results. Moreover, the main breeding base of War Bears has been transferred to Bear Island, and the breeding resources in this base are now tilted towards the Great White Dog.

The terrain of the canyon is dangerous. The cliffs on both sides are almost vertical, and the cliffs are covered with ice. It is very difficult to bypass the Shadow Tower from here. Even a climbing expert will have a narrow escape.

Linde motioned to Moroya to lead the way, and the group entered the tribe. The warriors and sailors in the tribe saluted Linde one after another.

So after discovering the loophole, Linde sent the written letter back to Castle Black on the letter falcon. I believe that it won't be long before Sam will send a team of a thousand people to station at West Bridge Watch. By then, the fortress castle of West Bridge Watch will also be restored. If it is abandoned, the necessary fortifications and devices will be arranged as soon as possible.

Moroya happened to be walking out of the tribe with his people at this time. When he saw the lava dragon flying away, he asked doubtfully: "Your Majesty, don't you want to test the damage of the giant dragon's dragon flame on the White Walkers? How do you make the giant dragon fly away?" The dragon flew away?"

Because the people sent by Linde still dressed up as walrus people, and also specially learned the local language and customs, it would be difficult for anyone who has not been in contact with the walrus people tribe for a long time to see the flaws, so those free people east of Frost and Snow Fang None of the tribesmen noticed that the walrus tribe here had changed. Even when Mance Rayder organized the Free Folk Alliance, he sent people to invite Linde's walrus tribe.

Fortunately, the Walrus Tribe was on the coastline next to the frozen river, and it was easy to find their location. After hovering in the air twice, they landed on the snow outside the tribe.

After inspecting the Great Wall, Lind did not return to Castle Black. He rode Neltharion directly to the Ice Bay, bypassed the Great Wall, and flew to the Walrus tribe base on the frozen coast at the other end of the Great Wall.

Perhaps it is because there is a natural barrier guarding this place and it is impossible for anyone to pass through this natural barrier. Therefore, when all the castles on the Great Wall of Despair were fully replenished and commanders were appointed, Xiqiaowang only dispatched twenty night watchmen to guard it. Here, no attention is paid to the defense here. Not to mention repairing the castle, even the defensive devices have not been repaired.

However, in the eyes of others, the Grand Canyon is foolproof. In Linde's eyes, it is actually full of loopholes. For example, those steep ice cliffs may be extremely dangerous for ordinary people, but for ghouls, such natural dangers are useless. , as long as they are commanded by the White Walkers, these ghouls can easily build a ladder to reach the bottom of the canyon, and then build a ghoul ladder to bypass the Great Wall and enter the south of the Great Wall.

Lind immediately checked Neltharion's physical condition and found that the origin of the burning lava in his body seemed to be dimmed, and there was an invisible force eroding its body.

Lind answered truthfully: "There is a power in this land, and it is eroding Neltharion's body."

As early as a thousand years ago, all the Walrus people living on the Frozen Coast were brought to Bear Island for resettlement by Daisy, and the tribe was completely vacant. Afterwards, Linde gradually sent people to the tribe and gradually took control of the Frozen Coast.

Moroya said with a slight surprise: "You discovered it so quickly? I was just about to report this to you. This is not the place to talk, go inside!"

It is not known whether it was due to the extremely cold weather or other unknown mysterious forces. When flying, Neltharion only dared to fly close to the land near the coastline, and did not dare to go too deep into the deeper areas outside the Great Wall.

The reason why Linde spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the Walrus tribe base was mainly because he wanted to take advantage of the special environment here to cultivate the unique species of great white dogs and war bears.

After hearing this, Neltharion couldn't wait to spread his wings and flew into the sky, flying south from the sea towards the Valyrian Free Fortress.

"Go back to Valyria Free Fortress! Replace Diltos." Lind, who got off the dragon's back, immediately ordered after sensing Neltharion's condition.

The great white dogs of the walrus people are not only huge in size, but also ferocious and good at fighting. They are also extremely loyal to their owners. In the past, a walrus man was able to fight with three great white dogs against wild ice bears, which shows the combat power of the great white dogs.

After Linde learned about the big white dog, he thought about cultivating it into a unique battle pet for his regiment. If each soldier has one or more big white dogs by his side, the overall combat power will be doubled, and the big white dog will It can also serve as a hunting dog for the leading exploration troops when migrating to Sothoros.

Although the Great White Dog grew up on the frozen coast, it does not mean that it cannot grow in other places. In fact, half of the Great White Dog puppies bred in the base were sent to Lorne, and they adapted quickly. The climate there is hot. The big white dogs in the base are now mainly used for sleds. The Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks can always launch attacks outside the ghoul army without being attacked by the ghoul army, relying on the dog sled.

Although the ghouls do not feel tired when moving and can move indefinitely before their body functions are completely destroyed, due to their body structure, they cannot move particularly fast and cannot keep up with the speed of a dog sled. .

After the nuns and monks launch an attack, regardless of whether it is effective or not, they will immediately drive the dog sleds to move quickly to distance themselves from the ghoul army, and then attack again, annihilating the ghoul army bit by bit. It was also the main reason why they were able to eliminate so many ghouls with almost no casualties.

The Great White Dog's breeding farm occupies two-thirds of the entire tribe's base, and half of the remaining one-third is a temporary laboratory built by Moroya.

The main body of the entire laboratory is built underground. It is built by digging out the frozen soil underground. Just like the Mole Village on the Great Wall of China, the ground part is an igloo, and the ice cubes are collected directly from the frozen river next to it. Precisely because it is made of ice, sunlight can directly penetrate the igloo on the ground and shine into the laboratory below, making the laboratory very bright.

In the laboratory, the previously captured White Walkers were neatly placed on the tables. Not only were their limbs chopped off, but their mouths were also sealed with masks made of magic metal to avoid being bitten and studied. its people.

At this time, there were several bachelors and spellcasters gathered around almost every table. They were so engrossed in their research and discussions that even Linde did not notice that he came in. It was not until Moroya coughed a few times that he realized When Linde arrived, everyone saluted him with fear.

"Everyone, have you got any research results?" Linde asked everyone not to be nervous, and then asked.

Everyone looked at each other, as if waiting for others to speak.

"Tell me about it." Linde naturally didn't want to waste time with people here, so he chose a bachelor who was closest to him and asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bachelor Haman took a deep breath, pointed to a disemboweled White Walker next to him, and said: "I mainly study the physiological structure of White Walkers, although the White Walkers' magic has turned humans into White Walkers, but their internal organs as humans are still well preserved." After saying that, he paused and asked Lind: "Your Majesty, you once mentioned that White Walkers transform children into White Walkers, and then grow up little by little. Become an adult White Walker, right?”

Linde nodded and said, "Yes, from what I found, that's the case."

Bachelor Harman analyzed: "A few of us discovered that even if humans transform into White Walkers, their organs are still growing. Otherwise, the White Walkers we see now should have the internal organs of a child instead of a The guts of an adult, and we found food in the stomachs of adult White Walkers."

"Food? Do the White Walkers still want to eat?" Lind asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

Bachelor Haman used a wooden stick to gently clamp the ice cube-like object in the White Walker's stomach, took it out and placed it on the table. He said, "No, it's not ordinary food, but this kind of thing."

Lind looked at the object and felt that it looked familiar. He wanted to reach out and pick it up to take a closer look, but was stopped by the caster on the side.

The spellcaster expressed concern: "Your Majesty, be careful. This thing contains a kind of magic with a strong freezing effect. As long as it is touched, it will invade the body of the person who touches it, causing harm to the body."

Lind nodded slightly, indicating that he heard it, but he did not pay attention to the other party's warning. Instead, he directly held the object taken out from the stomach of the White Walker in his hand, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully.

Just as the spellcaster said, there was indeed a magic power that invaded Lind's body when he touched the object, but it was immediately dispelled before he could take the initiative to clean up the magic power that invaded his body. Didn't cause him any trouble.

"Dragon scales, these should be dragon scales!" Linde quickly made a judgment after carefully looking at the object in his hand.

"Dragon? Scales." Everyone couldn't help but froze when they heard the words. Some people also looked down at the White Walkers on their tables, wondering if they should also disembowel them to see if they could find the dragon's scales.

"What kind of dragon has scales that look like ice?" Someone couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

At this time, everyone in the room fell silent and looked at the person who had just spoken as if he were a fool.

In fact, everyone in the room who has studied Beyond the Wall and the White Walkers knows some legends about the origins of the White Walkers, such as the White Walkers created by the ice dragon. So when Linde said that the ice-like object was dragon scales, everyone What comes to mind is the ice dragon.

For a long time in the past, the existence of ice dragons has been controversial, because the range of ice dragons has always been in the land of eternal winter.

But now no one doubts whether the ice dragon really exists, because the fishermen of Loras on the Shivering Sea have seen the ice dragon appear more than once.

"Why eat scales?" Someone looked at the ice dragon scales in Linde's hand in confusion.

Moroya also said: "I'm afraid it is to allow the body to grow better, just like we eat food, the ice dragon scales should be food to them, or a kind of food."

Linde placed the ice dragon scales on the table, turned to look at the others, and asked, "Are there any other research results?"

After hearing what Linde said, others also described their research one after another. They mostly studied the body structure of the White Walkers, tested the White Walkers' reactions to various magical powers, and tested the White Walkers' response to various metal or non-metallic objects. reaction, etc.

The most interesting thing is that two groups of people are testing how much intelligence the White Walkers have and whether they can communicate, and the results are a bit surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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