Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 382 Sacrifice to me

Chapter 382 Sacrifice to me
"Can the White Walkers communicate? Are you kidding me? Maester Marwen." Lind looked at Marwen, then looked down at the experimental project information he submitted, and couldn't help but wonder.

Marwin shook his head and said, "Of course not, I submitted the application very formally."

"Is it because of those two test results?" Lind frowned, thinking of the maesters and spellcasters around the two tables who had claimed to him that the White Walkers had intelligence and could communicate.

Lind knew that the White Walkers had wisdom, because without wisdom, it would be impossible to build a city in the land of eternal winter, and he would not be able to lead the army of zombies to fight like an army.

But to say that the White Walkers can communicate with humans does not sound reliable, because the White Walkers and humans are two completely different races, and they hate the world of the living. This hatred is engraved in the soul. How could the White Walkers communicate with humans in this situation?

"Not entirely." Marwin shook his head and said: "I really want to write a book about the White Walkers. Now that there is sufficient experimental material, there is no reason to let this opportunity slip away. Your Majesty, please give me a chance. …”

Lind thought for a while and said: "Before the base is withdrawn, you can do research. When the base is withdrawn, all the White Walkers will be eliminated. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Your Majesty." Marwin lowered his head and responded with excitement.

After Marwin left, Lind turned to Mo Luoya and asked: "What is the unknown power mentioned at the beginning?"

"Your Majesty, please come with me." Moroya asked everyone else to go about their business, while he and the director of the Serenity Courtyard, Ragz Lindlind, went to the basement below.

"You can see it, right?" Moroya knew that Lind could see the remaining traces of magic power, so he asked with a little excitement: "What does it look like? Tell me what it looks like?"

Although Lind didn't know how powerful the White Walkers' spellcasters were, from the fact that they were able to occupy a place in the harsh and dangerous land of eternal winter, the ancient magic they mastered must be extraordinary.

And what really makes Lind think this is not good news is that active magic makes it easier for their casters to cast spells, and it also makes it easier for the White Walkers to cast spells.

Moroya also said very seriously at this moment: "The worst thing is that this chaotic magic is still intensifying. I can feel that it is affecting the magic in me. If it continues, the magic in me will also become chaotic. I don’t know what kind of mutations it will eventually cause in my body.”

There is no open roof on this basement floor, so sunlight cannot come in, so more than a dozen oil lamps are inserted on the surrounding walls to illuminate the basement.

The director of Quiet Courtyard also has the same ability to perceive magic power, but he cannot perceive it as clearly as Moroya, let alone the impact of the surrounding magic power on his own magic power.

I don’t know if it is due to the material of the sacrificial stone slab itself, or if there is a problem with the altar. In short, although the imitation altars and sacrificial stone slabs can still be used, the effect is far inferior to the original altar.

What really surprised Linde was that with his special vision, he could see that the altar in front of him was constantly absorbing power from the outside world. When these powers were scattered around, it was difficult for Linde to feel it, and he could not even see it with his special vision. But when the altar absorbed these powers, the power was concentrated on the altar, allowing Lind to clearly see the changes in this power.

Linde looked at Mo Luoya and asked in a deep voice: "Explain what is going on?"

Although this kind of active magic power allows the caster to cast spells quickly, this kind of active magic power is also very unstable. Even if the director of the Quiet Courtyard personally performs the simplest fire trick, he still needs to concentrate to stabilize it. A ball of flame, other spellcasters may have just cast some spells, and there will be signs of backlash.

On the other hand, I am using some conventional weapons made through alchemy. Once I encounter those ancient magics, it is unknown whether they can still work wonders.

When Lind saw the basement for the first time, he felt something familiar. He turned to Moroya and asked, "Did you move the White Walker altar in the Haunted Forest?"

Although Moroya cannot see the form of magic through special vision like Lind, she can still perceive the situation of magic, and in terms of the details of magic, she is more sensitive than Lind with his eyes.

It would not surprise Linde if it was just a replica of an altar. After all, hundreds of similar altars have been built in the Black Cave. These altars were designed to study the effect of the sacrificial stone slabs and how they made them. whether the sacrificial tablets could achieve the same effect.

As he spoke, he performed the fire magic trick that the pyromancer was best at. A ball of flame the size of a fist was produced out of thin air in his hand, and then turned into a fire snake, flying around him in a circle before extinguishing it.

I saw that an altar had been built in the basement. The style of the altar was very similar to the altar where he obtained the sacrificial slab in the Ghost Forest. Except that the runes on the ground were not the ones he saw representing the White Walkers. Except for the spiral pattern, other parts are almost identical. They even took out the sacrificial stone slab stored in the black cave and placed it on the altar.

"I'm afraid this is not good news for us." Linde frowned. He was sure that the last time he came outside the Great Wall, the magic here had definitely not become so active.

"No, we just made a copy." Moroya explained and said.

As for the altar in the Ghostly Shadow Forest, Linde had asked the Night Watch rangers to dismantle it and transport it to the south of the Great Wall a long time ago. Daisy then transported the altar to his hands, and it is still placed in the dark place to this day. In the cave.

"Let me explain it!" Lagoz, the director of the Quiet Courtyard on the side, took the initiative to stand up and explain: "From the moment we first arrived on this frozen land, Ms. Moroya and I felt that the magic here was very active. It’s so active that I can easily cast some spells that required special concentration in the past.”

Linde described what he saw. After hearing this, Moroya calmed down and showed doubts, saying, "Did we make a mistake? Shouldn't it be release? Why did it become absorption?"

After hearing Moroya's reminder, Lind discovered that the magic power fluctuations emanating from Moroya and Lagoz were indeed somewhat abnormal.

Lagoz said in a deep voice: "Could this be the reason why the White Walkers will go south regardless of everything? Because in such an environment, the magic power in the White Walkers' bodies may also be affected."

However, at this moment, Lind could not give an answer, because neither Moroya nor Lagoz could feel the chaotic magic power, and the chaotic magic power here could not give him the power of the runes in his body. It would have any impact, and he didn't know whether this special treatment was good or bad for him.

"Who are you building this altar to sacrifice to?" Linde was not too entangled in the chaotic magic power outside the Great Wall. Whether it was good or bad, he had no way to control it, so he focused his attention on the altar again. , then pointed to the symbol on the ground and said, "Do you want to sacrifice to me?"

The reason why Lind said this was because he could see clearly now that the runes placed under the altar where the White Walker spiral runes should have been were actually his own runes of the Unknown King. A few years ago, Linde engraved his own Rune of the Unknown King and gave it to Moroya to study, but she never came up with anything useful. Now she actually places the Rune of the Unknown King as a sacrificial rune. , which made Lind feel a little confused.

"Yes, I am offering sacrifices to you." Moroya admitted truthfully: "Aren't you the God of Natural Disasters and the God of Storms? Let me see if I can sacrifice anything useful with the White Walkers' sacrifice altar. "

Linde had no intention of stopping him. On the contrary, he was quite interested and asked, "Where are the sacrifices?"

Moroya pointed to the top of his head and said, "There are many sacrifices up there."

"White Walkers as sacrifices?" Lind quickly understood Moroya's thoughts and couldn't help but smile. It was quite interesting to use White Walkers as sacrifices on the White Walkers' sacrificial altar.

"Try it." Linde said with interest, not taking it too seriously.

After Moroya received Lind's approval, he immediately ordered someone to carry a White Walker down and place it on the altar. Then the group retreated to a safe location and dispersed all the people and White Walkers on the upper floor. Only then did Raguz follow the order of their research to inspire the runes containing mysterious power on the altar.

In the eyes of Moroya and others, they could only see a faint light emitting from the surface of the altar, and at the same time, the nameless king's rune on the ground had an extra layer of silver light.

But in Linde's eyes, it was completely different. Just as the runes on the altar were activated, an illusion appeared in Linde's eyes. A tall figure appeared on the altar. Judging from the appearance of the figure, It looked very much like the nameless king in the memory, and the phantom of the nameless king was looking down at the white ghost who was used as a sacrifice. Then he picked up the dragon-hunting sword and gun in his hand, inserted it into the white ghost's body, and smashed the white ghost's body. Pierced and nailed to the altar.

In normal sight, the moment the unknown king's dragon-hunting sword and spear was inserted into the body of the White Walker, Moroya and others saw flames suddenly emerge from the White Walker's body, turning the White Walker into a burning man. In the blink of an eye, It burned to ashes in a matter of seconds.

And Linde felt a force pouring into his body, integrated into the nameless king rune, and merged with the power of the frozen dragon rune. There was an obscure death aura in the extreme cold air generated by the frozen dragon rune. Moreover, the frozen dragon runes in Linde's memory also had a slight change, and there were also some more ways to use the sacrificial altar.

Seeing the White Walkers being burned to ashes, Moroya had a hint of doubt on her face. She didn’t know whether the sacrifice was successful, so she asked Lind: "Your Majesty, how do you feel now? Was the sacrifice successful? ?”

"It should be successful!" Lind nodded, turned to look at Ragz and ordered: "Find a silent monk."

Ragz immediately walked out of the basement after hearing this. After a while, he led a silent monk to the basement.

"Lie down on the altar." Lind ordered the silent monk very directly.

Upon hearing this, the Silent Monk walked to the altar without hesitation and lay directly on the altar where the ashes of the White Walkers had not been cleaned away.

After seeing the silent monk lying down, Linde directly followed the method of using the sacrificial altar that appeared out of thin air in his mind, guided a force from the nameless king's rune, and injected it into the silent monk's body through the sacrificial altar.

The entire injection process should have made the subject extremely painful, so painful that he almost wanted to commit suicide, but the Silent Monk still endured it without saying a word.

Fortunately, this pain was very short-lived and passed quickly like a tide. The moment the pain disappeared, a bright red sun pattern appeared on the silent monk's forehead.

The moment the ornament appeared, Lind was able to perceive all the situations of the silent monk, just like he could perceive Diltos, Neltharion, Glory, and Gluttony. All the situations here were not just The body, and even his memory, and what is even more amazing is that Lind can control the power of the unknown king's runes just injected into the silent monk's body just like he controls the power of the unknown king's runes in his own body. In other words, the silent monk's Life and death are in his hands.

Linde asked the silent monk who sat up on the altar: "How do you feel now? What abilities have you gained?"

The Silent Monk was silent for a moment, and then he saw him raising his hands. An extremely cold breath spurted out from his hands, covering the entire basement and causing a thin layer of ice to form in the basement.

"Is this the power of your frozen dragon rune?" Moroya asked Linde with a slight excitement, feeling the cold air coming to his face.

Linde didn't answer, just nodded.

The power of the Nameless King's Rune in the Silent Monk's body is not particularly powerful. It can only last for a while and then stops outputting power. It seems that it will take a long time to recover.

"Same as Serelia, the leader of the Sisters of Redemption." Ragz quickly thought of another person who had been blessed by Lind's power.

"It's different." Lind shook his head and said: "Selelia and Cersei have the power of the dragon rune in their bodies, and they can recover quickly. He has the power of the unknown king's rune, and he needs my guidance to recover. .”

As he spoke, Lind channeled a force into the silent monk in front of him through the connection between the nameless king runes, and then directly controlled the silent monk to display the power of the other two dragon runes.

"Can you actually exert the power of three dragon runes?" Moroya and Lagoz couldn't help but exclaimed.

Amidst the exclamations, Lind stopped using the power of the dragon rune through the Silent Monk, and then fell into deep thought. It seemed that his actions just now gave him some inspiration.

After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Experiment to see what else can be used as a sacrifice besides the White Walkers, so that as many people as possible can obtain the mark of my unknown king's rune power."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Neither Moroya nor Lagoz asked the reason why Lind did this, because this is what they want to do. Repeated use of the sacrificial altar can allow them to better understand the meaning contained in the sacrificial altar. Mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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