Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 385 The Unlucky Stark Family

Chapter 385 The Unlucky Stark Family
"What? The Three-Eyed Crow is dead?" Linde was shocked by the sudden news and asked, "How did he die?"

"I don't know." Benyan shook his head and said, "I sent the Reed brothers and the wild man to the place and then left. When I went there a few days later, the weirwood trees had been burned, and the three trees had been burned. The barrier between the wights and the White Walkers that the Eye-Raven had used had also disappeared, and the cave was a mess, with the corpse of the Three-Eyed Raven burned together with the weirwood trees."

"No! If the Three-Eyed Crow disappears, then who are those ravens above..." Linde asked in confusion, but in the middle of the question, he suddenly thought of it and said, "Those ravens are Jojian Li Virtue is in control, right?”

Benyan nodded and said: "Before the attack, the Three-Eyed Crow asked the Children of the Forest to send the Reed siblings to the underground city further down the cave to hide. There are also a large number of black stones in that underground city, which can block the White Walkers and corpses. Ghost, but the effect is much worse than here. When I found them, they were all safe. According to them, the Three-Eyed Crow wanted Jojen Reed to be his heir. Unfortunately, Jojen Reed's body seemed No, it failed in the end. But he was not without any benefits, at least he became a powerful green seer. Now there is a war in the ghost forest in the south, and they can't pass safely at all, so I came to the Frostfang to look for it. See if there is any way to use Bear Island’s ship to send them away, and I saw you following the White Walkers.”

After hearing this, Lind said in a deep voice: "There is a ship over there from the Walrus Tribe and we can send them there, but it would be best after the battle over Thern is over."

Bunyan nodded and said, "I think so too."

Lind then asked: "Can you sneak into the White Walkers like this?"

"No." Benyan shook his head and said: "There is some invisible connection between the White Walkers. Even if my current state is no different from the White Walkers, I can still be distinguished by the White Walkers. At most, it will not cause any movement from the zombies. That’s all.”

Linde asked curiously: "Do you know when the ice and snow castle you saw before was built?"

"It was built when the extreme cold climate occurred." Bunyan answered affirmatively, and added: "It was said by the Three-Eyed Crow. He had tried to stop the White Walkers, but failed. It was the outpost of the White Walkers. Fortress." As he spoke, he paused again and continued: "The Three-Eyed Crow suspected that there was an ice dragon hidden in it. He once sent a raven to get close to it, but it was shot down by the White Walker's javelin. When the raven was shot down, He heard the roar of the dragon.”

Benyan asked again: "Where is Arya? Arya is missing and hasn't been found yet?"

"Arya is doing well now, and she has avenged Lord Eddard." Lind said that Arya became a faceless man and poisoned Joffrey at his wedding banquet. come out.

"She also loved your eldest brother Brandon Stark back then." Lind looked at Bunyan calmly and said, "I have personally asked Lady Catelyn whether she was forced to marry Roose Bolton. , she said no, and she was also pregnant with Roose Bolton's child."

Linde sighed slightly, and then slowly told Bunyan the changes in the war in the south. Although because of his body being transformed into a ghost, the muscles on Bunyan's face were so stiff that he could not make obvious expressions, and he could not see in his eyes. No matter what expression he had, Linde could still tell from some of his small movements that his current mood swings were quite large.

Hearing Bunyan's words, Lind's face became serious, because in his opinion, the suspicion of the Three-Eyed Crow might be true. In fact, with the appearance of the long winter, the Loras fishermen on the trembling sea had seen it more than once. The ice dragon has appeared, and it is not difficult to understand that the White Walkers have hidden an ice dragon in their outpost. After all, according to various legends and records, the relationship between the White Walkers and the ice dragon is a symbiotic relationship.

"The North is worthless to me. If I want, I can even make Daisy Mormont the Lord of the North, because I have such ability and power." Linde said in a rather disdainful tone. Then he suppressed his dissatisfaction with Benyan for questioning him, sighed, and said: "The reason why Rickon joined the Night's Watch and did not inherit Winterfell was because he suffered a serious lower body injury while escaping. hurt."

Linde gave Bunyan a cold look. Bunyan felt the pressure and couldn't help but lower his head.

Lynde looked at Bunyan and asked, "Do you know how much the Reed brothers and sisters know about the war in the south?"

However, this news is not good news for Lind, because if the ice dragon is really as powerful as the legend, with the power currently contained in the Great Wall, even with the two quasi-green prophets, Willas and Bran, If you hold on there, you may not be able to withstand the ice dragon's attack.

"Bran, like Willas Tyrell, has integrated himself into the Great Wall to strengthen the Wall in case the White Walkers move south." Lind sighed slightly and replied: "As for Rickon, he voluntarily stayed. He joined the Night Watch Corps and now serves as a steward in the Corps."

Bunyan was a little unable to understand, and with a hint of doubt, he asked Lind: "He is the heir to the title of King's Landing, why did he join the Night's Watch? Could it be..."

Especially when he learned that Lind had become the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, that Catelyn Tully had remarried and became the Duke of Riverrun, and that Sansa Stark had become the Duke of Winterfell, the muscles on his face were still squeezed no matter how stiff they were. Showed a shocked expression.

Bunyan was completely stunned and was speechless for a long time. He never thought that Rickon did not inherit the title because of this reason. Moreover, he also realized that as Rickon lost his fertility, the Stark family This one is almost the last of its kind.

"It would be great if time could be extended a little longer to let Daenerys and Augustus' dragons grow up. It would be spectacular to think about a group of dragons besieging the ice dragon." Lind couldn't help but have an idea in his mind, and his face He also showed a smile, but then sighed helplessly, because he knew very well that based on the scene he just saw, the White Walkers should launch a full-scale war on the Great Wall within half a year at most, leaving him with not much time. .

Benyan was silent for a moment and asked: "Why is Sansa inheriting Winterfell? What about Bran and Rickon?"

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Linde asked after finishing talking about the current situation in the seven countries.

Benyan said solemnly: "I don't know much, I just know that Theon has occupied Winterfell, and Robb and Tywin are fighting in the Riverlands."

Bunyan couldn't accept it and said: "How could Caitlin marry Roose Bolton? She loves Eddard so much!"

At this time, Benyan suddenly asked with concern: "Lord Lynd, how is the war in the south now? Has Robb defeated Tywin?"

However, Bunyan was not happy for Arya. Instead, he thought that Arya should have enjoyed the life of a noblewoman at such a young age, but was forced to become a killer. This situation was not good.

Lind could see what Benyan was thinking, but he had no intention of explaining it. After all, he told Benyan that Arya might be the chosen one of the Thousand-Faced God and would become the high priest of the House of Black and White in the future. This kind of thing was said. Bunyan may not believe it either.

Linde stood up and walked out of the ruins and said, "Let's go! Let's go pick up the Reed siblings. I just want to send the Children of the Forest to Summer Hall." After hearing this, Bunyan didn't say much, and followed Behind Linde, he walked out of the ruins, mounted his horse, and led the way toward the Frost and Snow Tooth Mountains.

The two were traveling very fast. Although they encountered some groups of ghouls along the way, they did not cause any trouble. Moreover, judging from some circumstances, these groups of ghouls should be related to the battle on Thane's side. It felt like the Silent Monks group The Sisters of Redemption and the Sisters of Redemption have defeated the army of ghouls over there, and even the White Walkers have been eliminated. This has allowed these groups of ghouls who have lost control of the White Walkers to wander aimlessly in this area.

At night, Linde and the others entered the depths of the mountains. Because of the barriers of the mountains, the cold wind on the frozen coast was blocked. The surrounding temperature was much higher than that on the frozen coast, and they could even see Plants and animals live here, unlike the frozen coast where plants are so sparse that it feels like a desert.

When the two of them passed through a canyon, the ravens that had been flying with them in the sky suddenly dispersed and flew away in different directions. This abnormal situation was immediately noticed by Bunyan and Linde, and they both felt it. Something is wrong.

"It's too slow to walk like this. Please show us the direction and we will fly over." Linde said to Bunyan, and then created several strong whirlwinds that directly blew him and Bunyan into the sky, heading towards Bunyan. Flying in the directed direction at high speed.

Although this will consume a lot of the nameless king's rune power, as the number of marked people increases after sacrificing the White Walkers, the rune power he consumes can be quickly recovered, and the actual consumption is much smaller.

The flying speed of the two people and the horse was very fast, almost as fast as flying on a dragon. In addition, there was no need to consider the terrain of climbing mountains and wading, which allowed them to quickly pass through the Frost and Snow Tooth Mountains and arrive at another place. The edge of the ghostly forest on one side.

"There, they are there!" At this time, Bunyan suddenly pointed to a small valley on the edge of the forest and reminded loudly.

I saw that the small valley was surrounded by corpses, numbering at least thousands, including two White Walkers. In the middle of the small valley, the Reed siblings, a female wildling, and a group of children of the forest were captured. Trapped there, there was a ring of black stone around them, and there was a ring of fire with burning trees near the ring, keeping the corpses and ghosts out.

The children of the forest continued to condense flames in their hands and threw them at the corpses outside, while Meera Reed and the female wildling were taking care of Jojen Reed. Jojen Reed's condition seemed not to be good, with a stabbing wound on his shoulder Holding an ice pick made by the White Walkers.

Seeing this, Lind immediately controlled the whirlwind and put Bunyan on the ground. At the same time, he also accelerated his flying speed and rushed towards the corpses around the small valley.

I saw him fall directly from the air and hit a human ghost. At the same time, he also drew the sword of the Homeless Knight and swept towards another ghost next to him.

The White Walker who was slashed by the Homeless Knight's sword was directly broken into ice crystals, and the White Walker who was stepped on by Lind was directly smashed to the ground, and his body was completely crushed. At the same time, Lind's feet also burst out. Thunder and lightning completely tore apart the White Walkers under their feet, and swept towards the surrounding corpses. Thousands of corpses were all swept by the thunder and lightning, and turned into balls of flames.

The people trapped in the small valley by the White Walkers and Ghouls were all stunned in place. One moment they were thinking that they would die this time, and the next moment all those terrifying White Walkers and Ghouls were eliminated.

"Lord Linde!" At this time, Meera Reed recognized the lost knight armor on Linde and shouted in surprise.

After Linde looked around and saw that there was no fish that had slipped through the net, he sheathed his sword and walked towards the Reed siblings and others who were protected by the black stone ring and the flame ring.

"I met Benjen Stark and came here to take you away." Lind walked up to Meera and explained. Then he looked at the dozen or so Children of the Forest beside him and said, "I have also been entrusted. Take you children of the forest away with me.”

One of the children of the forest stood up and said: "My name is Ye Zi, I know you, Lynde Terra, Spark mentioned you, but you are stronger than what he said."

"Are you a god?" The female savage couldn't help but ask at this time.

"Some people think I am." Linde replied calmly and asked, "What's your name?"

"Osha, my name is Osha." The female savage replied.

Linde nodded and said: "Osha, you are very good. When you return to the south, you will get the reward you deserve."

Meera said anxiously: "Master Linde, look at Jojian, he is in a very bad condition now."

After hearing this, Linde knelt down to check Jojian's injuries, and then put his hand directly on the ice pick made by the White Walkers.

The moment the armor of the Homeless Knight made of Valyrian steel touched the ice pick, the ice pick shattered into ice crystals, a huge wound was exposed, and blood began to flow out. Jojen, who was unconscious, couldn't help but He let out a painful groan, and Meira on the side also shed anxious tears.

Linde signaled Meera not to worry, and then took out two bottles of potion, one for Jojian to drink, and the other poured on the wound. Then he saw that the blood stopped flowing out, and the wound began to heal slowly. In the end, only a hideous scar was left.

The wounds healed, the pain subsided, and Jojian's breathing became much more stable. However, due to blood loss and low temperature, he was now very weak and had some fever, and he was still in a coma.

"I originally planned to take you through the Frost and Snow Tooth Mountains and take a boat south directly from the seal tribe on the frozen coast. Now it seems that we can only go directly to the Ghost Forest and go to the Great Wall. There is Medicine can treat Jiujian." Linde picked up Jiujian and walked out of the protective circle. While walking towards Bunyan who was coming over, he said: "Let's go! There is still a long way to go back to the Great Wall of Despair. We have to go, and we don’t know what kind of enemies we will encounter on the way.”

After hearing Lind's words, Meira, Osha and the children of the forest followed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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