Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 386 What happened to Jon

Chapter 386 What happened to Jon

Jon Snow woke up from his sleep again, gasping for air as if he was a drowning man who had just been rescued.

In fact, his situation is no different from that of a drowning person, because a few days ago, after the battle with the Free Folk Alliance, he fell into the same dream, in which he seemed to have become a person who was not yet born. A baby feels like he is drowning in his surroundings.

Although he was inside the belly, he could hear the sounds outside the belly, but the sounds were very vague. He fell into the dream repeatedly several times before he could barely hear some names clearly, such as Rhaegar, Arthur, and White Bull. etc.

He quickly associated the corresponding characters based on these names, Prince Rhaegar and Arthur Dayne and other Kingsguards. He didn't know why he heard these names in his dream. The only thing he knew was that these names might be related to himself. related to his life experience.

"Dreams often represent memories." In the shadow of the trees nearby, a tall figure wearing a cloak said in a common language with a slight accent of the Iron Islands: "It is impossible for people to dream about things they have not seen. , although sometimes the things in dreams are weird, but those things are still things that have been seen before, they are just kneaded together again in fragments, so they feel weird."

"I dreamed about things before I was born. Is that also my memory? I don't know that unborn babies can still have memories?" After a few days of getting along, Jon Snow already knew that the other party would not be harmful to him. , at least not for the time being, so he seemed much more relaxed when talking to the other party.

"Other humans may not have it, but you are different. Sometimes the blood in your body can produce unexpected abilities." The other party replied calmly.

"Did you save me because of my blood?" Jon looked at the other person and said solemnly.

"Part of it is." The other party replied calmly: "But more importantly, you remind me of a friend of mine, with the same recklessness, the same bravery, and the same fearlessness."

Jon took his hand out from under his cloak, holding a dragon crystal dagger in his hand, and said: "You are obviously a White Walker, why do you behave like a normal person? Don't all White Walkers hate all life?"

At this moment, Jon suddenly felt that the elves in front of him were very pitiful, but he did not relax his vigilance because of this.

Jon was stunned and asked, "Are you willing to let me go?"

From the beginning, the Elf and White Walkers were extremely shocked by Lind, because even in his era, no one could defeat one against a hundred.

Jon looked at the other person and said in a deep voice: "Lord Linde said that there are many types of White Walkers. Among these types, the Elf White Walkers are the absolute rulers and possess high wisdom. You should be the Elf White Walkers. Bar?"

"The Elf and the White Walker?" The Elf and the White Walker asked with interest: "Who named this? Is that the person named Lind?"

"The Lind you mentioned should be the most suitable collaborator I can find now. I hope to meet him." The Elf White Walker looked at Jon and said, "It's just that I don't look like that at all now. It may appear in your human world, so I need a messenger to bring my words to the man named Linde."

"Yes, the White Walkers indeed hate all life," the elf White Walkers nodded and said, "Because the power that created the White Walkers is to hate all life. He comes from the center of the land of eternal winter, where there is no life. It’s just cold winter, and in His eyes any life should be frozen. A silent world without life, only long nights and eternal winter, is the perfect world in His mind.”

"In other words, the man named Lind is the strongest ruler in the world, and he was also the one who made all-out preparations to fight against the White Walkers." The Elf White Walker asked in a deep voice.

After listening to the words, Jon sat up from the ground and leaned against the tree stump next to him, letting the warmth of the campfire shine on his whole body.

"This is the second time I heard this name. The last time I heard this name, it seemed that the human named Euron mentioned this name. It seems that this Lind is a big shot in your human world." The ghost looked thoughtful and asked, "Can you tell me about him?"

"Yes, it's Lind..." Jon was about to respond, but suddenly he stood up from the ground as if he had woken up, looked at the Elf and White Walkers warily, and asked him: "What did you just do? Why can’t I answer your question automatically?”

Jon nodded and said, "Yes, it's Lord Linde, oh no, it should be the name given by His Majesty Linde."

"You can wake up from my spell so quickly. Your bloodline is indeed very powerful." The Elf and the White Walkers did not show the embarrassment of being exposed, but nodded approvingly and said, "Although I can use other methods to You say what I want to hear, but that takes too much time and will cause irreversible damage to your body, so using some small abilities will be good for you and me."

Especially when Jon said later, when Lind became the god of storms and natural disasters, destroying a city with one person, he no longer believed what Jon said at all, because everything Jon said was When describing a god, he believed that it was because Jon worshiped Lynd so much that he regarded him as a god deep down in his heart. This was the same thing in his era, and he was also regarded as a god by his fellow tribesmen at that time. The presence.

As the other party spoke, he lowered the hood of his cloak, revealing the extremely handsome, majestic but ghostly face under the hood, and said: "You are just like him, no matter how weird you see something, He was so scared that he almost fainted, but when it was time to fight, he would still pick up the weapon and fight without hesitation." As he said, he smiled, pointed to Jon's hand under the cloak, and said: "Just like you now In this way, even though you know there is no chance of winning, you will still grab the weapon and fight."

Later, Jon mentioned that after Lind became the Chosen One of the Seven Gods and mastered divine power, the look on his face became even more strange, and the look he looked at Jon became a little confused, because he felt that Jon was talking about Mythical stories.

"I never thought about imprisoning you. You can leave at any time." The Elf and the White Walker pointed at the horse next to him and said: "It is best to ride a horse. If you are walking, I am not sure whether you can reach the desperate situation. Great Wall."

The Elf and the White Walkers were silent for a moment and said: "I just want to find a suitable ally to end the suffering of my people. We were all deceived back then. There is no eternal life, only endless pain."

After hearing what the Elf and the White Walkers said, Jon felt something was wrong in his heart, but he still followed the Elf and White Walkers' request and told some things related to Lind.

"What do you want to do?" Jon asked worriedly.

Jon hesitated for a moment, then turned around and walked to the horse. He checked the package placed on the saddle and found some roasted meat inside, which seemed to be the work of the elves and ghosts.

He didn't think much, got on his horse, and then asked the Elf White Walker: "What message do you want me to bring to His Majesty Linde?"

The Elf and the White Walkers thought for a while and said: "Tell him that I will wait for him at the place called the Fist of the First Men, but I won't wait for too long, because the opportunity has already appeared. If you fail to seize this opportunity, then ..." The Elf and the White Walkers did not finish their words. They stood up, put the hood back on their heads, and disappeared into the shadows of the woods.

Looking at the place where the elves and ghosts disappeared, Jon hesitated for a moment, then unbuttoned his clothes, looked at the scars on his chest, and a look of worry appeared on his face.

He remembered that he should be dead. He died under the swords of several savage warriors. Several swords were inserted into his body, especially his heart was pierced by a spear. But the moment he regained consciousness, he He came back to life. If it weren't for the scars left in the battle, he might have thought that everything he had experienced before was just a dream and illusion, but he knew very well in his heart that he was resurrected, and it was an elf who helped him resurrect. , which made him think of ghouls.

After pondering for a moment, he couldn't think of any answer. He could only put this question in his heart for the time being, and wait to see if he could get an answer from Linde after meeting him.

Traveling south from the edge of the northern Ghost Forest, it took Linde and others several days to cross the Antler River and enter the southern part of the Ghost Forest.

Because the decisive battle between the Night Watch and the Free Folk Alliance took place here before, there are traces of the war everywhere, such as weapons that were dropped in the snow and not collected in time, some freshly burned corpses, large areas of felled trees, and Temporary castles built with these trees and so on.

"People from the Black Rock Tribe, I didn't expect that they all died here!" Osha recognized which tribe the totem patterns on some wooden shields came from, and couldn't help but sigh: "Beyond the Great Wall, the Black Rock Tribe is already a big tribe. There are five thousand people, half of whom are powerful warriors. When I left Beyond the Wall, the leader of the Black Rock Tribe was still clamoring to kill Mance Rayder and become the King Beyond the Wall."

As she spoke, Osha walked up to a shield, picked it up and weighed it in her hands, then carried it behind her back, picked up two small axes and hung them on her waist, and picked up a short sword as equipment. On the body.

The Li De siblings also found some weapons suitable for them from the ground. Although Jojian's body had just recovered, he could already shoot with a bow, and his arrows were not ordinary arrows, but dragon crystal arrows.

This kind of archers with dragon crystal arrows are usually the sharpshooters among the rangers. Their status is much higher than that of ordinary rangers. They are usually placed in the middle and rear of the army as elites.

Now that a whole bag of dragon crystal arrows is discarded on the battlefield, it can only prove that the Ranger Archer is probably dead. If not, these arrows must be taken away. It is absolutely impossible to let him stay here. .

Bunyan said to Linde: "I won't show you the rest of the way. If you are seen walking with me, it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

"If I want to find you, where can I find you?" Linde asked in a deep voice.

Bunyan thought for a moment and said, "Either at the Fist of the First Men, or at the ruins we visited that day."

Linde nodded when he heard this and said, "Be careful, don't be killed by my people as a white ghost."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Bunyan didn't care so much and drove the corpse horse under his crotch to go north along the original path from where he came.

Seeing Bunyan's figure disappear into the dense forest, Linde took the Reed siblings, the Sons of the Forest and others and continued southward.

Compared to the endless plains on the frozen coast to the west, the road conditions in the Ghost Forest are obviously much worse.

On the lower coastline, it only took about a day or so to get there from the Walrus tribe base to the ice and snow castle in the land of eternal winter in the far north. The speed of gliding on the snow was as fast as flying.

Going south from the northern edge of the Haunted Forest, the group traveled day and night, taking two and a half days to complete. This was only possible because Lind used the power of runes to create a large sled, which was dragged by Benyan's wight horse. After walking, if we follow the normal walking speed, I am afraid it will take ten days and a half to complete this distance.

As Benyan left, Jojen used the power of the Green Seer to find some war horses scattered in the forest. The group rode the war horses and continued southward.

After walking for about half a day, the group had arrived at the forest near Custer's Fortress. Passing through a slightly raised hillside, they could vaguely see Custer's Fortress in the distance, which had been abandoned for many years.

"There is movement over there!" Jojian's green prophet power can play an extremely powerful role in the forest, such as using the trees in the forest to understand the surrounding situation in advance. This ability is not even matched by the Son of the Forest.

"It seems that there are many people from the free tribes who are chasing a ranger! That ranger..." Jojian's eyes turned white, and he possessed a certain creature or plant. He saw the scene where the movement occurred, and suddenly his face showed He looked surprised and said: "That ranger seems to be Bran's brother, the Night's Watcher named Jon Snow!"

"Where are their locations?" Linde frowned upon hearing this and asked.

"Over there, follow my raven." Jojian immediately pointed in a direction.

Linde looked at the Sons of the Forest and others, and said, "Be careful, I'll be back soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Linde soared into the sky, flew over the forest, and flew in the direction pointed by Jojian, without any thought of letting the raven lead the way.

Ten seconds later, Lind saw a dozen wildlings outside the wall covered in animal skins chasing Jon Snow on the snow in the forest. Jon Snow ran forward in a panic, trying to get rid of those outside the wall. Savage.

If Linde hadn't known how far the war between the Free Folk Alliance and the Night's Watch Legion had progressed beyond the Great Wall, he might have mistakenly thought that the Night's Watch Legion had been defeated by the Free Folk Alliance simply by looking at the pursuit in front of him.

Lind could see that Jon was exhausted and didn't think much. He landed directly on the snow in front of Jon and said to the startled Jon, "Do you need help? Jon. "

(End of this chapter)

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